CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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My apologies to woodland and to all who are reading for my last
2 posts.
Time for me to take a break from the site. Hope you all will keep
posting to keep the search for Liz alive.
You are a wealth of info eyesonly - hope it's a short break!
My apologies to woodland and to all who are reading for my last
2 posts.
Time for me to take a break from the site. Hope you all will keep
posting to keep the search for Liz alive.

Just have to ask, but if ' aliens' took her body, where do you think they would put it?

On topic - when EB's class ended at 9:00 pm on 19 June, did anyone see her car in the small lot where it had been reported at 6:45 pm, then or soon after? Or was it gone from that location?

While I ordered books that should tell me that, it will be a while before they get here. Tia to anyone that knows.
Ok who am I kidding, breaks over.
What I will do is just try to answer anyone's questions so
They can formulate their own theories.
Dotr, lmao, I believe I said they would take her back to their
Home planet thus no body to be found. Thanks for the question that
really made my day.
Woodland, I am unaware of any sightings of her car in that little lot
After 7pmish.
The public is aware of only so many sightings. The police, I'm sure were
Inundated with hundreds of sightings and we are only privy to a few.
As for her car, the only ones I'm aware of are the ones in the little lot
by 7. The one on the 401, the one at the auto body shop, and the one
Near port perry
There are probably more that could draw a good timeline, would be great
If we could get access to all witness sightings and try to determine a timeline
For ourselves.
Bernardo can never be ruled out and nor can RB or another unknown entity. Imo
Btw Bernardo does have a connection to the port perry area as well as does Eb's brother
There was another witness from port perry area. Owned
the chicken and rib restaurant there at hwy 12 and where
go right to port perry. Said he noticed an anchor like
Keychain in his dumpster as he went to put something in it
and I believe this was the Friday morning, and I also believed
(Will check this more when I get home tonight ) that he noticed
A car similar to eb's parked there with no one in it as far as he could see
early fri morning when he got to his restaurant. He went inside for a bit
And when he came out the car was gone. The keychain he describes
Is much like the one EB had and never found.

And I can't speak to the validity of any witness sighting.
Just letting you all know what they are
It's always funny when under events on Weather Underground they said "rain" or "fog/rain" yet record no precipitation. That's the damnedest rain I've ever seen. lol
I think MP is correct with her statement of seeing her. She did know Liz well enough she would recognize her. I don't doubt that for a second. I also think she is correct with her time. She was giving lessons that night, so she would be confident on the time as well.

The only thing I don't believe is that she is sure who the guy was that was sitting at the picnic table, but I wouldn't necessarily discount the description.
How was that break eyesonly? lol

I don't believe the 401 witness with too many bizarre things happening. And as Woodland said, you'd have to be nuts to pull over on the shoulder of the 401 at the best of time, not just to stop to give someone a piece of your mind. The information had been posted to look out for the car with a picture and the plates displayed prominently. Too easy to see the posting and come up with the sighting.

I also question the sighting at 3r autobody the same night after 8:00 pm. The witness could never describe the car or definitively identify either individual she saw. Plus it's over 50m from the corner to where the car would have been parked. Line of sight is a question I have. Were there cars parked around the car she says she saw the people in? Then how much of the car would you be able to see? There were cars parked there all the time, especially considering it was an auto shop.

Unlike the tennis instructor MP who knew Liz (right down to the fact that most people referred to her as Lisa), the witness on Morrish Rd. could not identify her and the 401 sighting doesn't pass the smell test.
The car at the auto body was parked in front of the office.
It was by itself no cars around it. The witness said she locked
eyes with the young lady as she opened the passenger door and
put her foot out. She identified the young lady she saw as
EB. She saw an arm come across the girls body and pull the door
shut. She heard loud voices and proceeded to cross to the other side of
the street so as to not walk right behind the car. She said when they locked
eyes she didn't get the feeling the girl was in danger, thought it might be
just a lovers quarrel.
The guy on the 401, had just got a new 1990 car, and this
Car he describes came right up on his rear at first and almost hit him.
I guess when he saw her leaning on his shoulder at the end guess it pissed him
off if they were just kids fooling around or arguing and then making up
meanwhile almost running into him.
As for coming forward after the flyer, well that's what most witness's do imo
because no one knows anyone is missing until it's published somehow, other than the family and close friends of course.
The guy does have the bartender person to back up that he did tell them
that story on that night.
People pull over on the shoulder of highway for all kinds of reasons. Hard to discount
him because of that when he has a witness to back up at least the story
he told.
The bartender backs up the fact that this guy told the story of the incident that
same night and at that time, so he didn't just make it up
When the flyers came out
For what all that is worth, just giving you the whole story.
Saw another collection of articles where RB's home was searched and his cars impounded. Guess thats means cars belonging to other family members.

Did RB drive to the park/campus that night - or did he live close enough to walk if he wanted to?
He drove. I lived in same neighbourhood as RB. Too far to
walk for sure. About 15 min drive I'd say if all went well with traffic.
RB car impounded for sure, don't recall any others.
His car was also bugged and not one word was said that
implied his guilt.
Also a girl was wired, old girlfriend I think, will check on exact relationship,
but wired for sometime and again not one word that implied his guilt.
For whatever all that is worth too, just letting you know.
Note, I stated above the auto body witness identified the girl as EB but
I am going to check on that to be sure. She may have just described
the girl and what she was wearing, which was the description of EB that
If she saw the car parked in front of the office at 3r then that would be the opposite side of the road from where the car was found, and since she was coming off the bus at Kingston Rd. that would mean the car would have to be backed in for her to see the passenger door. That would certainly tie in with the car being found backed in on the other side of the road. The thing is, if you were looking for a little privacy, and I don't see any other reason somebody would be parking down that street at 8:00pm, would you park in front of an office with no other car around or across the street in amongst other cars parked? Unless the parking area across from the office was full. And if there was no where to park across from the office then somebody from 3r had to have moved a car that night or her car was driven there and parked after somebody from 3r moved a car when they came in in the morning. Somebody from 3r must have known how many cars were parked across from the office that night, since it wasn't that big of an area to park that many cars. If there was nowhere to park that night, then somebody brought her car back the next morning AFTER the shop was opened and took time to back it in amongst cars then casually walked away to get their own car that must have been parked nearby. That's one cool customer.

