The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

GA was adamant that he did not touch the bag from the trunk.

It was almost clear/white. He noticed a pizza box, but not the type and said he saw rotting pizza and maggots - I guess through the bag.

I suppose this was the dead squirrel that she scraped from under the car and but left it in the trash bag in the trunk of the car which was then towed. She just didn't have time to toss the squirrel away.

Don't you wonder what was really rotting in the bag? Think we will ever find out?

The stain was over the wheel cover in the middle of the trunk and the bag was in the left corner, near the tail light, so the stain isn't from the bag.
Blow fly maggots and house fly maggots are two different things entirely. Those were blow fly maggots. They ONLY go where there is a dead body. They don't attack pizza or anything else rotten.

Just a clue...........the maggots were on the OUTSIDE also of the bag from the trunk.

Hey Turbo, how do you know these maggots found with the bag are blow fly? Just wondering if it was in the forensics and I missed it? Gotta admit I just scanned it...

PS everyone, living here in hot, sweltering, humid FL all my life with outside garbage cans, I have only seen maggots in trash once and they were all over a chicken carcass. They were the little white maggots which I believe are substantially smaller and different than blow fly...
Forgive me if this has already been answered but did they dig under the pool?
Forgive me if this has already been answered but did they dig under the pool?

...kinda batted that around for awhile...

Two threads on the subject (may have been merged by one) and can be found by doing a forum search using the words "backyard" and thread titles only. The one I started was something like, "Time to drain the pool" you could do the same search except use "pool" as the search word.

Hope that helps.
Don't you wonder what was really rotting in the bag? Think we will ever find out?

The stain was over the wheel cover in the middle of the trunk and the bag was in the left corner, near the tail light, so the stain isn't from the bag.


IIRC, this corner of the trunk is where the forensics report indicated something was found on a wire.

Perhaps Casey discovered some decomposed remains that had sloughed off the body (I don't know the correct term, but, whatever the precursor to "grave wax" is since I don't suspect "grave wax" is achieved in the time we're talking about yet...), perhaps under the spare tire cover mat, or just caked into the mat. The pizza box served as something for her to scrape these into from the car and the laundry detergent to attempt to clean. Perhaps this, and not stained clothes as previously speculated, was the source of the smell she found and was getting rid of (ref. to text to Amy ~10:30AM 6/27). If this is the case, then, forensics would have more decomp mat'ls than just the hair we know about.
...kinda batted that around for awhile...

Two threads on the subject (may have been merged by one) and can be found by doing a forum search using the words "backyard" and thread titles only. The one I started was something like, "Time to drain the pool" you could do the same search except use "pool" as the search word.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

IIRC, this corner of the trunk is where the forensics report indicated something was found on a wire.

Perhaps Casey discovered some decomposed remains that had sloughed off the body (I don't know the correct term, but, whatever the precursor to "grave wax" is since I don't suspect "grave wax" is achieved in the time we're talking about yet...), perhaps under the spare tire cover mat, or just caked into the mat. The pizza box served as something for her to scrape these into from the car and the laundry detergent to attempt to clean. Perhaps this, and not stained clothes as previously speculated, was the source of the smell she found and was getting rid of (ref. to text to Amy ~10:30AM 6/27). If this is the case, then, forensics would have more decomp mat'ls than just the hair we know about.

BJB, forgive me if this has already been covered. I admit that the forensics report was a little over my head. The forensic report were just over the hair and the trunk of the car itself, right, no mention of the bag? Do you suppose they did do forensics on the bag also and that those reports have just not yet been released? I just assumed that they had turned over all forensic reports to JB and that they had all been released. I was also confused as to if the forensics from the trunk included forensic evidence from the stain as well. I can't remember having read any statement from LE about the contents of this bag. That does seem odd and now I'm a little bit excited.
BJB, forgive me if this has already been covered. I admit that the forensics report was a little over my head. The forensic report were just over the hair and the trunk of the car itself, right, no mention of the bag? Do you suppose they did do forensics on the bag also and that those reports have just not yet been released? I just assumed that they had turned over all forensic reports to JB and that they had all been released. I was also confused as to if the forensics from the trunk included forensic evidence from the stain as well. I can't remember having read any statement from LE about the contents of this bag. That does seem odd and now I'm a little bit excited.

