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what driver and jones were peddling to WMPD was a conspiracy. do you have proof that there was satanic cult activity in WM in 1993? you argue that the police interviewing DE on 5/7/93 was based on his past history and that they interviewed others based on their mental health. alright then, why did they go straight to DE then if that was the case? surely, there had to have been others with troubled pasts who actually had a connection to the crime who would've immediately come to mind. why did sudbury make it a point to write down how he agreed with jones about the crime having "satanic overtones"? you're really going to try and claim sudbury's tip wasn't solely based off conspiracy? DE had zero connection to the victims or the crime scene. the only reason sudbury/jones went to him the day after the bodies were found is because they believed the killings were part of some satanic ritual and that DE had to have been involved because he was part of a cult

they interviewed him twice in two days, this was more than "his name being mentioned early on." come on now

DE was the most known, even before the murders -- not just because of his ties to satanism, but because of his mental health history, among other things. That's why they went to him first. I feel like I'm playing 2,020 questions with you -- you just keep throwing questions out there in the hopes that it somehow proves your point, but it doesn't.

They interviewed many people multiple times within days. You keep moving the goal posts here.

You say, "the only reason sudbury/jones went to him the day after the bodies were found is because they believed the killings were part of some satanic ritual and that DE had to have been involved because he was part of a cult." Okay, but again, that doesn't prove they tainted the entire investigation. The WMPD consists of more than two people in Sudbury/Jones. This was one working theory out of many other working theories the WMPD investigated. It was a theory based on the initial findings the day the bodies were discovered, as that was all they had to go on at that point -- and it took a back seat to other theories/persons that were more thoroughly investigated than DE before JM's confession.
DE was the most known, even before the murders -- not just because of his ties to satanism, but because of his mental health history, among other things. That's why they went to him first. I feel like I'm playing 2,020 questions with you -- you just keep throwing questions out there in the hopes that it somehow proves your point, but it doesn't.

They interviewed many people multiple times within days. You keep moving the goal posts here.

You say, "the only reason sudbury/jones went to him the day after the bodies were found is because they believed the killings were part of some satanic ritual and that DE had to have been involved because he was part of a cult." Okay, but again, that doesn't prove they tainted the entire investigation. The WMPD consists of more than two people in Sudbury/Jones. This was one working theory out of many other working theories the WMPD investigated. It was a theory based on the initial findings the day the bodies were discovered, as that was all they had to go on at that point -- and it took a back seat to other theories/persons that were more thoroughly investigated than DE before JM's confession.
what ties to satanism? you have proof DE was a part of a satanic cult? yes, they went to him first because they believed the crime had satanic overtones and their connection between DE and satanism stemmed from his past mental health history (and his behavior/way he dressed.) DE was on the top of their list BECAUSE of driver and jones, meaning that the WMPD clearly believed in the BS they were peddling about him

it absolutely tainted the investigation into DE and JB to a lesser extent because the driver/jones conspiracies were at the foundation of their case against them. what else did they have on them? it wouldn't surprise me at all if WMPD were the ones who brought up DE and JB first when they first brought in JM for "questioning" and subsequently arrested him after his "confession"
what ties to satanism? you have proof DE was a part of a satanic cult? yes, they went to him first because they believed the crime had satanic overtones and their connection between DE and satanism stemmed from his past mental health history (and his behavior/way he dressed.) DE was on the top of their list BECAUSE of driver and jones, meaning that the WMPD clearly believed in the BS they were peddling about him

it absolutely tainted the investigation into DE and JB to a lesser extent because the driver/jones conspiracies were at the foundation of their case against them. what else did they have on them? it wouldn't surprise me at all if WMPD were the ones who brought up DE and JB first when they first brought in JM for "questioning" and subsequently arrested him after his "confession"

Wow, I don't even know where to begin with this post, lol.

What evidence do you have that Sudbury/Jones' initial lead kept DE "at the top of the list"? They talked to him and JB less than they talked to many other people they investigated! DE was one of many initial leads -- that's it.

And it certainly wasn't this initial lead that kept DE on the suspects list -- it was the insane amount of peers that mentioned his name during door-to-door and in-person interviews as well. I guess your next excuse will be that -- in addition to the entire WMPD and the state prosecutors -- that Sudbury/Jones influenced the entire neighborhood too. I mean, it's such a silly and easily debunked argument -- I really don't get why supporters cling to it.
Wow, I don't even know where to begin with this post, lol.

What evidence do you have that Sudbury/Jones' initial lead kept DE "at the top of the list"? They talked to him and JB less than they talked to many other people they investigated! DE was one of many initial leads -- that's it.

