’48 Hours’ “Hannah Graham: Deadly Connections”

JLM will be sentenced in the Fairfax rape case on Oct 2
And murder trial for Hannah Graham is scheduled 7/5/16.

Since the case (HG) is capital, both the prosecution and the defense have set a total of eight motions hearings ahead of the trial. Those dates are:
- August 20 at 1:30 p.m.
- September 30 at 2 p.m.
- November 10 at 2 p.m.
- January 5 at 1:30 p.m.
- March 2 at 1:30 p.m.
- April 19 at 1:30 p.m.
- May 9 at 10 a.m.
- May 25 at 1:30 p.m.
After watching the 48 Hours special, I have to say - I hate like heck the reason Gil Harrington, Trina Murphy, R.G. and Susan Graham are connected.

But my God is it beautiful to watch how they hold each other up.
I don't know what it is about this case that grabbed people's attention and hearts and the media to such a degree. It's hard for me to judge since I'm in NC, but from VA, so it seemed very close and I was also friends with a case insider. So it seemed like tremendous coverage, but then I was also seeking it out, you know? But I would guess those media contacts the Harringtons and HSTNG cultivated over many years certainly had an impact. JMO

The case was definitely covered very well by the media. I think it worked out that way due to Chief Longo and the circumstances. When Hannah was missing, Longo was making regular media appearances, asking for the public's help. He needed help with the video, with locating JM, and with searches for Hannah. The general circumstances of the case fit what the media is interested in, and LE needed the public's help, so they had this repricopal relationship. LE was providing the media with actual developments; the media wasn't just making up sensational tidbits to keep the gravy train going. Also, Hannah was missing for a little over a month before she was found, and JM was arrested before that, so there wasn't really much time where nothing was going on/case was unsolved or going cold.

Agreed, completely, my impression too, the tone and focus came through the cruel knowledge they had gained. And eileenhawkeye, Chief Longo's the best at it I've seen so far, leading under a crisis like that effectively, maximizing, motivating, drawing in etc... all the effort and resources for a result.
Hannah Graham: Deadly Connections [Part 1]

Hannah Graham: Stalked by Evil [Part 2]

Just got done watching both parts (works for us outside the US^^)

Spent the whole time with goosebumps and tears, and my DH looking at me oddly for shouting out details before they said them. I have so much respect for RG, the Grahams, the Harringtons and Murphys. What amazing people, and Mr Castro, bless him. If he wasn't in the right place at the right time.. oh and.. Chief Longo :loveyou:

Do I think the prosecution has enough evidence to convict JLM for the murder of HG? YES, yes I do. I'm very confident JLM will be found guilty and receive the DP. Just a feeling ;)
Quote Originally Posted by Hoosgirl View Post
Why in the world did JM leave Morgan's t-shirt?

Red herring

I agree with the primary motive for leaving the t-shirt on the shrub possibly being as a red herring, margarita25, but JM may have left it there for multiple purposes. Imo, JM was beyond Good & Evil, yet like many chameleon-like sexual predators/serial killers prior, he had two selves; a good Jesse, and an evil Jesse..

This is an interesting article from 2002;


When serial killers taunt police, the messages rarely lead to arrests Serial killers' words to police are seen as effort to get caught

WASHINGTON — The teary voice on the phone practically pleaded with police: "G**damn, will you find me?" The lipstick scrawled in the victim's home read: "For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more; I cannot control myself."

<snipped-read more>
What a wonderful 48 Hours program that was last evening.

I spent many months on the Find Morgan forum. My first time following a missing person.

Morgan became all of ours. Dan and Gil became the voice of a missing girl. Det. Radar was lead detective and the reporter for The Hook, a local newspaper, Courteney Stuart covered the case.

To this day I so remember the day Dan and Gil went to the Anchorage Farm where her 'lovely bones' were found.

She was wearing a family bracelet her mother had loaned her. Still on her. Gil wears it to this day.

Morgans bracelet.jpg


Some to you might like to read Gil Harringtons writings on the family blog. They are so personal.

Now the videos of that night that we'd all seen.

When I watched the cleaned up and enhanced videos of Hannah and JM I was seeing for the first time what you all saw at he time of her disappearance. I could see how JM was identified on the video shown last night but kudos to all of you who were able to identify him from the videos posted online at the time of HG's disappearance.:cheers:
Very powerful viewing, still cannot shake some of the impressions i was left with after watching the show last night.
Such beautiful, smart and dignified families, such a contrast to the accused, who- for all his height and girth, length of hair and depth of depravity, comes across as a teeny, weeny pile of dirt, disguised as a pet rock.imo.
What a wonderful 48 Hours program that was last evening.

I spent many months on the Find Morgan forum. My first time following a missing person.

Morgan became all of ours. Dan and Gil became the voice of a missing girl. Det. Radar was lead detective and the reporter for The Hook, a local newspaper, Courteney Stuart covered the case.

To this day I so remember the day Dan and Gil went to the Anchorage Farm where her 'lovely bones' were found.

She was wearing a family bracelet her mother had loaned her. Still on her. Gil wears it to this day.

