GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

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Because of the dimensions of the Hyundai Tuscson, a small SUV, the top of the car seat was only about six inches from Ross Harris' head, and protruded in between the two front seats, the detective said.


Harris told police that after strapping Cooper into the car seat, they kissed each other good-bye. Harris said he made it a point to always do that in case they got into a fatal car crash. He wanted their last moment together to be one of "loving," he told police.

bbm; a little truth in every lie, imo
well-proof she was leaving the courtroom- now to wait & see where she went after this pic was taken


“Ross must’ve left him in the car,” Leanna Harris said in front of witnesses at the daycare, according to Stoddard.

Thanks for finding and posting that. I would prefer to have seen her walk out of court in handcuffs with LE, but hopefully we will see THAT picture sooner rather than later.

Nursebeeme said we could talk about Leanna in regards to what we learned about her in todays testimony from Det Stoddard.

ETA: Slow down with the posting :tantrum: I'm 10 pages behind :tantrum:

Oh thank you!!!!!

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Bottle rocket...lost his hearing in right ear as a result. But can still tune his guitar by ear...

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I thought that was his right ear. This picture is of his left ear.
IMO it does matter. It is yet another nail in the premeditation coffin if they can show that it was unusual for him to park in that place or manner.

Ah, didn't think of it that way. You are correct. Not that they really need more nails, but for an airtight case, the more nails the better! TY, fruity!
I haven't had time yet. Work got in the way. So did the defense put on witness's today?

Yes. The defense put on three witnesses during the probable cause part of the hearing. One was a bystander at the scene when Harris pulled Cooper out of the car. The other two were his buddies that he worked with (they work at the headquarters building) that he went to lunch with and had plans to go to the movie with the evening he killed Cooper. The defense then put on two witnesses for the bond part of the hearing. The first was his (step?) brother who is a police officer in Alabama and one was the children's pastor at his church.
Yes. They were all lame. IMO

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Were they character witness's or professional witness's?

Nevermind. TorisMom003 helped out with the answer.
Was it just me or did the young attorney sitting next to him during his crocodile tears...really seem repulsed by him?

That's the impression I got.

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yep he's the intern who drew shortest straw - reminds me of the handler of Julie Schenecker at her trial.....veiled contempt without much of a veil
As for the "leaving the doggy bag in the car" analogy - it made me think.

Sure, in fact it is a joke that I always forget the damn bag of food. But the thing is, I remember as soon as I get in the house. Then I go back out and get it.

I would never leave or have ever left, a the doggy bag leftovers in the car for 7 hours. Especially if I went back to the car for any reason. If you open a hot car you will instantly smell the food right? I left a Burger King bag in my car overnight with some fries in it (as trash) and could smell the fast food aroma the next day easily which reminded me - hey, throw that bag out already!

Wouldn't he have smelled a dirty diaper or urine? I guess that is why he just opened the door and tossed, so he would have an excuse for that.

I love food, but not as much as a parent should love their child. I just cannot comprehend.

gross story ahead

One day we were at play group and my toddler son had a nasty bum - it was unexpected so I cleaned him up, double bagged the nappy and we went home. As we were pulling in to our driveway he indicated that he was going to be sick. I grabbed him, rushed inside, he threw up on the floor. I cleaned it up and sat down only to remember the 'parcel' still in the car. It was winter and it still took days for the stink to leave - and it had only been in there for about half an hour.

I can only imagine what that awful guy was inhaling as he drove poor Cooper to the place he enacted the scene.
In 32 years of working in critical care, I have NEVER, not once, had a mother not request to see their child, whether they were hours old to adulthood. NEVER.

There is a sound that mothers make when they learn of their child's death. It is a deep gutteral wail. The sound is so distinct that I could tell when a mother was given the news and I was on the other side of the ER. If you have heard it, you know what I mean. Instantly recognizable. Such profound pain it brings you to tears.

Am I correct in thinking that the detective said that LH showed little to no emotion and no tears upon hearing the news of CH death?
Sorry, the "accidentally" shown photo was from the Jodi Arias case. I was wondering if Harris' picture that he sent to his sexting buddies would be "accidentally" shown in court as well during his trial.

I hope not. Based on his size... I don't think his man bits will be anything worth seeing...

I had to leave right after the hearing so I missed out on all the post-hearing discussions. Have we heard whether LH knew about JRH's sexual deviant side?

I wonder if that photo is flipped and it is his "bad ear" that was damaged by a bottle rocket? We all know it was his right ear by now.....

My mom is deaf in one ear. It really doesn't impact her unless you are trying to whisper in her bad ear. I never thought of her as hearing impaired. His earlobe looks like Jodi Arias's va jay jay
I haven't had time yet. Work got in the way. So did the defense put on witness's today?

Yes, completely ineffective useless witnesses. One guy, Mr. Madden, didn't seem at all believable IMO.
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