AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024 #2

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There’s a marked change in the way Seth is addressing the subject of his exwife, Sebastian’s mother, and her current spouse. He has been very cautious from the beginning to be mild IMO and not accusatory. He’s been careful IMO, and this is a notable change IMO. In my opinion only, he is free with details that could potentially embarrass Sebastian only at this juncture because something changed, and I hate to think what that could be moo but perhaps he’s seen evidence or indicators that his son isn’t coming back, and that’s the motivation behind this? Moo
IMO, Seth revealed quite a bit between his interviews yesterday on new interviews with Nancy Grace, Court TV and then a late night interview with the JustinOnTikTok youtube page.

He revealed on the JustinOnTikTok that Sebastian had been SA'd by a 13 year old while living in California when Sebastian was around 7, while in Katie's care, "on her watch". He included blaming CP for this as well. Time-wise, would this not have had to be when Katie and CP first started dating? If it was a new relationship, would CP have the parental authority to say who could or could not be around Sebastian? I would think that responsibility falls to the parent, in this case, Katie, of whom Sebastian was in care, custody and control of.

Seth said he couldn't do anything about the SA because it was a 13- year old in California. (Insinuating California wouldn't do anything because of the alleged offenders age. I don't live in CA, but I'm fairly certain SOMETHING could/should/would have been done.) Was it actually reported to LE, by anyone???

Did Sebastian have age-appropriate friends at Seth's home? He has told us before that Sebastian played with his (Seth's) friends online. One adult friend of Seth's also made a statement that he played Magic the Gathering (card game) with Seth & Sebastian. Are these people "age appropriate"? Did he have any friends his own age while at Seth's?

Seth also said that when he spoke to Sebastian's physician, they didn't know anything about his SA, yet the physician said he wasn't seeing the right kind of therapist for this type of trauma. Did Seth ever schedue an appointment for Sebastian to see an appropriate therapist? He has said time and time again they shared custody. Where is his culpability on not getting him the appropriate healthcare himself if it is true that Katie did not?

He also said Katie was giving him medications that he didn't agree with. Were these medications prescribed by his physician and given in accordance thereto? We don't know specifics on what the medications were, or the reasons for being prescribed, so I don't think we even have enough information to determine if they were/were not warranted for his specific health needs.

Early on when Sebastian went missing, Seth said Katie was a good mother. What changed that he is now painting an entirely different light about her parenting skills, or lack thereof?

I also wonder, did Seth ever file with the court to try and obtain full custody? If things were as bad as they were made to be on these last 3 interviews yesterday and he did not, I would want to ask, WHY NOT?

If I'm remembering correctly, they started dating when SR was about 2.moo
Mom and step-dad leaving in the midst of everything and not communicating with dad for a long time during all of this is :oops::confused: Well..... it's a very different approach than what I would expect from a parent & step-parent who greatly fear for a 15 year old's safety & whereabouts.

I really respect dad's position of staying, searching, circulating flyers, bringing awareness to the case via interviews etc.

Despite my impressions of mom & stepdad I do still wonder if some of the dad's recent scrutiny of them are 100% fair & valid or if he's putting everything under a parental microscope and is being more bothered by various things now, in retrospect, than he was 1 month, 1 year or nearly 1 decade ago?

Not trying to kick a man when he's already very down....just trying to separate justifiable worries from "normal" grievances that occur when 2 different households have differing parental opinions and where communication about it and agreed upon compromises never (seemed to have) occurred.
I have been watching these individuals too! As of yet I haven't seen anything from Seth to raise any alarms! Nina's story has me believing Seth and has me thinking he way more to share about this whole situation. But, I'm watching Some of the other players in the case....let's just say I wonder daily if they are related to a certain other TN family from Ben Hill road!! I often imagine Katie and Chris holding a "hold my beer sign" with pictures of D& C!!!
FWIW Many years ago I lived in TN and it's a very mother friendly state. Even if Seth had filed for custody I doubt it would have been granted. Even though Chris thought he was getting Faith, IDK. JMHO
If I'm remembering correctly, they started dating when SR was about 2.moo
IIRC, it was said they had been together about half of Sebastian's life, in one of the early interviews the Proudfoots did.

Sebastian was born in December 2008

His bio-parents separated and filed for divorce in 2016, so it would have been 2016 at the earliest that she would have had any relationship with CP, but I think it may have even been 2017 time frame.
I’m finally getting a chance to watch the Justin interview. Listening to him describe their road and fishing trips. Ugh. Just breaks my heart. I just want this family to get some peace. Get some answers.

I really do feel like he’s just done putting up that front when it comes to KP and CP. He’s been trying to play nice with them in hopes of working together to find his baby, and I think he’s realizing that’s not going to happen. Either that or all of the speculation from everyone else is starting to get to him. All IMO of course.
I am super uncomfortable with the SA details having been released to the public. I totally understand Seth's frustrations with his ex, with the stepfather, with the lack of leads in the investigation into his son's disappearance. But man I wish he had kept that little tidbit to himself. if Sebastian is found alive, that info is now out there and can't be recalled. :( I cannot imagine any child wanting the world to know about that event.

