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Forgive me Bern, as I am not saying you are wrong about the number 11, but I know my pastor recommended a book on biblical numerology and I remember him saying that the number was negative. I can't find that exact link right now, but I did find 2 below where it does say it has a negative meaning. With me, I'm always seeing 222 and have been for years & years lol.



Well I saw the number again last night, so who knows, maybe we are disorganized in this house. I can tell you as a joke last night, we tried the flashlight thing, they did on Ghost Hunters and it did the same thing here. You untwist the top of the flashlight just far enough so it is loose and the bulb is out (must be twist kind), then ask questions and the light goes on and off. We didn't ask questions, but it was off as I was waking back to the bedroom in the dark, I didn't know my hubby did this, he placed it on the dresser across the room from him. I said, what is wrong with you, turn on a light so I can see, and the flash light came on, LOL. He is an electrician and said he doesn't know why it goes on and off and dims and gets brighter without us touching it. Anyone want to research it? LOL
I did find this about doorbells ringing at 3am:


My door bell in the garage used to ring at 2:57 AM for many night in a row...I would get up and check to see who was there....

Then one time as I was getting out of bed....I heard my husband tell me he was ringing the bell just to let me know he was there and did not want to scare me.

My response to him was.....WTH I was pissed because I had to put clothes on and go to the door. I told him if he wanted my attention please tickle my nose....instead he started to tickle my hiney...he would sit at the end of the bed and there was an actual indentation on the mattress....
Well, my hubby is not even in the US right now; so, it wasn't him. Ugh...just woke up after finally getting back to sleep only to have a disturbing dream.
Well I saw the number again last night, so who knows, maybe we are disorganized in this house. I can tell you as a joke last night, we tried the flashlight thing, they did on Ghost Hunters and it did the same thing here. You untwist the top of the flashlight just far enough so it is loose and the bulb is out (must be twist kind), then ask questions and the light goes on and off. We didn't ask questions, but it was off as I was waking back to the bedroom in the dark, I didn't know my hubby did this, he placed it on the dresser across the room from him. I said, what is wrong with you, turn on a light so I can see, and the flash light came on, LOL. He is an electrician and said he doesn't know why it goes on and off and dims and gets brighter without us touching it. Anyone want to research it? LOL

OMG, I was up until 1AM watching the GH marathon..I am going to do the flashlight thing here in my new condo...
Well, my hubby is not even in the US right now; so, it wasn't him. Ugh...just woke up after finally getting back to sleep only to have a disturbing dream.

You can tell yourself before you go to sleep, please do not allow me to have disturbing dreams at this time....and I would appreciate pleasant dreams. If you have a message for me...please do it in a wonderful way Thank You...
I think I'm going to try to lie back down. I feel so bad & I don't know wth just happened...
.....and now I'm sick at my stomach.

Th morning my grandma died, a dead bird appeared on Lucy's front porch, my grandma's bestfriend, came over to my grandma's house and told her....My grandma had a broke leg and my grandma was healthy except for the cast. She told Lucy she was going to go to Heaven that day...she was of sound mind and body.

She called my Dad and Uncle and us grandkids to come over....she told everyone she loved them etc. I could not go I was at work.... at 6pm she died. Autopsy showed she had a blood clot that broke loose.....

Just remember Dreams do not always mean death, however, if this is a message for you...do not be frightened...we are born, live and die...etc.

In your dream tonight ask for clarity..... If this indeed is a message for you...you received it for a reason...embrace it.
.....and now I'm sick at my stomach.

Birds in dreams also relate to beauty, joy, love and the expression of the inter-self and spiritual self. If you know what kind of bird it was, I may be able to help you get some idea of the dream. Death of a bird may mean death of a spiritual self, or the feeling of losing faith. It can mean you need to nurse an idea before it dies. If you feel sick over the death or the bird, it may be something that means so much to you, (Spiritually) it will cause to become sick physically. Stress can make us sick, loss of faith leads can lead to depression and make us sick, see???
Forgive me Bern, as I am not saying you are wrong about the number 11, but I know my pastor recommended a book on biblical numerology and I remember him saying that the number was negative. I can't find that exact link right now, but I did find 2 below where it does say it has a negative meaning. With me, I'm always seeing 222 and have been for years & years lol.



