Ranting Thread And Open Random Thoughts

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I think that the public is reacting because Cindy repeatedly screamed at us to help find Caylee and to accept the lies Casey spewed out. She involved the public many, many times. She continuously goes outside to engage the media and the public, goes on media outlets and is aggressive and demanding to the interviewers, etc. I think people got fed up with her constant diatribes aimed at the public.
This may not be a popular opinion, But I must truly say, as crazy as all this seems....it just sickened me to watch the clip of the one lady confronting Cindy Anthony the way she did. I mean those are questions that have probably ran thru a lot of our minds, but have some respect for these people.
I think it says a lot about Cindy that she did keep her composure & even offered at one point to have this woman come in & talk one on one , of course this woman said No she did not want to do so,but continued to question & BASH Cindy in the glare of the cameras...it just turned my stomach.
I wish people would step back & see this through their eyes...for just a moment, perhaps...It must be absolutely devistating ,and I truly feel for the Anthony family...despite all their 'crazy' behaviors.
God Bless them all......they definitely need our prayers.

I know many posted the clip of the lady confronting Cindy.. I can't bring myself to watch it. Because when Cindy can finally admit to herself that her granddaughter is gone, she's going to be a complete wreck.
I think that the public is reacting because Cindy repeatedly screamed at us to help find Caylee and to accept the lies Casey spewed out. She involved the public many, many times. She continuously goes outside to engage the media and the public, goes on media outlets and is aggressive and demanding to the interviewers, etc. I think people got fed up with her constant diatribes aimed at the public.

but yet, NEVER ONCE could she go out and search for her own grandchild.
That's your opinion.

In mine, I think it's sick that a 3 year olds grandparents aren't putting her first.
I think that the public is reacting because Cindy repeatedly screamed at us to help find Caylee and to accept the lies Casey spewed out. She involved the public many, many times. She continuously goes outside to engage the media and the public, goes on media outlets and is aggressive and demanding to the interviewers, etc. I think people got fed up with her constant diatribes aimed at the public.


I'll say it again.... the Anthonys have the benefit of having the media at their doorstep to help them find Caylee & time & again they show that they ONLY want to use that resource to convince the public that Casey is innocent.

The ONLY time they mention Caylee is an afterthought & THEN it's only to blame LE, the media AND the public for not going out there to wander around the state looking for a child they insist is being hidden away by some kidnapper who is SO dangerous even the FBI can't be told where she is.

Other parents of missing children would give anything to have the media at their disposal the way the Anthony family do.... because THEY'D take full advantage of the golden opportunity to FIND THEIR LOVED ONE....... ASAP. They wouldn't be wasting time blaming people that the child is missing.
I'd like to rant about the silliness that goes on among some posters, especially the webcam thread, when things are slow. Go do something else. I don't want to see Elvis (who I never liked anyway) dancing in the Anthonys' driveway. And what's with the tacky pink balloon avatars? Sorry, but now I feel better.
I'd like to rant about the silliness that goes on among some posters, especially the webcam thread, when things are slow. Go do something else. I don't want to see Elvis (who I never liked anyway) dancing in the Anthonys' driveway. And what's with the tacky pink balloon avatars? Sorry, but now I feel better.

LOL, Isn't it good that all the nutters are in the same place.IMO it is:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I'd like to rant about the silliness that goes on among some posters, especially the webcam thread, when things are slow. Go do something else. I don't want to see Elvis (who I never liked anyway) dancing in the Anthonys' driveway. And what's with the tacky pink balloon avatars? Sorry, but now I feel better.

The tacky pink balloons as you called them are for Caylee, a way of showing love for her. There is also a balloon release scheduled nationwide for her tomorrow. I think it is a beautiful idea and support it 100%.

Now on with my rant... I would like to know if the protesters are still planning on going to Anthony's house tommorrow and if so I wish the people attending would put their efforts in to searching for Caylee. That would be time well spent instead of making an *advertiser censored* of yourself and The City Beautiful! There now I feel better too!
Okay, okay, okay.....I'm about to lose it. The DNA evidence comes back and Cindy is STILL "searching" for little Caylee who was kidnapped?????!!!! COME ON!!! Per Orlando Sentinel, Cindy still holds out hope (sorry, no link, too peaved). I can't, can't, CAN'T take it anymore! Please, someone cave and ADMIT IT ALREADY! Shake the truth outta your daughter!! SOMEONE!!!

