CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #5

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bolded by me.
I wonder if it's her Scorpio sun sign that makes her so hard to read. Those scorpions are hard to fathom.

I agree. I feel like we've fleshed out a pretty cohesive, round picture of LR, but not a great or consistent character sketch of JC. I think that's what I keep trying to get at. Perhaps with more info we could better contextualize her statements and behavior.

I like lists, so here's my summary from what people have unearthed and contributed thought wise:

- unsteady or problematic employment
- narcissism / indignance / pride / grandiose thinking / ego
- repeated problems with relationships and women
- unkindness towards defenseless
(animal neglect, TRO filed by women, possible kid angle prior ("stay away from schools"), threat re: Hasanni and BART, possible treatment of pregnant wife, leaving Hasanni to fend for self at back of store)
- self-centeredness (bank trip, junk yard trip w/kids in hot car)
- impulsive behavior (text)
- controlling (evidenced in interviews and language about HC and JC)
- proclamations about own honesty (since the beginning)
- scapegoating (LE, media, Rockridge, public)
- wrong side of law (civil suits, etc.)
- rationalizations (is there anything that hasn't been addressed with at least 1 -- usually 2 -- explanations?)
- love of attention (media)
- money trouble (past civil suits, liens, wage garnishments)

- possibly intelligent (cal), possibly underintelligent (interviews)
- possibly abused and controlled, possibly protected from scrutiny
- possibly docile (initial interviews) or temper (recent reactions)?
- possibly outgoing and well spoken (Shuz), possibly inarticulate (interviews)
- possibly charitable (if taking them in is her idea?), possibly nonmaternal (if LR had to indeed push her)
- possibly financially secure (5-year retail mgmt job in upscale neighborhood), possibly strapped for cash (background, nonprofessional job)
- possibly straight-and-narrow, possible shady or drug past herself? (might explain high achievement younger and clouded response now)

She's hard to get info on without the unique middle name and number that Ross has. But I'm sure the wonderful sleuths here will find more as we build off each other. I have swung more negative on her recently, but I'm still not totally sure...
I'm having trouble believing that she graduated from Berkeley. She's still young which means she went to college recently. I've heard it takes more than an A+ average, and all kinds of extracurricular activities on one's record, to get accepted into Berkeley, and it's been that way for a few years. She seems smart but not that smart.

The Jennifer Campbell that went to Berkeley, if indeed it is her, won an Incentive Awards Program scholarship. It is designed for underprivileged seniors who maintain a 3.5 gpa. It is also awarded based on their showing leadership qualities in their home and community. It is pretty much a full ride for 9 semesters and looks for people who come from families where no one has been to college before.
could it be a different Jennifer Campbell that received the scholarship? When I was in college multiple people had my exact name and year.

Good question: are we sure it's this Jennifer Campbell who got the scholarship?
LOL should have read farther ahead before posting! Sorry FF!
If she is 30, she would have graduated high school 12 years ago (1997). Online searches indicated she attended Abraham Lincoln High in SF (can merimer confirm?). I think the chances of another JC of her graduation year (slated to complete Cal in 4 years, graduating in 2001) from her high school and her city heading to the East Bay to attend Cal are slim. (She now works literally half a block from Berkeley -- I believe Claremont or a number of feet past is the dividing line between Berkeley and Oakland/Rockridge.)

Plus, I'll have to dig it up but each thread led to another when I searched online (usernames, addresses, etc.). I'm fairly confident it's her and I can't think of a reason beyond the dazed look and hysterical reaction to think she's not capable of attending Cal. (If she's innocent, not being herself -- outgoing and personable a la Shuz reviews or intelligent and together a la Cal -- is beyond understandable with the pressure she's been under. If not, I chalk the "unintelligent" reactions as a deflective performance and not evidence of her lack of intelligence.)

I went to a notable school, and I knew a woman who was in a similar high school recruitment program. She did not speak well at all -- very urban, slurry speech and low-end clothing and a lack of social awareness sometimes, but had a great personality and was very smart, eventually going on to med school.

