Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

I think it probably is not as bad as it appears. My honest opinion.

I would love to tell you some stories about Mark in the 90's, and our going out to clubs, but I think they would add fuel to the fodder, so it's probably best to just leave it at that.

Mark kissed my wife's mother on the cheek after barely knowing her, and I'll just say that Mark is affectionate. In the case of Wayne's new wife, the kiss looks affectionate, and the hand is not overtly over her cup, but just on the side, which probably is just his joking innuendo way.

I would never do that. Wayne would never do that. But Mark is kinda like that, and would not surprise us, too much. The stories of Mark and females are hysterical, and among both guys and girls, find ourselves laughing with tears.

Without a movie cam on that incident, it's hard to tell. Yeah... something almost all of us think of as taboo.

Thank you, Skinner. I try to keep in mind something I read (here) about how a picture is just a single moment in time.
Skinner, do you know what happened between MS and his first fiancée, why they split?
I seriously empathize. I am sure if I were in your position I would be thinking the same thing and trying to hold onto any hope that would bring light and clarity to something so dark and surreal.

It "sounds" like MS maybe helped out CWW. For instance, he rented a place to him, he presumably did not call the cops upon learning of drug stuff happening in his house, he stood by him despite suspicion that he had killed someone they both knew, and he gave him employment after his prison sentence when other companies might not (given that to hire someone in his trade requires a level of trust with private info). Do you think this might have given MS a slight upper hand in the relationship as it stood most recently? From the little we know from the outside, this would make sense. Is it possible that CWW might have felt a loyalty to MS to the point of indebtedness?

Semi-related, although opposite question, some people here have proposed that CWW might have killed or had JR kill TS to somehow punish MS. The seems out of line with anything that we know or have seen. (Though we are outsiders and don't know much!) Is there anything that would lead you to suspect CWW had a secret grudge against MS and would kill his wife for some kind of revenge?

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Unfathomable, to me, that Wayne and Mark are on the outs, with or without insider information.

And how do you know that Mark was ever aware of the police having Wayne as a POI regarding the Bolin guy?
Please ignore if this has been addressed recently. Have you been contacted by LE since you began posting here? I know the idea was mentioned earlier in the thread, but I've been searching and can't find anything more.

No, never. I wrote like 2 months ago that I almost expected a call or knock on my door, but it never came. I think I also wrote that I truly do not believe that LE needs psychological profiles to solve this crime. Trying to "understand" what makes somebody tick, and do things, is more the job of the prosecuting attorney to a jury. But, in my thinking, they are just doing good police work now and gathering facts and evidence.

It's this group, here on WS, that spends most of its time trying to figure out the motive, and psychology of it all.
Skinner, do you know what happened between MS and his first fiancée, why they split?

I never knew her to be a fiancee'. I might have met her once, but do not recall. From what the mother reported to a newspaper, that puts us back at 1991, right? I do remember her name, but not that they were THAT serious. Maybe Mark could jog my memory of things if we talked about it, but I do not recall her being a fiancee'.
Unfathomable, to me, that Wayne and Mark are on the outs, with or without insider information.

And how do you know that Mark was ever aware of the police having Wayne as a POI regarding the Bolin guy?

Thanks. I thought they were close friends at that time and that MS also had ties to the family of RB. So I was presuming that MS would have either known from CWW, himself, that he was under LE's gaze or that MS would have heard from the B family or the community rumor mill, or that MS might have been questioned about CWW's relationship to RB? Do you know if any of these things are true? Sorry in advance if not, but a good opportunity to get clarification!

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Thanks. I thought they were close friends at that time and that MS also had ties to the family of RB. So I was presuming that MS would have either known from CWW, himself, that he was under LE's gaze or that MS would have heard from the B family or the community rumor mill, or that MS might have been questioned about CWW's relationship to RB? Do you know if any of these things are true? Sorry in advance if not, but a good opportunity to get clarification!

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I have zero knowledge on any of the things related to Bolin. I hope that Mark did not know him, because it would make things look worse. Is there anything uncovered on here by WS that shows they did know one another?

My heart does go out to you because my brother went through a similar tragic experience, as you find yourself in now. One of his childhood friends, that he kept in contact with through high school and college, and for years after, was accused of molesting his stepdaughters.

My brother was horrified but then could not believe it was true. He spoke to his friend and was told it was not true. He believed him and I understand why. They were friends for years. Went camping and played sports together. Literally grew up together.

But then as the trial approached, it got real. And lots of very bad things were revealed. It was devastating for my brother to slowly accept what he eventually accepted.

I have no idea if this is what will happen in your situation. But either way, I know this is extremely difficult for you. And so I send you my thoughts and prayers and the hope that you can steel yourself for any possible future revelations. :candle:
I have zero knowledge on any of the things related to Bolin. I hope that Mark did not know him, because it would make things look worse. Is there anything uncovered on here by WS that shows they did know one another?