Okay.......I think I feel better.....sorry about that :|
Ranting: I feel like some people have lost respect on this board for what is going on in this case...

That is it... I think I'm done for the night...
I agree 100%. I just hope those tests come back soon and Casey is back in jail where she belongs. Sick of Cindy, Sick of George, but more so sick of hearing about Casey. For two parents who claim this is all about Caylee, all we see is how much they are covering, enabling and protecting CASEY.

The fact that the GP's even deny the smell in car is from the dead body of Caylee, to me is like denying the child exists. It's almost as if there complete attention has turned to Casey.

mmhmm and you think Casey is the crazy one ;)
For today, I reserve the right to not give a Chit about Casey's immunity and to rant about decency. And I might change my mind tomorrow, but I doubt it.

For today, I believe that Casey accepting immunity is the right thing to do.

I haven't been able to read other threads and posts, so note that this is entirely MY HUMBLE OPINION (and heartfelt reaction.)

Caylee deserves to have a proper rite of passage into Loving Arms - regardless of which ever Deity you might believe that to be. Who cares? Really - Who cares?

It is about just having the opportunity to lay a Child to rest.

Most people deserve that, and Kids do most especially - they're just so innocent and without the jaded, prejudicial and learned attitudes that we Adults sometimes develop.

All I can think about this evening is a memory that is both touching - and gut-wrenching.

Before continuing, I'd like to state that I hope the majority of the posters here just can't relate to this and just haven't experienced the sadness that is a Child's funeral. But I know some here can and will understand what I am ranting about. Stop reading now if you don't wish to dredge up painful memories.

The ONLY thing worse than attending a Child's funeral, is NOT BEING ABLE to have a proper burial, regardless of your faith, creed, culture or religion.

If you have ever had the experience of attending the funeral of a Child, then you know that it is both excruciatingly painful and touchingly appropriate. (If you've never experienced this - then you won't really get it. And if you have, then please accept my deepest sympathy.)

On one hand, you just simply implode emotionally with the realization of just how small that casket is when you see it. 'This is not a person who had the chance to fulfill their life-long dreams and potential. THIS IS A LITTLE CHILD.'

At a Child's funeral, there may not be multiple Pall Bearers carrying a long-lived Soul forward...

Instead, you may witness the life-changing vision of caring, shattered, heart-broken, struggling, yet still somehow strong Parent or Parents; singularly carrying this infinitesimal, final, and gut-wrenching reality of a blue or pink covered satin casket - all alone or as a Parenting Team. The reality is that this final, decent and honourable token of cultural norms - it's still small enough for a SOLE caring Loved-One to respectfully deliver unto their next resting place.

As horrific as it is to witness a rite like that, it is also one that every innocent Child and loving family deserves. In its innate horror, so too, lies its innate beauty.

It hurts; it burns; and it just never leaves your Brain, but it is RIGHT.

So - without apology, I personally hope that Casey DOES take the immunity offered.

Caylee deserves to be loved, remembered and delivered forwards (where ever you believe and wish that to be,) with decency, respect - and with love.

Ch*t on Casey or what happens to her. For today, I hope she does take the immunity - and that each and every person who was touched by Caylee can have the chance to say a decent, loving, soulful, 'Good-bye, Little Smiley One,' whilst knowing they can visit, honour and love all over here in her resting place later.

Immunity may not be 'Just' in the Eyes of the Law, but in the eyes of doing one final act of decent caring for Caylee - for today, I believe that having the ability to properly lay her to rest - in ANY fashion - is more of a priority than anything else.

Flame on - who cares?

I personally believe that none of Casey's actions to date, or going forward really matter a great deal.

But, there are a lot of people out there who would probably like to see Caylee laid at rest with some dignity and love.

So for today, I do hope that immunity is on the table - and is taken up upon.

Caylee deserves this, as do all.

SpuddyBuddy, I loved this post. I have experienced the funeral of a child and it was the most disturbing, unsettling, heart-shatteringly sad, UNFAIR thing ever. At the same time, like you said, I can't imagine what it would have been like for the parents and family NOT to have been able to properly lay their child to rest.

