4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #92

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I can tell already that AT is going to get on my last nerve when this trial begins. :rolleyes:
I'll say! Totally agreed. And the whole time the "process" drags on, I'm going to be picturing BK lurking over her shoulder, suggestions for the survey, maybe. Ideas on how to inject a need for the demolished house back into the "process." Ideas for term papers, maybe something on the reinterpretation of "alibi" in the legal lexicon. Papers that never get written because he's trying to finish proofreading in front of a firing squad.

Totally respectful of the innocent until proven idea, but if he doesn't get the DNA thrown out somehow (and I don't see how that happens), I think the entire process is (ironically) academic in nature, anyway. MOO.
Is there any possible scenario where we see an "OJ Simpson" or "Casey Anthony" outcome here? BK goes to trial, and some glitch, or Juror sway, and BK is found "Not Guilty", so he just walks out into society a free man?
Is there any possible scenario where we see an "OJ Simpson" or "Casey Anthony" outcome here? BK goes to trial, and some glitch, or Juror sway, and BK is found "Not Guilty", so he just walks out into society a free man?
Not that I see. How could they possibly explain the DNA on the knife sheath snap with the knife sheath being found under one of the victims? The only stories I can think of are highly implausible (planted by the real killer, left from an earlier visit to the house (BK or another witness would need to testify he was at the house earlier).
Is there any possible scenario where we see an "OJ Simpson" or "Casey Anthony" outcome here? BK goes to trial, and some glitch, or Juror sway, and BK is found "Not Guilty", so he just walks out into society a free man?
Juries can be unpredictable, but based on what the Defense has attempted to attack, it looks like a rock solid case to me, following a rock solid investigation.

I predict a guilty verdict.

Not that I see. How could they possibly explain the DNA on the knife sheath snap with the knife sheath being found under one of the victims? The only stories I can think of are highly implausible (planted by the real killer, left from an earlier visit to the house (BK or another witness would need to testify he was at the house earlier).
For this reason, the Defense will likely try to confuse DNA analysis. Wrong DNA, wrong car, wrong description. I've seen it in other trials. No real alibi or defense, just challenge and conflate as many extraneous details as possible in the hopes that one will equate with doubt for one juror.

For this reason, the Defense will likely try to confuse DNA analysis. Wrong DNA, wrong car, wrong description. I've seen it in other trials. No real alibi or defense, just challenge and conflate as many extraneous details as possible in the hopes that one will equate with doubt for one juror.

The OJ Simpson trial was considered "rock solid" with DNA evidence. It was Judge Ito who allowed the defense to suggest police tampering with the evidence as a possible defense, despite absolutely no evidence that supported that theory.

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Of course. I haven’t seen a thread on WS where a defense attorney doing their job wasn’t on most people commenter’s nerves.

When "doing their job" consists of trashing the victim and twisting facts , as often occurs in high profile cases, yes, that type of defense attorney gets on my one last nerve!
I wonder what the motive was for this crime. I really thought that would've been made public long ago. Random slaying just doesn't feel right.

Well, if we look at Ted Bundy's rampage at the sorority house, it was completely random.

I just think that we are very fortunate that Moscow PD was on top of this right away, and used all tools, resources available to them. I shudder to think what BK would have done for another ten years or so...
Agree, I think the defense will use "it's not my knife"... he looked at knifes at a store, flea market or tag sale and cut his finger removing from holder and/or LE planted the blood.

He has a pretty savvy defense team, the more noise they make, more media coverage.
The cells found on the snap of the sheath were not blood cell, they were skin cells. The DNA in this case is about touch DNA.
I wonder what the motive was for this crime. I really thought that would've been made public long ago. Random slaying just doesn't feel right.
Good thought. A lot of times we don't ever truly know the motive, except there is a sick individual willing to murder by some distorted idea in their head. Random slayings happen all the time, although I agree most are killed by somebody they know.

Possible Why's:
Untold Numbers - Over jealously, lust or money?
Ted Bundy - He had a thing for young, dark haired girls?
John W. Gacey - He wanted to have secret sex with young boys without anyone knowing?
BTK - Liked to stalk and torture then dress up in women clothes and take pictures secretly because he was a Boy Scott Leader and Church Deacon?
Coed Killer - He hated his mother?
Aileene Wuornous - She hated Men because she was abused as a child?

BK - He had a desire to kill and destroy what he felt he could never be. I don't think we'll ever know the truth from him.

For this reason, the Defense will likely try to confuse DNA analysis. Wrong DNA, wrong car, wrong description. I've seen it in other trials. No real alibi or defense, just challenge and conflate as many extraneous details as possible in the hopes that one will equate with doubt for one juror.

Try as AT might, a good DNA analyst will be able to explain to jurors like they are 5. Not being sarcastic at all, you need a good expert who can make the jury comfortable and talk to them on a lay person's level. Most average jurors are not going to know about DNA beyond the basics.

I'm good with the single source DNA 5+ octillion odds of belonging to BK on the knife sheath snap found under one of the victims. :)

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Of course. I haven’t seen a thread on WS where a defense attorney doing their job wasn’t on most people commenter’s nerves.

I respect a good, professional defense attorney. We must have them for our judicial process to work. I might not like or agree with everything they do lol, but it their JOB to give the Defendant a vigorous and competent defense. 6th Amendment rights are essential IMO.
I wonder what the motive was for this crime. I really thought that would've been made public long ago. Random slaying just doesn't feel right.
I wonder as well, but I don't think it was random. It were random, I would have a hard time accepting this level of butchery as his first outing. I believe LE would have connected him to other violent crimes by now.

I know that motive is not required at trial, but I believe LE has one. I think they have carefully protected whatever motive they have, as they have most other evidence about this case. MOOooo
I really wonder if this was the first kill for BK. Yes, it was four people. I just wonder if he has done a random killing previously. Any unsolved women killed or missing where he lived or traveled?

I think that he saw one of the girls, and was fixated, living some fantasy relationship in his head.
What is the source for this? I've not seen anything documenting that the dna was from skin cells....
I doubt there is any source information for it, as testing to differentiate cell types with this type of DNA sample isn’t typically performed. It is, though, a reasonable assumption that the DNA came from touching the snap since we’ve not seen any reported info about blood on the sheath.
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