Charges of Interference, Harassment, and/or Trespassing filed with HCSO

I wanted to point out that the Caison family was approached back in February and given a chance to comment and they called the police. Now they are not only requesting to be interviewed,they are allowing the M's son to be interviewed.

My Horry News @Hurley, the family requested to be interviewed. Also the coaching allegation has not been proven, only stated by the prosecution and denied by the defense. Our job is to publish what all sides have to say, not just one side. Thanks for reading and for commenting! (Michael Smith, Carolina Forest Chronicle).
This communication to Heather was on November 1st. We know that LE has stated that communication between Sidney and Heather stopped on November 5th.

AFAIK, the only other info we have on the Moorers before Heather went missing is that they took their kids on a cross country trip to California and back in the Mickey camper. It would be very hard for SM to communicate with Heather during this trip. Perhaps TM wanted to put distance between the two of them. Most likely SM's cell phone had been confiscated by Tammy already. Maybe she was hopeful she could get Sidney interested in her again. She seemed like a person who would study her husband's body language, moods etc and it worried her that he seemed distant or preoccupied, unhappy and not interested in her. Maybe that's when she decided it was because of Heather and that she would have to do away with her upon their return. I don't think she waited too long once they got back to Myrtle Beach. I believe it was a matter of days.

Does anyone know when the Moorers left on that trip? Or when they returned home?

I think that TM wanted to put distance between SM and Heather but more importantly,I think that she wanted to put distance,by way of time,between her harassment and threats to Heather and the day Heather was murdered. I think TM wanted it to look like she had let it go and was no longer angry about the affair and no longer harassing Heather. TM was very clear in her text to Heather. She basically said,"I'm coming for you." And she did.
I wanted to point out that the Caison family was approached back in February and given a chance to comment and they called the police. Now they are not only requesting to be interviewed,they are allowing the M's son to be interviewed.

My Horry News @Hurley, the family requested to be interviewed. Also the coaching allegation has not been proven, only stated by the prosecution and denied by the defense. Our job is to publish what all sides have to say, not just one side. Thanks for reading and for commenting! (Michael Smith, Carolina Forest Chronicle).

I like Michael Smith. I am glad MyHorryNews is not just a mouth piece for the prosecution. He is right that it has not been proven that the children were coached. The family has the right to talk when they want to talk. I don't see the issue with not wanting to talk to some reporter who shows up at your house uninvited? What is so bad about doing the interview you want to do and are most comfortable with?

MyHorryNews better be careful; there might be a petition started if they publish too many not-pro-prosecution articles.
I like Michael Smith. I am glad MyHorryNews is not just a mouth piece for the prosecution. He is right that it has not been proven that the children were coached. The family has the right to talk when they want to talk. I don't see the issue with not wanting to talk to some reporter who shows up at your house uninvited? What is so bad about doing the interview you want to do and are most comfortable with?

MyHorryNews better be careful; there might be a petition started if they publish too many not-pro-prosecution articles.

It has not been proven that the kids weren't coached. The fact that their stories didn't match is a huge clue. The family does have the right to talk when they want to but it's rather vile that they shove a kid into the media spotlight in their desperate attempt to gain any possible ounce of sympathy. You'd like a comment from us? No...and we're calling LE and we're going to sue. Oh wait...TM's last attempt at freedom was a huge fail. Somebody please come interview her son. Yes, there have been men with rifles across the street. Do we have proof? Of course not!! Do we ever have proof? Of course not. :facepalm:
It has not been proven that the kids weren't coached. The fact that their stories didn't match is a huge clue. The family does have the right to talk when they want to but it's rather vile that they shove a kid into the media spotlight in their desperate attempt to gain any possible ounce of sympathy. You'd like a comment from us? No...and we're calling LE and we're going to sue. Oh wait...TM's last attempt at freedom was a huge fail. Somebody please come interview her son. Yes, there have been men with rifles across the street. Do we have proof? Of course not!! Do we ever have proof? Of course not. :facepalm:

The family filed a lawsuit against the reporter?

How is their stories not matching (which is a claim by LE, we haven't seen any video or testimony yet) because they were coached? They were likely questioned 2 months after Heather went missing. They could have forgotten, been mistaken, nerves, etc.
Knowing that the C family requested the interview (thank you Motherof5)- IMO, that media interview was a calculated PR attempt to gain sympathy for Tammy. Just like bringing the children into the courtroom has been.

The bond court hearing did not go their way. I think they honestly thought the Judge would release her. I'm still wrestling with, whether the C family doesn't fully comprehend the legal system and the way it works, or if they simply have no basis in reality?
A couple of comments in response to various posts here--

The Moorers were found sleeping in one room when the police came to arrest them. I don't doubt that the Moorers felt threatened by people in the community and that's why they were all together in one room with a bunch of firearms laying around (as if that was a safe thing to do with children in the room, but I digress). Anyway, that happened after HE went missing. They probably had normal sleeping arrangements before 12/19, so it's possible that the kids didn't see or hear any activity that night.

