Madeleine McCann: German Prisoner Identified as Suspect, #37

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So it seems, allegedly. Which, if true, is surely yet another reason why he'd be of zero use to any gang or criminal enterprise. Wouldn't take them long to know he's a total liability.
CB is in solitary confinement for his own protection.
Probably there is no more difficult case to deal with than stranger abduction. Which is why it is so imperative to immediately check out the nearest and dearest to the child for elimination purposes, work out from there and all the while going through the usual suspects with a dose of salts.

There is no room for policeman's "gut instinct". Just hard legwork, preserving as much of the scene as possible and keeping an open mind while evaluating any evidence there is.

No-one understands the difficulties as well as another policeman.

Hogan-Howe defends police in MM investigation​


METROPOLITAN Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe has defended the way Portuguese police handled the initial investigation into the disappearance of MM
The country’s most senior officer said it would have been “very difficult” for officers in Praia da Luz to know if they were dealing with a serious crime immediately after she vanished.
He said: “I think sometimes these things at the beginning can be very difficult to deal with. You don’t know exactly if the child has just wandered off.
“I’m sure for them that must have been a challenge. Anybody can go back after two, three, five, six years and say ‘Why didn’t you do that?’ That’s easy in hindsight.”

My point was that he should have been caught before it got to this, with a string of rapes (allegedly)

The MM case was at least heavily resourced. But as we have seen in the UK (e.g Libby Squire) failure to investigate lower level sex offending can leave offenders on the street to inevitably escalate.

Those criticising PJ for lack of resource on the rapes, could well direct the same criticisms at home - the record in the UK is frankly shocking.
My point was that he should have been caught before it got to this, with a string of rapes (allegedly)

The MM case was at least heavily resourced. But as we have seen in the UK (e.g Libby Squire) failure to investigate lower level sex offending can leave offenders on the street to inevitably escalate.

Those criticising PJ for lack of resource on the rapes, could well direct the same criticisms at home - the record in the UK is frankly shocking.
Totally agree, about LE pots and kettles, and about the risk of low-level misdemeanours escalating into serious sex crimes if they are not confronted at the start.
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