FL FL - Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt, 8, Clearwater, 11 Sept 2000

I've been a lurker on here for a year or so but saw this story was on the I.D. channel this past weekend and came on here to see whether there were any updates posted. I feel for what happened to Zachary and like others have stated something does not add up with the mom. I also ran across an older article with more info. The article is listed here for anyone interested. http://www.sptimes.com/News/092800/news_pf/TampaBay/Police__Boy_s_mother_.shtml
Just finished the disappeared episode for Zack. What a cute kid. I am wondering when the last verified sighting of Zack by anyone other than his mother was. Not saying she was involved for sure cause anything could have happened, especially after the kidnapping in the same apartment complex a year or so later. If you look at it from a perspective of not believing the timeline his mother gave, something tragic could have happened to him hours before his mother claimed to go swimming and her car being seen either leaving or returning could have been her opportunity to get rid of the body and then the swim and shower to get rid of dirt/evidence. Does anyone know if the police had any solid evidence of her car being seen anywhere or a solid timeline when it was seen?
Unfortunately, I think only one person knows what truly happens and unless that someone finally caves in and talks, I don't think they'll ever solve this crime. I do believe he's deceased, but I'm not sure that it was intentional. It's possible that his death was accidental.
Something is so off about the mom. I don't like to point fingers at family members, but the whole "I don't know why I was swimming" response baffles me, also going swimming at 4 a.m. and leaving the door open IN her clothes (who does that?!). My whole thought process during that was "gee, I wish my apartment complex had the pool open then!" Ours is only open 10-10 in the summer, but that's probably irrelevant. There's probably a reason our complex has a gate around it, too. The theory on an earlier page of her finding him in the pool and covering it up sent a shiver down my spine.

I think something else happened that night that she's not telling. When she was showing detectives around the apartment after she moved out, she was very adamant and defensive about being in her chat room because she had nothing else to do. I'd be curious to see if they ever tried to verify she was actually in a chat room - the chat would have had logs at the time of who visited it during the time frame she claimed she was in it.
Thank you for bumping. I just saw his story on Facebook and read the article. This is extremely heartbreaking and unfortunately, it does not sound like he'll ever be found. Shame on the one person who was supposed to love and protect him. Pardon me while I hug and kiss my grandsons. I'm so sad.
He's been missing since 2000, making him the longest-running Amber Alert in the state
He's been missing since 2000, making him the longest-running Amber Alert in the state
Zachary Bernhardt was just 8 years old when he vanished. Now, he'd be 28.
February 13, 2020
CLEARWATER, Fla. — It’s almost been 20 years since Zachary Bernhardt disappeared and his family started fighting for his safe return. [...]

MEPIC :: Alert Results
Florida Missing Person Flyer


His photo has been age progressed to 23 years old.
A rather lengthy article describing Zachary and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. I copied over a section that includes interesting details on Zachary's neighbor, Kevin Jalbert, who is a POI.


May 23, 2018

Zachary Bernhardt was a child when he went missing without a trace in 2000. Almost two decades later, his unsolved disappearance continues to hold national attention.

About a year ago, Zachary Bernhardt’s cold case was re-explored in the Investigation Discovery show, Disappeared. Bernhardt went missing in 2000, never to be found again. The ID show sheds new light on his case, including his mother’s possible role in his disappearance. Here’s an update in Zachary Bernhardt’s case in 2018.
  • Who Is Zachary Bernhardt?
  • The Disappearance of Zachary Bernhardt
  • Suspicions on the Mother
  • Another Person of Interest
Investigators found a lead in Zachary Bernhardt’s disappearance when the boy’s neighbor, Kevin Jalbert, became a person of interest. Jalbert allegedly bragged to an acquaintance that he was a child murderer, and was on the prowl for his next victim in 2001.

After detectives heard about Jalbert’s comments, they began following his movements. Police set a meeting between Jalbert and an undercover officer. Jalbert reportedly tried to solicit the officer for assistance in a child abduction, rape, and murder.

A search of his home revealed stashes of child *advertiser censored* on his computer. Detectives even found bleach in his car, which he claimed to use to wipe out DNA evidence of his victims.