TM has proven herself to be controlling of her family. This is a woman who posted openly about not trusting schools, teachers and kids' clubs on the Disney cruise ships. Since she is presumed innocent until proven guilty, I would think that her children would be placed in the custody of whoever she wants them to be with while she awaits trial. That person is her mother, and there's no doubt in my mind that Tammy is in full control of how her mama takes care of those kids.

Obviously, the children would be safer with the paternal grandparents. To be fair, we don't know if they want custody of the children, but due to the fact that they don't live in the same community as HE's family and supporters, the distance from the Caison compound would keep them safer. I personally would love to see the Moorer family take them, send them to school and help them to live a relatively normal life, but I doubt it could happen unless the Moorers are convicted.

I think it's despicable that a 15 year-old was interviewed and quoted by the media. I don't know which party is the worst for doing that--the reporter, the media outlet or the family. There is no way any of those kids should be in the media. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that there is no comparison between the oldest Moorer child and HE's sister. There are a few years difference in age, but HE's sibs are related to the victim, not the alleged perpetrators. Moreover, the Moorer children have been extremely sheltered their whole lives and therefore are extra vulnerable to being manipulated.

Lastly, I believe that LE has solid proof that HE is no longer alive and not simply missing. When her family left the bond hearing in March, they were clearly grieving for her. If there was any chance whatsoever that she could still be alive, I think they would hold out hope. Remember the mother/son Kimes murder of Irene Silverman? Her body was never found, but personal items of hers such as her passport were found in possession of the Kimes. I think LE found similar items with the Moorers. Things that HE wouldn't have parted with voluntarily.
The family filed a lawsuit against the reporter?

How is their stories not matching (which is a claim by LE, we haven't seen any video or testimony yet) because they were coached? They were likely questioned 2 months after Heather went missing. They could have forgotten, been mistaken, nerves, etc.

Michael Maely..yes.

In video captured from public property near Caison's home, Michael can be seen asking a woman: "Hi there, with WMBF News, can we talk to you about your daughter Tammy, or your sister Tammy?"

The woman is seen taking pictures of Maely and using an obscene gesture. The trip ended with a call to police, and Maely left the property.

According to the police report, Caison told police that after being told to leave the property, Maely attempted to force the door open. Maely told police that he did not come within eight feet of Caison's door.

I believe WC changed his story after video clearly showed that Maely did not attempt to force the door open. He wasn't even on the front porch.:floorlaugh: Video keeps coming back to bite this family.

How are the kids' stories not matching? I haven't interviewed the kids,I believe LE's've made it clear that you don't believe LE,makes no difference to me. I think your right. I bet those poor kids were full of nerves as they were trying to remember what their parents told them to say if LE ever questioned them. It must be awful having to be part of a story that your parents are hoping will keep them out of jail. No pressure for the kids at all....riiiight.
Michael Maely..yes.

In video captured from public property near Caison's home, Michael can be seen asking a woman: "Hi there, with WMBF News, can we talk to you about your daughter Tammy, or your sister Tammy?"

The woman is seen taking pictures of Maely and using an obscene gesture. The trip ended with a call to police, and Maely left the property.

According to the police report, Caison told police that after being told to leave the property, Maely attempted to force the door open. Maely told police that he did not come within eight feet of Caison's door.

I believe WC changed his story after video clearly showed that Maely did not attempt to force the door open. He wasn't even on the front porch.:floorlaugh: Video keeps coming back to bite this family.

How are the kids' stories not matching? I haven't interviewed the kids,I believe LE's've made it clear that you don't believe LE,makes no difference to me. I think your right. I bet those poor kids were full of nerves as they were trying to remember what their parents told them to say if LE ever questioned them. It must be awful having to be part of a story that your parents are hoping will keep them out of jail. No pressure for the kids at all....riiiight.

I think LE is just mad that the kids won't testify and help their case. I am surprised the 8-year-old has been able to keep a fake story straight for this long. I don't even think it is far fetched to think the kids don't know anything, rather than saying they are lying and coached.
I think LE is just mad that the kids won't testify and help their case. I am surprised the 8-year-old has been able to keep a fake story straight for this long. I don't even think it is far fetched to think the kids don't know anything, rather than saying they are lying and coached.

