Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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You bring up a great point. People have pointed at the suspect falling though the federal cracks so to speak but what about local LE? I'm sure if he was moving any quantity he'd have caused a blip on the local radar?

interesting stuff all around, the next few months are going to be something to follow

Another note, some guy on CNN just now was ranting about the judge overstepping her bounds by inserting herself into the process Monday. FBI was supposed to have more time with #2 (48 hours, got 16) but for some reason the judge jumped in to fast or something.. missed the start so I'm not sure of the whole story

If true about the Judge, has she spoken out?
I don't hear the suspects screaming anything, not at 0:35 or 0:40 or 0:45 or any other time. In the noisy firing din, what I do hear beginning 0:35 are the police shouting "Come out here, come out here, come out!" and "Put your hands up!" "FBI" and at 1:10 "Hold your fire!" and then finally the media announcers saying at the end of video 2:01 "We know it's 2 o'clock in the morning and bullets are being fired, shots are being fired in your, right outside your door, and uh" (Video then cuts off).

So no, I don't believe a word the truthers/conspiracy nuts are claiming that the brothers were framed/set up. No way, no how, in this lifetime did that happened.

This is directed at any and all "truthers" out there: Give it up and get a life! Stop making BS up to inflame an already incendiary situation in America. Stop giving lowlives reasons to become more distrusting, hateful and up-in-arms vengeful against us Americans. If you want to make yourselves useful, think of real productive ways to bring PEACE and HAPPINESS to EVERYONE regardless of race, gender, religion, etc. Get smart. Read up on civil, peaceful ways to resolve problems. Don't be a hater. Learn to love, and spread some love. Not hate, divisiveness and ignorance.

I'm not entirely sure if you were insulting me here or not but I meant no harm to anyone and I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" either.

I'm only bothered with all the false information brought forward the past days, such as Jahar returning gunfire from the boat.. now they said he had no gun, previously said he tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the throat, then it was a knife/shrapnel wound that left him unable to speak out, I wonder how he survived a gaping wound to the throat for 18h without bleeding out. A lot of this stuff doesn't add up to me.

I mean, he still is a suspect right? Not a culprit. I need to see him drop those bags at the scene rather than the two blurry pictures FBI released, only then it'll make perfect sense to me as the media is not reliable....

I don't mean to burst your bubble either but most of the conspiracies about this case are made up by Americans.. and I dug into the victims as much as the suspects, it's not like I don't care or try to be disrespectful, it's terrible what happened.. seen this picture of Jeff handing out a birthday gift to another victim I believe *unsure*, it's heartbreaking..
link: http://abcnews.go.com/images/Health/ht_sydney_jeff_baumer_kb_130424_wblog.jpg
Now I don't wish to pursue this discussion as I knew it was going to upset people, just wanted to clarify a couple of things because you made me sound like a complete nutcase with your post, I'll refrain to reading.
Speaking before the information was verified, yes, I'll give you that. Thus, Deveau qualified his statement with "it is my understanding", which the Salon post conveniently omits. It was foolhardy on his part to speak prematurely, but it hardly equates to a plot to fool the public which some have suggested.

Perhaps the lesson to be learned is for the consumers of the news, the readers and listeners, who could benefit by exercising prudence when discerning facts from non-facts. JMO

Re my bold...

Imo bc they're opinionated tabloid...sometimes political, sometimes sex filled.

I agree with everything you've said. Its such a shame that the News has stopped actually reporting Real News and in turn just started reporting based on their stats to be the first. I wish they'd go back to simply reporting investigative facts or facts as put out by the authorities.

& the who gun crap really bothers me. He was obviously shooting before he got to the boat darn it, he & his radical bro threw a homemade bomb at officers. They found a lid to another pressure cooker bomb after that shootout. I don't fault le at all, heck I wouldn't have hesitated to shoot him myself, so obviously they held much restraint if this kid is alive. LE deserve a standing ovation.
Regarding the mother saying the bombing was staged and the red blood was paint, I would be first to push her face in a container holding all of the lost limbs and smear her body with the victims' blood!
This article about the Tsarnaev family is told by another uncle: Alvi Tsarni, a construction worker who lives in Montgomery Village, Md. I had so far not heard of him - Ruslan's brother? He also couldn't and still doesn't believe his nephews are the bombers, he would only believe if DT tells him directly that is is true or of he's shown some proof. He has tried to claim TT's body and also to find a local mosque for a burial - both unsuccessfully. TT allegedly called him hours before he died to "make peace". TT also asked for Ruslan's number but never called him.

