Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #179

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Exactly, agree. It was probably digitally washed and cleaned up very much and in that process it is not a true representation but does give the general cadence and character of the voice.

With the video AND the audio... unless that was just not heard by the right people, hard to believe it was not recognized.

I'll bet his wife or someone questioned him on it and he laughed it off and they believed him.

The man (Jesse Matthew) who murdered both Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington, was asked by fellow coworkers of his resemblance to the suspect's sketch. He laughed it off but then grew out dreadlocks. That sketch was DEAD ON RINGER for him.
BBM- AND if anyone did question him, he could say, I already talked to LE, I told them when I was there and what I was wearing so it must not be significant or they would call me back in.

Maybe at trial we will find out if his wife or anyone else close to him did call him in or if they suspected him and questioned him at all after seeing the video or photo. There is just so much we do not know in this case yet. I don't think the defense is going to be discussing anything incriminating for their client prior to the trial. They want to expose any weaknesses in the public eye BEFORE the jury selection. I don't agree with how they have done some things, but they sure have done the job of exposing any missteps of LE. That does not mean RA was not called in and/or questioned by those close to him at some point from Feb 2017 and his arrest. I hope we hear more at trial on this because I understand denial can be a strong defense mechanism, but I'd like to believe that someone recognized him or at least had a suspicion based on his walk, his voice, his attire, and him placing himself there that day. Libby was so brave to record him and if she can be that brave, I sure hope someone that knew him was brave enough to voice their suspicions.
I don’t know the case, but I believe you. Unfortunately, we have two sketches in this case and a whole lot of “word salad” from DC. And worse, the sketches couldn’t be more different! I’ve developed a distaste for word salad. JMO
I think a sketch is secondary to the video. I know the video that produced the still images isn't clear enough to make out facial features, but it should be clear to those that know BG. Someone that lived with him, worked with him, raised him, etc. I think those that come forward to help create a sketch mean well and do the very best they can to recall features and details, but unless they have a photographic memory and have a reason to really study a person's face, then they are not going to get it 100% correct no matter how hard they try to remember. I don't put too much faith in a sketch being more accurate than the video.

Imagine being out walking a trail and not knowing anything was about to happen and you pass by a man briefly, I mean a second or so look at him and he isn't even looking directly at you, then you keep walking and some time later are asked to recall exactly what his nose, eyes, hair, face shape, etc looked like. I don't know that I'd do a very accurate job. I could say he was taller or shorter than me, I could say he didn't look at me, he didn't speak or he did speak, I could say i felt off about them or they seemed "normal", but I don't know that I could say he had these eyes, or those eyebrows, and he had no hair or a hat or a hood up and not a hat. If I had no reason to recall them until some time after that when I learned there was a missing person, I wouldn't want my word to be seen as 100% accurate. The fact several different people saw him and we have different sketches says to me, those were someone trying to remember..

I believe RA looks like BG from the video Libby took, which is the only 100% accurate depiction we have because we know it's a live recording of the man walking toward them and those sketches are a drawing based on someone's memory of a man they had a couple second passing by encounter with.

Edited to add: these are just my thoughts on the sketch vs the video. I respect that some might put more faith in the sketches and that's okay. I just see so much talk about him not looking like the sketches and I wanted to share my thoughts about human error and ability to recall details when creating a sketch.
Surely Detective Murphy didn't just answer: "Yeah, you'll be OK" and then drive away.
I cannot imagine any reason for EF to have a non-incriminating explanation for his spit being on the girls' bodies.

Pg 13: SNIP
There was - back in February of 2018, I believe Jerry Holeman and Kevin
Murphy interviewed Elvis Fields at the Rushville Police Department, and when
Detective Murphy took Elvis back to his trailer, Elvis approached Detective
Murphy and said, "Hey, if my spit is found on those girls and Ive got a reason
for why it's there, I'll be okay; correct?"
I think a sketch is secondary to the video. I know the video that produced the still images isn't clear enough to make out facial features, but it should be clear to those that know BG.
And this is one of many problems for me. It wasn’t clear to those that knew BG and interacted with him each day.
I can’t put any faith in either the sketch or the video. I look forward to all the evidence that’s relevant to this case being brought out at trial. I hope JG shows herself to be impartial and does not thwart every attempt of the D to get the evidence heard. JMO

Noting that here that post-hearing, the State does not repeat it's original contempt pleading relief via the removal of the Defense, and instead leaves the Court to determine any sanctions.

