KY KY - Jan Niesel, 33, Ashland, 12 Aug 1974

Nina Michigan

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Jan (Haban) Niesel was a 33 year old mother of four children, her husband, William, owned (or perhaps ran) the local Volkswagen dealership.

Jan and her son, John (12?) were finished shopping at Wollco when they were approached by a "man in white" in the parking lot. He made Jan drive to a wooded area then had the two exit the car and walk into the woods where the assailant kicked John in the head, then grabbed Jan around the waist and cut her throat.

John was able to get away and request help from workman in the area. The killer took Jan's purse, which contained $60-80 in cash.

The murder weapon, a boning knife, was not recovered, but the receipt and packaging of the item were found at the scene.

A man was arrested and tried for her murder, he was a painter living in the area who relocated to Washington State in the days after the murder. He was located and brought back, but acquitted.

Topix on the crime
I lived in Ashland, KY at the time when this happened. It was horrendous at the time, but it (like everything else over time) just died down and went away. It has been said that the real killer was acquitted. So this case has been closed, from what I understand. I edited this because all I ever heard was rumors. I have since rethought what I believed at the time. I didn't know the Niesels. Such a sad case though.

There was another murder (actually two teenagers) a few years before this who were killed on Skyline Drive in Ashland. I have tried to find out information on that case, but I believe some boys/men were found guilty in that case and were slapped on the wrist and got out soon thereafter. Her name was Brenda and her boyfriend's name was Don. One of their killers had a crush on Brenda, I believe. She was a beautiful girl and was a senior in high school, I think.
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I was very young at the time this murder occurred, but remember hearing enough about it that it really scared me. I know there was always speculation that her husband was involved but it was never proven. Rumor had it that she had the money in her name, but he was having an affair. At the time of the murder, he had a two-year old son, Jared, with Dreema Bird. Jared died in Ohio in 2012 at the age of 40. The obituary lists his parents as Bill and Dreema Niesel.

A man named Victor Lee Davies was extradicted from the Northwest (Oregon?, Washington?) and tried for the murder but was acquitted. I believe he left town after the trial. The Niesel family left town soon after and moved back to the Cincinnati area. I am curious if anyone remembers attending the trial or has ever reviewed the trial transcripts. With DNA evidence so prevalent today, you would think that someone would re-examine this case.
I was very young at the time this murder occurred, but remember hearing enough about it that it really scared me. I know there was always speculation that her husband was involved but it was never proven. Rumor had it that she had the money in her name, but he was having an affair. At the time of the murder, he had a two-year old son, Jared, with Dreema Bird. Jared died in Ohio in 2012 at the age of 40. The obituary lists his parents as Bill and Dreema Niesel.

A man named Victor Lee Davies was extradicted from the Northwest (Oregon?, Washington?) and tried for the murder but was acquitted. I believe he left town after the trial. The Niesel family left town soon after and moved back to the Cincinnati area. I am curious if anyone remembers attending the trial or has ever reviewed the trial transcripts. With DNA evidence so prevalent today, you would think that someone would re-examine this case.
I foi this case. I recently moved to Ashland, so I am fascinated by local crime.

FindACase™ | Rice v. Commonwealth of Kentucky
I was led to believe some years ago that a man named Rocky Greene was the man who killed Jan. It was truly frightening at the time. My hubby wouldnt let me go anywhere alone.

I lived in Ashland, KY at the time when this happened. It was horrendous at the time, but it (like everything else over time) just died down and went away. It has been said that the real killer was acquitted. So this case has been closed, from what I understand. I edited this because all I ever heard was rumors. I have since rethought what I believed at the time. I didn't know the Niesels. Such a sad case though.

There was another murder (actually two teenagers) a few years before this who were killed on Skyline Drive in Ashland. I have tried to find out information on that case, but I believe some boys/men were found guilty in that case and were slapped on the wrist and got out soon thereafter. Her name was Brenda and her boyfriend's name was Don. One of their killers had a crush on Brenda, I believe. She was a beautiful girl and was a senior in high school, I think.
I'm her daughter
I was very young at the time this murder occurred, but remember hearing enough about it that it really scared me. I know there was always speculation that her husband was involved but it was never proven. Rumor had it that she had the money in her name, but he was having an affair. At the time of the murder, he had a two-year old son, Jared, with Dreema Bird. Jared died in Ohio in 2012 at the age of 40. The obituary lists his parents as Bill and Dreema Niesel.

A man named Victor Lee Davies was extradicted from the Northwest (Oregon?, Washington?) and tried for the murder but was acquitted. I believe he left town after the trial. The Niesel family left town soon after and moved back to the Cincinnati area. I am curious if anyone remembers attending the trial or has ever reviewed the trial transcripts. With DNA evidence so prevalent today, you would think that someone would re-examine this case.
We adopted Jared
I’m very sorry about what happened to your mother. Affected our entire town deeply. Still does for those of us old enough to remember. Hope God has blessed you
Agree. Obviously wouldn’t be CODIS, but the point is well-taken. FBI likely still has prints from knife package but would’ve been prior to the IAFIS system existence. Hard to imagine a man who commits such a heinous crime would never have been arrested prior or since so would be interesting to see if his prints exist in a local jurisdiction system. Would be a lot of work, but to get a copy of the prints and start that process may be the only shot at solving this…short of a deathbed confession.
I'm her daughter

Have you considered contacting the FBI and trying to 're-invigorate' this case? I am not an expert, but it's possible this has just gotten pushed down in their stack of 'things to do' (personnel changes and the passage of time can do that) and it may have gotten overlooked as far as applying new methods (databases and technology). It MAY be a case of 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease.'

If the FBI seems uncooperative, you might try some politician (mayor, state rep, or US congressperson) - they usually offer to 'help citizens' in one manner or another. Also local TV might help motivate whoever 'has' the case now.
Have you considered contacting the FBI and trying to 're-invigorate' this case? I am not an expert, but it's possible this has just gotten pushed down in their stack of 'things to do' (personnel changes and the passage of time can do that) and it may have gotten overlooked as far as applying new methods (databases and technology). It MAY be a case of 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease.'

If the FBI seems uncooperative, you might try some politician (mayor, state rep, or US congressperson) - they usually offer to 'help citizens' in one manner or another. Also local TV might help motivate whoever 'has' the case now.

I’ve contacted local law enforcement. They have no desire to pursue further. As far as they’re concerned it’s case closed. They feel Victor Lee Davies was the perp but was acquitted so no further investigation was done. All the evidence (other than prints of Davies’) was purged which is such a shame given new forensic techniques. So the prints would be all that’s left. Honestly with potential suspects still living, I would be nervous about contacting anyone other than anonymously.
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I’ve contacted local law enforcement. They have no desire to pursue further. As far as they’re concerned it’s case closed. They feel Victor Lee Davies was the perp but was acquitted so no further investigation was done. All the evidence (other than prints of Davies’) was purged which is such a shame given new forensic techniques. So the prints would be all that’s left. Honestly with potential suspects still living, I would be nervous about contacting anyone other than anonymously.

Thanks for responding -- I just wonder if their 'practices' would mean a different answer if the request came from a close relative (spouse/child) -- but to be honest, I am clueless!
Thanks for responding -- I just wonder if their 'practices' would mean a different answer if the request came from a close relative (spouse/child) -- but to be honest, I am clueless!
I absolutely agree! I definitely feel her family, specifically child/children, would need to apply pressure to make something happen. I’m really not sure why that hasn’t happened or maybe there’s been more behind the scenes than we know. If it were my mother, I would be exhausting every avenue to get this solved.

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