View attachment 82195


Some to you might like to read Gil Harringtons writings on the family blog. They are so personal.


Cardinal47, I think that we all vividly remember the first missing/murdered person case that we followed on websleuths, ms/social media, or in our own communities.. Although Morgan Harrington's case wasn't my first, I had the honor of meeting Gil & Dan Harrington at the 2010 CUE National Missing Person Conference where Morgan was the featured missing person. They are very unique, spiritual, and genuine people. During the candlelight vigil held on the Cape Fear Riverfront, Gil eloquently read a poem that she had written for Morgan. Don't think there was a dry eye in the house.. As she was reading the very spiritual poem under candlelight, only the white caps of the river were visible. Suddenly out of the darkness came a white sail boat, silently cruising by on the river within feet of us, synonymous to a dove flying by with only one of its wingtips skimming the water..

CUE Center For Missing Persons 6th Annual National Conference
What a wonderful 48 Hours program that was last evening.

I spent many months on the Find Morgan forum. My first time following a missing person.

Morgan became all of ours. Dan and Gil became the voice of a missing girl. Det. Radar was lead detective and the reporter for The Hook, a local newspaper, Courteney Stuart covered the case.

To this day I so remember the day Dan and Gil went to the Anchorage Farm where her 'lovely bones' were found.

She was wearing a family bracelet her mother had loaned her. Still on her. Gil wears it to this day.

View attachment 82195


Some to you might like to read Gil Harringtons writings on the family blog. They are so personal.


<BBM for Focus>

Six months into the Morgan Harrington murder case, police have dropped a bombshell: Forensic testing has concluded that the black Pantera t-shirt found on a bush outside an apartment building at the corner of 15th Street and Grady Avenue belonged to Harrington and is the one she was reportedly wearing when she disappeared after attending an October 17 Metallica concert at John Paul Jones Arena. The news is the first major development in the case to be made public since the discovery of Harrington's body on January 26 on a 740-acre farm in southern Albemarle County, and it comes as a shock to those who live in the 21-unit building where the shirt was found.

"Good God!" exclaimed Blaine Eichner, the UVA student who discovered the shirt back in mid-November as he was returning home from class.

Letter by Joe Rader
Retired Lieutenant, Virginia State Police

Unsolved, unforgotten: Retired Harrington investigator pens letter
By Courteney Stuart | stuart@readthehook.com
Published online 6:07pm Wednesday Nov 14th, 2012

An Open Letter to The Person with Information on Morgan Harrington&#8217;s Death,

You know my face and voice because you have closely followed the case. Now, I no longer speak as a
COP or for the state police, but as a father, husband, brother, friend to others and person of faith. I
retired from law enforcement and the case, but their hard work continues every day. I have not run away
from wanting to help find the TRUTH of what happened that chilly October night at JPJA and the bridge in
Charlottesville, VA. Some people evaluated every word I said in press conferences as some sort of
secret coded messages, but that was never the case.

So there is no confusion for you, I will be very blunt- YOU are not the same person you were in October
2009, because you hold the TRUTH of what happened to Morgan that October night and it has consumed
your conscience every day. You see, you have important information from that night! It is time for YOU
to DO THE RIGHT THING and free the burden of your conscience with the information you have. It is
time for YOU to stand up in the name of humanity and justice. It is time for YOU to show that you have a
sympathetic and dignified place in your heart so heavily troubled, regardless of your involvement in the
circumstances leading to Morgan&#8217;s death.

Money has not brought you forward, but I understand it. No amount of money can clear a conscience
that hides the truth. So what has held you back from making that call? Maybe you talked to law enforcement
and they missed your message. It can happen, so pick up the phone and call the VSP,
AMW, FBI, or Crime Stoppers tip line. You have no excuses of lack of options to call!
<snopped - read more @ link>
Hannah Graham: Deadly Connections [Part 1]

Hannah Graham: Stalked by Evil [Part 2]

Just got done watching both parts (works for us outside the US^^)

Spent the whole time with goosebumps and tears, and my DH looking at me oddly for shouting out details before they said them. I have so much respect for RG, the Grahams, the Harringtons and Murphys. What amazing people, and Mr Castro, bless him. If he wasn't in the right place at the right time.. oh and.. Chief Longo :loveyou:

Do I think the prosecution has enough evidence to convict JLM for the murder of HG? YES, yes I do. I'm very confident JLM will be found guilty and receive the DP. Just a feeling ;)

Hi Skibs, just watched these, thanks for posting the links.

One question - lots of mention of Alexis Murphy but as far as I can recall there has never been a link between her and JLM, aside from her family being so involved with the Harringtons and Grahams. Have I missed something?

Looking forward to October 2nd. This is just the start....
I cant be the only one who looks at the violent boldness of this man's crimes and believe whole heartedly there are more. There is no way he took a break that long between Morgan and Hannah. He had 2 assaults on the girls at 2 different schools that were reported and only knew who he was because he went to school there. How many women didn't report? Or didn't know who he was? Or felt guilt that maybe they contributed and didn't report? Then poor RG. He went for someone who could no longer identify. He has a long history of sexual violence towards women. I think there are many more. The way he easily whipped around and cozied up to Hannah, knowing what he had in mind- it is chilling. He's no amateur.

