UK- London Nine injured in suspected acid attack, children among injured 01/31/24

He's last spotted in the area I live and we have thousands and thousands of CCTV cameras everywhere, inc facial recognition, so I can't imagine how the authorities don't know exactly where he went.
It's possible that the facial rec won't work without a clear image of his new injury which might distort one side of his features.

Though obviously, it would make him more recognisable to the public and anyone watching the CCTV.

While the majority of cameras are private so suffer from fragmentation when it comes to time sensitive CCTV reviews. You would think with how sensational the incident is and how recognisable he is, if he was in public he'd be reported. Can only imagine he's either gone to ground, someone is hiding him, or he's offed himself.
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Observe. To be fair my husband and I are utterly aghast that he hasn't been found yet and we were just chatting that whether the delay in releasing his picture may play a part on this. To any medical folk on here, with an injury like he has surely it would not be unreasonable to suggest that medically he is not going to be in a good state by now and possibly if sepsis has taken over this wound I might imagine he would be in pretty serious trouble by now.
It's possible that the facial rec won't work without a clear image of his new injury which takes up a large area.

Though obviously, it would make him more recognisable to the public and anyone watching the CCTV.

While the majority of cameras are private so suffer from fragmentation when it comes to time sensitive CCTV reviews. You would think with how sensational the incident is and how recognisable he is ATM, if he was in public he'd be reported. Can only imagine he's either gone to ground, someone is hiding him, or he's offed himself.

He was in public, he was in Kings Cross station which believe me when I say has tens of thousands of cameras managed by all types of transport police and regular police - at 16:50 today - looking highly recognisable and extremely distinctive with no attempt to disguise self. Apparently was not far from there last night, a stones throw in Caledonian Road. So... hasn't gone far in the space of a day.
If his injury is mostly bruising from the fall, I don't think it would affect facial recognition very much. But it should also mostly be gone after a few days, so anyone hoping to identify him by that injury might be out of luck.
My thought was that he fell because his vision had been affected during the attack - but it’s possible he fell in the rush to get away.
My thought was that he fell because his vision had been affected during the attack - but it’s possible he fell in the rush to get away.
I agree with you. The way he has been shown running and falling flat on his face, to me he looks in shock and disoriented. I believe his injury is from the substance he threw at the victims.

He deserves no treatment.

I am dismayed how he still has not been found, so the less I say the better, the only positive thing being that the longer it takes to find him the longer it will be for him to start receiving treatment.
Could he be hiding in an area where other undocumented people live?
They may not be following the news, he may be covered up, or claim he was hurt by authorities and they might be less than keen to call LE.
Would he hide in a religious building?
speculation, imo,

Now his younger brother Sebaghallah Ezedi, 22, has urged him to give himself up to police.

The home of Sebaghallah in east London was raided by specialist Met Police officers in the early hours of Friday morning.
My thought was that he fell because his vision had been affected during the attack - but it’s possible he fell in the rush to get away.

You may be correct. I admit it's difficult to tell how he's feeling from a few still images, but to me he doesn't seem to be in as much pain as I'd expect from caustic burns to the eye/face. Those types of burn are agonising, and they continue burning unless you irrigate them thoroughly.
You may be correct. I admit it's difficult to tell how he's feeling from a few still images, but to me he doesn't seem to be in as much pain as I'd expect from caustic burns to the eye/face. Those types of burn are agonising, and they continue burning unless you irrigate them thoroughly.
Not to mention the high likelihood of sepsis kicking in. That’s fatal.

How quickly do bruises that deep come up? The images of him on the underground were half an hour after the attack.

You really cannot tell for certain with images this grainy, but it seems an odd shape for a bruise. The original CCTV image sort of looks like there are 'drip' marks running down his cheek. Though as mentioned before, if that happened due to being hit with the same liquid during the attack he would most likely be in agonising pain less than an hour later.

Even if he found a source of water to continually irrigate it. Considering the minimum is 20 mins of flowing water before extensive treatment at hospital (with a lot more irrigation.) I can't see when he had the time to do even the basic first aid advice. It would be eating through his face as he strolled about.

His wrist also looks kind of dark and red. Possibly from throwing his arm up to block his face? Could be a tattoo though.

I find it very difficult to believe the police have not been able to trace his journey after being seen at the station.

I am sure the police would have been able to look at enhanced cctv images and with medical experts work out the probable cause of his injuries.
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I find it very difficult to believe the police have not been able to trace his journey after being seen at the station.

I am sure the police would have been able to look at enhanced cctv images and with medical experts worked out the probable cause of his injuries.

Of course they must know exactly what's going on. They're holding back on info and acting IMO because they're reticent, for whatever reason.

They didn't waste any time executing the very innocent Jean Charles de Menezes in the middle of a busy tube train so if they wanted to act swiftly and harshly, they sure could, they've got the skills, the info, and the resources. JMO MOO
Of course they must know exactly what's going on. They're holding back on info and acting IMO because they're reticent, for whatever reason.

They didn't waste any time executing the very innocent Jean Charles de Menezes in the middle of a busy tube train so if they wanted to act swiftly and harshly, they sure could, they've got the skills, the info, and the resources. JMO MOO
I agree. They could track his every move on the underground and around London.

They have also not mentioned what his relationship is with the injured woman and children.

So what is making them so reticent to give out accurate information?

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