Oh, and let's not forget, on her LinkedIn (which someone kindly provided me with the full profile on), she states her Shuz Rockridge current position, past SF Shuz position and lists University of California at Berkeley as her education. To me, the participation in the IAP makes sense, especially considering the apparent situation she grew up in.
Keep Hasanni Campbell probe going strong

Chip Johnson

Thursday, September 3, 2009

If ever there were a police investigation worthy of special attention and treatment, it's the unexplained disappearance of 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell.


I sure hope so, because reality on the streets of Oakland continues to test the department's investigative limits. Since Hasanni was reported missing on Aug. 10, there have been 10 homicides in Oakland - the most recent a 15-year-old shooting victim declared brain dead two days ago.

If there is one thing that everyone agrees on, from the detectives looking for clues to the foster father who says he was with him shortly before he disappeared, Hasanni Campbell did not simply vanish into thin air.

Read more:
O/T I've seen this in the past few weeks at WS, that the portion of the article that is quoted in a post is highlighted when I click on the link. How do you do this?

It's nothing I did. That site has an embedded link in the quotes, and this results in the highlighting.

FYI: If the question ever is, "Ducky, how did you do this XYZ super cool computer trick...?" the answer always is, "I didn't."

I am one step above Amish with this devil box on my desk.
LOL, Ducky!:)

I am really puzzled about that they don't have trash service. FWIW, I have Allied Waste here and have pickup 2 days/week (Tues. and Fri.). I can't imagine only having one day (I forgot to take the trash can out Tuesday and it's now overflowing for my family of 5 -- gotta make sure I put it out tonight!). Here, you can pay extra to get a recyclable bin that picks up one day a week (my neighbor does this - we just take our recycling up to the recycling center at the park).

Someone asked somewhere on this thread, about if people or a mechanical arm picks up the trash. It's a mechanical arm that does it here. It doesn't matter the weight of the trash can, it'll still pick it up and dump it. A few weeks ago, I had to put a large, heavy, dead tv in my trash can and they took it away with no problem (yes, I know this is not the best way to dispose of a tv, but this was literally the only option in my county).

Also, anytime I have extra trash (like when I have moved), I just put the extra trash on the ground in trashbags next to the trashcan and they take it -- I don't have to request a special pickup.
I'm sending my congratulations to Jennifer for doing the hard work necessary to get herself a wonderful college education!!! She comes from a family with little or no money, siblings with CP, and most likely, had little or no role modeling within her family to propel her into a college environment. So many people use their unfortunate lot in life as an excuse for standing still, and as a consequence, go nowhere. Jennifer succeeded from breaking out of a mold that could have had her anchored forever. Don't know if she is guilty or innocent of involvement in the present crime - but her history of achievement in academics and as a manager certainly says a lot about the goal orientated person she was/is. :heart:

On that note: What has happened to her???
I might be swimming against the tide here, but as someone who has gone through school on scholarship I can honestly say you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do so. Also, being smart is no protection against crappy life choices. Finally, intelligence doesn't make you any less or more prone to killing someone.
LOL, Ducky!:)

I am really puzzled about that they don't have trash service. FWIW, I have Allied Waste here and have pickup 2 days/week (Tues. and Fri.). I can't imagine only having one day (I forgot to take the trash can out Tuesday and it's now overflowing for my family of 5 -- gotta make sure I put it out tonight!). Here, you can pay extra to get a recyclable bin that picks up one day a week (my neighbor does this - we just take our recycling up to the recycling center at the park).

Someone asked somewhere on this thread, about if people or a mechanical arm picks up the trash. It's a mechanical arm that does it here. It doesn't matter the weight of the trash can, it'll still pick it up and dump it. A few weeks ago, I had to put a large, heavy, dead tv in my trash can and they took it away with no problem (yes, I know this is not the best way to dispose of a tv, but this was literally the only option in my county).

Also, anytime I have extra trash (like when I have moved), I just put the extra trash on the ground in trashbags next to the trashcan and they take it -- I don't have to request a special pickup.

