Tip prompts excavation by crime-scene techs -Interlachen

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I agree Dodie...there is a lot of activity going on.

If by some small chance that one of those bodies were Haleigh who the heck would've been buried with her? this tip that LE got said that there were two bodies buried there....and unfortunately Le found nothing...so the two bodies had been moved? Cadavers dogs alerted on this area too....Is it just me but does it seem like PC needs to get better cadaver dogs? They also hit on the dumpster near the mh and LE found nothing. What in the world is going on?

ETA: I've always felt that LE was having a hard time with this investigation because maybe there were more than one crime committed...but another murder? Too much talk about guns.

I know some people feel like Haleigh may have been shot...could it be possible that she was not the intended target but yet just caught in the crossfire? I've always felt that there was some type of altercation but an altercation between who? I just don't think it was Ron vs. the Croslins but what if it was Ron and the Croslins against someone else?

At one time I had the theory that maybe Misty had taken Ron to where she scored her drugs that weekend prior and Haleigh got caught in the line of fire that Monday early evening. Maybe Ron was late for work?. We really don't know what time he got there, was there, and who saw him there. LE will not talk about it. They only say that they are satisfied with Ron's hrs.

When I had asked certain Reporter several times about the Mexicans house and if LE had searched it he got really nasty with me each time I brought it up. Went as far as to say that if LE had found any bullet wholes they would of said something. Well, not really LE will not and has not shared anything. Except that they feel Haleigh is dead and that her family knows what happen to her.
And still yrs later we really don't know where this so called Mexican drug/prostitution house is. If true it was searched and the out come. Maybe Misty lied to Ron and told him that someone raped her? Who knows, but the fact that Ron took Jr. with him to deal drugs it would not surprise me if he had taken Haleigh in the past as well.

FYI: Reason I say Ron took Jr. When he was arrested for drugs in Jan Misty had mentioned in one of the audios that they had to pick up Jr. before they could do their next run.....

I also wonder what ever happen to the DCF investigation against Ron, did they drop it again? I would like to know how many times DCF dropped the ball on all the reports they got....maybe Haleigh would still be here IMO.

...but the fact that Ron took Jr. with him to deal drugs it would not surprise me if he had taken Haleigh in the past as well.

FYI: Reason I say Ron took Jr. When he was arrested for drugs in Jan Misty had mentioned in one of the audios that they had to pick up Jr. before they could do their next run.....

BBM: I understood that statement differently. I thought it meant Junior was in daycare, Ron and Misty had just left a job (landscaping for Katrina) to meet the UC, and had to pick up Junior before going to another job. I intepreted that to mean they had another landscaping job to do or had to finish up the one they had just left.

This doesn't mean I believe Ron never had one or both kids with him while conducting drug business, just that I didn't take that statement to the UC as conculsive evidence that they would be taking Junior with them on their next "deal." JMO.
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