Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

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I'm getting over a sinus infection and I think you cleaned my sinus' completely out because I laughed so hard I shot snot :alien: on my computer screen. (BTW, you owe me a new one.)

BB & snipped yada yada by me.

Please . . . . we have had enough slime, snot and body parts - do not add to the eternal bog of stench!
In one of the hearings this summer, the name James Aiken was brought up. He's a prison expert. Very good credentials and a highly experienced expert witness, which is a change for this defense team.

If he is the other witness mentioned by Martinez in that hearing trying to figure out how to proceed after the COA stay, then the defense is putting on a very, very narrow case. Possibly one civilian witness from Cali, which I presume to Darryl Brewer again.

Don't know how the defense will handle things now that the COA said no secret witness. With Dr. F, the testimony was atypical of what one would expect of a psychologist testifying during a DP phase.

If Aiken is indeed the witness, this means the defense will not be using their own witness to testify about Arias' PTSD and borderline personality disorder. Strange, strange strategy on their part, because the prosecution experts will discount the PTSD diagnosis by Samuels and Karp.

It may be that Arias refused to have an expert discuss her shortcomings on the stand.

The expert witness of the last several days, Dr. F., is in fact from Cali. I'd forgotten about Aiken! Also, Juan mentioned three witnesses (one from Cali, one we now know is the convict, and the other...?) but also mentioned affadavits. Could Aiken be one who provided an affadavit--maybe the effects of what death row does to a person? It's interesting that you mentioned him.
While reviewing videos from the trial, I came across the video below. Media hearing request to unseal transcripts 20th February. Could anybody tell me if these transcripts been made public? What ever is in these transcripts has clearly shook JA and is shown in the first few minutes of the hearing..... I felt like punching the ipad! Real play acting!!!

Thanks for posting this link, KNT42. I hadn't paid attention to CMJA but you are right about the acting. She is bustin' out some of the moves she used for the murder testimony, just. No fake sobbing. It's hilarious to watch how unconvincing her dramatic posing is. I might have to smash my own iPad :gaah:
BB & snipped yada yada by me.

Please . . . . we have had enough slime, snot and body parts - do not add to the eternal bog of stench!

I believe your tirade should be directed at YESorNO. She's the guilty party. I'm just the poor sap suffering with a sinus infection. HARUMPH! :snooty: I reiterate, HARUMPH! :gaah:
BB & snipped yada yada by me.

Please . . . . we have had enough slime, snot and body parts - do not add to the eternal bog of stench!

Speaking of which, I've been looking at the pics of the convict recently and am reminded of that movie. It's almost as if she is morphing into one of those Henson Labyrinth characters. I am expecting her voice to match her increasingly long face. It is so pathetic, and I feel guilty for feeling that way, but the transformation and my feelings about it are there for some reason.
While reviewing videos from the trial, I came across the video below. Media hearing request to unseal transcripts 20th February. Could anybody tell me if these transcripts been made public? What ever is in these transcripts has clearly shook JA and is shown in the first few minutes of the hearing..... I felt like punching the ipad! Real play acting!!!

Thanks for posting this link, KNT42. I hadn't paid attention to CMJA but you are right about the acting. She is bustin' out some of the moves she used for the murder testimony, just. No fake sobbing. It's hilarious to watch how unconvincing her dramatic posing is. I might have to smash my own iPad :gaah:


At least wait til you get a chance to do it on her noggin. JMO
Speaking of which, I've been looking at the pics of the convict recently and am reminded of that movie. It's almost as if she is morphing into one of those Henson Labyrinth characters. I am expecting her voice to match her increasingly long face. It is so pathetic, and I feel guilty for feeling that way, but the transformation and my feelings about it are there for some reason.


The only thing you should feel guilty about is insulting the characters from Labyrinth. JMO
It may be that Arias refused to have an expert discuss her shortcomings on the stand.

(respectfully snipped)
ITA!!! IMO, the DT has had their hands tied from the get-go by JA's demands. Instead of "show her some mercy because of her mental instability and her remorse," we're back to "TA made me do it." Didn't work the first time (she IS, afterall, convicted of First Degree Murder). Hopefully, with this new jury, the "not my fault, TA deserved it" argument will make a huge sucking sound in the courtroom.
(respectfully snipped)
ITA!!! IMO, the DT has had their hands tied from the get-go by JA's demands. Instead of "show her some mercy because of her mental instability and her remorse," we're back to "TA made me do it." Didn't work the first time (she IS, afterall, convicted of First Degree Murder). Hopefully, with this new jury, the "not my fault, TA deserved it" argument will make a huge sucking sound in the courtroom.


Isn't it T-DOGG made me do it now?
Steely, some kind of "t-dogg" Jekyll/Hyde testimony happened during the last sporadic attempt by the defense. We only discovered it via Twitter, so it wasn't clear. I'm not sure if "t-dogg" was Jekyll or Hyde, but I suspect Hyde.
I think the theme that the DT has prepped their witnesses about is "slime prosecution" First the computer guy calls JM slimey then Dr F says slime highway. I find it odd that both use the same term all by their lonesome.

Not been here for a while as life stuff has taken all my time.
Yeah. "That 'ole T-DOGG pulled me into slime alley and offended my virginal, naive sensitivities." (more snorting of snot, and I don't even have a sinus infection)

Virginal and naive :giggle:
I think the theme that the DT has prepped their witnesses about is "slime prosecution" First the computer guy calls JM slimey then Dr F says slime highway. I find it odd that both use the same term all by their lonesome.

Not been here for a while as life stuff has taken all my time.

For a second there I thought I'd missed something while wiping off my computer screen.
So how long does the COA have to provide their comments to follow?

Nurmi's just going to delay, tantrum, and maybe throw a pen (?) arguing with JSS about how it's so not fair and the defendant's rights to a fair trial trump anyone's right to know what is happening in the stellar, in camera, top secret, superspidey-batcave of the Get Smart door locking Chamber of Secrets!

(how is that for a run-on sentence?)
While reviewing videos from the trial, I came across the video below. Media hearing request to unseal transcripts 20th February. Could anybody tell me if these transcripts been made public? What ever is in these transcripts has clearly shook JA and is shown in the first few minutes of the hearing..... I felt like punching the ipad! Real play acting!!!

I too believe that it's the computer expert as another witness as I think I heard it from Nurmi saying that his witness was still working on the hard drive and wouldn't be available for a few weeks. I will try and find it....

I think this is a clip of day 25, when JM completely broke her down. She had just come off the witness stand. No doubt she is kicking herself for having "lost control" to JM! LOL!
While reviewing videos from the trial, I came across the video below. Media hearing request to unseal transcripts 20th February. Could anybody tell me if these transcripts been made public? What ever is in these transcripts has clearly shook JA and is shown in the first few minutes of the hearing..... I felt like punching the ipad! Real play acting!!!

I too believe that it's the computer expert as another witness as I think I heard it from Nurmi saying that his witness was still working on the hard drive and wouldn't be available for a few weeks. I will try and find it....

BBM - very good question! Let's not let it get buried!
Anyone who knows or can find out?

This might be one of those that an Atty has to answer - (ie: searching docs & decipering legaleze & such).
Question for the board: If Judge Stephens were to write a book after this was over would you read it? Maybe explaining some of her thinking/decisions/personal experience withthis case?
I would. There's a whole lot she knows that we don't. It would be fascinating to read what actually was evolving that we aren't privy to. However, I doubt that she would write a book, since appeals might go on for a while, and I'm sure she'll be circumspect about not leaking confidential matters.
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