Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #182

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Ok, so let's imagine that it all went down as you posted. Why then, for years and years did RA seemingly NOT push LE to get his image out of the press, missing persons posters, videos etc (if he was BG I mean). Why be content to leave that out there with a question as to whether HE killed those kids? What would have made him content to leave that image up for people to think it might be him / to tip his name in to LE? Why not insist police tell the public they spoke with BG AND it wasn't RA? Or even that BG was no longer a suspect????

Two possible answers;
1. RA didn't wanna let on that he thought he was BG / knew he was BG
2. RA isn't BG and didn't think anything of the BG photo/video
We have heard the image and audio may not be the same person. And we’ve heard that it is.

David Burstyn of ISP saying that the voice and image could be two different suspects - at 7:40

"Please keep in mind that the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls" Carter said. "This is not two people speaking. Please listen to it very, very carefully."

I think this was part of LE’s strategy to get someone close to the suspect to call in a tip. By implying he may have been there but not directly involved in the abduction the person can call in thinking that “their person” was there but not involved.
The irony of this case. Captured on social media. Tried in social media. Even youtubers in the court room. This trial may set a new precedent on how youtubers report in the future.

I heard a YouTuber yesterday trying to "explain" why the D won't "spell out" more on RA's "statements" in their motions. The D fears RA's unfortunate statements will be "twisted around" and distorted by YouTubers. Eeech, can you possibly be serious?? They wrote a 136 Franks memo, and they didn't think THAT was going to be "twisted around"? With names of people peppered into that, implicating guilt, and these people aren't even charged??
How about a goat, a baby goat! :p
The D would probably depose the Baby Goat and accuse Baby Goat, too. Anything for Rick!!I
I also think there’s more to this case than just Richard Allen. I just don’t buy into it being the Odinist gang. I expect to hear the whole story at trial, and how RA fits in, and why the State believes he is responsible for the murders of Abby and Libby.
If not the Odinist gang, how about Baby Goat?

Anything for Rick!!
So Patton is being called to testify in the trial. He must have some pretty detailed information. "Shooting them in the back"... hmm with a camera? A phone? A tripod? ...back of the woods?

There is no context to the statement so just like the Franks... conclusions will be jumped on.

Wish I could be a fly on the wall in the little room with no window when they give the deposition to Patton. He has a long rap sheet. He probably took his role serious, maybe being a suicide companion gave his life some meaning. Or is this a ploy to get out and stretch his legs? Maybe dinner on the way? :)
I don't think we are on the same page.

The determination that "exculpatory evidence doesn't exist" is not the Prosecution's to make. Especially when the evidence is relevant to a Defense's theory of the case. Cavalier treatment of discovery rules - including this Prosecution's 6/7 months' failure to disclose discovery that is specifically related to the Defense's theory of the case - results in unfairness and mistrials.

The P's failures to be responsive to the D's discovery request (e.g. F-Memo matters, chain of custody, Libby's video, doctored clips of same) has become so bad in this case that the defense just made an appellate record detailing how it's been blocked by the Prosecution from getting timely discovery (6/7 months ago) such that RA's planned defense and use of experts interpreting evidence/discovery may be unrecoverably inhibited.

And so, while the exchange of discovery shouldn't be a problem, in this case, the failure to do so fully and timely might - in fact - be very problematic.
I just want to remind you that at the time of the filing of the Franks memorandum defense had not yet met with the medical examiner that did the autopsies of the victims of this crime.
Their presumed innocent client was incarcerated for almost a year and they hadn’t bothered a meeting with the individual that was dead center to the cause of death.
I just see weaponized incompetence here.
So Patton is being called to testify in the trial. He must have some pretty detailed information. "Shooting them in the back"... hmm with a camera? A phone? A tripod? ...back of the woods?
I'm (as usual) a bit confused. There is a date already set for him to testify, yes? Does this make him the first known member of the uber top secret prosecution's witness list? Is the list no longer gagged?
I'm (as usual) a bit confused. There is a date already set for him to testify, yes? Does this make him the first known member of the uber top secret prosecution's witness list? Is the list no longer gagged?
Yes in the doc someone posted he was supposed to meet for deposition today. Then court for trial. Pretty sure.

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Hi SusiQ,
Could you please provide a link that shows where you found this comment?
"With regard to the sticks. EF stated to his sister that he spit on Abby"
Forgive me if this has already been provided.
Thank you.
From my previous post, the sticks were not taken/processed as evidence at first.
According to the interview, the sticks/branches found on the bodies and the bark/tree section with blood were not taken as evidence. Days later, apparently, when the possibility that the placement wasn't random was raised, LE returned for the sticks/branches.
Branches that had been handled by the killer. They could never later prove that they collected the exact same branches and that they had not been touched/altered by others and the environment. I hope there are good photos of the branches before they were taken off of the bodies. I think they would show it was random placement, as in the killer just started covering/hiding them but felt he was out of time.

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Well since there's an entire power point slide show on EF I venture to say he was thoroughly investigated.
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View attachment 499431
Where is the power point? Was it lost too?

Why on Earth would this part of discovery be missing after the D got back on the case? If you were the D, got unconstitutionally kicked off the case (per the Indiana Supreme Court), then discovery was missing when the discovery was returned to you after getting back on the case, would you find that
If they could show that Libby was being tracked by cyberpeddos that needs to be thoroughly explored. Because that opens up for opportunistic stalkers who may have heard her every word and known where she was at all times. That is a game changer. Because it allows for different strategies to attack the victim.

The odinism needs to go away. Why talk about that BS? It’s basically legal self harming.

Pedofile stalkers and cyberbullies are real. Libby was in the crosshairs of at least one pike - unfortunately those ppl tend to trade/share, yet have an obvious reason to stay quiet.

It's also important to note that the first time that Trooper Purdy heard the word "Odin" or "Odinite" wasn't even through Unified Command or any other law enforcement officer, but rather through Becky Patty, who is Libby German's grandmother.

Becky Patty, while talking to Trooper Purdy, informed Purdy that Abby Williams had dated Holder's son (Logan) and that Logan's dad was an Odinist named Brad Holder

p. 50
I just don't. In all that time it took to strip, murder, redress, pose, stage... it just seems to me like if sex was the motivator, sex would have happened.
Warning, slightly graphic.
The violence is what gives the sexual gratification, not the traditional idea of "sex". Many serial killers have wiring that occurred during puberty or even younger that caused the connection. And wanting the memory for recall for later gratification.
MOO, I've posted links to this info earlier on this thread
Where is the power point? Was it lost too?

Why on Earth would this part of discovery be missing after the D got back on the case? If you were the D, got unconstitutionally kicked off the case (per the Indiana Supreme Court), then discovery was missing when the discovery was returned to you after getting back on the case, would you find that
No. These attorneys leaked the crime photos. Should gave been sanctioned. Judge Gull's only problem was allowing them to resign instead of taking them direct to sanctions hearing.

MOO Likely they left it in the lobby or something.
FBI agent thought perp “memorialized” the CS photographically. (Ron Lundy search warrant application.) We’ve lately learned there may be a tripod impression. That ain’t random drug violence.
That mention of possible tripod impressions is extremely upsetting, as well as searcher taking photos of the crime scene area...who knows what that actual means.
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