FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #22

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I hesitate to post here because there appears to be a click forming, some with an obvious agenda and those that post anything contrary to that agenda seem to get slammed.

Aside from the obvious bias and agendas, factually, there is more here that we don't know than we know. Did you ever think that some of this "sleuthing" could actually help the perp more than it will help LE solve this case? You understand that it is possible that he is reading this and laughing at how wrong we all are and how we are even leading away from him with our biased views (e.g. wanting it to be a RSO). He might be wanting to revisit the crime scene as many do, but is afraid to be seen, so instead he just comes here and views the video and reads theories here to help develop alternative explanations as to what happened - without exposing himself to LE. I think we all need to take a deep honest look inside at our own motivations as I think it is disingenuous to believe that all this conjecture with almost no fact and much bias will lead to finding the killer.

I would hope everyone here would be aware that the perp could and most likely IS reading here, if not posting here. I think if it is a crime specifically aimed at a child, as opposed to a child killing another child, then the people who commit these crimes get off reading about them, reliving them over and over again.

I also think they cannot help themselves. I don't think our posting here, nor police presence around the neighborhood will keep this person from inserting themselves into the case, or revisiting the crime scene. It is only my opinion that they cannot help themselves.

Yes, our theories can and may give someone alternate explanations if they are questioned but whatever initially happened, happened without any input from this board. And LE hopefully has collected that evidence. Hopefully that evidence will speak and direct LE to Somer's killer.

I am also tired of posters who only chime in to paint other posters in a bad light or point fingers. I ignore those posts and move on. They are merely distracting from the case, and in my opinion are not helping to find justice for Somer.

Most of us are here to find justice for Somer, and yes this case is frustrating, as there isn't a lot of info, and not a lot of cleared individuals according to LE.
WS is a place for these discussions. If we should only sleuth or speculate when there is an abundance of evidence revealed, well then WS would be out of commission.

It is my opinion that the answers can be found in what isn't being said.
Did you know in the case of the baby under the bed, Shannon, a WS sleuther led the police in the correct direction to find the perp?

Have you read all of the posts?

I don't see any agenda here at all except trying to figure it out.

I don't know if the perp is reading or not. I imagine they have other things on their little tiny minds.

I don't want to prolong this discussion because I know I won't change anybody's mind that feels like they are on a mission here and I really don't want to break anybody's bubble, but there are lots of "sleuthers" out there developing ridiculous fact-less theories. Nobody on here has any facts. Even LE sometimes misleads the public purposely. The police have to follow EVERY lead no matter how ridiculous because defense attorneys will eat them alive for "rushing to judgement" or not following other leads because they were so focused on their client. So, it is an incredible waste of time for LE to get leads based on blogger chats with absolutely no basis.

As far as the bias, this chatroom appears to me to have a considerable pro-dad, anti-mom slant - accusations about the dad are immediately dismissed while accusations about the mom are instantly believed and embraced. None of you know enough about either of them to pass judgment or clearly have heard only one side of the story. That is obvious.

I get that the analysis and investigation is fascinating - I find it to be myself, but let's not kid ourselves - this is a very serious matter and belongs in the hands of professionals and interference in the investigation could result in the death of another child. Baseless accusations also harm innocent people.

Finally, no, I haven't read all the posts - just don't have the time sorry.
Sadnpod -

One more thing about CWG -- he has a mole below his eye - a composite drawing of a POI involving the murder of a child in KY -- he supposedly lived nearby this child -- the resemblance is uncanny

The pictures were posted side by side of CWG and the drawing a few weeks ago, and I'm sorry I don't know where, but I wanted to mention this to you!
I don't want to prolong this discussion because I know I won't change anybody's mind that feels like they are on a mission here and I really don't want to break anybody's bubble, but there are lots of "sleuthers" out there developing ridiculous fact-less theories. Nobody on here has any facts. Even LE sometimes misleads the public purposely. The police have to follow EVERY lead no matter how ridiculous because defense attorneys will eat them alive for "rushing to judgement" or not following other leads because they were so focused on their client. So, it is an incredible waste of time for LE to get leads based on blogger chats with absolutely no basis.

As far as the bias, this chatroom appears to me to have a considerable pro-dad, anti-mom slant - accusations about the dad are immediately dismissed while accusations about the mom are instantly believed and embraced. None of you know enough about either of them to pass judgment or clearly have heard only one side of the story. That is obvious.

I get that the analysis and investigation is fascinating - I find it to be myself, but let's not kid ourselves - this is a very serious matter and belongs in the hands of professionals and interference in the investigation could result in the death of another child. Baseless accusations also harm innocent people.

Finally, no, I haven't read all the posts - just don't have the time sorry.

You seem to be a friend or family member who doesn't like what's being posted.But,this is a board for a missing child and the purpose is to research and discuss the case.Other than that,I don't understand what or why you're making this point.If you go on a craft or recipe forum,and don't do crafts or cook,ofcourse I guess the meaning of thier purposes doesn't make any sense to you,but what would be the purpose of going on them to tell the posters how they're doing it wrong?
I don't want to prolong this discussion because I know I won't change anybody's mind that feels like they are on a mission here and I really don't want to break anybody's bubble, but there are lots of "sleuthers" out there developing ridiculous fact-less theories. Nobody on here has any facts. Even LE sometimes misleads the public purposely. The police have to follow EVERY lead no matter how ridiculous because defense attorneys will eat them alive for "rushing to judgement" or not following other leads because they were so focused on their client. So, it is an incredible waste of time for LE to get leads based on blogger chats with absolutely no basis.