Hi, Momto5. I'm not as well-versed in the forensic report as so many others, but, I do not recall any results on the bag. I do believe it included results from the stain, but, that's just from memory. I'm sure some other WS will step in to give us the scoop. I want to think that the potential for cross-contamination w/ the dumpster may have required add'l/longer testing to rule out what was not sourced from the trunk conclusively...that's just what I want to believe...that...and fingerprints on the pizza box and A&H bottle.
Hi, Momto5. I'm not as well-versed in the forensic report as so many others, but, I do not recall any results on the bag. I do believe it included results from the stain, but, that's just from memory. I'm sure some other WS will step in to give us the scoop. I want to think that the potential for cross-contamination w/ the dumpster may have required add'l/longer testing to rule out what was not sourced from the trunk conclusively...that's just what I want to believe...that...and fingerprints on the pizza box and A&H bottle.

Thanks! Now I will be anxiously awaiting those bag results. :)
LE has the bag and the contents and the fact they are NOT disclosing any info on that avenue is VERY telling in and of itself. There were maggots in the bag and in the trunk...maggots will retain dna that they have "fed" on...I am sure those maggots were tested...and I am sure that LE knows good and well what they were feeding upon...

My understanding is there were no maggots in the bag, but on the outside of the bag and that they found bodily fluids on the outside of the bag, thus causing the maggots.

Also according to the report there was NO pizza found in the car, only a box.,0,5346622.htmlpage

I thought the tow yard guy threw the bag over the fence into the dumpster and then thought about it went back that night or early morning in his PJ’s the bag was gone and he thought GA took it so called LE and they let him know they got the bag.
My understanding is there were no maggots in the bag, but on the outside of the bag and that they found bodily fluids on the outside of the bag, thus causing the maggots.

Also according to the report there was NO pizza found in the car, only a box.,0,5346622.htmlpage

I thought the tow yard guy threw the bag over the fence into the dumpster and then thought about it went back that night or early morning in his PJ’s the bag was gone and he thought GA took it so called LE and they let him know they got the bag.
This is my understanding as well but if this is the case, how long could those maggots have been feeding on "fluids" left on the external portion of the bag??? How long could they survive with so little? (YUCK.)
Hi, Momto5. I'm not as well-versed in the forensic report as so many others, but, I do not recall any results on the bag. I do believe it included results from the stain, but, that's just from memory. I'm sure some other WS will step in to give us the scoop. I want to think that the potential for cross-contamination w/ the dumpster may have required add'l/longer testing to rule out what was not sourced from the trunk conclusively...that's just what I want to believe...that...and fingerprints on the pizza box and A&H bottle.

ITA.....IIRC, Ricardo said he saw Casey one day doing laundry when she was at their place....I thought maybe that's where the A&H bottle came from....I KNOW the laundry incident was AFTER Caylee was missing. I need to go find just WHEN that was from Ricardo's interview. I always thought she was washing the clothes from when she disposed of Caylee's body.

There just HAS to be some other "bombshell" evidence from the FBI having to do with the maggots and the bag that's making LE sooo sure Caylee's dead....especially since they PUBLICLY announced it last week and are no longer following leads/siteings.
Hi, Momto5. I'm not as well-versed in the forensic report as so many others, but, I do not recall any results on the bag. I do believe it included results from the stain, but, that's just from memory. I'm sure some other WS will step in to give us the scoop. I want to think that the potential for cross-contamination w/ the dumpster may have required add'l/longer testing to rule out what was not sourced from the trunk conclusively...that's just what I want to believe...that...and fingerprints on the pizza box and A&H bottle.

Other than the study and DNA testing of the hair, the only other testing that I can see in the forensics report is air sampling. Air sampling was done of the contents of the trash bag:

The composite air sampling of the trash bag contents (bolded by me) [72 minutes collection time (36L of air)] showed that compounds were present which represented primarily ubiquitous hydrocarbons, many of which are also found in gasoline (not all listed in Table 1)). Dichlorofluoroethane and tetrachloreoethene (also seen in the garage air sample) were detected in low concentrations. Some of the additional compounds detected in this sample include: cyclopropane, dimethyl pentane, substituted hexanes, substituted naphthalenes, cyclopentane, 2-heptene, cyclohexane and heptanal.

None of the compounds found in the trash bag contents air sampling were of the five compounds used to determine decomposition.

