Red haired man with boy (no photo)

Mensch I found alot of information archived about Joyce Gaunt. Sadly there is as we read hardly anything on poor Tony Witaker. I too believe it was because of her race that there's not alot to find out because people just blew it off. Not all people of course, but it sure looks that way.

Here's the information at this thread I found about Joyce Gaint. It also has photographs of Seaward Park where she was found. That is helpful as well. See Post #15 at this link.
Thanks Filly, that is very helpful. I did post a photo of Whitager (finding two different spellings on Internet) on the thread about the girll in the green suit in orange chair.
I've been looking at this and it's starting to run together, but here are a couple of things I ran accross. They may not be meaningful.

This is an album cover from a 1977 Jazz album and the medallion looks very simular to me.

I also don't think this is connected, but I was looking at the missing and saw Fritz Quenzler. For what it's worth I don't really think it's him, but I did a little research and he was very intellegent. He went missing along with his boat not long after Alcala was on the dating game. As I said I don't think this is the guy in the picture, but it did make me think of him.
Do we really need to cut out the minors in these photos?
Kimster? Beane?

For all we know, most of them could be minors.

But the photos have been published by the police.
when I blew it up on photoshop it was still hard to see but I could see the outline of a star. Like the star of david.

Maybe could it be a Pentagram even Sleuthster. I know you know the difference it's just sometimes from far away when I see The Star Of David I think it's a Pentagram and vice versa.

Orrrrrrrr, hey going on our girl with festive donkey photo maybe this guy is at a Beltane festival as well.

Agreed with you way back as I got a bad feeling how this guy is messing around holding up this child. I know. I know people do that, but maybe it's a forced pose? Kind of looks like the kid never got hoisted by the guy like that.
Do we really need to cut out the minors in these photos?
Kimster? Beane?

For all we know, most of them could be minors.

But the photos have been published by the police.

Donjeta, from instruction I thought it was only if the minor was accused of a criminal act. I wanted to post a photograph of the little girl in the yellow sweater. Afterall that's who we are looking for, right?

Maybe I read it wrong. However in the missing threads there's unfortunately alot of children that are posted. Again don't mind me as I don't always get it right.
This guy also has a ring on. It's real obvious. Silver with turquoise in the middle. It kind of looks like he may have a ring on the other hand as well.

Actually the silver ring kind of looks like a Aztec sun kind of thing I saw while lookging for the donkey's symbol. I know back then we wore all kinds of jewelry so it could just be something he picked up?
This guy also has a ring on. It's real obvious. Silver with turquoise in the middle. It kind of looks like he may have a ring on the other hand as well.

Actually the silver ring kind of looks like a Aztec sun kind of thing I saw while lookging for the donkey's symbol. I know back then we wore all kinds of jewelry so it could just be something he picked up?
Thanks for the input. It could also be a "Saint"s" medal that were popular then. It couuld be anything and nothing relevant to the case other than being an innocent bystander who happened to catch the lens of Alcals's camera. I have been looking too long and getting sidetracked. :crazy:
Since the "red haired man" is related to the Whitaker case I will do more research there.
This girl is also wearing a round silver medallion on a chain. I don't know if it's the same necklace but could be.


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Donjeta, from instruction I thought it was only if the minor was accused of a criminal act. I wanted to post a photograph of the little girl in the yellow sweater. Afterall that's who we are looking for, right?

Maybe I read it wrong. However in the missing threads there's unfortunately alot of children that are posted. Again don't mind me as I don't always get it right.

Don't we have a thread on her yet? We do have threads on other people in these photos that are quite obviously minor, and it doesn't look like the mods have had any objection. I know we've posted about her, maybe those could be moved in their own thread.

I don't know but it seems to me that if we could only post the pictures of obvious adults here it would defeat the purpose of having the forum because there are so few obvious adults here. Many could be either side of 18, and I assume that the police is eager to identify minors and adults alike if it's possible they've been crime victims. I wouldn't think we're doing anything wrong if all we're doing is posting a picture that was released by the police and in several news outlets already, discussing things we see in that photo and comparing it with crime/missing person information that is public knowledge. It would be different if we were accusing the minors of a crime or sleuthing out their personal details that haven't been released previously. But maybe Kimster or Beane can settle this.
Thanks for the input. It could also be a "Saint"s" medal that were popular then.

Saints are still popular, Mensch.:angel:

Back in 74/75 I wore a Blessed John Neumann medal to school where if I fell in a river it would have sunk me it was that large. Gave me points with the nuns because he was cannonized not long after that becoming SAINT John Neumann.

O/T I know, but relevant in maybe that MENSA medal was as big as my Blessed's?
Maybe and thats why the branch is hiding the mouth area ???

No looking back this red haired guy has way shorter hair than the handstand person.
Just weighing in on this. I don't think this photo is of the backbend person ad I don't believe that there is anything hinky going on with this photo. I think it's just a matter of Alcala slithering around with his camera and seeing a man and possibly his son clowning around and Alcala taking a photo of it. Possibly there was a girl nearby that he wanted to impress that he was a photographer and he made sure she saw him taking the photo. Who knows? But there really doesn't seem to be anything in this photo to express anything other than innocence on the part of the man and child. Again, just my honest opinion.
This girl is no longer shown in my most updated list of "still missing". This doesn't hold much water because it only means that she has been discovered to be alive, or dead. And, we won't most likely know the results of this until possibly after Alcala dies.
Alcala had red hair on several occasions in the photographs i could find of him.
I think that is pertinent.
I think you guys should be focusing on the kid. Rodney liked young boys.

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