Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #6

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Why do you think the mother & brother are not the ones claiming her body?

Just curious. I assumed they were the ones bringing her to her final resting place. I have heard nothing to the contrary, but might have missed something?

I am not assuming that and I am sorry if my post indicated that. From reports I have read this has been an ongoing question since her body was released a few days ago. People stating bodies still 'unclaimed' with an ominous undertone. That's all I was commenting on. I would think there would be no question about it. Course we know the press is always going to go for the ominous as if noone wanted her or her son. jmo
I am not assuming that and I am sorry if my post indicated that. From reports I have read this has been an ongoing question since her body was released a few days ago. People stating bodies still 'unclaimed' with an ominous undertone. That's all I was commenting on. I would think there would be no question about it. Course we know the press is always going to go for the ominous as if noone wanted her or her son. jmo

I think the initial reports that her body was released were faulty. Reports as of last night were that neither Nancy or AL had been officially released yet.
LE is considering many theories. I don't believe AL's mother was going to put him into any facilities.
IMO, the woman was in denial about her son and his future and probably envisioned him going to college.

I respected your right to believe that Jenny but for me.....I dont see evidence of that.

I really dont believe that at all and I think when the truth comes out it will reveal she did know he was getting more withdrawn and she was trying to find away to help him.

The FBI profilers say that there will be a trigger or a particular event that happens around the time the suspect does their crime. I think this is the trigger that made him react at the time he did. Some can become extremely angry and rageful if they think someone is going to intervene in their lives and take their freedoms away.

Has anyone (MSM or not) explored the possibility AL was at times actually CONFINED in the basement?

I assume there is no evidence to suggest that so far, but it makes sense to me of NL felt a threat of harm. Perhaps at night?

That would also strike me as an incendiary thing that might spark a rampage.

I wouldn't be surprised if a circumstance like this comes to light later.
I think the initial reports that her body was released were faulty. Reports as of last night were that neither Nancy or AL had been officially released yet.

Well that is typical press reporting isn't it? Of course they haven't been claimed if they haven't been released. And I fell for it. lol jmo
Because he had a meltdown at 7 years old? Respectfully, this type of attitude towards children with processing problems or even just the occassional tantrum will just lead to more socially ostracized, loner children, and then we will have lots more AL's. It might be because I have spent the last 3.5 years of my life interacting with autistic and DD children through my son's schooling and things don't affect me the same way as they would parents without those experiences, but this just wrong.

I don't think it is wrong at all. When your kid is in a class with a child that has temper tantrums of this sort it is scary and other children are at risk. Most teachers are ill equipped to deal with these situations because they are trying to manage an entire class. That's one kid. What if the class has a couple?

I saw it with one of my kids. The class had five kids with various issues. When these kids were young they had not yet been diagnosed with anything and therefore not able to have educational assistants with them. Once that happened and some of them had workers and/or were medicated it got better. It made my kid's day very difficult and there were some safety issues. The school's hands were tied.

A few of them moved away and one was eventually suspended and not allowed on school property ever again.

I feel for parents that have kids with disorders but I saw how it affected my child and the class in general.
I am not assuming that and I am sorry if my post indicated that. From reports I have read this has been an ongoing question since her body was released a few days ago. People stating bodies still 'unclaimed' with an ominous undertone. That's all I was commenting on. I would think there would be no question about it. Course we know the press is always going to go for the ominous as if noone wanted her or her son. jmo

Oh, no, I didn't mean assume in that sense at all - I thought I'd missed something! :)

Totally agree about the ominous 'bodies haven't been claimed' since I think they were deliberately holding them at the ME's for further testing and so they simply hadn't been released as quickly as the dear children.
The only thing fox "confirmed" through LE source is that LE is considering this theory. They could be considering this theory among many other theories.

Of course. We're all speculating, at this point, and I'm sure LE doesn't even know their final conclusion yet. Rightly so.
And, they should make the pepper spray in a can as big as a wasp spray can! I understand it doesn't spray for a very long time, so if you are a bad shot, as I would be under duress, I would be up a creek. A big can of it would give me a better shot, lol. Aqua net in the eyes would work, but would have to be pretty close.

For the places that have the automatically closing fire doors....they should make a lock function.
I agree with you but he was also an adult who sounds like he was still under the total control of his mother. At this point, we don't know if Adam really refused to see his father or his mother simply told his father that. I'm having a hard time believing these stories that she told AL she was going to institutionalize him. That would send anybody that age into a rage, imo.