Though Jalbert looked like a credible suspect in Zachary’s disappearance, police didn’t find any evidence to support it. He claimed to have kidnapped a boy from the same apartment complex where Zachary lived with his mother. But he pointed at the wrong home, and gave an inaccurate description of Zachary’s clothes.

His sister said that Jalbert is a chronic liar who exaggerates to receive attention. He claimed that he abducted and raped 1,000 children, and killed five. However, Jalbert denied abducting Zachary Bernhardt. He failed a polygraph test doing so, which didn’t rule him out as a suspect.

Now 59 years old, Jalbert is a registered sex offender in Florida. Though there’s no physical evidence connecting him to Bernhardt’s disappearance, he was arrested in connection to his meeting with the undercover officer. He is currently serving a 40-year sentence behind bars.

  • Leads Running Out
came here after watching the Disappeared episode. it hinted a bit at mom's allegedly wild lifestyle, use of alcohol, and financial troubles, but seemed to actively avoid interviews with family members who believe she is responsible/some of the more sordid allegations. here is an older article with more info about mom's background: Police: Boy's mother knows more. curious that much of this information was left out of the episode.
I watched Dissapeared on Hulu about Zachary. People do weird things, so I cannot entirely say the mom is guilty.
However, moving away and not staying to find her son does raise red flags. I wondered were the garbage dumpsters looked into, in and near the apartment. Who were the witnesses that saw her coming and going in her car in the early morning hours and were they checked out as well.
Search continues 20 years after 8-year-old Clearwater boy's disappearance
Search continues 20 years after 8-year-old Clearwater boy's disappearance I commented on their fb story with a link to this thread and the Disappeared episode info. The news story does not really do justice for him. There is so much info missing, like she didn't get get away for a while she said she went swimming with her clothes on and then walked right by the bed where he was sleeping and didn't notice that he wasn't there until after she showered. Along with a witness saying she drove somewhere.
Sept 14 2020
Missing Children's Day: Clearwater PD Shed Light on Decades Old Cold Case
''CLEARWATER, Fla. — It's Florida Missing Children's Day, and Clearwater Police are using the remembrance to shed light on a cold case that dates back 20 years.

What You Need To Know
  • 8-year-old Zachary Bernhardt was reported missing from his home on Sept. 11, 2000

    • Police say his mom went for an early morning walk and returned to find her son missing

    • Clearwater Police are using Florida Missing Children's Day to shed light on the cold case''
    ''On Friday, Police met Zachary's family at the Drew Street apartment complex to raise awareness of the cold case with hopes that the attention will lead to new evidence or someone that may come forward with information.

    "Just to keep his face out there. Their photograph is what brings them home," said Zachary's Aunt Billie-Jo Jimenez. "I want people to realize that, you know, in Walmart and when you go into the post office and these fliers are there, look at these kids, you know what I'm saying? His picture is what's going to bring him home."

    460,000 kids are reported missing every year in the United States.

    If you have information about any lost or exploited children, contact your local police or visit the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children.''
After listening to the episode by Trace Evidence released a few years back, I am convinced that Leah knows exactly what happened to her son. It just seems so unlikely that a child abductor would just so happen to be in the area, strike at such an hour, and make such a risky move, not knowing if the child was inside the home or if any adults were present. I am convinced that three scenarios are most likely.

1) Zachary died accidentally in the house and Leah panicked and hid his body somewhere authorities have never found. While I understand that people often stage disappearances when there is an accidental death, I never fully understood the motive of doing this. Forensics should be able to prove if the death truly was accidental. I would much rather live with the fact that I accidentally caused the death of a loved one and come clean about it, rather than stage a disappearance and waste police resources, all while dealing with the guilt of what happened internally.

2) Leah murdered Zachary. I can't find any clear motive as to why she would do this. It could be that the murder wasn't premeditated, and Zachary did something to send Leah into a fit of rage.

