Jason Young to get new trial #3

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Prepared the meal? It was take out. And they would have been walking from the kitchen to the family room to watch GA. The purse wouldn't be in the way. I just love how this whole purse conversation has been twisted to an intruder moved the purse because it was on the floor. Isn't it more likely they would have taken the entire purse? I mean, people are alluding to the fact that this was some drugged up person who broke into the house and when discovered MY there beat her to death then took, not just jewlerly but the drawers. IF they were in such a hurry to grab the drawers why not just grab the entire purse? Again, the "missing" drawers looks to me like it was staged to look like a robbery.

Yes prepare the meal... Even though it was take out you still need to prepare things.. Like plates & such.....
Yea I love it also..Shows people are open minded & can look at ALL things
What is your conclusion?????
Please, for those of us new to this case and trying to learn.

I'm surprised it isn't obvious. The dog was not in the house when MF arrived, based on lack of bloody paw prints or dog waste and based on the fact that he was not placed in the fenced yard when she exited the house. (my opinion)
I'm surprised it isn't obvious. The dog was not in the house when MF arrived, based on lack of bloody paw prints, or dog waste and based on the fact that he was not placed in the fenced yard when she exited the house. (my opinion)

Nothing is obvious to me.
I more or less have been following all of your arguments without knowing a dang thing about this case.

However, did I not just read that MF heard Mr. G in the house whimpering?
Was he outside or inside?

Nothing is obvious to me.
I more or less have been following all of your arguments without knowing a dang thing about this case.

However, did I not just read that MF heard Mr. G in the house whimpering?
Was he outside or inside?


She said he was inside. Evidence suggests otherwise.
I'm surprised it isn't obvious. The dog was not in the house when MF arrived, based on lack of bloody paw prints or dog waste and based on the fact that he was not placed in the fenced yard when she exited the house. (my opinion)


Btw, back to that obvious comment.
There are very few obvious things about this case, IMO.
Boggles my mind that there is barely anything that can be agreed upon in here, AND that things are seen so very differently.

Everything is contradicting (Dog not in the house, MF says dog was in the house).

Trying to piece together the events of Nov 2nd, and from what I recall:
JY stayed home,
MY went to work,
Did CY go to daycare or stay home with Jason?
Jason cut the grass,
MY had plans with SS to come by the home and watch GA
It was a beautiful day of 80 degrees,
what else do we know as fact

Can anyone else add anything to reconstruct the day and timeframe of Nov.2nd, 2006?
I am trying to find anything unusual or out of the ordinary. I know there were a lot of phonecalls, and
I know JY left the home around 7:30 PM, after using the printer.
Actually, I believe the large clump of hair under the body was confirmed that it was MY's. The single hair in her hand --- they did a DNA test on that root and it yielded what they referred to as a partial profile but definitely said that it matched only MY and I believe the profiles were compared to all DNA collected so I think with confidence we can conclude that the hairs near the body were MY's. However, there was a hair that had been forcibly removed found on the wedding photo and they were not able to identify the DNA from that hair. How did some stranger's hair wind up in the Young's bedroom? I believe it was male DNA if I remember correctly.

(Michelle Hannon's testimony discusses the DNA testing.)

Here is the testimony--the root sample 47C was a partial:


Trying to piece together the events of Nov 2nd, and from what I recall:
JY stayed home,
MY went to work,
Did CY go to daycare or stay home with Jason?
Jason cut the grass,
MY had plans with SS to come by the home and watch GA
It was a beautiful day of 80 degrees,
what else do we know as fact

Can anyone else add anything to reconstruct the day and timeframe of Nov.2nd, 2006?
I am trying to find anything unusual or out of the ordinary. I know there were a lot of phonecalls, and
I know JY left the home around 7:30 PM, after using the printer.

Not sure we have much on that last day? Very sad to think that MY's last day she spent working and away from her little girl. She did have Halloween though. I don't think JY was home? Do we know where he was? Not sure that was ever verified?
Okay. MY was mature enough to seek counseling from a professional. And JY sought solace where? MOO.

JY and MY had an agreement that MY was to go to counseling first to figure out her sexual problems and then if she still felt like they needed counseling, he would go.
JY and MY had an agreement that MY was to go to counseling first to figure out her sexual problems and then if she still felt like they needed counseling, he would go.

Who said that? JY? After she was dead?
I found a few more images of the floor from the Dateline episode. These screen shots are not the best, but I think it's pretty clear that there is not a trail of bloody footprints leading out of the master bedroom.


This one is very pixelated. Dateline had these up for such a short amount of time that it was difficult to get a good screen shot.


Top of stairwell


I just pulled this from an earlier post. Does anyone know what the bag is at the top of the stairs?
JY and MY had an agreement that MY was to go to counseling first to figure out her sexual problems and then if she still felt like they needed counseling, he would go.

This was in emails that they were writing back and forth to each other.
JY and MY had an agreement that MY was to go to counseling first to figure out her sexual problems and then if she still felt like they needed counseling, he would go.

So JY believed MY had sexual problems and he was the one who stripped naked at parties, peed on the floor at a party, and was known for his famous penis tricks and talked to everyone about MY's not wanting sex including his mom and the daycare worker. Yet I am guessing he did not think he had any sexual problems. Yet, maybe I am seeing this wrong but I sure could understand why MY did not want to have sex with JY
So JY believed MY had sexual problems and he was the one who stripped naked at parties, peed on the floor at a party, and was known for his famous penis tricks and talked to everyone about MY's not wanting sex including his mom and the daycare worker. Yet I am guessing he did not think he had any sexual problems. Yet, maybe I am seeing this wrong but I sure could understand why MY did not want to have sex with JY

She must have agreed that she had issues with sex and relationships since she did not argue his point. Being raped and being a child of divorced parents can cause issues like that.
She must have agreed that she had issues with sex and relationships since she did not argue his point. Being raped and being a child of divorced parents can cause issues like that.

I dont think that is contested, but maybe the point is that Jason - knowing of Michelles issues - did not conduct himself in a way that would help ease her anxiety with these issues.
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