FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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Hi karma-girl,

i don't know if is this question has been answered by dad. but, a good guess imo would be grandma?...pure guess, she seems very supportive of her son.

Thank you, that is good to know. Why would grandma allow a 17 yr old girl who has dated her son for such a short amount of time watch her precious grandchildren? Sorry, guess I think all grandmas are like my Mom. :blowkiss:
I would think LE would take those things only to check for child *advertiser censored* etc. on them as a standard in a missing child case of this nature. (Did they have a SW? Have we seen it?)

Ronnie's sister also mentioned that Haleigh had a new camera. I hope they took it, too. Never know what a kid will take photos of!
So you wouldn't consider that intruder might still be inside house or near by outside? I guess I'd worry my son and I might be next.

Not that I wouldn't go crazy and running everywhere AFTER I knew it was safe .. but for a bit, I'd be cautious.

Yeah, as the mom's discuss it more the 4 year old not being awake is a bad sign. Makes me wonder how early H was gone. If you walk into the hall, see the light and the door, realize H is gone, aren't you going to pull your son out of bed? Want to see him in the light to know he is not harmed? Complete flip out wake the neighbors or block the bedroom door from the inside and call 911 while protecting the child that is still there, either one of those seem to be an expected response.

When did the police start knocking on doors? Right then, 4:00am wake up calls?
Also...did the father work 2 shifts? If he picked up his daughter from the school bus and then left for work...returning at 3am...that's a LONG time at work.
It is possible she was clearing up and getting rid of any pot/beer she'd been using before involving cops. Or maybe cleaning up mess before involving law? I had the definite feeling in the 911 call that she was way more afraid of Ron than she was of LE though. He's probably a guy who gets angry and hollers easily when upset - more verbal abuse than physical, but I'm sure she was aware of that and tried not to irritate him. I agree that she was outside somewhere maybe with a relative or friend, and doesn't want to admit not being in with the kids and that's what makes it seem as if she's nervous.

I just find it hard to believe the coincidence of a SO wandering in right while Misty was gone. I almost wonder if Ron himself (or a relative / or bio mom's bf) didn't hide Hayleigh somewhere to "scare" Misty, when they found she'd been leaving her post? But not sure what happened then, if she wandered off or if that relative still has her - have they searched bio mom's home and family where she lives? Just some confused thoughts and MO.

No coincidence when there is an RSO with a direct line of sight of the home. I'm sure he watches them and is familiar with their routines, including late night rendez-vous.
yes, as I was reading along, the same thought came into my brain...she wasnt sobbing on the 911 call. My daughter(5 yrs old at the time a teenager now) was sent home on the schoolbus one day instead of going to after school care. I was at work, almost 40 minutes away. My MIL was supposed to pick her up at the school and when she got there AT 5:30!!(school ends at 2:30!!!) she called me at work and I immediately flipped the hell out, sobbing, wailing, screaming,sobbing, sobbing....IMMEDIATELY. Luckily, my daughter got off the bus, saw mom wasnt home and went next door. I was still sobbing when I got home. One would think that knowing the dad's temper here, and I feel like Misty is very farmiliar with it, she would have started the waterworks immediately. why didnt she?? I know I may react differently, but the calmness, and no tears bothers me..

Misty's reaction seems backwards to me too. Usually the crying/screaming/hysterics come immediately, later, when shock sets in and the fear is a little more under control, then the blankness, the calmness.
At least that would be my reaction. I can't say for sure unless it were to happen and I would never want to find out for sure.
We don't have very many facts at all. There are no leaks coming from the SD and the sheriff has not said much of anything either. I wish they would confirm a time line and if everyone passed the polygraphs...something

Me too! This is Florida - where is our doc dump?

I agree, just found it on the property appraiser's site.

It is 1995 model, 1248 sq ft with 144 sq ft porch.

So at 24 wide this would be 52' in length, definitely NOT the one on the floor plan that has been floating around here.


Cher, I was trying to find an address to do this same thing! But when I clicked on your link, it only shows me the homepage. What address are you using? TIA
In the video of the interview with RC, day one I think, he is wearing a blue striped shirt and holding what appears to be a printed out legal sized picture of Haleigh. A reporter asks him what his first indication was that something was wrong. RC says something about "she was up" or "she was standing at the door." I remember this because I copied onto the thread his exact words. He said nothing about a phone call from Misty or that he knew when he got there that Haleigh was missing. Will someone please help me find this video?

That's the same interview I'm thinking of, I'm pretty sure it was NG Tue. Nite. But I definitely remember him saying she was trying to call him but he didn't pick it up because he was already home and saw her standing there.
In the video of the interview with RC, day one I think, he is wearing a blue striped shirt and holding what appears to be a printed out legal sized picture of Haleigh. A reporter asks him what his first indication was that something was wrong. RC says something about "she was up" or "she was standing at the door." I remember this because I copied onto the thread his exact words. He said nothing about a phone call from Misty or that he knew when he got there that Haleigh was missing. Will someone please help me find this video?

this one?

@ 2:38 in the video he said misty was up at 3am when he got home from work
Any drugs stuff they had in there had to be gotten rid of before they could call the police. Lets face it, kids now days smoke weed on a regular basis. That stuff is probably in the septic tank.