3) Leah gave Zachary to someone else, possibly because she simply didn't want to raise a child anymore, especially being as young a mother as she was. While this scenario is unlikely, I truly hope that this is the case and Zachary is living with someone who is taking good care of him.
This case sticks with me. Leah was on the edge of eviction, again. She states “I made him his favorite meal”, why? It wasn’t a special occasion and she didn’t have a lot of disposable income.
She went swimming in her clothes when she was very clearly at her apartment and simply could have changed.
She up and moves to Hawaii. Now she can’t afford to live in Florida , constantly moving and many evictions, how does she afford a cross country move and afford to live in Hawaii?
She had already lost custody of one child , what did she do to Zachary?
No disrespect to the family but I believe that first trip to the garbage , which was heavy that she needed to drive , was getting rid of Zachary , which is why she jumped in the pool to get rid of any evidence on her....
did the police look into her finances? Was a large sum of money deposited before she moved to Hawaii?
Little Zachary is not forgotten.
zachary_michael-cole_bernhardt_2.jpg zachary_michael-cole_bernhardt_3.jpg zachary_michael-cole_bernhardt_4.jpg zachary_michael-cole_bernhardt_5.jpg zachary_michael-cole_bernhardt_1.jpg
Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt – The Charley Project

Details of Disappearance
Zachary was living with his mother, Leah Hackett, in the 2600 block of Drew Street in Clearwater, Florida at the time of his disappearance. Hackett told authorities she had insomnia during the early morning hours of September 11, 2000. She stated that she left the apartment she shared with her son in Clearwater, Florida at approximately 2:00 a.m. and took a short swim and a walk around the area.

Zachary was asleep when she left. Hackett said that he had disappeared from their residence by the time she returned home. He has never been seen again. Accounts as to when Hackett discovered him missing differ; some state that she was out of their apartment only fifteen minutes, others that she was gone as long as two hours.

Early on in the investigation, authorities stated they thought Hackett knew more about her son's disappearance than she had disclosed. She frequently changed residences and was facing eviction from her apartment at the time of Zachary's disappearance. Hackett maintained her innocence in her son's case.

She now lives in Hawaii and has changed her last name to Hanson. Zachary's father was never involved in his life and has not been called a suspect in his disappearance.

An extensive search of the area produced no evidence as to Zachary's whereabouts. Authorities believe he disappeared under suspicious circumstances.

Kevin Jalbert, who resides near Zachary's home, told an acquaintance that he was a child murderer and was prepared to find another victim in early 2001.
Authorities learned about Jalbert's comments and began tracking his movements. He attempted to solicit an undercover officer for assistance in a child abduction, rape and murder in September 2001. He was arrested shortly afterwards and later sentenced to forty years in prison.
Jalbert claims he has abducted and raped 1,000 children and killed five. His sister said he is a chronic liar and exaggerates to receive attention. He led the undercover police officer to Zachary's apartment building and said he had kidnapped a child from there, but he pointed out the wrong apartment and also described Zachary's clothing incorrectly. DNA samples from Jalbert also did not match available evidence in Zachary's case. Jalbert denied having abducted the boy, but then he failed a polygraph about his possible involvement in the case.
Investigators found child *advertiser censored* Web sites on Jalbert's home computer. It was determined that he visited a nearby landfill approximately two weeks after Zachary's disappearance. Jalbert had also been considered a suspect in a child abuse case in Florida some time prior to 2000. He was never charged in connection with the unrelated case. Authorities stated they've been unable to rule him out as a suspect in Zachary's disappearance.

In January 2002, a five-year-old boy was kidnapped from the same apartment complex Zachary disappeared from. The boy said his abductor lured him into a vehicle with the promise of ice cream, and drove around with him for ten hours. The boy was left alive in a trash bin in Bushnell, Florida and he was rescued by a passing motorist. He may have been sexually assaulted.
Investigators looked into the possibility that the 2002 kidnapping and the Bernhardt case were connected, but they found no evidence to support this. The 2002 kidnapping remains unsolved.

Zachary is described as an intelligent and cheerful child who excelled in school, where he was a third-grader. His disappearance remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency
Clearwater Police Department 727-562-4422

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