When talking to the customer service rep. I asked what day pickup is for the area - she said Friday. Maybe you pay an extra fee for an extra day of pickup? Here in Illinois it's only one day a week - didn't know California had an option of two days. I asked about a special pick-up and she said I would need to open an account first. I'm all upset over the fact there was a huge box from WalMart at the house on Thursday night and could have been used to hide and transport a body. If Ross brought the box in himself - where would he have brought it and what would be done with it. TIA?
I agree. I feel like we've fleshed out a pretty cohesive, round picture of LR, but not a great or consistent character sketch of JC. I think that's what I keep trying to get at. Perhaps with more info we could better contextualize her statements and behavior.

I like lists, so here's my summary from what people have unearthed and contributed thought wise:

- unsteady or problematic employment
- narcissism / indignance / pride / grandiose thinking / ego
- repeated problems with relationships and women
- unkindness towards defenseless
(animal neglect, TRO filed by women, possible kid angle prior ("stay away from schools"), threat re: Hasanni and BART, possible treatment of pregnant wife, leaving Hasanni to fend for self at back of store)
- self-centeredness (bank trip, junk yard trip w/kids in hot car)
- impulsive behavior (text)
- controlling (evidenced in interviews and language about HC and JC)
- proclamations about own honesty (since the beginning)
- scapegoating (LE, media, Rockridge, public)
- wrong side of law (civil suits, etc.)
- rationalizations (is there anything that hasn't been addressed with at least 1 -- usually 2 -- explanations?)
- love of attention (media)
- money trouble (past civil suits, liens, wage garnishments)

- possibly intelligent (cal), possibly underintelligent (interviews)
- possibly abused and controlled, possibly protected from scrutiny
- possibly docile (initial interviews) or temper (recent reactions)?
- possibly outgoing and well spoken (Shuz), possibly inarticulate (interviews)
- possibly charitable (if taking them in is her idea?), possibly nonmaternal (if LR had to indeed push her)
- possibly financially secure (5-year retail mgmt job in upscale neighborhood), possibly strapped for cash (background, nonprofessional job)
- possibly straight-and-narrow, possible shady or drug past herself? (might explain high achievement younger and clouded response now)

She's hard to get info on without the unique middle name and number that Ross has. But I'm sure the wonderful sleuths here will find more as we build off each other. I have swung more negative on her recently, but I'm still not totally sure...

Goog Golly Miss Molly! She's a psycology major too! And she didn't suss him out.

These two have a lot in common. His Sun is 9 degrees Cancer. Her moon is 9 degrees Cancer. Her Venus is 9 degrees Scorpio, a perfect trine to his Sun & her own Moon. Scorpio & Cancer are water signs. Geez...a marrige made in heaven. Great potential for relating to each other. She's very supportive of him. Unfortunately, she may be blinded by his light. (sorry to post here, but I can't draw charts yet)

After reading merimers posts about Jennifers' childhood, I know she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She excelled so far that she was admitted to Berkeley. This is one intellligent woman. Don't underestimate her. I don't think she's controlled, she's accomplished too much academically. She writes poetry. She may just dance to the beat of a different drummer.
I might be swimming against the tide here, but as someone who has gone through school on scholarship I can honestly say you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do so. Also, being smart is no protection against crappy life choices. Finally, intelligence doesn't make you any less or more prone to killing someone.

Maybe you misread my comment - I never said college had anything to do with future choices. I do believe when one is brought up in an impoverished environment, it's harder to lift self up and be driven toward college - especially one like Berkeley. Finally, I NEVER, in any way what-so-ever, connected her intelligence or college choice to a proclivity toward or against murder.
Goog Golly Miss Molly! She's a psycology major too! And she didn't suss him out.

These two have a lot in common. His Sun is 9 degrees Cancer. Her moon is 9 degrees Cancer. Her Venus is 9 degrees Scorpio, a perfect trine to his Sun & her own Moon. Scorpio & Cancer are water signs. Geez...a marrige made in heaven. Great potential for relating to each other. She's very supportive of him. Unfortunately, she may be blinded by his light. (sorry to post here, but I can't draw charts yet)

After reading merimers posts about Jennifers' childhood, I know she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She excelled so far that she was admitted to Berkeley. This is one intellligent woman. Don't underestimate her. I don't think she's controlled, she's accomplished too much academically. She writes poetry. She may just dance to the beat of a different drummer.