Edited to add---- I dont think he works on "types". I think his type is an alone female who he thinks he can overpower. Hannah was very tall. I think he was increasing what he perceived as a challenge. Evil.
One question - lots of mention of Alexis Murphy but as far as I can recall there has never been a link between her and JLM, aside from her family being so involved with the Harringtons and Grahams.

It's been a while, and a few threads....I remember speculation about posts on an obscure social media platform with about Alexis' pants and an unknown person with dreads... There was debate about an orangy car-top-shaped reflection in the window of the Liberty convenient mart/gas station when Alexis was there that day...just from my hazy memory to get you started on sleuthing this...IMO and sorry if I am remembering in error.
Let's not forget the woman on the beach in Galveston, TX who recognized JM and called multiple LE agencies, then actually waited there for LE to show up so that she could show them where he was! In my mind, she is a hero too!
I've been thinking more about how JM got Hannah back to his apartment. I wonder if he just offered her a ride back to her place, and she accepted and then he drove to his place instead. He probably came across as a nice guy, and she was intoxicated. Maybe he was really pushy about it, but not in a threatening way? Maybe he made her feel like she would be "crazy" to not accept a ride with him---"You're going to walk that far when my car can get you there in X amount of time? Come on, you're drunk and I want to hear more of that hilarious story you were telling me about what happened at the party!" Just because he forcibly assaulted RG right out in the open doesn't mean that he couldn't have taken a much calmer approach in Hannah's case until he was able to get her away from everyone.
I've been thinking more about how JM got Hannah back to his apartment. I wonder if he just offered her a ride back to her place, and she accepted and then he drove to his place instead. He probably came across as a nice guy, and she was intoxicated. Maybe he was really pushy about it, but not in a threatening way? Maybe he made her feel like she would be "crazy" to not accept a ride with him---"You're going to walk that far when my car can get you there in X amount of time? Come on, you're drunk and I want to hear more of that hilarious story you were telling me about what happened at the party!" Just because he forcibly assaulted RG right out in the open doesn't mean that he couldn't have taken a much calmer approach in Hannah's case until he was able to get her away from everyone.
Maybe. I tend to think he used force to get her away from everyone because it's quicker and the outcome is more predictable.
Hi everybody, I DVR'd the 48 hrs special and thought it was very well done. It was amazing to see/hear how things came together in Hannah's, RG's and Morgan's cases after the ball started rolling. Thank God for DNA evidence. Morgan and Hannah were silenced by JM, yet they still tell the story along with RG's voice, of a monster that committed these heinous crimes and murders over a period of at least 9 years.

There are many heroes in this sad saga....Chief Longo, The detective in Fairfax who never gave up and stayed in contact with RG even after she moved back to Asia, the lady in TX on the beach who recognized JLM and did the right thing and waited for LE to arrive so he could be captured, all LEAs involved, the searchers, included search dogs and horses, volunteers, UVA students, & reporters who kept us informed,.......

And finally, but not lastly, the Families of these young women for maintaining grace in the most horrific circumstances a parent could endure and doing everything they could possibly do to keep the cases in the public eye and for the strength they share with one another. It is amazing, really. I pray that one day the Murphy's can give their daughter/neice a proper burial. It's so sad Alexis hasn't been found yet.

The wheels of Justice are turning, I look forward to keeping up with the upcoming sentencing and trials with you all.
Hi everybody, I DVR'd the 48 hrs special and thought it was very well done. It was amazing to see/hear how things came together in Hannah's, RG's and Morgan's cases after the ball started rolling. Thank God for DNA evidence. Morgan and Hannah were silenced by JM, yet they still tell the story along with RG's voice, of a monster that committed these heinous crimes and murders over a period of at least 9 years.

There are many heroes in this sad saga....Chief Longo, The detective in Fairfax who never gave up and stayed in contact with RG even after she moved back to Asia, the lady in TX on the beach who recognized JLM and did the right thing and waited for LE to arrive so he could be captured, all LEAs involved, the searchers, included search dogs and horses, volunteers, UVA students, & reporters who kept us informed,.......

And finally, but not lastly, the Families of these young women for maintaining grace in the most horrific circumstances a parent could endure and doing everything they could possibly do to keep the cases in the public eye and for the strength they share with one another. It is amazing, really. I pray that one day the Murphy's can give their daughter/neice a proper burial. It's so sad Alexis hasn't been found yet.

The wheels of Justice are turning, I look forward to keeping up with the upcoming sentencing and trials with you all.

Well said.

It was a great special and helped explain some things for me.

I think he was scoping out the lady on the beach and was thinking of raping and killing her too. She was amazing to have the guts to stay there after knowing who he was.

What a monster.

Schools need to do a better job of reporting all sexual assaults to LE from their student athletes and to have a way for other schools to know what happened at previous schools.

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