Jason Young to get new trial #3

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Landonsmom02 said:
Sorry but Klinkosum just defended a man that brutally raped,beat and tourtured a 4 year old child, Teghan Alyssa Skiba, here in Smithfield. I have nothing for him.

OMG I did not even connect that. :facepalm:
That was him huh?
But, the purse looks out of place and seemingly not something a Mom with a 2 year old would do. You do understand that some people find the purse in the kitchen on the floor, strange.

It IS out of place. Shelly didn't testify she entered the Young home through other than the front door did she? She brought food and the purse was in the doorway between the kitchen and front door. It was in a strange place, as were the other two bags and CY's shoes.

OK so wth is the deal with the hair?

Either it was MY's or it was a mix of MY's and others.

How can there be such varied opinions on this?
Which is fact?

OK so wth is the deal with the hair?

Either it was MY's or it was a mix of MY's and others.

How can there be such varied opinions on this?
Which is fact?


It wasn't Jason's, that's all that matters since he was the one charged with her murder.
It IS out of place. Shelly didn't testify she entered the Young home through other than the front door did she? She brought food and the purse was in the doorway between the kitchen and front door. It was in a strange place, as were the other two bags and CY's shoes.


Yes, she said she entered and exited through the front door.
It was MY's hair.

A strand of hair was found in Michelle’s hand and was identified as being hers, based on a comparison of the DNA to her profile. However, of a clump of hair found on the body of approximately 50 strands of hair, one sample yielded a match to Michelle, while the other sample gave a partial match. (A partial match can be common in siblings or other close family members.)
The dog may have been trained to remain on the main floor. That's not uncommon.

No, his bed was in the master bedroom. Keep thinking though. I believe you will eventually reach the same conclusion as me.
A strand of hair was found in Michelle’s hand and was identified as being hers, based on a comparison of the DNA to her profile. However, of a clump of hair found on the body of approximately 50 strands of hair, one sample yielded a match to Michelle, while the other sample gave a partial match. (A partial match can be common in siblings or other close family members.)

Actually, I believe the large clump of hair under the body was confirmed that it was MY's. The single hair in her hand --- they did a DNA test on that root and it yielded what they referred to as a partial profile but definitely said that it matched only MY and I believe the profiles were compared to all DNA collected so I think with confidence we can conclude that the hairs near the body were MY's. However, there was a hair that had been forcibly removed found on the wedding photo and they were not able to identify the DNA from that hair. How did some stranger's hair wind up in the Young's bedroom? I believe it was male DNA if I remember correctly.

(Michelle Hannon's testimony discusses the DNA testing.)
No, his bed was in the master bedroom. Keep thinking though. I believe you will eventually reach the same conclusion as me.

What is your conclusion?????
Please, for those of us new to this case and trying to learn.
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