Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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wow, :( not sure what to say.
Adam was one sick young man....i still BELIEVE..... that means imoo....that his mother ignored ....even chose to ignore her sons sick mind....especially after reading the above report.

I would agree that parental oversight wasn't ideal. It's most troubling how the media and law enforcement love placing a near equal burden of blame on a murder victim when the the psychopath who killed her and all those others planned and committed the crime. If we consider this in a historical context, the blame the parent has never escalated to this level; the precedent that it may set makes me uncomfortable. At the same time Peter Lanza gets a free pass which is justified by a delusional concept, which isn't supported by any evidence, that Adam's issues pooped up only after Peter stopped making an effort to be a father. It's just very odd...
The students interviewed described a normal Friday morning. Soto's students were sitting in a circle having just finished their morning meeting. They were about to read the messages on the Smart Board when they heard loud bangs that some thought was someone "banging a hammer."

They then described a man "busting into their room" holding a "long bazooka-style gun." They said he was wearing a green army jacket, seemed to have a beard and didn't say a word before shooting.

He then started firing at them, with one boy telling police the man "missed him" and then he ran out of the room as fast as he could.

After leaving the main office, the shooter then went down the same hallway in which he had just
killed two people and entered first grade classrooms 8 and 10, the order in which is unknown.

I know it's saying the order is unknown but I think this is the timeline that makes the most sense based on what has been released:

According to a survivor in Victoria's room, Lanza started firing at the class in their circle, and then ran out of the room. We know that the students who died in Victoria's room were killed when they ran out of their hiding spots, so it does not sound like anyone was killed in the circle. So I think that Lauren's class heard the gunshots, and started running into the bathroom. Adam went to that classroom, and killed everyone in the room but the lone survivor.

Then, he went back into Victoria's room. Articles have said that Victoria had finished hiding her students, when Lanza entered the classroom. Her sister said she heard Victoria's body was found near the classroom door, with her keys in her hand, like she was getting ready to lock the door. So maybe Lanza came back to Victoria's room, asked her where all her students were, and this is when she told him they were at the gym?

We know that the students who were killed in Victoria's room ran out of the hiding spots. We also know that the students who survived (and ran to the neighborhood house) were able to escape when Lanza had to recharge his gun. I am not sure what the order of all of that happened in.

It really does sound to me like Lanza entered Victoria's room twice, because the story that the one survivor gives about them sitting in a circle, and the story about how they were all in their hiding spots, and Victoria told Lanza they were at the gym could not have happened in the same instance. But if Lanza returned to the classroom, he would have likely asked Victoria "Where did they all go?" and then out of desperation, she would have said they were at the gym or wherever.

If you look at a map of the school, it shows that the first classroom Lanza passed was Kaitlyn Roig's classroom (Room 12) where they think the black paper on the windows made him think it was empty. The next classroom was Victoria's (Room 10). If my theory is correct about the timeline, I think the reason why Lanza did not kill the class when they were sitting in the circle is because he is very obsessed with order, and he felt that he had to kill the students in Classroom 8 (Lauren's room) before Classroom 10.

So does that make sense or is there some big piece of info I left out?
I am having a difficult time finding the info ( that I want to read) in the pdfs I am on a mac, Any way I am going to post a few links to some local articles. Here is an interesting one that states that his psych dr. Fox had been suspended for negligence and boundary issues. ughhhh

This article states his 2006 diagnoses ( not from Fox) from Yale Child Study Center Photo/Connecticut State Police

Adam Lanza was diagnosed in 2006 with "profound Autism Spectrum Disorder, with rigidity, isolation, and a lack of comprehension of ordinary social interaction and communications," while also displaying symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, according to Dr. Robert A. King, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine Child Study Center.
I'm curious about whether the panel had previously asked Adam's father for release of those records.
Anyone recall hearing or reading the panel asked previously?

The father of the 20-year-old gunman who committed the Newtown school shooting said Friday he is willing to help provide his late son's medical records to the state commission reviewing the massacre and attempting to make recommendation on changes to mental health policy.
Errol Cockfield, a spokesman for Peter Lanza, said in a statement that Lanza had already informed law enforcement that he would "approve the release of any medical records he has the authority to release" and that he has informed the chairman of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission that "he is willing to meet with him towards reaching that goal."
from BBM
This article states his 2006 diagnoses ( not from Fox) from Yale Child Study Center Photo/Connecticut State Police

Adam Lanza was diagnosed in 2006 with "profound Autism Spectrum Disorder, with rigidity, isolation, and a lack of comprehension of ordinary social interaction and communications," while also displaying symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, according to Dr. Robert A. King, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine Child Study Center.