Hmmmm....I would have to disagree. Call me crazy,but after what I saw at the bond hearing(which is only the tip of this iceberg IMO) I seriously doubt that LE is pinning their case against the M's on the interviews of the kids. I don't think that LE is mad at the kids. This is a murder investigation,not a fight on the play ground. :twocents:
Hmmmm....I would have to disagree. Call me crazy,but after what I saw at the bond hearing(which is only the tip of this iceberg IMO) I seriously doubt that LE is pinning their case against the M's on the interviews of the kids. I don't think that LE is mad at the kids. This is a murder investigation,not a fight on the play ground. :twocents:

Not pinning their case, but it would certainly help if the kids said they saw their parents leave that night, or heard a struggle, etc. I definitely think LE would get frustrated if they thought the kids were lying, or knew more than they are telling.
Not pinning their case, but it would certainly help if the kids said they saw their parents leave that night, or heard a struggle, etc. I definitely think LE would get frustrated if they thought the kids were lying, or knew more than they are telling.

They have the M's truck on video,going to and from PTL as well as the M's saying that they were having sex in said truck that night and SM calling Heather from the payphone at 1:35am. Clearly LE knows that the M's were busy partners in crime that night and not tucked in bed. I'm sure LE was curious to hear what the kids had to say but no matter what the kids heard or did not hear, LE doesn't need the kids to say that they saw their parents leave...they have proof.
They have the M's truck on video,going to and from PTL as well as the M's saying that they were having sex in said truck that night and SM calling Heather from the payphone at 1:35am. Clearly LE knows that the M's were busy partners in crime that night and not tucked in bed. I'm sure LE was curious to hear what the kids had to say but no matter what the kids heard or did not hear, LE doesn't need the kids to say that they saw their parents leave...they have proof.

What if the camera only shows Sidney in the car? And then Tammy's lawyer says there is no proof she went to PTL? How would LE prove she was there? Most surveillance cameras are grainy, and don't always show the angles we want them to.
What if the camera only shows Sidney in the car? And then Tammy's lawyer says there is no proof she went to PTL? How would LE prove she was there? Most surveillance cameras are grainy, and don't always show the angles we want them to.

Why would LE make utter fools of themselves lodging murder charges that they had no hope of proving in court? It makes zero sense to me for anyone to say they have no evidence, a grand jury indicted them on whatever evidence was presented, just because we don't currently know what that evidence is does not mean it doesn't exist.
What if the camera only shows Sidney in the car? And then Tammy's lawyer says there is no proof she went to PTL? How would LE prove she was there? Most surveillance cameras are grainy, and don't always show the angles we want them to.

Maybe run these questions by LE and TM's lawyer. TM was charged with kidnapping and murder right along with SM. I doubt that LE would make that charge if they had no proof that TM was in the truck that went to PTL to get Heather and not at home clipping coupons.

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Why would LE make utter fools of themselves lodging murder charges that they had no hope of proving in court? It makes zero sense to me for anyone to say they have no evidence, a grand jury indicted them on whatever evidence was presented, just because we don't currently know what that evidence is does not mean it doesn't exist.

I never claimed that LE has no evidence. I just think there could be parts of their case that aren't open/shut. I don't think that is farfetched. I am sure in many successful prosecutions, the defense is still able to make some good points and bring up questions about the evidence. Why do you think jury selection is such an important part of the case for both sides? I think it is possible that the camera doesn't show both of them in the car. I am not saying she will be acquitted over that, just that there could be parts of the pros case that are not perfect. Many cases involve both sides giving convincing arguments, which is what I think this case will be.

BTW...the saying is that a GJ would indict a ham sandwich.
I think LE is just mad that the kids won't testify and help their case. I am surprised the 8-year-old has been able to keep a fake story straight for this long. I don't even think it is far fetched to think the kids don't know anything, rather than saying they are lying and coached.

BBM. What "fake story" has the 8 year-old kept straight for so long?

LE stated the kids' stories were coached and the 15 year-old claimed that LE called them liars. Other than these two statements, we have no clue what any of the kids told LE.

IMO, the evidence that LE has on them isn't anything the children told them.
BBM. What "fake story" has the 8 year-old kept straight for so long?

LE stated the kids' stories were coached and the 15 year-old claimed that LE called them liars. Other than these two statements, we have no clue what any of the kids told LE.

IMO, the evidence that LE has on them isn't anything the children told them.

LE says the children have been coached and their stories contradict. If that is true, it seems likely that they are telling LE something that happened that night, or in the weeks after, that is not true. I don't think I need to know what the fake story was, to speculate that if LE is saying the kids are coached, they probably are telling a story that isn't 100% truthful.
I think LE is just mad that the kids won't testify and help their case. I am surprised the 8-year-old has been able to keep a fake story straight for this long. I don't even think it is far fetched to think the kids don't know anything, rather than saying they are lying and coached.

CM said on the February morning that police arrested his parents, the three children were taken by investigators to a small office at Coastal Carolina University.

With no other adults present, CM said the police interrogated him and his sister while their little brother remained in the car.

What fake story has the 8 year old told, and to whom?

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