Kind of makes me think that the guy who she was with, if the witness is correct, had his car parked across from the office at 3r and whatever happened, he also disposed of Liz's body that night and came back in her car and exchanged it with his prior to 3r opening in the morning. Does anybody know the time of the sighting at Haugens Barbecue in Port Perry and the time that 3r opens?
I agree with your line of thinking Snively on the possible movement of cars at 3r. I tend to think it happened in the wee hours of the morning though - when no witnesses were around - jmo. How clever to use the cover of other parked cars, a common sight 24/7 at that location. Parking on the street is risking an LE patrol car cruising by and wondering what you might be up to - especially in that location after the close of business.

If the blood found in the car on day 3 was fresh, then they would have come and gone at least twice.
yes snively, the driver having his car at the 3R area would be the most plausible reason why her car was found there as well as them in the office lot.
the receptionist at the 3R says she noticed EB's car when she got to work on the wed morning. Not sure exact time, one could assume the office wouldn't open before 7am, prob closer to 8am or even 9am. but i can't see it opening early than 7am, i think that's reasonable for the earliest, what do you think.

here is an excerpt from the book about the blood
" after three years as a crime scene examiner, Rowntree knew blood when he saw it, and the dried red stains on the blue carpet definitely looked like blood. It was enough for him to place a call to the Ontario Provincial Police, which possessed a truck specially designed for transporting vehicles of possible evidential value in criminal cases. The OPP truck ferried such cars within an enclosed space (to guard against exposure to the elements ) and loaded and unloaded them with minimal agitation ( to preserve the original state of the vehicle and its contents ).
With the truck on its way, Rowntree went back to the car and using a pair of scissors, cut a square inch out of the bloodstained floor mat so that the lab could confirm it to be human blood as quickly as possible. Yet, as he lifted the square from the mat, drops of red liquid fell from its lowest corner, and he could see that, underneath the carpeting, the blood had not yet congealed. It was still wet, pooled in a thin layer against the body of the car. "
yes snively, the driver having his car at the 3R area would be the most plausible reason why her car was found there as well as them in the office lot.
the receptionist at the 3R says she noticed EB's car when she got to work on the wed morning. Not sure exact time, one could assume the office wouldn't open before 7am, prob closer to 8am or even 9am. but i can't see it opening early than 7am, i think that's reasonable for the earliest, what do you think.
i will post the witness sighting as stated in the book in the next post. she got off bus stop at kingston road which is south of 3r auto, so she is walking north
and for her to see the passenger side door, the car was pulled into the office lot, facing the building and rear of car facing the street.

here is an excerpt from the book about the blood
" after three years as a crime scene examiner, Rowntree knew blood when he saw it, and the dried red stains on the blue carpet definitely looked like blood. It was enough for him to place a call to the Ontario Provincial Police, which possessed a truck specially designed for transporting vehicles of possible evidential value in criminal cases. The OPP truck ferried such cars within an enclosed space (to guard against exposure to the elements ) and loaded and unloaded them with minimal agitation ( to preserve the original state of the vehicle and its contents ).
With the truck on its way, Rowntree went back to the car and using a pair of scissors, cut a square inch out of the bloodstained floor mat so that the lab could confirm it to be human blood as quickly as possible. Yet, as he lifted the square from the mat, drops of red liquid fell from its lowest corner, and he could see that, underneath the carpeting, the blood had not yet congealed. It was still wet, pooled in a thin layer against the body of the car. "
3R auto sighting as written in the book. i have substituted the name of the witness with the words " the witness "

7:30-8:30 PM: " Hoping to get home in time to catch her favourite television show, " In the Heat of the Night, " starting at nine, the witness, closes up her health-food store and catches the bus heading along Kingston Road. The forty-nine-year-old gets off at he usual stop on Morrish Road. She crosses Kingston Road and walks north along the right edge of Morrish; it has no sidewalks. On the paved drive in front of the Three R Auto Body ( directly across the road from where the car will be found in two and a half days ) she sees a small silver car facing the building. Through the window of the passenger door is a beautiful young woman whom witness later identifies as Elizabeth Bain. Twice, the witness, sees her door open, and Bain begins to step out before a large, tanned male arm seems to reach across her from the drivers side and shut it. There is a thimping noise, along with the man's voice, which is quite loud, almost shouting. Bain's head and shoulders snap forward and back a couple of times during all of this. She turns her head and looks right at the witness, who is tarting to cross over tot he other side of the street. The witness thinks she looks startled to see her, but not terrified. Just a couple of kids fooling around. Once their eyes meet, all of the activity in the car stops. Apart from the impression that the man is Causcasian and that his hair goes over his ears, she notices nothing more about him. The light is falling in such a way that his face is darkened by the shadows. (whoever it is, at this moment, MS, has confidently asserted that RB is, at this moment, pumping iron just a few feet away from him in the gym.) "
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