Also from your link:
The nurse, who met with Lanza in 2006 and 2007, said Lanza's mother declined to give him prescribed antidepressant and antianxiety medication after she reported that he had trouble raising his arm, something she attributed to the drug.

Koenig unsuccessfully tried to convince Nancy Lanza that the medicine was not responsible, and the mother failed to schedule a follow-up visit after her son missed an appointment, police said.
Did any doctor/psychiatrist see Adam after 2007? That's a lot of years to pass after he was diagnosed and medication was dropped. :(
very difficult article to read:
One little boy screamed " Help me, I don't want to be here, and evil said " Too bad, you are here "

I noticed that Seung-Hui CHo was known to never mutter anything or taunted his victims. He was known to be very quiet and rarely to never talked. Adam Lanza sometimes taunted his victims. Like Cho, he was very quiet and rarely talked. Both are highly introverted.

Lanza's warning signs are in some ways more severe than Cho, Jared Loughner, James Holmes, or Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. However, Cho, Loughner, and Harris and Klebold raised many red flags and many were scared of them. They were also around people for the most part, unlike Lanza. Loughner and Harris and Klebold had run ins with the law. Lanza did not show any known violent outbursts and was mostly isolated after 2010. Despite Cho's silence, people were around him at Virginia Tech. I do not recall anyone who encountered Lanza and thought he would be a school shooter like people thought of Cho or Loughner.
I'm curious about whether the panel had previously asked Adam's father for release of those records.
Anyone recall hearing or reading the panel asked previously?

The father of the 20-year-old gunman who committed the Newtown school shooting said Friday he is willing to help provide his late son's medical records to the state commission reviewing the massacre and attempting to make recommendation on changes to mental health policy.
Errol Cockfield, a spokesman for Peter Lanza, said in a statement that Lanza had already informed law enforcement that he would "approve the release of any medical records he has the authority to release" and that he has informed the chairman of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission that "he is willing to meet with him towards reaching that goal."
from BBM

Interesting Lanza's medical reports were not in the report and now being mentioned a year after the massacre. Cho's medical reports were released for the report. In many ways, Lanza is more of an enigma than Cho.
Newtown shooter made twisted call to radio station

(CNN) -- Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza may have called a radio show nearly a year before his rampage, drawing parallels between a Connecticut chimpanzee that mauled a woman in 2009 and a "teenage mall shooter or something like that," according to a report published Thursday in the New York Daily News.

The newspaper identified the caller as Lanza, based on Internet postings and confirmation by two of the late shooter's friends. CNN cannot confirm that the voice is Lanza's, but if it is his, it could provide previously unknown insight into the mind of the teenager, who killed 26 people at the Newtown, Connecticut, school before killing himself as police closed in...
Newtown shooter made twisted call to radio station

(CNN) -- Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza may have called a radio show nearly a year before his rampage, drawing parallels between a Connecticut chimpanzee that mauled a woman in 2009 and a "teenage mall shooter or something like that," according to a report published Thursday in the New York Daily News.

The newspaper identified the caller as Lanza, based on Internet postings and confirmation by two of the late shooter's friends. CNN cannot confirm that the voice is Lanza's, but if it is his, it could provide previously unknown insight into the mind of the teenager, who killed 26 people at the Newtown, Connecticut, school before killing himself as police closed in...

Thanks Bette, after reading the article with the transcript of what he said I find it absolutely bizarre, but very telling. Wow.
I still have so many questions, but unfortunately do not think they will ever be answered :(
The transcript of what Lanza said on the radio show makes me think all of his comments were about himself. Kind of like he was identifying with the chimp, unlike the rest of us who felt compassion on the poor lady who had her face and hands torn off. I think something was "the last straw" for Lanza. It may have been that his mom had just gone out of town and left him alone, or that she was thinking of moving them and he didn't want to go, or maybe he just decided he couldn't take another day of whatever was wrong with him. Although none of that explains why he went to the school and opened fire. His reasoning about the animal doing what it was made to do, and comparing that to shooters, reminds me of what serial killers sometimes say about themselves: that they think this urge to kill is built into them and they think they can't help it.
Audio of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza’s call-in to a radio show

You can hear the whole call-in in its entirety in the link. I heard parts of it and Lanza talks with a monotonous voice as he is reading out of something. He does not have a speech problem. It is disturbing. The way he talks sounds like he is self-justifying.

Wow, he was very articulate, although at times his voice sounded almost as if it was computer synthesized.
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