A <cough cough> friend of mine, their house was burglarized and they of course called 911 as soon as they pulled into their driveway and found their door open. The pot they occasionally used didn't even cross their minds. Cops didn't say a word about it. They are not looking to harass your average citizen that called them after being victimized. I can't imagine the stuff they see day in and day out being called into peoples homes at their most unprepared.
Also...did the father work 2 shifts? If he picked up his daughter from the school bus and then left for work...returning at 3am...that's a LONG time at work.

I think it was reported that the dad worked 3 twelve hour shifts (3pm-3am)
I found the transcript of the interview with a Ronald on NG. No sitting on front step........

CUMMINGS: And I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door, and I already knew something was wrong because she`s not up at this time. She told me -- I said, What are you doing up at this time? She said, Your back door`s wide open and your daughter`s gone.

GRACE: What is her description -- what scenario took place?

CUMMINGS: She got out of bed and went to use the restroom and came back to find that my daughter was not in bed with her.

GRACE: OK, what time did...

CUMMINGS: And the back door was wide open and she was -- and she was gone.

GRACE: Ronald, what time did she put Haleigh to bed?

CUMMINGS: She puts them to bed every night at 8:00 o`clock.

GRACE: At 8:00 o`clock. When she put...


GRACE: When she put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock, did she also put to bed the little 4-year-old boy?

CUMMINGS: Yes, she did.

GRACE: OK. What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


GRACE: So sometime between 11:00 PM and 3:30 AM, Haleigh goes missing. Now, did she call 911?

CUMMINGS: No, she did not, not until after I was there. She tried to call me, but I was pulling in the driveway. So I asked her how come she was trying to call me, she needed to call 911. So she immediately called them then.

GRACE: And where does the biological mother live, Ronald? Ronald, where does the mom live? OK, I think somehow -- I think I`ve lost his connection. Liz, see if you can bring Ronald back up. Ronald, where does the mother...

CUMMINGS: I got you. I got you.

GRACE: OK. Good. Everyone, Ronald Cummings is joining us there at the command center in Satsuma, Florida. Mr. Cummings, where does Haleigh`s mother live?

CUMMINGS: In Baker County, in Glenn St. Mary (ph).

GRACE: What is that, about 150 miles away?

CUMMINGS: I would say approximately 90 to 100.

GRACE: Now, have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have. Passed it with flying colors. Yes, she has. Passed hers.

GRACE: And you volunteered to do that and you`ve been cooperating with police, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Why not? I don`t have anything to hide. I just want my daughter back. Anything that`s going to help them eliminate more people, that`s the best thing.

GRACE: Exactly. Mr. Cummings, you said the door was propped open. Describe to me what you saw when you got home.

CUMMINGS: I came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure, and walked to the back door, it was wide open. As I walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock.

yes, as I was reading along, the same thought came into my brain...she wasnt sobbing on the 911 call. My daughter(5 yrs old at the time a teenager now) was sent home on the schoolbus one day instead of going to after school care. I was at work, almost 40 minutes away. My MIL was supposed to pick her up at the school and when she got there AT 5:30!!(school ends at 2:30!!!) she called me at work and I immediately flipped the hell out, sobbing, wailing, screaming,sobbing, sobbing....IMMEDIATELY. Luckily, my daughter got off the bus, saw mom wasnt home and went next door. I was still sobbing when I got home. One would think that knowing the dad's temper here, and I feel like Misty is very farmiliar with it, she would have started the waterworks immediately. why didnt she?? I know I may react differently, but the calmness, and no tears bothers me..

On the other hand, I'm not a cryer. In an emergency I am dead calm and only cry much later. But I still think her demeanor is off. However (again) if he has a tendency to be violent, she would be in the habit of staying calm to try to settle him down (Which is where I learned to be unemotional, actually)

I don't know. I am getting dizzy from analyzing details tonight.:Banane13:
I know it doesn't look good for Misty. I think she is lying about something, but what she is lying about is the problem. It would serve her well to just tell the whole truth.

I believe the father. I haven't heard anything close to what I would consider a lie yet.
If Haleigh were missing long before bedtime, wouldn't dad/gf be concerned the 4 yr old would blow their whole story? Also, if something bad happened and the g/f was involved, I would think the other child would have awakened at some point during the actual event or during the cover up/clean up.
this one?

@ 2:38 in the video he said misty was up at 3am when he got home from work

That's the one. He says that his first indication that something was wrong was that "she was up" or something to that effect. He says nothing about her calling him before he reached the house. He says nothing at that point about her calling him, about him not answering the phone, or answering the phone and telling her to call 911.
Now which is it?
A <cough cough> friend of mine, their house was burglarized and they of course called 911 as soon as they pulled into their driveway and found their door open. The pot they occasionally used didn't even cross their minds. Cops didn't say a word about it. They are not looking to harass your average citizen that called them after being victimized. I can't imagine the stuff they see day in and day out being called into peoples homes at their most unprepared.

Yup, they always tell you, if you see your door opened when you get home, or suspect a break-in, do NOT go inside the house! Call 911
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