State also continues to admit reading Defense privileged work product, and clarifies (corrects?) that contempt motion (which was unclear and a criminal contempt motion - in its original) is for indirect civil contempt.

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We should not have to remind members of the basics all the time.

Websleuths 101 and copyright law is that images require a link to the source. Members can't take content off the internet without giving credit to the source.

No link, no post !!
Looks like the goal was bumped up to 45k. Not sure if someone posted and I missed it.

Looks like the goal was bumped up to 45k. Not sure if someone posted and I missed it.

“To make it a Fair Fight”

Was it considered a fair fight when RA used a gun to kidnap two teenage girls and strip them of their dignity before killing them?!

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I don't know if I've ever seen the list of items this succinctly.

In total, over 75 items were taken by police during two separate searches of Allen’s home on Oct. 13. The first search, which began at 7:09 p.m., yielded the following:
  • A black Sig Sauer P226 .40 caliber handgun
  • A .40 caliber S&W cartridge found in a wooden keepsake box
  • A .40 caliber S&W cartridge found in the Sig Sauer
  • A magazine filled with nine .40 caliber cartridges
  • A magazine filled with eight .40 caliber cartridges
  • A paper-wrapped wooden weave box containing:
    • 2 “Audiovox” devices,
    • 2 silver Motorola flip phones,
    • 4 car chargers, and
    • 3 wall outlet chargers
Later into the night of Oct. 13, around 9:45 p.m., police returned to the 1900 block of Whiteman Drive for a second search. This time, they seized:
  • 7 various sheathed knives
  • 8 various folding knives
  • 4 various multi-tools
  • A miniature katana with a red tassel
  • 3 pairs of boots
  • 12 various quarter-zip or full-zip sweatshirts
  • 3 coats
  • 4 various stocking caps and hats
  • 10 pairs of gloves
  • Various fabric straps
  • 2 HP Laptops
  • Multiple headbands
  • Cardboard phone box
  • Empty ammo box
  • 3 flash drives, 1 labeled “Rick”
  • 2 hard drives
  • An iPod
  • 12 cell phones
  • 2 pagers
  • Several miscellaneous chargers and phone accessories
  • A GPS system
  • A motorcycle cover
  • An Aquafina water bottle
The search warrants continued the following day on Oct. 14, 2022, when ISP troopers searched a Ford Focus at ISP District 14’s post in West Lafayette. The search, which docs show occurred around 2 p.m., yielded three items:
  • A cutting of carpeted area under a spare tire in the Ford Focus
  • Swabbing from the driver’s lap belt and the driver’s shoulder belt in the Ford Focus
  • Swabbing from the passenger side carpeted floorboards
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Years ago women wore sharp hat pins to protect themselves from attacks. They weren’t just for pinning on a pretty flower or peacock feather.
IMO this katana could be easily carried in a pouch or pocket and play into a fantasy. JMHO
Those katana swords leave very, very distinctive marks. If that was used as a weapon, it's going to be really interesting because it leaves such a distinctive mark that LE could probably identify it after the fact, without the weapon itself. Source: In Images: Cut Marks from Samurai Swords and Machetes
I'll be shocked if Odin is mentioned at all. IMO the defense used it as red meat to stir up people who either don't have much time to dig, lack critical thinking skills, or just love a good conspiracy theory. It reminds me of PizzaGate, or maybe more like the Sandy Hook crisis actor thing since it is dealing with dead children.
The whole Odinism aspect of this is extremely unsettling. If BG didn't act alone, the ritualistic qualities of the CS suggest some kind of shared bond amongst perps, and cult/fringe Odinism would seem like a logical direction. But it's one of many possible directions. Biker gang (mentioned by a couple of people before, FromGermany), any of a variety of hate groups also possible. CSAM. The possibilities are endless, and the ritualistic aspect might only be there to misdirect LE. The idea of a lone killer's not ruled out, either, if the ritualistic aspect really is there to misdirect LE, it could still be a lone killer. We could even be looking at an SK. I think the D would like to make Odinism the driving narrative for the trial, but I don't think they're going to be able to do so. In light of some of potentially telling missing links I see in the Franks, it may not even be to their benefit to do so. The P is rightfully driving the narrative as one of simply proving RA is BG. Narrow focus. This is the most direct approach and the fairest, MOO. If RA is BG, the ritualistic aspects can still be explored and other charges can be filed at a later time. If RA is not BG, the same situation can occur. And the D will be expected to be crowdsourcing to make sure those charges are brought, JMO, since they're so riveted on the Odinist aspect and enjoy doing independent investigative work.
Those katana swords leave very, very distinctive marks. If that was used as a weapon, it's going to be really interesting because it leaves such a distinctive mark that LE could probably identify it after the fact, without the weapon itself. Source: In Images: Cut Marks from Samurai Swords and Machetes
I'm not sure what qualifies as miniature, I've seen many 1:6 scale katana that could basically hold a sandwich together; and then some with little display stands. Someone on here mentioned earlier that an old school hairpin was a self defense tool, and my mom told me, with scary looking eyes, that they were indeed lethal weapons. I'm fairly sure that if any of the blade profiles in RA's seized inventory of edged weapons is a match for the wounds (damn I hate even typing that,) forensic experts can establish that in court.
I don't know if I've ever seen the list of items this succinctly.

