Identified! The Girls in the Club

I know that she committed suicide, I'm just pointing out the fact that it could be her.

LE put the pictures out so that the public could identify [I]any[/i] of the people in the pictures, dead or alive doesn't matter. I'm sure they're trying to figure out who ALL the people in the pictures are, and if this is Feldman then they need to know that, (which they might by now anyway). Whether she's dead or alive is of no consequence, as it may lead them to the identity of the others. So my question is, do you all think that LE already knows that this may well be Andrea Feldman?

O.K. so is that a no or yes in regards to asking Mr. Childres or anyone still living (there's quite a few of them) that hung out with Ms. Feldman? Some of the folks who were the Warhol "stars" are still out there performing and have social networks.

I just was not sure if that would be too forward to message them and go "Ummmm, is this Andrea Feldman and if so do you know these other chicks?"
O.K. so is that a no or yes in regards to asking Mr. Childres or anyone still living (there's quite a few of them) that hung out with Ms. Feldman? Some of the folks who were the Warhol "stars" are still out there performing and have social networks.

I just was not sure if that would be too forward to message them and go "Ummmm, is this Andrea Feldman and if so do you know these other chicks?"

If I knew of someone who might know these people I'd email them. Why not? Perhaps, they've never seen this pictures, and perhaps they'd like to call LE if the can ID someone.
If I knew of someone who might know these people I'd email them. Why not? Perhaps, they've never seen this pictures, and perhaps they'd like to call LE if the can ID someone.

Thanks BL. I was thinking more on the lines of Facebook. Mr. Childers does have one. I don't have a FB, but asked a friend to message him. Apparently he does not have the message feature.

On the other hand he does have a Myspace of which I don't have one any long. If anyone is brave enough who does have a Myspace maybe we could do so. Again I am not sure that's protocal though. On an aside he's got some extremely cool pictures on his Mysapce. They are public so one can see them without having a Myspace.
Filly, I now nothing about Lee Childers, can you tell me why he would know or be involved with Andrea? Or point me to the correct link that would give me that information?
Filly, I now nothing about Lee Childers, can you tell me why he would know or be involved with Andrea? Or point me to the correct link that would give me that information?

Sure Billylee. Vask in Post #70 posted a photograph of Leee and Andrea together.

He was one of the Warhol gang. He's an artist. Photographer. He knew alot of famous people including Iggy Pop. I barely recall doing some researching on him before computers were available to me as I liked his work. This was when I was reading about Edie Sedgwick. (sp)

His name is Childers. I made a typo some posts up.

Here's his Myspace.
I know we haven't seen all of Alcala's pictures but if the girl at the club is really Andrea Feldman, somebody famous, it might explain why there are so many photos of her and why Alcala kept them although the qualityof the photos is mostly dreadful. (Well, ok, topless might have something to do with it as well.)
I think perhaps we should just pass the info on to LE, if they have it, they have it, if not they could use it. Someone needs to send an email to either the Huntington Beach PD or the NY PD, just saying that we think it's Andrea Feldman in those pictures. (Which, if she's as famous as people say, they may already know.)
That looks like Kathryn Marie Rahe Gregory who went missing in 1981









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She does resemble the girl in the picture, but Alcala was in prison in 1981 and these pictures were found in a storage locker in 1979.

This night club (the five spot) was in NYC, the pictures are most likely from the period that Alcala was living in the area, which was 68-71. Kathryn was born in 1957, she would have been too young to be this girl.
I thought it would be helpfull to create a facebook group so we can invite people who might be able to identify the subjects in the pictures.

i just went on facebook and the biggest group contains 4 people (it's in another language ) .It looks like a small portion of the population knows about these pictures or maybe it's just me .

i could create a group and you could all join in to spread the word out there.

p.s sorry if i made mistakes while writing or if my sentences don't make sense i usually speak french.
The identified location just seems odd to have topless dancers. Could it be these women were actually in tube tops which were quite popular in the 70s? I think it is possible he just took the photos in a way that made them appear to be topless.
I think perhaps we should just pass the info on to LE, if they have it, they have it, if not they could use it. Someone needs to send an email to either the Huntington Beach PD or the NY PD, just saying that we think it's Andrea Feldman in those pictures. (Which, if she's as famous as people say, they may already know.)

What became of this because she sure does look like Andrea?
I was just on the thread "The Girl With Yellow Shorts" and saw that someone posted that the girl in yellow shorts looked like Andrea Feldman. When I looked at a photo of Andrea I knew I had seen her photo before, not as the girl in yellow shorts, but in the two Alcala photos of the girl in the club. It looks so much like her. Did someone end up contacting LE?
It would be most welcomed for LE to remove the photos of who are known to be alive.

I think Andrea Feldman looks similar to the girl in the photo. However, Andrea is deceased, so why continue trying to figure it out.
It would be most welcomed for LE to remove the photos of who are known to be alive.

I think Andrea Feldman looks similar to the girl in the photo. However, Andrea is deceased, so why continue trying to figure it out.

Because if the woman in the photos is Andrea, then it isn't some other unidentified woman murdered by Alcala.
I agree that there should be a site b LE that has the photos of people that have been identified on it, or the current pages should post "identified" (no other info needed).
It could be, though, that they are trying to make 100% sure that these people claiming to be in the photos are who the picture is.
Let's face it, some people confess to being murderers due to mental illness or even a want of 15 minutes of fame.
As sad as it is I can see someone claiming to have been photographed just to get their time on talk shows and have all that attention.
In certain cases where they KNOW who the person is, the photos should be marked in some way.

Just my thoughts on that.
Lee Childers October 5 at 10:24pm

I would be glad to help you identify the people in the picture IF I could see the picture!! I went to your link and saw a lot of comments, and even found out that I am "very much alive," but no picture that I can find. This could be my fault, I am not a whiz in the computer maze. Help me and I'll help you. Best Wishes, Leee.

I have thanked him and sent him direct links to a few of the photos that I uploaded to my photobucket.

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