ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #23

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I think Mr. Browning has been told some vernalies.

Agree. I sense some inner turmoil on the home front.
Its not surprising because they all are coming at this from their own perspective.

-Grandfather just wants to find the boy but still loves his living family members.
-Parents want to stay out of trouble but do not want to tell Dad to stop searching for boy.
-Lawyer wants to keep his clients out of trouble at all cost so he keeps getting paid by them

None of them can put the boy first because of the conflicts of interest
The part about the angry family member calling in tears. This family is crumbling. As ridiculous as agent 999 & mountain lions & whatever other nonsense these parents have participated in, all I can think about is how shameful this whole thing has become. This family is going to have to explain this to the other two kids at some point.
From Klein Investigations and Consulting facebook page today. It's from November regarding the contract and press relations.


Maybe this isn't THE contract, but just a letter regarding the contract? I always thought contracts (agreements) were signed/dated by both parties??
Yes, that letter is only addressing the press relations. It's not the full contract.
Snippity-snipped by me.

I've done some research on this over the last few days, and can't come up with a conclusive answer. There isn't actually a ton of comprehensive research that's been done on cadaver dogs. Studies are of limited number and scope.

That said, I'm leaning towards a yes on this one. Cadaver dogs are specifically trained to locate decaying human flesh. Menstrual blood contains all sorts of stuff, beyond just blood. One of its components is uterine tissue. It would stand to reason that after uterine tissue is ejected, it begins to decay.
Again, can't really find a solid answer to this, and others are free to contradict me, but this is the conclusion I've personally come to.

Appreciate the response and I would have to agree.

I don't see how a cadaver dog would know the difference once it starts to decay outside the body. Its still human blood/fluid/tissue.
Maybe this isn't THE contract, but just a letter regarding the contract? I always thought contracts (agreements) were signed/dated by both parties??

It sounds like during a phone call Dennis Deorr questioned the part of the contract about press releases so Klein mails him that part of the signed contract where it states Klein has control over that.

Like Dennis Deorr already signed it, but didn't read the small print.
Klein actually addresses that on his latest post. Sound like the agent was maybe undercover for another case at the time:

CH - Wish he had addressed the secret agent

Klein Investigations and Consulting The investigator/agent Mr. Kunz spoke with was Mr. Stephen Hartman, TPLI/PPO who was leading the assignment. The facts layed out were wrong. Mr. Hartman was working undercover on an assignment as team leader. We did not want his cover or idenity discovered. Thus the public place. Mr. Kunz was FULLY advised why. Again - another side show.

It sure sounds like this whole family is into smoke and mirrors type of behavior.

Why would an undercover agent need to meet with DDK in a DILLARDS, and in such a bizarre fashion??? What would be the purpose of all that? Having DDK face the wall and know a secret code...come on now!! It would make much more sense for DDK to sit in a coffee shop somewhere and have the agent come to him, these are supposed to be investigators, surely the agent could be given a photo or shown video to know who DDK so that he could approach him elusively in the coffee shop without all of the unnecessary theatrics of the Dillards meeting. Something is really strange here imo, I don't know what to make of it.

I might provoke a few slaps from the good ladies here being a man, but...

1, Surely she would have taken or already had such a necessity in her toiletry bag? I would always take plasters and paracetamol on camping trips as a kid, not because I planned on needing them but just in case...

2, Texting mum about this need....maybe if a lot younger, but a 25 year old?

I am not of the opinion that the parents are innocent, but I do think there's an explanation for this conversation with her mom. I imagine it going something like this:
TBC: how's it going, how's grandpa?
JM: fine. We're going to the store and he's fishing right now (or whatever)
TBC: Why are you going to the store? I thought you guys bought all your food before you went up there.
JM: because I got my period Mom and I forgot to pack stuff.

I can totally see the same conversation happening with my mom, lol.

Totally conjecture on my part, and moo. Just a thought.
From Klein Investigations and Consulting facebook page today. It's from November regarding the contract and press relations.

View attachment 90116

So am I reading this right, that DDK was not notified of these press relations terms until AFTER he had already signed the contract? Why wouldn't this have been included in the contract for him to sign?
The letter looks like a follow-up to a telephone conversation.
I spoke to soon- I tried to correct myself but I might have to delete. I can't figure out how to in my phone.
They were referring to leave owing at the reciept.

You can use the 'edit' option, then backspace and/or post 'delete'. :) Hth.
I do not access this site on my phone-- so not sure what the page options looks like.
The letter looks like a follow-up to a telephone conversation.

Right, but I still wonder why those terms weren't included in the original contract. That's something that should be discussed as part OF the contract, not chatty-chat on the phone about it AFTER the contract has already been signed. imo.
Right, but I still wonder why those terms weren't included in the original contract. That's something that should be discussed as part OF the contract, not chatty-chat on the phone about it AFTER the contract has already been signed. imo.

Another thing that bothers me about this (whether I like Klein or not) is that KIC left DDK's address on the letter.
I guess it's a point that can be argued but it looks like the client had 24 hours to back out of the contract.
According to the statement Klein released today there was a family meeting and briefing on or about Jan. 27 which Vernal and his attorney were not invited to. Interesting.
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