Hi Paulette - who are you comparing Jennifer to? Who else is a psychology major? What did I miss?
I've lived in Montclair, San Francisco and Millbrae. It's common practice to flatten your boxes and dump them in front of a restaurant. All over the bay area men with trucks collect cardboard & sell it by the pound. Restaurants & stores put their flattened boxes on the sidewalk to be collected. Fremont I don't know about, but most people do it specifically to help out the scavengers.
When talking to the customer service rep. I asked what day pickup is for the area - she said Friday. Maybe you pay an extra fee for an extra day of pickup? Here in Illinois it's only one day a week - didn't know California had an option of two days. I asked about a special pick-up and she said I would need to open an account first. I'm all upset over the fact there was a huge box from WalMart at the house on Thursday night and could have been used to hide and transport a body. If Ross brought the box in himself - where would he have brought it and what would be done with it. TIA?

I don't pay an extra fee for 2/week -- that's the standard pickup. Though, when I lived in VA it was once/week, so it must vary by state. Maybe FF can let us know about CA?

It's possible he just took it to a recycling center. We have recycling bins here at my park, divided by aluminum, glass, cardboard, etc. I just drive up and put the stuff in the appropriate bin.

I'm really puzzled by the trash thing!
I've lived in Montclair, San Francisco and Millbrae. It's common practice to flatten your boxes and dump them in front of a restaurant. All over the bay area men with trucks collect cardboard & sell it by the pound. Restaurants & stores put their flattened boxes on the sidewalk to be collected. Fremont I don't know about, but most people do it specifically to help out the scavengers.

If you don't care to help out the scavengers and don't have trash pick-up, where would you bring trash and big boxes to be compressed?
Maybe you misread my comment - I never said college had anything to do with future choices. I do believe when one is brought up in an impoverished environment, it's harder to lift self up and be driven toward college - especially one like Berkeley. Finally, I NEVER, in any way what-so-ever, connected her intelligence or college choice to a proclivity toward or against murder.


Sorry if you felt singled out, Eyes. My opinion was more of a general one as the topic went in this direction.

As to the bolded part there. My concern is that people will make decisions on how much to blame she might be depending on how they perceive her intelligence, if you see what I mean. As in, if they think she is dim, they will be more sympathetic towards her, etc.

I was just trying to balance the discussion to the other side. I have seen women with very impressive academic records pick some pretty awful guys and be no more inclined to stand up for themselves than anyone else. As we know, college smarts do not always result in life smarts.

(ETA: Same goes for some pretty smart men I know, too.)

Again, I didn't mean to make you feel criticized, Eyes. Not my intent at all.

(For the record, though, on a personal note, I do think it is impressive that people with poor backgrounds make something of themselves. I myself grew up on welfare, so I know it's a challenge. However, I just feel some jadedness about what some people end up doing with the breaks they have been offered and the potential they have.)
LOL, Ducky!:)

I am really puzzled about that they don't have trash service. FWIW, I have Allied Waste here and have pickup 2 days/week (Tues. and Fri.). I can't imagine only having one day (I forgot to take the trash can out Tuesday and it's now overflowing for my family of 5 -- gotta make sure I put it out tonight!). Here, you can pay extra to get a recyclable bin that picks up one day a week (my neighbor does this - we just take our recycling up to the recycling center at the park).

Someone asked somewhere on this thread, about if people or a mechanical arm picks up the trash. It's a mechanical arm that does it here. It doesn't matter the weight of the trash can, it'll still pick it up and dump it. A few weeks ago, I had to put a large, heavy, dead tv in my trash can and they took it away with no problem (yes, I know this is not the best way to dispose of a tv, but this was literally the only option in my county).

Also, anytime I have extra trash (like when I have moved), I just put the extra trash on the ground in trashbags next to the trashcan and they take it -- I don't have to request a special pickup.

They do have trash service...Friday is the pickup day.
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