In total, over 75 items were taken by police during two separate searches of Allen’s home on Oct. 13. The first search, which began at 7:09 p.m., yielded the following:
  • A black Sig Sauer P226 .40 caliber handgun
  • A .40 caliber S&W cartridge found in a wooden keepsake box
  • A .40 caliber S&W cartridge found in the Sig Sauer
  • A magazine filled with nine .40 caliber cartridges
  • A magazine filled with eight .40 caliber cartridges
  • A paper-wrapped wooden weave box containing:
    • 2 “Audiovox” devices,
    • 2 silver Motorola flip phones,
    • 4 car chargers, and
    • 3 wall outlet chargers
Later into the night of Oct. 13, around 9:45 p.m., police returned to the 1900 block of Whiteman Drive for a second search. This time, they seized:
  • 7 various sheathed knives
  • 8 various folding knives
  • 4 various multi-tools
  • A miniature katana with a red tassel
  • 3 pairs of boots
  • 12 various quarter-zip or full-zip sweatshirts
  • 3 coats
  • 4 various stocking caps and hats
  • 10 pairs of gloves
  • Various fabric straps
  • 2 HP Laptops
  • Multiple headbands
  • Cardboard phone box
  • Empty ammo box
  • 3 flash drives, 1 labeled “Rick”
  • 2 hard drives
  • An iPod
  • 12 cell phones
  • 2 pagers
  • Several miscellaneous chargers and phone accessories
  • A GPS system
  • A motorcycle cover
  • An Aquafina water bottle
The search warrants continued the following day on Oct. 14, 2022, when ISP troopers searched a Ford Focus at ISP District 14’s post in West Lafayette. The search, which docs show occurred around 2 p.m., yielded three items:
  • A cutting of carpeted area under a spare tire in the Ford Focus
  • Swabbing from the driver’s lap belt and the driver’s shoulder belt in the Ford Focus
  • Swabbing from the passenger side carpeted floorboards
Your search warrant brings me back to a problem I've had with it for a long time.
See the times McLeland states that I highlighted below?
Go down to page 7 in the document where Diener signs his search warrant at 6:37 pm.
Then go to page 13 where Tony Liggett states that he executed the search warrant at 7:09 pm.

State's Objection to Defendant's Motion to Suppress (Pg 3)
19. Investigators went to the residence of the Defendant, located at 1967 North Whiteman Drive, Delphi, Indiana, knocked on the door and executed the search warrant around 5:00 P.M. on October 13th, 2022 and the search was complete around 7:09 P.M.
Then, we have Barbara MacDonald's HLN interview with the neighbors, exclusive pictures.
Beginning at the 34:40 mm.
Views of LE standing around. Neighbors' descriptions of the search.
Views of RA's car loaded on the tow truck. (It gets dark early in the evening in IN in mid October.)
Your search warrant brings me back to a problem I've had with it for a long time.
See the times McLeland states that I highlighted below?
Go down to page 7 in the document where Diener signs his search warrant at 6:37 pm.
Then go to page 13 where Tony Liggett states that he executed the search warrant at 7:09 pm.

State's Objection to Defendant's Motion to Suppress (Pg 3)
19. Investigators went to the residence of the Defendant, located at 1967 North Whiteman Drive, Delphi, Indiana, knocked on the door and executed the search warrant around 5:00 P.M. on October 13th, 2022 and the search was complete around 7:09 P.M.
Then, we have Barbara MacDonald's HLN interview with the neighbors, exclusive pictures.
Beginning at the 34:40 mm.
Views of LE standing around. Neighbors' descriptions of the search.
Views of RA's car loaded on the tow truck. (It gets dark early in the evening in IN in mid October.)
Isn't it possible they had permission from the owners (wife) for a cursory look-see around the yard without making entry into the structures? In effect, securing the property, while waiting on the warrant.

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