Somer Thompson story on “20/20” Friday, April 16 at 10:00pm/et

Bumping for BeanE.

Dar - not sure what this link has to do with anything. This guy is not connected to Somer's case.

I don't remember us sleuthing that Corpus guy - strange as he is, no dna match.
I always believed this would turn out as it did, a pediphile who a one minute oppertunity to snatch a defenceless little girl. Everytime i see Diena my heart breaks a little bit more. Not only does she show her strength and bravery, she also shows her deep pain and grief and I can only imagine but not fully understand the pain her and Somer's family are in. This woman is a fighter and a survivor IMO. God Bless all of Somer's loved ones, this is only going to get more and more painful as the details come out.
Dar - not sure what this link has to do with anything. This guy is not connected to Somer's case.

I don't remember us sleuthing that Corpus guy - strange as he is, no dna match.

Oops did I post the wrong link? I was trying to post the video of the reporter saying Somer was wrapped in a carpet that we heard a few weeeks back.
Oops did I post the wrong link? I was trying to post the video of the reporter saying Somer was wrapped in a carpet that we heard a few weeeks back.

For now, he is not part of Somer's case - he was mentioned in passing tonight as a person who downloaded child *advertiser censored*.
I wish this creep would take a page from John Gardner and plead guilty and spare this poor family from years of motions, trials, appeals, sounds like they have him pretty much dead to rights, so to speak. That is the only small thing this kind of killer can do that benefits the family even if they do it for selfish reasons.
That Corpus guy was far too kid friendly for my taste - no DNA match, but he failed a lie detector test. Maybe he fantasized about the kids, including Somer, and the lie detector test couldn't tell the difference. A person's fantasies could be just a hair away from reality. moo
I really, really hope that the evidence that they have against Harrell is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Especially with his mom saying she is his alibi. Could the defense use the other creepers in the neighborhood that were looked into to cast doubt in the minds of jurors?

I haven't posted in a long time, but I was always around. I just wanted to say Thank God he will never walk as a free man ever again. They said they had a DNA match to Harrell and other forensic evidence as well.

Ya know, I cried when I watched it too. I struggle to figure out why :(

I try not to judge people, but his mother really makes me ill.

Anyhow, that's all.
So Jarard was running back and forth from the house to the outdoor shed? Was he trying to clean it?

And mom says she was with him that afternoon - wonder if they are going to arrest her for being an accessory? Does anyone think she was really there?

It seemed to me she was def making it up (thought I read LE knows it) so she should be charged. imho

The neighbor didn't say he actually went inside the shed..I took it as he was just running back & forth from it..I'm not sure why the shed means that much to him anyway cos I seriously doubt he raped & killed her there but rather in his bedroom..Btw..Did I hear right that there's video of this monster & a 3 yr old relative taken in his bedroom on Gano?
That Corpus guy was far too kid friendly for my taste - no DNA match, but he failed a lie detector test. Maybe he fantasized about the kids, including Somer, and the lie detector test couldn't tell the difference. A person's fantasies could be just a hair away from reality. moo

Why else would he fail? :waitasec:

Anyone who allowed their kids near this weirdo before this show I bet won't now but they should've put the boots to it way back after Somer went missing..Sadly, there's some parents that don't bother with their kids & some kids who don't listen to their parents so I'm afraid it's not the end of Corpus, his dog, & kids. :banghead:
It seemed to me she was def making it up (thought I read LE knows it) so she should be charged. imho

The neighbor didn't say he actually went inside the shed..I took it as he was just running back & forth from it..I'm not sure why the shed means that much to him anyway cos I seriously doubt he raped & killed her there but rather in his bedroom..Btw..Did I hear right that there's video of this monster & a 3 yr old relative taken in his bedroom on Gano?

Yes. The relative recognized the location. They said since he was suspected of molesting someone he knew, and was turned in by other people, that should have been enough for a warrant. Since they have all these excuses why it took all that time to get a warrant. I've always felt LE botched this case from the beginning (I know, not popular and that is one reason I never really posted here, I'll leave before the screaming begins).