It has got to be exceptionally hard to accept the loss of a child when the body isn't recovered. I have to think that I might always wonder -- despite forensic evidence and absent a confession -- whether that 0.0000000000000001 percent chance that everyone is wrong and my child is alive might be the miracle I've prayed for. Would I always look into the faces of children who would be my child's age and wonder? Would I dream about my child being the one in a million who is out there somewhere alive, and continue to hope and pray, never giving up on the possibility (however infinitesimal) of a happy homecoming miracle?

I imagine that up to a certain point of not being able to deny the evidence any longer, it might even feel like you'd be betraying your child to believe they're gone; giving up on them just because others have done so. When there is no body, at what point do you transition to believing the child is gone without feeling you're giving up or turning your back on them?

When George blew up at the guys on his lawn the other day and yelled, "The body in the trunk was NOT MY GRANDDAUGHTER!" he sounded to me as if he were so tormented, in pure agony, desperate to make someone else believe it, desperate to sustain that belief himself. I felt so sorry for him! I saw someone who was not gonna hear it from anybody -- no way, no how -- that his little Caylee was gone; and, by God, anyone who tries to say such a thing is gonna get their mouth smashed in! In that particular instant, I didn't see him as solely trying to protect his daughter (although, IMO, he's done plenty of that). I felt like he so desperately wanted to believe that Caylee is not gone that he could hardly bare any suggestion to the contrary. I could well be wrong, but it really seemed that way to me.

Underneath the surface of their abrasive public facade, there is tremendous heartbreak...and they feel they can't show it because doing so would make Caylee "really" dead and Casey "really" accountable in some way...and then they've lost them both. What an even bigger mess for their lives and the trial it would be to have them still believing (or even pretending to believe) Caylee is alive. So I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments -- YES to that limited immunity for Casey if she directs LE to Caylee's remains. Her family desperately needs her to be found.

You're such a good soul, PH...thank you for what you posted. You've provided me a little more impetus to try to extend compassion to the GPs. I pray that they will have the opportunity they and Caylee deserve to lay their little angel properly to rest. While they are exasperating (man, oh, man, are they ever), they have got to be hurting something awful. I think at this point, they're trying to hang on to all they have left of either of their two girls, and it's all slipping away day by day and they cannot face it. Not trying to excuse them in any way for things they've done to hinder the investigation, just trying to understand what it must be like to be in their shoes.

Casey, stop tormenting your family. Continue with Zenaida or whatever lie you want to concoct for your trial, but do the right thing for your parents and brother and FOR YOUR BABY. Tell where she is.
This may not be a popular opinion, But I must truly say, as crazy as all this seems....it just sickened me to watch the clip of the one lady confronting Cindy Anthony the way she did. I mean those are questions that have probably ran thru a lot of our minds, but have some respect for these people.
I think it says a lot about Cindy that she did keep her composure & even offered at one point to have this woman come in & talk one on one , of course this woman said No she did not want to do so,but continued to question & BASH Cindy in the glare of the cameras...it just turned my stomach.
I wish people would step back & see this through their eyes...for just a moment, perhaps...It must be absolutely devistating ,and I truly feel for the Anthony family...despite all their 'crazy' behaviors.
God Bless them all......they definitely need our prayers.

I would definitely not have chosen to participate in that angry mob. I think if they just had to gather there, it would have been better to just stand across the street, silent, as a peaceful group with signs that read, "Casey, please help find Caylee" or some such. That gal you mentioned didn't bother me too much....she was harmless, really. That one didn't seem anything more than frustrated and wanting to get through to Cindy (and to keep at it long enough that she'd be sure to make the news with it).

You know who really bothered me? That hateful old granny whose husband was an undertaker for 33 years or whatever. She was a rabid ol' biddy -- I was afraid she was gonna snap and start a physical altercation. In her voice, as opposed to the other gal, I heard true hatred, not just exasperation or frustration....real hatred. Tiny little thing, but she was creepy as hell! MEAN and clearly unstable. I'd have been more afraid of her than anyone there.

And another thing that has just bugged me to no end -- this one guy had a little girl up on his shoulders during the arrest frenzy, holding her up for a better look like they were at a Jonas Brothers concert or something. For heaven's sake....that is just so SICK to subject a child to that environment whatsoever. What is with people?
I think the public outrage and grief stems from a frustration with the Anthony family's dishonesty about a truly innocent, defenseless victim.

Cindy made it her business to get on the airwaves time after time to yell angrily at the public to "get off their a&&es" to find her granddaughter, simultaneously refusing to give up any information that WOULD bring that little girl home.

