UT UT - Moab, Three Gossips area of Arches Nat Park, WhtMale 18-25, UP8196, Camel cigs, clothes, Feb'83

Namus case hasn't been reviewed for almost 5 years. www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/8196?nav

Thoughts about Douglas Meer ? It seems he was separated from his vehicle at some point between Las Vegas and his return to Boulder - Moab is just off the route between the two places www.doenetwork.org/cases/1120dmco.html Even though he doesnt match on weight, if he had been away from family and was on medication for a chemical imbalance, the data provided may not have been current. The remains were not recognisable so the acne and the scar may not have been visible.

"Severe acne on back and face; 10" abdominal scar from spleen operation; taking lithium for a chemical imbalance due to a motorcycle accident...... Douglas left the Boulder area on March 26, 1982 and arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 27, 1982. Douglas was last heard from on March 29, 1982 when he phoned his mother to let her know that he was out of funds and was returning to his residence in Boulder. Douglas never arrived home. In June 1983, his vehicle - a late model Datsun - was found in Mexico (possibly Ensenada) just over the border of California, which contained all of his possessions, including his medication."
Young man unidentified for over 38 years, no reconstruction.
I just looked into this case and it's so strange in order to get where the John Doe was found I'm pretty sure you had to go through the National Park. I don't know what the park looked like in the 1980's but you would think there would be some track record of who's been in and out of it.
I just looked into this case and it's so strange in order to get where the John Doe was found I'm pretty sure you had to go through the National Park. I don't know what the park looked like in the 1980's but you would think there would be some track record of who's been in and out of it.

My family visited there in the 1970s. It was like all the other national parks we visited--you paid your money at the gate and they gave you a receipt, a map, and a small trash bag (maybe some other information), and you drove in. If you went back out into Moab and then re-entered the park, you could just show your receipt, but I think they just waved us through.

The campsite might have had a record of him if he was camping there. We weren't camping, so I don't know how that worked.
@Caring1 Hey could you post the current NamUs exclusion list for this John Doe? I would greatly appreciate it.
@Caring1 Hey could you post the current NamUs exclusion list for this John Doe? I would greatly appreciate it.
1 Missing Person Exclusion

Case Photo

Missing Person / NamUs #MP24317John Roherty
Date of Last ContactApril 30, 1982

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