As far as the bias, this chatroom appears to me to have a considerable pro-dad, anti-mom slant - accusations about the dad are immediately dismissed while accusations about the mom are instantly believed and embraced. None of you know enough about either of them to pass judgment or clearly have heard only one side of the story. That is obvious.

I get that the analysis and investigation is fascinating - I find it to be myself, but let's not kid ourselves - this is a very serious matter and belongs in the hands of professionals and interference in the investigation could result in the death of another child. Baseless accusations also harm innocent people.

Finally, no, I haven't read all the posts - just don't have the time sorry.

I agree, there is little info. LE has asked for the public's help, but what have they given the public to help with?

Brainstorming is something that is encouraged in all kinds of situations and workplaces that I have participated it. People put out ideas and then they can be discussed or put aside. No one person ever has all of the answers and it sparks ideas in other's brains.

I know I have put out ideas in situations that seemed perfectly reasonable, and then someone points out something I didn't think of.

I only came upon this forum because I was interested in Nancy Garrido as there is no info out there on her. A real enigma as no one seems to claim to have known her in the 50 some years she's been alive. But I digress.

What shocked me on WS was finding that there are so many children missing with no clue as to what has happened to them.

I hope LE does know a lot. I am going to put a link in a next post about "touch DNA". I am sure that Somer is covered with DNA.

I don't think a real rosy picture has been painted of Somer's father. But since he was out of state and disabled, he has nothing to be looked at in terms of Somer's abduction.

It is shocking how many parents have been involved with the demise of their children. I am not saying that this is the case here at all. But, things have to be examined.

I am sure that LE is not swayed by emotion and they look at all objectively. It is curious to me that they have specifically not eliminated anyone as a suspect. (except the Sheriff said that he has eliminated his own self) I think anyone would say, "What? No one. Not even the parents?"

I noticed that you have 5 posts. So what is your interest in all of this if you find it so ridiculous?
Triangles have been mentioned in dreams by at least 3 people.

I looked up the dream interpretation for triangle and here is what I found:
higher guidance
arrow indicating direction
the number 3
separation from friends
sexual union
commitment-the triangle in the dream represents a commitment of the dreamer. The dreamer should then focus on the subject of the dream, and less on the triangle.

While I could find how just about any of these fit into Somer's case, it is most important for the dreamer to discern what the triangle means to them. Dreams are highly subjective, and it really doesn't matter what I think a triangle means.
So if the dreamer is having trouble with this, list all the elements of your dream on a piece of paper, have someone read the word or words to you and without thinking give your instant impression of these words-have them write these down. Look back over your impressions and you may get another interpretation of your dream.
All just my two cents. Dream interpretation is intriguing to me.
Sorry I don't know how to quote posts from other threads but FBeyes post #594, in thread #18 states:

The problem is, it is not known whether she was abducted on her way home from school. I personally doubt it happened that way - it is possible, but highly unlikely in my opinion. In any case, if the school district is not protecting our children (i don't trust the schools to teach, never mind protect) to walk home from school, then we must take personal responsibility for their safety ourselves and "can't" is not a valid excuse. Besides, who is responsible after they get off the bus?

Statistically, it is an overwhelming probability that this was done by family or family friends. Having male friends around young girls alone in a home in my opinion is a very very bad idea - much higher risk than a walk home from school in a residential neighborhood in broad daylight. It sort of amazes me that many people want to focus on the "perp" hiding in the bushes, when in almost every case, we don't have to look very far from home to find the "beast that did it".

FBeyes also listed some statistics in another post that state most all child deaths occur at the hands of someone they know and NOT a stranger.

I am going to research what percent of children who are sexually assaulted and murdered are done so by a parent/someone they know.
Totally assuming here it is a sexual assault (just chasing one theory, then I am sure I'll change to another theory). I am thinking that parents/acquaintances who murder children do so for warped reasons, and parents/acquaintances that sexually assault children do so for very different warped reasons.
To me the reasons, don't really overlap, so I am wondering about the percentage of parents/acquaintances who do both.

I had read that most non-parental(this includes everyone except a parent/parent figure) people who sexually assault children only kill because they don't want to get caught, they are seemingly an upstanding member of the community and have never had anyone point a finger at them.

Share the light-I really like your list about the dreams.

Here is a link to touch DNA.


It doesn't matter that she was covered in garbage as human DNA is different than say the DNA from a hunk of lettuce.

that is interesting and I remember reading about it in the Ramsey case.
And I too would think 'touch DNA' would be all over Somer. If it wasn't someone she knew, it could be revealing.

Listen to DT giving reporters the details of what she was wearing - all the way to what color ankle socks she had on! I never heard any of this from the local news..... wow - just wow.