I don't agree with the gathering, but I can feel their frustration and helplessness that has been the direct result of false information spewing from the entire Anthony family.

I agree with this. It's particularly offensive to hear Cindy go on about how the media are wrecking a chance to find Caylee, how LE and the public aren't doing enough -- WHILE HER DAUGHTER SITS ("sat" now, I guess) RIGHT THERE IN THE HOUSE WITH HER, DAY AFTER DAY, NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, WITH ALL THE ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING! Outrageous!

And that bit about someone tiptoeing into the tow yard to sneak a little decomp into Casey's trunk. I think Cindy's brain finally left the stratosphere with that one...what in the world was she thinking. It's as if they feel they have to come up with alternate explanations for every single thing, right on the spot, rather than save it for trial. How about a simple, "I believe my granddaughter is alive and that my daughter did not harm her. No further comment."

How much better off their daughter's defense would have been had they just taken that approach....and how much more sympathy we'd all be feeling for the family. I know they are hurting, but goodness gracious -- someone needs to muzzle them or lock them in the house or something, for their own sake. The family is their own worst enemy!
I would definitely not have chosen to participate in that angry mob. I think if they just had to gather there, it would have been better to just stand across the street, silent, as a peaceful group with signs that read, "Casey, please help find Caylee" or some such. That gal you mentioned didn't bother me too much....she was harmless, really. That one didn't seem anything more than frustrated and wanting to get through to Cindy (and to keep at it long enough that she'd be sure to make the news with it).

You know who really bothered me? That hateful old granny whose husband was an undertaker for 33 years or whatever. She was a rabid ol' biddy -- I was afraid she was gonna snap and start a physical altercation. In her voice, as opposed to the other gal, I heard true hatred, not just exasperation or frustration....real hatred. Tiny little thing, but she was creepy as hell! MEAN and clearly unstable. I'd have been more afraid of her than anyone there.

And another thing that has just bugged me to no end -- this one guy had a little girl up on his shoulders during the arrest frenzy, holding her up for a better look like they were at a Jonas Brothers concert or something. For heaven's sake....that is just so SICK to subject a child to that environment whatsoever. What is with people?

I agree with you, The old lady was something out of a psycho movie...she seemes to be 'riding the wave' and wanting to spew her hateful remarks for all to see/ hear more than the first gal....it was just such a sickening display of human nature....the whole case is just making me think about a lot of things in life!
Caylee......you mean so much to so many!
love you!you are thought of OFTEN!!
Since this is the ranting thread, I'll step up. I am very disappointed in the closing of the General Discussion thread. I start there every time I log on, and get all of the updated discussion I need from there. If I truly have to wade through all of the specific threads to see what is new, considering there are 3 pages worth of threads alone that have been posted on today, I can't do it.

I know I haven't posted much, preferring to read along and consider the wonderful collective ingenuity of our veteran posters. So my discontent isn't much concern. But I can tell, from the many questions in the several locked threads that were started to ask why General was closed, that I am not the only poster who enjoyed having General Discussion as a catch-all, whose ideas could then be taken to the specific thread for more depth. Oh well.

I imagine someone must have contacted WindChime to express their concern as to how the discussion was proceeding, and I have the ultimate respect for the job that the mods do in keeping this as a safe haven for all viewpoints. I just needed to rant that, in my opinion, General Discussion was serving that purpose well, and I know that many of us are confused and upset at the latest turn.

Everything here is my opinion only, and I mean no disrespect.
My rant:

CA has ticked off LE, CA has ticked off LP, CA has ticked off the entire country, now she has gone and ticked off TM and TES to where they are thinking of pulling out of the search.....if she doesn't trust LE, MY GOD, she is now running off the ONE man/team that can bring her some answers.........I am FUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since this is the ranting thread, I'll step up. I am very disappointed in the closing of the General Discussion thread. I start there every time I log on, and get all of the updated discussion I need from there. If I truly have to wade through all of the specific threads to see what is new, considering there are 3 pages worth of threads alone that have been posted on today, I can't do it.

:clap::clap::clap:I agree, I can't go thru 5 pages of threads to find all the info that I could get from the General Discussion Thread....it makes me sad to think I might miss something of importance when the other thread was collective opinions that IMHO was puzzle pieces slowly fitting together :(
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