AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024

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I was thinking just the same. It strikes me as odd LE would even try to pass it off as just covering their bases.
I can’t think of a case where there wasn’t strong evidence that prompted such a search.

Every single one has had a confession, witness statement, or surveillance video of a body being put in a dumpster.

It’s possible that it’s really the most logical possibility, considering the timing of trash day and no sign of him leaving the house at all. But they’re looking for a body and believe he’s there. It’s not due diligence.

It’s a very big deal.
I can’t think of a case where there wasn’t strong evidence that prompted such a search.

Every single one has had a confession, witness statement, or surveillance video of a body being put in a dumpster.

It’s possible that it’s really the most logical possibility, considering the timing of trash day and no sign of him leaving the house at all. But they’re looking for a body and believe he’s there. It’s not due diligence.

It’s a very big deal.
I’m thinking they found something on someone’s house cam or someone saw something that didn’t match their timeline and went to LE. Agree I believe LE knows something.
Sebastian’s mother and stepfather did not want to show their faces for this interview because they said they were too emotional.
“I can’t put words to how hard this has been and how much it hurts not knowing where my son is,” Katie Proudfoot said.
“When I told him to go to bed, he was like I love you mom, I love you puppies, and he went to bed, and I went to bed around midnight, and everything seemed fine and when I went to wake him up for school that’s when I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t in his room,” Katie explained.

“My very first reaction was 'oh he got up and got breakfast' but when I realized he wasn’t actually in the house, I’ve never experienced sheer panic,” Katie emphasized.

Katie says she called her husband Chris Proudfoot, Sebastian’s stepfather. Chris says he was in Memphis for work, and they immediately called the police.

Katie says none of his shoes are missing and the front door was locked.
FOX 17 News' Kaitlin Miller asked, “There are no leads, nothing caught on video, your son has been missing for 11 days now. How does that make you feel as parents?”
Katie responded, “I mean I don’t have words to describe how I’m feeling now. I mean every day is harder than the last.”
Chris responded, “Everybody has an opinion and their assumptions, and they are entitled to those but as I’ve stated before all we’ve asked people to do is to look at the facts, not what everyone is putting out there. If they have questions, call the law enforcement agencies.”
“We love you; we miss you, and we want you to come home and just know that we all care about you so much,” Katie emphasized.
“Your puppies miss you; your family misses you. I miss you, just come home,” Chris added
So do they (ETA: I mean his mother and stepfather) think he locked it shut behind him when he left, left through another door- if there is one, left through a window, left earlier when the door was still unlocked, or something else?

I am going to speculate that he went outside earlier, when the door was still unlocked. Or it was accidentally left unlocked overnight. JMO. And also this could happen to any family.
Not in my experience of following cases. Landfill searches are very public (lots of media attention), expensive, extremely dangerous, and tend to be performed by people specifically trained for that task - looking for human remains in thousands upon thousands of tonnes of decomposing garbage. You have to have a very good reason to do one. Like to find the body of a murdered child. My first case from the start here on WS was Quinton. They searched that landfill for a month before they found him.

In terms of the way LE said they had shifted toward a criminal investigation, and the stringent process of getting a probable cause warrant, and the repeated trips to and photo taking of the parental home, does it seem like they have reason to think the stepfather harmed and disposed of him? [Like hypothetically finding a drop of Sebastian’s blood on a plastic garbage bin in the garage?] MOO
So do they (ETA: I mean his mother and stepfather) think he locked it shut behind him when he left, left through another door- if there is one, left through a window, left earlier when the door was still unlocked, or something else?

I am going to speculate that he went outside earlier, when the door was still unlocked. Or it was accidentally left unlocked overnight. JMO. And also this could happen to any family.
I'm thinking SR may have left while mom was starting to fall asleep on the couch talking to stepdad. Assuming the door may have been unlocked at that point and then mom locks it when she puts the dogs up and goes to bed while SR is still outside. If this were the scenario, would SR knock on the door, or yell or make some sort of noise if he tried to re-enter the house? I also wonder if SR's bed was made when mom discovered he was missing in the morning or did it appear he had slept in it for awhile and then got back-up?
Rogers’ parents spoke with WSMV and said he wasn’t in his bed in the morning before school on the day he disappeared. They also said he seemed to be in a good mood the night before his disappearance and had no reason to believe he would have run away from home.

The couple said they are thankful for the community’s help.

“But don’t stop,” his mother told WSMV. “Don’t stop looking. My son is somewhere.”

*He says there are mostly clothes where they’re searching now:

Crews are searching Hopkins County Regional Landfill for 15-year-old Sebastian Rogers, who has been missing for 11 days.
I'm pretty sure the reporter said "mostly closed", and not clothes
I’m thinking they found something on someone’s house cam or someone saw something that didn’t match their timeline and went to LE. Agree I believe LE knows something.
Or it's what they didn't see on someone's camera. That being that he never left the house.
ETA: I forgot to MOO
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*Well, back to the beginning. Why did Sebastian run away?

Chris and Katie Proudfoot gave an interview to local news channel WSMV over the weekend. The mother wept as she said: "I just want my baby to be ok... He's not a runner. He's never run away before. I don't know why he walked out that door... We've been combing over that day, and even the weeks before he left, and I haven't been able to figure it out. That morning he was laughing, he was joking."
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So do they (ETA: I mean his mother and stepfather) think he locked it shut behind him when he left, left through another door- if there is one, left through a window, left earlier when the door was still unlocked, or something else?

I am going to speculate that he went outside earlier, when the door was still unlocked. Or it was accidentally left unlocked overnight. JMO. And also this could happen to any family.
My entry door is locked from inside or outside by pushing a button. It has a keypad and lots of people have those these days. SR could have slipped out and pushed the lock button and no one would have been the wiser.

But still, what happened to him after that?

LE told neighbors to check their camera footage, so I'm guessing at least some of the neighbors had cameras. But, nothing...

Did SR plan to run away? Did he just want some time alone and ran into someone with bad intentions? Did he plan to meet someone?

In my junior year, my best friend ran away from her parent's house one night and snuck into my bedroom window. I made her a little bed in my closet--every time she rolled over, the bifold doors would open a bit. She went home the next day, but did SR have any friends close enough and loyal enough to hide him out?

SR doesn't seem like the sort to do a lot of planning like that, but kids can be secretive.

I know a whole world of options still exists but I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach that makes me think little SR never left home. Not alive, at any rate. I hope like mad that I'm wrong.
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