Madeleine McCann: German Prisoner Identified as Suspect, #40

A man walking in the opposite direction. Perhaps it wasn’t JT but the actual abductor who thought he would do a few laps of PDL to get his steps up for fitness purposes before disappearing with her!

(This is a joke btw)
A really hilarious one, thanks for sharing. Fact is, a man called Dr Totman came forward and his description closely matched that of Tannerman proving JT did actually see somebody at around the time she said she did. She didn’t make it up! Now, how do you suppose that could be?
@ Frank - Cole
My thoughts are it would be stupid beyond belief to lurk around a property in daylight that you intended to rob .
Do you also think a criminal would be stupid to walk near a busy beach naked & assault somebody with many people close by, with the only means of escape being climbing a cliff naked?

Do you also think a criminal would be stupid to make comments about abducting MM in pub full of people?
Do you also think a criminal would be stupid to walk near a busy beach naked & assault somebody with many people close by, with the only means of escape being climbing a cliff naked?

Do you also think a criminal would be stupid to make comments about abducting MM in pub full of people?
Fair points except, we know CB is a fantasist so he's likely to do the kind of things you've mentioned . Add to those the allegations he wore a mask and wielded a sword during an attack.
Being seen in daylight lurking around properties is not in the realms of that kind of behaviour,in my opinion .
I’m afraid that’s just not possible in the context of your previous posting history. “Corrupting” and “collusion” are the correct words only in your opinion.
Except it’s not an opinion, it’s a fact: the tapas group colluded on the timeline, thereby corrupting their police statements. There is no reason for you to argue this, unless you are trying to drive a misleading agenda.
Is this an approved news source? I don’t see any direct quote from the PJ - how was this apology denial actually communicated to the world? Via an unnamed source, an official press statement or what?
I have already said the news was communicated via Portuguese television and in BNN - Breaking
,which reports breaking news around the world .
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That’s what people who can’t appreciate that other people have different opinions to them say. It’s terribly self-serving and narrow minded, IMO.

I don’t see anyone with a different view to you calling you a conspiracy theorist or a gossip. Yet both could be attributed to you based on your biased view of the available information.

Grow up for goodness sake.
I have think conspiracy gossip clubs serve that very purpose. chatter about the T9 & statements has no relevance to CB or the 3 investigations against him. In my opinion the case has moved well beyond any of that stuff. This case is now being run under the rational eyes of sensible professionals.
Except it’s not an opinion, it’s a fact: the tapas group colluded on the timeline, thereby corrupting their police statements. There is no reason for you to argue this, unless you are trying to drive a misleading agenda.
I don’t believe it is me doing the misleading around here, nor indeed the libelling
collusion - secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
I have already said the news was communicated via Portuguese television and in BNN - Breaking
,which reports breaking news around the world .
There is no mention of a lack of apology in the official statement by the PJ on the matter so I tend to think this bit of “breaking news” was unreliable at best.
Fair points except, we know CB is a fantasist so he's likely to do the kind of things you've mentioned . Add to those the allegations he wore a mask and wielded a sword during an attack.
Being seen in daylight lurking around properties is not in the realms of that kind of behaviour,in my opinion .
Thanks. I disagree. A cautious sexual offender doesn’t sit in a children’s play park & try to commit an assault with dozens of adults close by. A lot of this comes down to lighting. If it’s bright & light he can see more & more can see him.
There is no mention of a lack of apology in the official statement by the PJ on the matter so I tend to think this bit of “breaking news” was unreliable at best.
There was the inevitable rush to fight this news & run a counter narrative. There was alot of reaching & the closest I’ve seen is a case specific comment that doesn’t mention an apology. It also doesn’t mention that the detectives have ear lobes. So now we’re left with no apology & unfortunate detectives with no earlobes.

IMO the PJ would have publicly refuted the story if they didn’t apologise. Happy to be proven wrong with a verbatim quotation
There was the inevitable rush to fight this news & run a counter narrative. There was alot of reaching & the closest I’ve seen is a case specific comment that doesn’t mention an apology. It also doesn’t mention that the detectives have ear lobes. So now we’re left with no apology & unfortunate detectives with no earlobes.

