Frequently asked questions and the answers

Harmony 2

Retired WS Staff
Oct 12, 2008
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Utilize this thread to post frequently asked questions regarding the Malaysia airlines flight 370 and the answers ...

Did they locate it yet?

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I thought a door that they thought was from Flight 370 was found in the ocean. Was it determined that it was not?
what type of life raft does a boeing 777 have, and what color is it?

it is my understanding that 777's are equipped with slides that function as rafts as well. the slides are usually grey. they can be detached from the frame and used as rafts.

"hybrid of boeing 777 and airbus a380 w/ slides deployed ":

"Bearing this in mind, slide/rafts have been designed to accommodate about 60 survivors in the sea with an overload of up to 80 each, if that is the numbers that would come out from any of the doors. The slide/raft are dual lanes, meaning that, at any one time, two person can evacuate and slide down together on them.":
Malaysian Airlines MH370 Incident FAQ

The following questions and theory’s have been asked and addressed in regards to the events, possible theory’s and currently confirmed facts that are known about the mystery of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 from Kualar Lumpar, Malaysia to Beijing, China.

Aircraft SpecificTechnical Facts (Aircraft information, capabilities and systems relevant to the case explained)

What type of aircraft was involved?
Boeing 777-200 - Boeing 777 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What was the aircrafts Civil Aviation registration number?

Is there a picture of the ACTUAL plane that disappeared as MH370?
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #8

How many engines did it have and what type?
2 -

What is the Service Ceiling of this type of aircraft?
Generally 41,000ft

What is the relevant airspeeds for operations of this aircraft?
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What is ACARS?
Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is FMC?
Flight management system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is a “transponder”?

What reason would there be for an aircrew to turn a transponder of? Why don’t they just keep them on at all times?

What is this “Ping” they keep talking about with the engines?

The last radio call, “All right, goodnight” – is that significant or suspect in regards to aircraft radio communications protocol?
Although this is not the most correct and formal radio language, it is quite normal for a pilot to communicate a little informally with Air Traffic Control when signing on or off from their control. Pilots and ATC are not robots and it is nice to say good morning or good night to people you communicate with 

What is “Autopilot” and what are its limitations?
Autopilot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What are the qualifications and professional backgrounds of the aircrew who were in control of MH370?

What is Hypoxia?

What are the facts of decompression and how would this effect the possible timeline of events on MH370?
Uncontrolled decompression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have mentioned that MH370 had potentially dangerous batteries on board, what is the significance of this?

What security measures does Malaysian Airlines employ in regards to boarding flights and cockpit entry aboard their aircraft, including MH370?
X-ray scanners for all carry on and metal detectors for people entering the departures area. Another carry on and walk through metal detector scan is done on each passenger with secrurity pat downs if there is any alarm or suspicion.
Cockpit doors are locked and secure and entry is by way of keypad with code or direct communication with flight crew inside via intercom.

What is a flight simulator?
Flight simulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The captain had one at his house, isn’t that very suspicious?
No. It is very common for pilots and aviation enthusiasts to have their own privately owned (often very elaborate) flight simulators, either home build or from off the shelf providers such as “Flight Deck Solutions” – who provide professional standard flight simulators for private amature home owners.

How could it have been used to plan the MH370 incident?
Technically it could, but there are far more legitimate reasons why he would have this. Analysis of the computers has not revealed anything suspect at this stage.

What Type and Colour of life raft is used on MA 777-200’s like MH370? Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Frequently asked questions and the answers

The People:

How many people were aboard MH370?
What nationalities were they?
These Iranians travelling on stolen passports… what’s the go?
Has everyone on board MH370 been checked and cleared for criminal history, terrorism links or specialist military or government jobs that may make them noteworthy or a potential target?
I have heard that there were 20 people on board who worked for a specialist military chip company – tell me more!
I heard that passenger 84 was kept secret and had his name hidden from the manifest, why?
I heard that there was some nutty professor on board the aircraft who had flight training and specialised in some pretty scary things when it comes to making aircraft disappear.. is this true?

The Timeline (updated as often as possible but may not be current beyond this):
A great post by a member that outlines it nicely
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The Theories (and relevant facts that either prove or disprove their feasbality):

The aircraft was HiJacked by terrorists…
The aircraft was HiJacked by a state sponsored intelligence agency or organisation in a military style operation…
An allied missile shot it down by accident and they are doing another TAA style coverup…
The Flight Crew themselves were involved or orchestrated the whole thing…
One of the two pilots went rouge and “pilot suicide” is the answer…
There was a fire on board and the crew were trying to save the aircraft and return to a nearby capable airport, however they became incapacitated before they could successfully land the aircraft and it continued to fly out to sea on the heading last set until it ran out of fuel…
There was a Hypoxia event on board related to a decompression event…
There was a bomb on board…
There was biological weapons on board…
The aircraft has been stolen by terrorists with a well executed mission that evaded ground based radar systems by terrain masking and shadowed beneath a Singapore Airlines 777 too sneak through the airspace without detection...
(1) It has landed in “****stan” and the passengers are being used as leverage in a secret negotiation process that th government is not admitting… (and/or)
(2) The aircraft is being loaded up with nuclear weapons or radioactive waste or biological weapons and will be used in a future terrorism attack…

The captain’s passionate support of the opposition governemt and the recent trial of the head of this political party lead to him seek retribution by orchestrating this incident with the purpose of making the government of Malaysia look stupid and expose the corruption and injustices that he felt have occurred to the world. His experience and knowledge of regional civilian and military radar coverage and capability’s allowed him show up David Copperfield as an amature by making this aircraft effectively vanish off the face of the earth. The simulator in his home allowed him to practice this….
The aircraft was hijacked by remote control, either by a person on board using the PlainSploit App that was described at a technology and security forum in April last year, or by an electronic warefare aircraft that was capable of this. (and the conclusions too each) Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9
The aircraft suffered some kind of toxic atmosphere incident that took over the entire pressurized area (where passengers and flight crew are) of the aircraft. Life was unsupportable and everyone aboard MH370 was dead within the first 2hrs of the flight – Malaysian Authority’s knew this before the plane had even crossed back over the peninsula and their sheer lack of preparedness and rescources to deal with such an event has lead to them covering this up and delaying search efforts in the hope that evidence will over time become either impossible to find or subject to exposure that will deem it inconclusive or gone all together…

Other Technology That May Help Find MH370:

Passenger Cell Phones and why they’re no use…
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