TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #2

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LE knows what I know. My guess is he knew Rachel wasn't coming back. There was another girlfriend between wife #1, Debra, and Rachel. She was married, with a toddler - separated from her husband and living at home with mom and dad. Tommy was ready to look at rings after dating for 3 months. She said 'No.' Her parents said 'No Way!'
She was almost 17.
He sounds like a real sleaze. How are the parents of these girls okay with him marrying underage girls? And he married 23 months after Rachel went missing. Did the cops really vet him that closely?

Good question. Answers vary. You'd think they would.
LE knows what I know. My guess is he knew Rachel wasn't coming back. There was another girlfriend between wife #1, Debra, and Rachel. She was married, with a toddler - separated from her husband and living at home with mom and dad. Tommy was ready to look at rings after dating for 3 months. She said 'No.' Her parents said 'No Way!'
She was almost 17.

That is interesting information. Of course, you won't read about that in any of the newspaper articles from over the years. Well, I suppose that is why we have websleuths, the bane of pervs and criminals everywhere. "Almost 17" is still just 16. I'm sort of old school, so I call it like I see it. Where there is smoke there is fire, so I don't think it is a stretch to call this guy at a minimum an ephebophile.
"Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19."
Several. There is ZERO evidence of her involvement. And that one has been beaten to death here on this thread and the previous one. The sister, Debrah, was actually participating in the thread for awhile. She is heartbroken over what happened to her sister. Forget about what you've read on the Missing Trio website. Her brother Rusty was very affected by the disappearance of Rachel and his obsession with the case has left him highly suggestible and therefore susceptible to some very bad theories, which have turned him against other family members. Just one more example of how crime can victimize families decades after the fact. Speculating about the sister is a dead end, and a hurtful one at that. Debrah was a victim too.

Debra has no blood on her hands. She suffered from feeling responsible. But for her, Rachel would not have met her killer? She doesn't "know" anything. She didn't do anything. A light bulb came on over her head - too late.
I've been trying to read from thread one for a few but it's getting late so I will continue tomorrow. Not sure if I'm repeating theories here so bare with me. I believe it was actually discovered that the letter in question was post marked the 24th but didn't arrive for several days after the girls disappeared. The letter written to Thomas instead of Tommy tells me Rachel likely didn't write the letter. IMO the girls had every intention of returning especially having a 9 year old neighbor with them. I am leaning in two directions. First direction- random kidnapping likely occurring when the girls were trying to leave. Possibly van parked by their car waiting for them.
I don't think they would agreeably leave with someone to use drugs having the 9 year old with them. They could have easily taken her home and then left to go meet up with friends.
Second theory is that I have been suspicious of the ex-police/security guard saying he saw the girls in another security guards vehicle. Doesn't seem likely as parents were already there looking for the girls. But it is possible that the other security guard approached the girls saying something like they were suspected of shoplifting and that they needed to come with him. He could have then handcuffed them and placed them in his own vehicle either hiding them or taking them somewhere else.
I'm not really convinced or suspicious of family members having involvement. I think family members are just dis functional and using this case as a way to start drama with each other.
I'm also not convinced that any of the girls are alive and certainly don't think Rachel comes back to town every Christmas. Why would she? Makes no sense to me.
Forgive me for the long post. Just wanted to put my random thought out there and "bump" up the case.
Question 1- was this an outside parking lot or a parking garage?
2- did LE look into the other security guard?
3- was the letter ever tested for DNA?
Sorry if these have already been answered.

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1) parking lot


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Interesting observations on the handwriting on the notes: Look at the various T's. The capital T's in Thomas and Trlica are different on the address and in the note in the word "The." Texas is shown in the address with a lower case t which has a loop, but the lower case t's in the note have no loops. However, the F in Fort Worth in the address is similar to the T in "The" in the note. In the address, many of the letters seem to be fuller or in the case of the "c" in Rachel slightly different. Was there ever a handwriting analysis done and/or made public?
Interesting observations on the handwriting on the notes: Look at the various T's. The capital T's in Thomas and Trlica are different on the address and in the note in the word "The." Texas is shown in the address with a lower case t which has a loop, but the lower case t's in the note have no loops. However, the F in Fort Worth in the address is similar to the T in "The" in the note. In the address, many of the letters seem to be fuller or in the case of the "c" in Rachel slightly different. Was there ever a handwriting analysis done and/or made public?