For that reason, I am not going to speculate about that past event or if Seth should or should not have done anything differently. Quite frankly, Sebastian having been victimized by another minor in CA when aged 7 is simply not relevant to the question we are faced with right now - WHERE IS SEBASTIAN?
The susceptibility to this kind of act by people goes hand in hand with ASD and is something people talk about very little, if at all. I know about this from having lived it myself and from having a family member being hurt in school by other kids.
I think it's relevant because there's a high likelihood that it could've happened again at the hands of some other kid or person, or that Sebastian was groomed somehow. CP doubles down so much on Sebastian not having internet access, but I find it hard to believe.

This possibility hasn't been publicly ruled out by police.
Perhaps that's what Seth was told. By KP/CP. And believed it.

And only now has reason to question everything.

No, in my opinion and from watching the interview.

I believe Katie told Seth right away. Seth claimed there was nothing they could do, he informed the school about the juvenile so he didn’t repeat on another kid.

Wasn’t Seth in LE? I don’t believe he’s totally in the dark about such matters. I think his telling of the story to the public is strange and I don’t see what purpose it serves. imo
No, in my opinion and from watching the interview.

I believe Katie told Seth right away. Seth claimed there was nothing they could do, he informed the school about the juvenile so he didn’t repeat on another kid.

Wasn’t Seth in LE? I don’t believe he’s totally in the dark about such matters. I think his telling of the story to the public is strange and I don’t see what purpose it serves. imo
I don’t believe he was LE at the time this was supposed to happen.
Thank you! In my experience post security works the gate and carry's weapons. Technically I think they are DOD employees so I would consider them LE too.
Agreed, but he would still have no jurisdiction over the police in California and how they handle the case with the 13 yo. (Not really directed at you, just a comment in general. Parents don’t have a say in how the police or prosecutors handle a case.)

Edit to fix words
Agreed, but he would still have no jurisdiction over the police in California and how they handle the case with the 13 yo. (Not really directed at you, just a comment in general. Parents don’t have a say in how the police or prosecutors handle a case.)

Edit to fix words
Unless, the incident happened on post??? What do you think??? I'm not sure because I don't have Katie's/Chris's service dates!! But, I'm sure speculating up a storm from my couch lol lol lol
IMO: Things as a parent to a special needs child that I picked up on from the Seth interview. He clearly was anti-medication during the marriage. It is not easy to parent, let alone coparent with an ex partner, when parents are not on the same page regarding medical treatment. For the record, I would be very leary of any doctor that prescribed Risperdal lightly or to help a child sleep. That is not what it is for, it is an antipsychotic, and it can be a dangerous medication with a lot of undesirable side effects that need to be weighed against the benefits. In cases of autism, it is usually prescribed for children who are self harming or have violent outbursts or mood disorders. The fact that Sebastian was taking this medication tells me that he had some very challenging and disruptive behaviors. Guanfacine which is the other medication Seth mentioned is a common ADHD medication prescribed for anxiety, impulsivity and hyperactivity. It is not uncommon for children on the spectrum and with ADHD to have sleep issues but there are other medications that would be used (guanfacine can actually cause drowsiness and could help with sleep). Natural supplements (magnesium and L-theanine and melatonin could work too). Seth said he was going to bring up the SA that occurred in CA so he couldn't hold it over his head anymore. Why would CP hold it over Seth's head? I do not know why he felt he needed to bring it up for all the world to know. We also do not know the circumstances of what happened to know what the situation was. Perhaps there was good reason to not pursue JD charges against the 13 y/o. We are only getting one angry dad's version. That said, I am not saying he does not have a reason to be angry. His child is missing and the easiest person to point the finger at is the last one that saw him. Isn't that one of the reasons most of us feel the way we do here? What I would like to know is if the whole time frame of how long law enforcement had the phones is accurate. If it is then CP got his phone back much quicker than SR and KP. I wonder why that is and makes me question things. This is all MOO.
At this point we also know that KP has been the only one to take a lie detector test. CP said he would via NG and now is, apparently changing his mind. (For the record I wouldn't either) Seth is going on record that he will take NG's lie detector test next week on Wednesday.
So are we to believe that since LE did not ask the bio dad and the step dad to undergo the testing that they were not considered suspects and only wanted to question KP? Was she cleared, did she 'pass' like CP claims? IDK

Seth said in the Justin TikTok interview that he brought up the SA to SR's doctor last year. 7 years after the alleged event. 7 years. SR is 15, full on puberty, maybe displaying behaviors the parents were having difficulties with.
Then bring in the issue of CP wanting his daughter in his home with a step child who may not have a grasp on personal boundaries as he mentioned. I think we are scratching the surface.
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