I dont think 'control' is the correct word. This is the one person who never abandoned him. She was the one who learned how to get AL to communicate and come out of his shell. So of course he relied on her and was receptive since she was his mother and had always been around him.

I dont see it as control at all but a mother trying to help her son and knew what to say to him when no one else knew how because she had raised him from infancy.

I do believe Adam was the one that wanted to cut ties with his father. His father remarried, irrc. He probably was resentful and thought everyone's life should be about him only .....just like his mother's life had been who had never remarried even though she was a very attractive woman, imo.

I think all the schools right now should get a tape of police sirens and blast it throughout the school so the suspect thinks the police have arrived.

I think they should get the glass windows where you can see out and the person outside cannot see in.

Both of those suggestions are easy to implement.
I don't think it is wrong at all. When your kid is in a class with a child that has temper tantrums of this sort it is scary and other children are at risk. Most teachers are ill equipped to deal with these situations because they are trying to manage an entire class. That's one kid. What if the class has a couple?

I saw it with one of my kids. The class had five kids with various issues. When these kids were young they had not yet been diagnosed with anything and therefore not able to have educational assistants with them. Once that happened and some of them had workers and/or were medicated it got better. It made my kid's day very difficult and there were some safety issues. The school's hands were tied.

A few of them moved away and one was eventually suspended and not allowed on school property ever again.

I feel for parents that have kids with disorders but I saw how it affected my child and the class in general.

Bingo! This is the dialogue America needs right now. We need to decide whether the placement of children with deep behavioral or mental health disorders is in the best interests of the other children in the classroom and vice versa. Who is this helping and is it improving lives or derailing the goal of education? All children have a right to an education and I'm not convinced throwing them all into a regular classroom is the right solution.

Bingo! This is the dialogue America needs right now. We need to decide whether the placement of children with deep behavioral or mental health disorders is in the best interests of the other children in the classroom and vice versa. Who is this helping and is it improving lives or derailing the goal of education? All children have a right to an education and I'm not convinced throwing them all into a regular classroom is the right solution.


But no one has ever said that Adam disrupted anything while he was in school. In fact it was the opposite. Being socially awkward, shy, and very introverted is no reason to remove any child, imo. Aspergers is not even a mental illness.

There is nothing that I have read that has shown AL was ever a problem in school.

I dont think 'control' is the correct word. This is the one person who never abandoned him. She was the one who learned how to get AL to communicate and come out of his shell. So of course he relied on her and was receptive since she was his mother and had always been around him.

I dont see it as control at all but a mother trying to help her son and knew what to say to him when no one else knew how because she had raised him from infancy.

I do believe Adam was the one that wanted to cut ties with his father. His father remarried, irrc. He probably was resentful and thought everyone's life should be about him only .....just like his mother's life had been who had never remarried even though she was a very attractive woman, imo.


I'm going by the articles that have stated NL wouldn't allow visitors into the home, that she answered questions directed at her son and that he wouldn't do anything unless she directed him to do it. To me, that's "control." Adam had absolutely no independence as far as I can tell. No job, no school, no friends and no car apparently. He was isolated. All huge red flags in this case, imo.
Most larger areas have schools specifically for people with mental and/or physical handicaps. Smaller towns I have no idea. Probably not, since there would not be as many students for funding. Then I guess you would need to inquire about any one on one type of assistance, and if needed, any programs to help afford any costs.
Respectfully, we don't know what she did or didn't do. She didn't have him put in an institution. Could have been because the waiting lists to get him in are literally months to years long and many times, no matter how much money you have, if your insurance won't cover it, you aren't getting through the door. We don't know if he was under treatment of any kind of doctor because HIPAA prevents the release of any kind of record of that nature, even now that he's dead. Even if she put him under the care of a doctor, if you don't show up or refuse to participate in your own treatment, many of them will simply remove you from their patient rolls. She couldn't drag him to the doctor kicking and screaming, he was an adult. Even if she did, she couldn't force him to talk.

He was an adult. He was not in school. There is very little that she could have done about her son's condition, at the age he was at. In fact, she would have had very little she could do for the past two years, so I really don't see why everyone keeps blaming her.

Thank you! There's a lot of sneaky, sniping going on about NL, and I believe it needs to STOP. It is my understanding she is a victim. All those who know what they would have done in her shoes, or think they would have known better need to stop. None of us know what we would or could have done, and none of us is perfect. This makes me sick.
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