And it certainly wasn't this initial lead that kept DE on the suspects list -- it was the insane amount of peers that mentioned his name during door-to-door and in-person interviews as well. I guess your next excuse will be that -- in addition to the entire WMPD and the state prosecutors -- that Sudbury/Jones influenced the entire neighborhood too. I mean, it's such a silly and easily debunked argument -- I really don't get why supporters cling to it.
ok, but WHY was DE an initial lead? was it because he was spotted near the crime scene on 5/5? was it because he was close to one of the victims of their families? i'm sure you'll say because of his mental health history. and if that's true, then why start with DE? there was no one else in WM with a troubled past who would've been capable of this crime?

mind sharing sources that show DE's name coming up during the door to doors? not that i don't believe it, just curious. obviously driver/jones weren't the only ones who thought DE was part of some cult
DE was the most known, even before the murders -- not just because of his ties to satanism, but because of his mental health history, among other things. That's why they went to him first. I feel like I'm playing 2,020 questions with you -- you just keep throwing questions out there in the hopes that it somehow proves your point, but it doesn't.

They interviewed many people multiple times within days. You keep moving the goal posts here.

You say, "the only reason sudbury/jones went to him the day after the bodies were found is because they believed the killings were part of some satanic ritual and that DE had to have been involved because he was part of a cult." Okay, but again, that doesn't prove they tainted the entire investigation. The WMPD consists of more than two people in Sudbury/Jones. This was one working theory out of many other working theories the WMPD investigated. It was a theory based on the initial findings the day the bodies were discovered, as that was all they had to go on at that point -- and it took a back seat to other theories/persons that were more thoroughly investigated than DE before JM's confession.

Respectfully disagree with a lot of this. The investigation as a whole, from investigators to prosecutors was botched. The confession was sketchy at best and would probably be tossed in most courts these days. There was very little done to truly look into other theories/persons. At least according to the documents released on callahans. Obviously, there could be more investigative records than those, but a reading of all of those documents shows very little follow up was ever done. There was one other strand that was somewhat investigated, but not nearly like the full court press put on DE and others. Somewhere I have a timeline of all of the reports and interviews and what is interesting is that once they had their confession, there was a day or so where there was a records cleansing where a lot of suspects/tips simply had a report filed saying there was nothing to support it, even though there was not a single other report/interview done from the time it was first made. Clearly a case where LE put together their theory and then found the facts to support that theory instead of letting the facts lead the way.

And no where in there do I say DE was or was not involved.
Respectfully disagree with a lot of this. The investigation as a whole, from investigators to prosecutors was botched. The confession was sketchy at best and would probably be tossed in most courts these days. There was very little done to truly look into other theories/persons. At least according to the documents released on callahans. Obviously, there could be more investigative records than those, but a reading of all of those documents shows very little follow up was ever done. There was one other strand that was somewhat investigated, but not nearly like the full court press put on DE and others. Somewhere I have a timeline of all of the reports and interviews and what is interesting is that once they had their confession, there was a day or so where there was a records cleansing where a lot of suspects/tips simply had a report filed saying there was nothing to support it, even though there was not a single other report/interview done from the time it was first made. Clearly a case where LE put together their theory and then found the facts to support that theory instead of letting the facts lead the way.

And no where in there do I say DE was or was not involved.

A lot of this post is conjecture. I'll just keep it short: there is zero proof the confession(s) would be tossed today and again, they are all damning, even the initial confession (which does get elements right). In a subsequent confession, JM stated himself he purposefully got details wrong to throw off police and to limit his own involvement in the crime.

When you say, "There was very little done to truly look into other theories/persons," I'm sorry but that is just out-and-out false -- and I've given just some of the avenues the police investigated in this thread already. Many tips were investigated. You're free to believe otherwise of course, but it's true.
A lot of this post is conjecture. I'll just keep it short: there is zero proof the confession(s) would be tossed today and again, they are all damning, even the initial confession (which does get elements right). In a subsequent confession, JM stated himself he purposefully got details wrong to throw off police and to limit his own involvement in the crime.

When you say, "There was very little done to truly look into other theories/persons," I'm sorry but that is just out-and-out false -- and I've given just some of the avenues the police investigated in this thread already. Many tips were investigated. You're free to believe otherwise of course, but it's true.
JM may have claimed he purposely lied to throw off police, but this letter he sent to his family soon after his first confession sure doesn't write like someone who believes in their own guilt

JM was clearly a different person when being pressed by authorities
JM may have claimed he purposely lied to throw off police, but this letter he sent to his family soon after his first confession sure doesn't write like someone who believes in their own guilt

JM was clearly a different person when being pressed by authorities

It certainly wouldn't be uncommon for a person who is accused of a horrific crime to claim to his family he is innocent. This proves nothing.
It certainly wouldn't be uncommon for a person who is accused of a horrific crime to claim to his family he is innocent. This proves nothing.
no, it doesn't prove anything

just interesting that JM was "confessing" every second to police and admitting guilt while humming a completely different tune in private

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