I am glad that you pointed out the socks. I have wondered about that comment since the beginning. It has been pointed out that Somer was not always supervised so I have a hard time thinking that Mom would be laying out the school clothes all the way to the socks she wore. If she did lay out the clothes wouldn't the socks match the outfit? DT did not take somer to school that morning so I have a hard time with her knowing the socks color
I really hate to ask but I need some Local Information from someone that has been by Somer's house like friday or the week before or this week-end..

please.. was LE still sitting at the house??? please ...... and if so what day were you there to see it? TIA a mil...
This link was updated this morning at 9:04. Now it shows a pic of DT with her chaps on and a video titled: 'Ride For Somer' Ends With Candlelight Vigil.


(Sorry if this has already been posted)

Thank you Chickadee. Nice video. I just don't think I would have the strength to go to all these fund raisers and ride motorcycles if my little child had been murdered.. I know I could not..

Is dt blocking this murder out to get out in public like this. ?? that is the only way I could do it.. she seemed to being having a great time until she said her baby in heaven late that night in video.. so now she thinks of Somer..?? then goes back to blocking it out..???

am I way off base here ??? I just don't see how a mother could be doing all these public shows just having a little one murdered.. IS greed taking over??? nasty blood money on your little girl murdered, you would go and do such things.??? Whatever happened to mourning?? Is that something that no longer exists???

grrrrrr. I best stop...

“Somer, your daddy Sam loves you unconditionally. Stay strong and don't give up the fight or the hope that we're going to be a family again. I love you,” he said before authorities revealed they had found the body.

Anyone else think this comment is odd? Your daddy Sam. She only has one daddy. Did she call another man daddy??
This statement only makes sense if she called someone else daddy. I know she has other father figures but did she actually call one of them daddy??
Otherwise if she could hear his plea of, "Somer your daddy. . . loves you unconditionally. . .", she'd of course know it was him speaking to her.

What does this have to do with anything, who knows. It is just one of those odd things that sticks out to me. It must mean she calls someone else daddy.

The event raised money for a trust fund for the Thompson family's other two children.

from the article, http://www.news4jax.com/news/21689548/detail.html#

I wish the reporters would at least get straight how many children are in that family.
Unless AC will not benefit from the trust fund, which I think is beyond wrong!

And I know this is an issue of semantics but Thompson family's . . .
The Thompson family is DT, ST, and their children together and any other children they may have living with them. imo (they are not divorced yet)
In reality what the article should state is DT's family or DT's other children. Again it's an issue of semantics. But I think it can be misleading.
I don't want to prolong this discussion because I know I won't change anybody's mind that feels like they are on a mission here and I really don't want to break anybody's bubble, but there are lots of "sleuthers" out there developing ridiculous fact-less theories. Nobody on here has any facts. Even LE sometimes misleads the public purposely. The police have to follow EVERY lead no matter how ridiculous because defense attorneys will eat them alive for "rushing to judgement" or not following other leads because they were so focused on their client. So, it is an incredible waste of time for LE to get leads based on blogger chats with absolutely no basis.

As far as the bias, this chatroom appears to me to have a considerable pro-dad, anti-mom slant - accusations about the dad are immediately dismissed while accusations about the mom are instantly believed and embraced. None of you know enough about either of them to pass judgment or clearly have heard only one side of the story. That is obvious.

I get that the analysis and investigation is fascinating - I find it to be myself, but let's not kid ourselves - this is a very serious matter and belongs in the hands of professionals and interference in the investigation could result in the death of another child. Baseless accusations also harm innocent people.

Finally, no, I haven't read all the posts - just don't have the time sorry.
i believe there are professionals directly involved in some of these cases that do post here .. this is a belief, i have.. im not positive its just funny how fast ws finds things out and none are professional at it ? i dont believe that .. i think alot of ppl here are trained and dont say so .i do agree about posters inserting themselves in cases when they dont know enough about it or just wanna get fame .. you get ppl like that everywhere .. even the person in the crowd could be the perp . you never know what you will get or hear later about a person.. that you walked past or said hi to in the market , thinking about it gives me the creeps lol
This was such a very interesting link.. got me going again ms. chee thank you very much.. button wasn't enough for this one... :dance::dance::dance:

Where is you today??? where is everyone??? shopping, eating, watching games or just laying around resting??? :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

Well hello there stranger - I've been busy finding links to get your sleuth engine started again (LOL)... you know that old saying - when you've got no news, go over the news you've got (I just made that up - it's not really an old saying)...
Well hello there stranger - I've been busy finding links to get your sleuth engine started again (LOL)... you know that old saying - when you've got no news, go over the news you've got (I just made that up - it's not really an old saying)...

LOL .. Thanks .. hello there .. That saying is ok by me.. sounds very good.


ETA: I sure would like to know what person would contact st and tell him such things about his daughter... That was just low..

here is a quote from the link


That news was an awful blow to her brother, Holt said. He nearly had a breakdown not long after, when someone claiming to be part of the search team in Florida told him they had positively identified the child as his daughter because of a birthmark. The claim was quickly found to be false after a call to the sheriff, she said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...pson_find_body_in_landfill.html#ixzz0XcuoZSNj
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