IMO the PJ would have publicly refuted the story if they didn’t apologise. Happy to be proven wrong with a verbatim quotation
How about a verbatim quotation from the PJ, we could go around in circles.
Fair points except, we know CB is a fantasist so he's likely to do the kind of things you've mentioned . Add to those the allegations he wore a mask and wielded a sword during an attack.
Being seen in daylight lurking around properties is not in the realms of that kind of behaviour,in my opinion .
If he were disguised at night...
If he were disguised at night...
As what?, unless there's a witness who described CB operating incognito and a indepentent witness describing a person of the night wearing the same then it means nothing.
Will do, apologies I didn’t do so before. The primary motive of the offender is something I’ve changed my mind on numerous times over the years, including before CB was identified as the sole prime suspect. For obvious reasons I’ve always considered stranger abduction to be the only plausible scenario. It doesn’t surprise me that the Germans say it was, but it is devastating that the perpetrator was the worst of the worst.

It’s a hard one to judge because CB was a prolific burglar who has a history of assaulting children, including children that he doesn’t know.

I think the primary motive would have influenced his behaviour after the abduction. The re-registering of the car perhaps indicates that he was trying to cover his tracks quickly because the Jaguar has significance to the crime. Perhaps if the crime was premeditated re-registering his car would have been before the fact & not after the fact.

IMO his visibility in the area may suggest he wasn’t lurking with the intention to commit a major crime. Perhaps he’d have been far less obvious.

The previous OC intrusions with the window & shutter being opened is identical to what happened in 5a. Same MO, same area, same time, same pattern. Very unlikely to not be the same offender. I think his ‘day job’ was to lurk around multiple complexes in that region, waiting for the opportunity to steal.

A week before, Pamela Fenn from the apartment above, caught a man in the act & watched him flee out of an opened window.

Even as I write this I’m not 100%. 80/20 I’d say.

It may well be that whilst lurking his objective was looking for opportunities to steal & at some point that week the crime became premeditated. He comitted other intrusions-sexual offences specifically when major football matches were on. The night of the abduction the European cup Semi-final was being played. That said he was also known to target these times to steal. The 28 unsolved (shocker) incidents of a man breaking into young girls bedrooms may well have been CB. If so it’s also possible the motive was terrifying.

What are your thoughts?
Thanks for taking the time to share and detail your view.

Totally agree in regards to previous OC intrusions and same pattern (window), and definitely when you write at some point that week the crime became premeditated. Exactly my thoughts.
Very good point, the re-registering of the car. I do not recall the details, but even if the abduction was premeditated that week, would this make the re-registering so unlikely to occur on the day after? Also unlikely but could it be related with the phone call? Too much complex looking to CB's profile...
I initially tought re-registering could serve more as a tentative alibi(?!) of not being where he was.
If Jaguar had significance to the crime, how? To distract from the typical "hippy bus" and used for the disposal of the injured party?
Just speculative notes...I don't recall if some might not even be possible anymore considering some known facts.
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As what?, unless there's a witness who described CB operating incognito and a indepentent witness describing a person of the night wearing the same then it means nothing.
I was commenting on the fact that he "casually allowed" himself to be seen during the day and had some sort of disguise at night to be "incognito". But unlikely IMO (although the wigs...). In fact I agree with frank's view in previous page.
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Why is it considered anti McCann, the thread is solely about CB and his link to according to the BKA, murder of MM, unless you consider doubts on the BKA to be anti McCann ,what ever that is.
These are my thoughts precisely.

Given all the incorrect reporting, sensational breakthroughs, bending of the truth, backside covering, spin doctoring etc. in this case, being sceptical and trying to state actual facts is important.

Doing this and remaining sceptical of the BKA investigation is natural, IMO.

Being labeled an anti-McCann conspiracy theorist and being derided as such is a low position to take but perhaps the only one available to people who earnestly believe the BKA are correct and everyone else in this sorry matter are beyond suspicion.

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