The Discovery Process

All I gotta say, CNN and Dish better get their act together before this goes to trial or I'm going to be one pissed off person!!! I'm missing my trials because they can't agree on a price!!! Gonna call Dish tomorrow and tell them they are losing a customer! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
All I gotta say, CNN and Dish better get their act together before this goes to trial or I'm going to be one pissed off person!!! I'm missing my trials because they can't agree on a price!!! Gonna call Dish tomorrow and tell them they are losing a customer! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi 2Hope4!! Just got dish yesterday and I was like 'ok, so what happened to CNN??' I view for the same reasons you do and I hope they get it together. I will be calling them too!
Hi 2Hope4!! Just got dish yesterday and I was like 'ok, so what happened to CNN??' I view for the same reasons you do and I hope they get it together. I will be calling them too!

I'm totally pissssssssssssssssed over this. I'm about to downgrade my package if I'm not going to get CNN or HLN.
I'm totally pissssssssssssssssed over this. I'm about to downgrade my package if I'm not going to get CNN or HLN.

When I got DirectTV, I had to decide between Dish or Directv. I luckily chose Directv by chance. I really like it and have DVR + HD receiver. Its kind of expensive but I do like all the channels and the reception on HD channels is remarkable. Even got my local channels as well.

We still have CNN+HLN, although HLN is having money issues and dropped a lot of their court reporting. I think HLN doesnt want to pay travel expenses anymore to have reporters covering trials. Which really stinks. HLN mostly has re-runs of Forensic Files now.

Still get Dr. Drew + Nancy Grace, but JVM was dropped and heard rumors that Nancy's may got dropped but she is still hanging on.

If you do decide to change to Directv, you can PM me so I can get 10$ off my bill by setting up a referral to you. :) LOL Just kidding.
Although I did see a commercial where a lady on DirecTV referred a bunch of people and she gets like 40$ off her bill each month. Kinda nice if you know lots of people you can refer over to their service.

About 6 months or so ago, Directv did have a similar issue with another network (think maybe Turner or something) and they had a little "battle" about money but they luckily resolved it. So I guess these satelite + cable companies all go through that sort of thing from time to time.
They usually work it out, and usually the consumers end up paying for it by higher rates. Surprising that Dish didnt settle with them.
I'm totally pissssssssssssssssed over this. I'm about to downgrade my package if I'm not going to get CNN or HLN.

On my guide screen where CNN is supposed to be, it says turned off by Turner. Wonder if we should also contact them ????? I basically got dish for the commentary on trials that CNN/HLN broadcasted. I definitely feel your frustration.... Going on here too!
Every case after an arrest is like molasses anymore. I'm sure they have a good reason, I guess.

I predict any document released in their cases will be chewed to bits in less than hour or so here.

Call me anxious.
It has been going on too long. We had same situation with one of our local stations a few months ago but it didn't take quite this long for the so-called negotiations to be worked out. I miss HLN and CNN so whenever I am in my car I am ALWAYS tuning to those two stations on my Sirius radio. I consider sitting in my car sometimes just to see if I am missing anything.

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