I do remember hearing or reading that but I would like to go back and relook before confirming. If it was discovered in a way that didn't make it to MSM then it would only count as a rumor. It didn't occur to me that knowing RB would be bad for MS. Is there any reason why MS wouldn't have known someone who was CWW's friend and biz partner at that time in life? Did they not run in the same circles?

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I do remember hearing or reading that but I would like to go back and relook before confirming. If it was discovered in a way that didn't make it to MSM then it would only count as a rumor. It didn't occur to me that knowing RB would be bad for MS. Is there any reason why MS wouldn't have known someone who was CWW's friend and biz partner at that time in life? Did they not run in the same circles?

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I did not get introduced to Wayne until about 1997, give or take a year. So all that side of friendships is not in my knowing.
Thank you, Skinner, for your patience in answering our endless questions. I, for one, find your perspective enlightening. I hope you stick around.
Whoa. Clearly I missed some posts. Welcome back Skinner.
I did not get introduced to Wayne until about 1997, give or take a year. So all that side of friendships is not in my knowing.

Hi Skinner. (I cited the wrong year so deleting that part.

The reason it seems likely that MS would know about RB, about his death and about CWW's potential involvement is that his friendship with RB seemed to be well-known and it was even reported that CWW bragged to his girlfriend at the time about the killing. So it seems his best friend in life might also be privy to these things.

According to posters, MS was living in MO at the time of RB's disappearance.

Unless CWW and MS had some kind of temp falling out and had no contact with each other or mutual acquaintances during that timeframe it seems unlikely the whole CWW/RB relationship and "event" (CWW being the last one to see him before he disappeared, etc.) could have passed MS by without him getting wind of it. Do you think that is possible?

As for the direct tie between MS and the B family, pls disregard. He very well could have known them (I am surmising that he probably did at least know OF RB) but that has not been reported in MSM that I can find.

Sorry to freak you out. Sounds like you think it would be better for MS if he hadn't known about this.

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Skinner, I also want to thank you for your input here. When you talked to Mark, did he give you any reasons for this happening? Not that you would just say it on here, but does he know what happened? As in a reason? If I talked to him, my first question would be "Omg, WTH happened?". TIA
You said back in August that you haven't seen or talked to CWW in 10 years. Is that perhaps why you talk about him so fondly?
Are speaking of the Wayne YOU knew and remembered, because that would make perfect sense to me.

I also wanted to thank you for being here for your friend, I know this can't be easy. I just want you to know that you are appreciated.
You said back in August that you haven't seen or talked to CWW in 10 years. Is that perhaps why you talk about him so fondly?
Are speaking of the Wayne YOU knew and remembered, because that would make perfect sense to me.

I also wanted to thank you for being here for your friend, I know this can't be easy. I just want you to know that you are appreciated.

My wife helped me to realize that our last time meeting with Wayne was 8 years ago. So it was not 10, but 8 years.

Regardless of any of the negative things I might say of Wayne, which almost entirely were heard about from others, the things I have written about on this site are because of how vehemently people are going after him with malice. So I took the time to address those things in particular, and to set the record straight.

Around the time that you became aware of the CWW's drug use (through MS telling you he had to ask CWW to move) do you recall if MS distanced himself from CWW? In other words, do you know if MS's friendship with CWW (at anytime) was on 'pause', or did they stay consistently close friends?

Around the time that you became aware of the CWW's drug use (through MS telling you he had to ask CWW to move) do you recall if MS distanced himself from CWW? In other words, do you know if MS's friendship with CWW (at anytime) was on 'pause', or did they stay consistently close friends?

I have deleted and rewritten this sentence three times already trying to figure out the timing of things. Hmmmmmmmmm

Two things are in my mind. One is that I was not in Missouri for a few years during which time some of the bad behavior news about Wayne was starting to come to my ears. The other was that Mark, and I cannot remember when, but it's perhaps about the same time, had moved permanently to Florida.

So Wayne was still wrapping up my program and finished it in May of 2005, if I recall correctly. I have no reason to think that Mark and Wayne did not remain friends. If there was anything disrupting that, I have no knowledge of it. Mark was married in Florida, Wayne married in Missouri with his kids.
Skinner-I think you area very good man who both MS and CWW must have and still do admire.Is one reason you seem to defend CWW in the work aspect is that he could have taken your idea and used it as his own and did not do that? That would seem he is not greed motivated?
Skinner-I think you area very good man who both MS and CWW must have and still do admire.Is one reason you seem to defend CWW in the work aspect is that he could have taken your idea and used it as his own and did not do that? That would seem he is not greed motivated?

No, not for that reason.

And I don't know that what I am doing is defense, so much as just state truth. For example, if somebody said Wayne had invented the internet, I would have to say, "Uh, wait, hold on a minute", y'see, and so then in that case I would be attacking him? lol

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