More about the family here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...ston-marathon-bombings-uncles-family/2113771/
I'm watching CNN & at the bottom of the screen they ran a ticker that said Russian authorities wanted the US to investigate the mother...
Breaking news CNN "Russia alerted U.S. about suspects' mother"
Mother was requested to be added to the TIDE terrorist list when Tamerlan was! Holy frig!
This article about the Tsarnaev family is told by another uncle: Alvi Tsarni, a construction worker who lives in Montgomery Village, Md. I had so far not heard of him - Ruslan's brother? He also couldn't and still doesn't believe his nephews are the bombers, he would only believe if DT tells him directly that is is true or of he's shown some proof. He has tried to claim TT's body and also to find a local mosque for a burial - both unsuccessfully. TT allegedly called him hours before he died to "make peace". TT also asked for Ruslan's number but never called him.

More about the family here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...ston-marathon-bombings-uncles-family/2113771/


Very interesting to me.

ETA: Just finished reading it, good article. In addition to making peace with this uncle TT wanted Uncle Ruslan's number, whom he had not talked with in years. Says they were good kids, never deprived of anything, and much more.
Regarding the mother saying the bombing was staged and the red blood was paint, I would be first to push her face in a container holding all of the lost limbs and smear her body with the victims' blood!

It's so weird that she would say such a thing and then go on and cry for the poor victims and say she's sorry for them. She's clearly not to be taken seriously. She is very very confused, bordering on mental illness imo.
If true about the Judge, has she spoken out?

I don't know just caught the tail end of the guy speaking.

I'll look around later. I have to work this weekend and won't be home so I'm spoiling the little ones a bit, ice cream before dinner and the original frakenstein on TV.. haha

their Mom's gonna kill me... :scared:
I was thinking about penalty stage if found guilty today. Death, too easy. A pretty boy like DT will be someone's b*tch in a heartbeat.

Sad part is this kid seemed to have a lot going for him. All gone now and if convicted, rightly so.

MOO and all that jazz
I don't know just caught the tail end of the guy speaking.

I'll look around later. I have to work this weekend and won't be home so I'm spoiling the little ones a bit, ice cream before dinner and the original frakenstein on TV.. haha

their Mom's gonna kill me... :scared:

The "tail end" was that the official reply was that all was done according to the law and 100% correctly.
I totally agree - it's sad, pathetic really that it's come to this. We get lies, lies, hype, more lies, and then if we're lucky we get some of the truth through the static. But the early reporting just stinks.

My own issue is that LE is giving statements, *not* from "unnammed sources close to the investigation" but "Law enforcement sources say..." and then direct quotes, not paraphrases, that are later shown to be LE-favorable fabrications. That's so wrong. We expect the media to be vultures, but when LE gets in on the act it's depressing.

My brother, the marine, immediately assumed this man was military, or a veteran. He was IN the blast, clearly, unlike the two known bombers, and he books a$$ out of the bomb zone while his clothing is still being torn from him. No covering ears in shock and confusion. Quick reaction.

I was thinking the same - that someone who has seen combat and been trained in it might run and flee instead of being shocked. esp if someone has PTSD. I dunno for sure, but thought it's possible.
What is on? I don't have cable.

Its done now. However the big news now is that Russian authorities wanted the US to investigate Zubeidat Tsarnaev. She was requested to be added to TIDE when Tamerlan was supposed to be.

Live on CNN.
I'm watching CNN & at the bottom of the screen they ran a ticker that said Russian authorities wanted the US to investigate the mother...

You know I'm going to withhold judgement on all this. It's the Russians, it's not like they are the last bastion of integrity. They've made a career out of taking advantage of a situation to spin their own gold.

According to a gentleman on CNN last night the detailed report they sent on TT turned out to be his name and birthdate....lol
I'm watching CNN & at the bottom of the screen they ran a ticker that said Russian authorities wanted the US to investigate the mother...

Here's my conspiracy theory, she's somewhat protected by the Chechan Mafia and whatever groups they might collude with. I'm saying that because she is sure spouting off without fear. The Chechan Mafia "is one of the largest organized crime groups operating in the former Soviet Union (wiki)."
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