If his mom really wants to be his alibi, maybe she should be arrested for murder also? Love these moms. They should have a special jail for all the mommies that stick up for their murdering children. :furious:
Why else would he fail? :waitasec:

Anyone who allowed their kids near this weirdo before this show I bet won't now but they should've put the boots to it way back after Somer went missing..Sadly, there's some parents that don't bother with their kids & some kids who don't listen to their parents so I'm afraid it's not the end of Corpus, his dog, & kids. :banghead:

Interesting if fantasy = reality in a lie detector test!

How about that adorable little dog he carried around stashed in his jacket. Just high enough to make the kids reach and brush against him? I know this guy is innocent and probably has hurt feelings about being so carefully watched - but the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with what he alarming! moo
Yes. The relative recognized the location. They said since he was suspected of molesting someone he knew, and was turned in by other people, that should have been enough for a warrant. Since they have all these excuses why it took all that time to get a warrant. I've always felt LE botched this case from the beginning (I know, not popular and that is one reason I never really posted here, I'll leave before the screaming begins).

If his mom really wants to be his alibi, maybe she should be arrested for murder also? Love these moms. They should have a special jail for all the mommies that stick up for their murdering children. :furious:

That was an excellent point that was made - but I'm not sure LE had that information before Somer was murdered. I can't remember if they had the child *advertiser censored* only or child *advertiser censored* and pics of molestation. moo
Yes. The relative recognized the location. They said since he was suspected of molesting someone he knew, and was turned in by other people, that should have been enough for a warrant. Since they have all these excuses why it took all that time to get a warrant. I've always felt LE botched this case from the beginning (I know, not popular and that is one reason I never really posted here, I'll leave before the screaming begins).

If his mom really wants to be his alibi, maybe she should be arrested for murder also? Love these moms. They should have a special jail for all the mommies that stick up for their murdering children. :furious:

He wasn't ever suspected of that until he was charged with the kiddie *advertiser censored* and they did the search of his mothers house and found the video cam with the molesting on it.
Went out to dinner with friends and I totally missed the show! :eek:
I wanted to watch/discuss it with y'all.

Oh well, I DVRed it so I'll go watch it, read y'all's comments.
I do recall the roommates saying they had suspected him of molesting a child he knew. Maybe they knew he babysat. But there was no proof until the pictures were found. I think what they were getting at on the show was that the roommates saying they suspected him should have started an investagation by DCS with the child they named.
He wasn't ever suspected of that until he was charged with the kiddie *advertiser censored* and they did the search of his mothers house and found the video cam with the molesting on it.

The way it was explained, they claim they couldn't get a warrant for his computer for months. I believe they could have had probable cause earlier. If not for Somer's case, then for everyone else he was molesting! Anyway, I'm not going to argue it. IMO this is one of the worst cases ever, Somer deserved better. The kid was right on the street in front of their faces. :banghead:

I'm going to stop reading. No reason to get myself upset, I know my opinion is in the minority.
i debated from 20/20 and dateline tonight. i'd seen sommers case here before but never gone in depth for it.

i just at a loss for words. i was ok till her brother and sister were singing 'you are my sunshine' at the end.....

maybe they can do a show on nadia to cheer me up next......
The way it was explained, they claim they couldn't get a warrant for his computer for months. I believe they could have had probable cause earlier. If not for Somer's case, then for everyone else he was molesting! Anyway, I'm not going to argue it. IMO this is one of the worst cases ever, Somer deserved better. The kid was right on the street in front of their faces. :banghead:

I'm going to stop reading. No reason to get myself upset, I know my opinion is in the minority.

No, I'm with you. I've stated my position on this several weeks ago and was hung to out to dry for my opinion.

Now, after seeing 20/20, I do get WHY they took so long to hone in on Harrell. They thought they had their man 2 houses away.

I agree the excuses for not tearing Harrell's mother's home apart before getting "probable cause" are ridiculous. At the beginning of the investigation, they were all over the other Gano home for DAYS and we now know NOTHING happened there. What was the probably cause there?

No one was looking at Harrell unil the DNA results came back for Mr. Puppy down the street. Period. They thought they had their man. But they didn't. I realize they got a lot of tips and it's hard to root out every single one. But, hello?, a tip about a guy whose car is seen at his mother's home on Gano - on Somer's usual route - who has a laptop full of child *advertiser censored*? He's not on the short list of having his house roped off and swarmed with CSI? Gah!

JMO. Flame away...

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