Majority opinion is: the note was written by one person, the envelope written by a different person. The note was presented without the envelope. The police asked to see it. The envelope was produced hours later. One thing that stands out with this "evidence" is that the paper was folded in a way that would not fit the envelope provided. I would analyze them separately.
Still counting: Update, he has been married at least FIVE times that we are aware of. You wonder if all of the subsequent wives #3, #4, and #5 knew that he had a previous wife that mysteriously disappeared and is presumed to be murdered. I think most reasonable people would decline to be married to somebody with that marital history.To be fair, being married at least 5 times does not make one a murderer. However, it does reflect on your judgment and character, especially when 3 of them were under age teenage girls.

This may be a minor detail, but I wish to point out that the "waiting period" between filing for divorce in Texas, and proving it up in court - even uncontested is 60 days. He filed to divorce Rachel, but didn't waste his time or money to prove it up...he just married #3 as a bigamist.
I've never had anything to contribute here before - I've always just read and checked back hoping for a resolution or hint or some speck of hope. But I HAVE to comment on this.

With everything I read, I expect the next comment to provide some backstory about Thomas Trlica, some explanation of how the authorities looked into him because protocol and all that, he was the husband after all, never mind his odd romantic history and being married to a teenager, and he was cleared because such and such. But there's no explanation of that. Why? No matter how great a guy, or how innocent or concerned seeming, wouldn't he have been looked into (however briefly) because he's her husband, and wouldn't there be some information somewhere citing his alibi? I mean, just to clear that up, so we can move on to more complicated theories- because isn't that the most basic one? What am I missing on this point?

Any light shed would be MUCH appreciated on the subject of how Mr. Trlica was cleared of any involvement. I haven't been able to get past that one question to move on to considering the more complicated theories that have been shared, and I must just be missing some key piece of reading or something.. right?

He has never been cleared. There was some miss-direction initially, but that was quickly cleared up in the minds of LE. One irrefutable piece of physical evidence that is inexplicable will seal his fate. You haven't skipped any reading. It hasn't been published.
I wonder if anyone has ever picked the brain of wife 2, 3, 4, or 5 ? to anyone's knowledge have any of the wives been questioned?
Rachel IS wife #2. Whatever interviews LE has conducted with the others they very wisely, share with no one. I'm curious about wife #1's account. The statement I've seen (c.2000) is bizarre.
Was he arrested when it was found out he committed bigamy? Also, why was the statement of wife number 1 bizarre?
"The statement I've seen (c.2000) is bizarre"

Where can the statement be viewed or what did it say?
(answer#1) I doubt it. It is criminal, but largely pursued in civil court by living ppl that have children or some other interest in attaching assets. He just "moved on." I only realized it from the marriage and divorce records. He filed for divorce from Rachel...didn't follow through. (Why bother?) (answer#2) peculiar in many ways...describes events, with details, that cannot possibly have taken place. puts ppl and actions in the wrong place at the wrong time. even ppl that agree about nothing would agree her account makes no sense. Other things that make no sense; why this account is provided in an e-mail in 2000-ish, why when asked to "authenticate" this account by appearing and "signing" her declaration - she never did. She had no reason to lie. The person in receipt of this tale (I am certain) fabricated anecdotal "evidence" to advance his own theories. Some have appeared in the case file (pre-dating his involvement.) Just can't figure out what he expected to accomplish with this forgery. So, I am curious what her story was in 1974.
"The statement I've seen (c.2000) is bizarre"

Where can the statement be viewed or what did it say?
Sorry, it isn't published. It isn't evidence of anything. It impeaches the person that claims to have received it.
...He filed for divorce from Rachel...didn't follow through. (Why bother?) ...
So did TT file for divorce from Rachel Arnold Trlica before she went missing, during the brief period between when they got married in June 1974 until she disappeared in December 2014?
That would be strange as they were only married 6 months and they were still living together, also with Rachel's older sister Debra. The more I understand about this case, the more my attention moves away from the Debardelebens and Welches of the world, and the focus comes back to somebody the girls knew.
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