Caylee Anthony 2 years old #5

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I absolutely agree! If Caylee is found alive and well, I hope Child Protective Services steps into the picture right away, and a guardian ad litem is appointed by the court.

I agree. Nobody in that family needs the precious little child.
Thats right! Gma is NOT taking this seriously at all. Come on lady!! She is so used to covering for her daughter and her lies that I think she actually believes them. If she could just jump in someone from the publics head for a minute to see how ridiculous she looks and sounds she may change her views on her precious one! As for making Casey talk...oh I bet I could make that twit talk. When there is a child out there who ONLY the mother knows where she is but the mother isn't talking? I think torture should be legal...

Today, 01:56 AM

Registered User

Oh. For. Crying. Out. Loud. This family is turning this whole tragedy into a freakin' circus or a joke. A precious beautiful innocent little girl who trusted her family to take care of her is missing, MISSING, and mom is telling stupid lies and leading LE down hallways to her non-existent office at Disney and Grandma is talking about "codes" and other nonsense. I swear.... somebody needs to read the riot act to all interested parties. I know this is America and all, but jeeez, there's got to be something we can do to force these people to TELL what they know!!! JMO of course.
Wait, what? No, no, no, no.

Seriously, this just rang through to my blonde covered brain!

Cindy calls LE and during the hour it took for them to get there, Casey admits Caylee as kidnapped. This is what I heard on Greta, correct?

Cindy called LE before she knew Caylee was missing?

SO..... these loving mothers spent the next hour working on a myspace page together instead of getting on the phone and calling all kinds of people to find this little girl???? WHAT???[/quote]

according to what Cindy said tonight...she clarified...that casey did not say the word kidnapped until her interview with LE .... and in the arrest report the dick states he took casey in a separate room to interview her privately (way to go dick!)!

See....I knew msm is letting gma rant for a reason... she is slowly revealing things that were not previously known. So, she gets notification that her car has been abandoned and towed.... she calls amy who helps her FIND casey (I guess that is a whole other wsers discussion...where casey WAS), she comes to gma's or gma picks her up...the child is deemed to be missing with the babysitter per casey....and when dicks show up they interview her after getting her apart from others..... and then kidnapping comes up...

I believe the bit on greta tonight....the bit where grandma states casey HANDED caylee to zg for four hours of what casey told gma...and it is a complete and utter lie and perhaps WAS THE FIRST LIE.

I am going to work on a list of lies...with casey being a habitual lier she tells so many lies that she believes them to be truth. If we follow her chain of lies it might make more usually lies are layered around a nugget of truth...much like an oyster makes a shiny pearl out of a little speck of dirt.

In this case...her dirty deed is more like a football field of sludge....and her layers of lies will make a pearl the size of trinidad~tobego!
Goodnight all- I am going to go to bed and hope Gma (with her perfectly coiffed hair and home) doesn't haunt me. Prayers for little Caylee. I hope she doesn't become an enigma like Maddy.
goodnight dearest galvino! I hope you don't dream of rotting pizza LoL...:blowkiss:
See Ricardo Morales is the one I find suspect too Leila. Would he have taken the baby to Puerto Rico?

Yes, or his girlfriend, Amy. She was away on a trip for a week during this time, and Casey picked her up at the airport as Amy loaned her the car for the week she was gone. Maybe Amy took Caylee somewhere?
according to what Cindy said tonight...she clarified...that casey did not say the word kidnapped until her interview with LE .... and in the arrest report the dick states he took casey in a separate room to interview her privately (way to go dick!)!

See....I knew msm is letting gma rant for a reason... she is slowly revealing things that were not previously known. So, she gets notification that her car has been abandoned and towed.... she calls amy who helps her FIND casey (I guess that is a whole other wsers discussion...where casey WAS), she comes to gma's or gma picks her up...the child is deemed to be missing with the babysitter per casey....and when dicks show up they interview her after getting her apart from others..... and then kidnapping comes up...

I believe the bit on greta tonight....the bit where grandma states casey HANDED caylee to zg for four hours of what casey told gma...and it is a complete and utter lie and perhaps WAS THE FIRST LIE.

I am going to work on a list of lies...with casey being a habitual lier she tells so many lies that she believes them to be truth. If we follow her chain of lies it might make more usually lies are layered around a nugget of truth...much like an oyster makes a shiny pearl out of a little speck of dirt.

In this case...her dirty deed is more like a football field of sludge....and her layers of lies will make a pearl the size of trinidad~tobego!

So wouldn't this prove that Cindy was lying on the interview tonight? She said she and Casey worked on the myspace before LE showed up? I might be wrong here.
Omg, you are reading my mind aren't you? I was sitting here remembering how Melinda's friends scurried and hid like a bunch of bugs.
ditto..... and thank God florida LE have her on suicide watch... her demeanor at arrest and during questioning were enough to warrant that! If psyche has not found any axis I stuff....I tend to think she is a sociopath... she looks and acts like one with the limited things I have seen and read on her.

We do not want another trenton. And in order to do that.....mommy needs to stay alive. I commend Orlando LE on lessons learned in that case!:clap::clap::clap:

ps, I pm'd about a subforum and he is working on it....:) thank you !
Yes, or his girlfriend, Amy. She was away on a trip for a week during this time, and Casey picked her up at the airport as Amy loaned her the car for the week she was gone. Maybe Amy took Caylee somewhere?

Somewhere earlier it was stated that Amy went to PR during that week long trip.
That part doesnt make sense to me either. When my kids were little and at sitters, my family had all the contact information for that sitter. What if something happened and I couldnt pick my child up from the sitter? I do not believe for one moment that gma doesnt know who watched Caylee.

The mother said that this baby sitter had been watching Caylee for a year and a half and had been friends with Casey longer than that. I must be very overly protective as I alway ask both my children who is watching the babys, how old are they , do they drink, where do they live.... Guess I am a nosey mom, but you just never know. I just cant believe she doesnt know the babysitters name, if she is as close to that baby as she says.
IRL I've seen it done in a take the kid so you know I'll be back with the money type of way. Not long term - or at least not intended to be long term.

What about an illegal adoption?
That part doesnt make sense to me either. When my kids were little and at sitters, my family had all the contact information for that sitter. What if something happened and I couldnt pick my child up from the sitter? I do not believe for one moment that gma doesnt know who watched Caylee.

ITA! I grew up in the 60's like many of you, and we weren't as leery of strangers, sitters, etc- but I can guarantee my mom & dad ALWAYS knew where I was and who was watching me. I call bullchit on gma about her not knowing. EVERYTHING out of her mouth is a LIE/cover up!

OK- I am really gong nite nite now.

Later, Peeps!
It seems realistic to me that Casey was keeping Caylee from Cindy and there had to be a heated discussion for Cindy to even threaten to call LE, especially if she didn't know Caylee was kidnapped at that point. Who would call the po-po on their daughter for not letting them see the child?

When Casey felt backed into a corner and no way out, she fabricated this kidnapping lie to keep anyone from finding out about her sending Caylee away with someone. (Or worse)...
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