Thank you for posting these, I have been looking for 2 day for something like this. Had a dream about my father who passed in September, kept seeing L5 and L15 on a sheet of paper, Dad said it was bible code. He was playing a code game with my brother. They would write letters and numbers, and also, there was yes and no on the paper. Dad brought me in to room I had seen before but never seen before, showed me the paper, sat down and started flipping the paper upright and then upside down, while writing and explaining it was code. (More happened, but then it got scary, so I will leave those parts out.) Anyone have any idea what the L in L 5 and L15 means?

Sorry OT.
Thank you for posting these, I have been looking for 2 day for something like this. Had a dream about my father who passed in September, kept seeing L5 and L15 on a sheet of paper, Dad said it was bible code. He was playing a code game with my brother. They would write letters and numbers, and also, there was yes and no on the paper. Dad brought me in to room I had seen before but never seen before, showed me the paper, sat down and started flipping the paper upright and then upside down, while writing and explaining it was code. (More happened, but then it got scary, so I will leave those parts out.) Anyone have any idea what the L in L 5 and L15 means?

Sorry OT.

I would discuss this with your brother....

Hopefully, someone else can offer answers to the L things.

I tried to look up the L15 for ya and came up with an L15 fighter jet.(WWII) If you want i can post it. Bern and chesterp can tell ya i am not too good at looking these types of things up, but i contribute :)

on another note, i wanted to take the time to tell Bern and chesterp that i appreciate all they offer to this thread and all of their hard work.
Very interesting about the WWII fighter pilots...

Was your Dad in the service?

I still would discuss with your brother...this could be a message, validation, between you guys....it could be something special that is supposed to be shared.
Yes, Dad was in the service in Vietnam and Cuban wars. My brother thinks my dreams are causing problems right now, so I cannot ask him. Maybe I can at a later time. (Thanks chesterp!)

And thanks to lilmom too! Dad had a keen interest in all of the space activities. Whenever he talked of them he was very knowledgeable. He was some kind of electronics whiz when in the Navy (but did not stay in past 14 years, so never made it to upper ranks; he was however offered to be a producer for CBS but Mom did not want to live in Cuba for 2 years with 3 kids), so he got to know quite a few things, most of which he could not share even when he left the Navy, which is sad to me.
Yes, Dad was in the service in Vietnam and Cuban wars. My brother thinks my dreams are causing problems right now, so I cannot ask him. Maybe I can at a later time.

Ok, your best bet is to ask for clarity before you go to bed. Talk from your heart..... Do not be afraid...It seems like your Dad wants to get a message to you. Messages are supposed to be joyous...they are ways your loved ones show they are still around watching over you.

You should not be frightened.

Try this, put a piece of paper and pen somewhere only where YOU know where it is....do not tell anyone. Write a question...you might be surprised one day the answer will be written by your Dad. Yes, this can happen. I can not explain it....I showed Bern a note that was written by my Husband....Ask him to answer clearly....it might take awhile..but it can happen.

I will ask as you explained. The scary stuff had more to do with me and some things Dad did not really know when he was alive. It was about my 1st husband trying to kill me. In the dream my dad said "I hear a noise in the kitchen, he has a gun, he shot you, did he try to shoot you in the kitchen?" Then in a closer to me sound, dad said "It is your turn to get one now." Then in a voice that sounded loud and clear as if in the room with me, but I knew it was in my head (and could have been dad or brother) "Do not say a word, not to anyone, not right now." I woke up frightened and upset, lol. I just assumed it was about my past. IDK. Thank you both so much.
I would definitely take this as a warning of some kind. Read the L5 and L15 link. It may give you in site. He said it is code, so it is something you need to figure out for yourself. The warning may not have to do with your ex as much as it is a warning in general. You said your dreams are causing problems with your brother, as in a "war" or "fight"? I posted in the Anna Waters thread on the dream thread, please read it. I have to laugh, as I posted it just before you wrote here....
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