There's surely more forensic testing that we haven't seen. The reports that we have seen were concerned with air sampling, other than the study of the hair, and fingerprinting of the shovel. I would think that the carpet sample used in the air sampling was a sample that contained part of the stain but the report doesn't mention the stain at all that I recall.

Also, there was confusion in the lab about the pizza too. The first preliminary report mentions pizza found in the trunk, but the second preliminary report corrects the first by saying that there was no pizza found in the trunk.
ITA.....IIRC, Ricardo said he saw Casey one day doing laundry when she was at their place....I thought maybe that's where the A&H bottle came from....I KNOW the laundry incident was AFTER Caylee was missing. I need to go find just WHEN that was from Ricardo's interview. I always thought she was washing the clothes from when she disposed of Caylee's body.

There just HAS to be some other "bombshell" evidence from the FBI having to do with the maggots and the bag that's making LE sooo sure Caylee's dead....especially since they PUBLICLY announced it last week and are no longer following leads/siteings.

I'm starting to get nervous about the maggot evidence. If all that was left on the outside of the bag was fluids, is it possible that those fluids did not contain DNA. I've heard the stain discussed in the same light. At death, the body can release fluids but these don't necessarily include DNA material. :confused:
Also...IF they DO have other really positive evidence from the bag, since I don't really understand all the Sunshine Law workings or too much law for that matter, will these results just be released to the defense because of their sensitive nature ?? AND, LE has to give these results to the defense soon so they have time to analyze it for themselves, right ?? Or is EVERYTHING subject to public release under the Sunshine Laws ?? TIA
Also...IF they DO have other really positive evidence from the bag, since I don't really understand all the Sunshine Law workings or too much law for that matter, will these results just be released to the defense because of their sensitive nature ?? AND, LE has to give these results to the defense soon so they have time to analyze it for themselves, right ?? Or is EVERYTHING subject to public release under the Sunshine Laws ?? TIA

I don't think that everything is subject to public release, and I'm sure there must be more forensic testing other than air samples. Also, the forensic reports that we've seen are only preliminary results, so the final results will probably be much more conclusive.
Other than the study and DNA testing of the hair, the only other testing that I can see in the forensics report is air sampling. Air sampling was done of the contents of the trash bag:

None of the compounds found in the trash bag contents air sampling were of the five compounds used to determine decomposition.

There's surely more forensic testing that we haven't seen. The reports that we have seen were concerned with air sampling, other than the study of the hair, and fingerprinting of the shovel. I would think that the carpet sample used in the air sampling was a sample that contained part of the stain but the report doesn't mention the stain at all that I recall.

Also, there was confusion in the lab about the pizza too. The first preliminary report mentions pizza found in the trunk, but the second preliminary report corrects the first by saying that there was no pizza found in the trunk.

NG keeps talking about 16 of the 24 compounds being identified in the trunk samples are from decomposition...I need to get the EXACT numbers....but it's somewhere around 67%.

As far as pizza/no pizza....I've read about maggots feeding on "another source" of specimen just to keep alive....but NOT as a "primary" starting point - as far as the pizza goes. IIRC there was testing on a pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms(?) with negative results as the odor in the car coming from that source.
I'm starting to get nervous about the maggot evidence. If all that was left on the outside of the bag was fluids, is it possible that those fluids did not contain DNA. I've heard the stain discussed in the same light. At death, the body can release fluids but these don't necessarily include DNA material. :confused:

EXACTLY !!! I heard the same thing about the body fluids....some forensic guy had said that on NG...but, I found that kind of hard to believe...but, I'm not a forensic scientist...although in this case I wish I WERE !!! LOL
PS....I'm gonna go back to look at results/NG transcripts to find out the amounts of the decomposition compounds ID'd that she keeps referencing.

Also, gonna go back to Ricardo's interview to find out date he said she was doing laundry at the house....even though wadeing thru all that paperwork again drives me buggy...anyone else ??? LOL
Thanks all for jumping in w/ the details.

One comment though. In the recently released FBI tapes, George clearly states when Simon picks up the bag and they look at it (this is before it is tossed into the dumpster) there's a pizza box, maggots and a bottle of A&H laundry detergent.

:blowkiss: Someone please confirm that this is indeed what George said so I know its not just the voices in my head again. :bang:

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