OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #2

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You know, this is just my opinion, but as far as FBI profilers go, I have never seen much variation in the profiles they put out there...a loner, low-paying job, may live alone or with mother, etc...also they cover so much ground, they are bound to be right on some of it. I am just not a big fan of profiling personally. Every case seems different to me and creeps and weirdos come in all ages, colors, sizes, jobs, and economic backgrounds. We may see something very similar to what was put out about Kayleah and others before her. JMO I just think it is something the FBI does
I recently read a book on case murdered child case in Canada when profiling was first started and it was very iffy as to whether the famed FBI guy took info from police on thier prime suspect (who turned out to be innocent via DNA) and then made his profile fit that...just saying. MOO
I only joined WS a short time ago due to my friends son whose mother is missing and I just joined and started reading/posting. I will say I was not aware (so I will read the rules now) that we cannot comment or be curious of the actions and things people do or say or don't do or say when they are people close to a missing person. I personally feel that in order to truely sleuth a case it is important to understand and know everything we can about all close parties or people who were around or had opportunity or motive to make someone be missing. Not saying that just because a person does or does not do or say something doesn't mean they are suspect, IMO it is just part of sleuthing to try to dissect things, allthough that can be very hard to do being everyone reacts differently in any situation. I mean look at Ethans thread, just from reading the delisonal crap on the Slopes Knot page I would have called them suspect from the beginning. :twocents:

Anyhow, with that being said I am also not very familiar with how LE works in a missing persons case, regarding statements and what they do and do not release to the public. I understand some things are not released in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation.

But I am wondering why at this point LE has stated they have narrowed down their focus and have yet to say they have at least eliminated people as POI's, like family, school faculity, other children at the school or parents of other children or visitors from that day. So anyone with any insight on this I would appreciate knowing why the haven't done this at this point, unless they just really do not have a POI or a hinkling of what happened. But with allowing the kids to go back to school Monday makes me think they have for sure cleared that as a crime scene and the statement that they have narrowed their focus seems to me they have some sort of idea as to what might have happened.
Support to Skyline and all schools

In the wake of this event, we are taking several immediate steps to provide support to Skyline and its families, as well as families across our school district. In addition, we are also reviewing school district policies and protocols to strengthen and speed communication between our schools and our families.

Here is what we will put in place at Skyline elementary tomorrow:

Our Crisis Response Team will be available to provide counseling support to Skyline students, staff and families all day on Monday and Tuesday. The school psychologist assigned to Skyline and Roosevelt High School will also be on site all day. Up to five professional counseling staff will be available in room 203 at Skyline.
Two school resource officers will be in place to provide enhanced security at Skyline School.​

She's definitely his mom.

How do you know this? Do you have a link? I know she is tagged in the latest photos of him on Terri's FB, but FB is not a reliable link in this situation.
I agree! I've been asking about cameras at our school for a long time! My son, who has Asperger's, was bullied in middle school horribly and they kept saying that they couldn't "prove it". But that's for another forum.

Back to here...

The State of Oregon just announced last month that they have a HUGE SHORTFALL of funds and are cutting back on all government programs, including our schools. I fear it will get worse before it gets better. :( I've even heard that some districts are considering cutting back to 4 days a week.

I agree it will probably get worse before it gets better. We heard rumor of the 4 day school week here about a year ago - so far that has not happened and I will be really unhappy if it does.

Schools do need better security. I have been thinking that for the 3 years my son has attended our elementary school. For example, if I am going to be in the school to talk to the teacher or whatever, I go to the office, sign in, and put a guest sticker on - then I am on my way. I don't even think I am required to log out that I am leaving. I don't have to turn my sticker in - so technically I could just use it the next time. I could even buy those stickers somewhere. No one checks my ID. No one even checks to see if I actually wrote down the correct information. There are no checks and balances in place. I've always wondered if the teachers would notice if the kid didn't come back to class after lunch, music, PE, the bathroom, etc (especially substitute teachers) . One time my son got a pass to go to the bathroom and when he got back to class no one was there. They had all left to go to music. I think that was in 1st grade. We had a special assembly to honor students of the month recently and I attended since my son was getting the award. They told us we could leave after with our child (a few minutes before the bell rang) but to sign them out in the office first. No one made sure we actually did sign them out or that we were really authorized to take them. The teacher never called saying why didn't your child return to class, just wondering where he is.

We have to update a list yearly of who can pick up our child, but if it's the end of the school day the kids get released from class and picked up at the curb. No one checks to make sure you are or are not on the list.

In Cub Scouts, my son is taught to use the buddy system. Always go together - but they don't do that at school.

It's frustrating.

My gut though tells me in this case, this wasn't a stranger abduction.
Hi kb. I wanted to ask you a question as gently as possible, (which isn't easy for me, trust me on that)
Why do we come to Websleuths? We come here to dissect any and all facts that relate to the cases that peak our interest. I totally understand and agree about "bashing" parents, family, etc..Until we have reason or strong evidence of which way LE is going, but we also have a right to form opinions, dissect statements and analyze data that is available to us.

In my very humble opinion, I believe that Websleuths is meant for just what the name of it says: Sleuthing. One of the definitions of "sleuthing" is to search and discover. :)

Just want to add my thoughts. Tricia, the owner of WS, has some guidelines to help all of us sleuthers, and the site to stay ethical and respected. She has terrific mods to help us sleuthers stick to the guidelines.

One such guideline is that WS is victim friendly, meaning we don't attack the victim and family/friends of the victim until there is reason to do so. We are reminded by the mods and Tricia to think about how we would feel if it were our child or loved one missing or found murdered - and to think about how we would feel if attacks were made on us or our children/loved ones. GREAT GUIDELINE if you ask me.

Another guideline - we don't ever sleuth minors. We don't promote rumors, and we respect each other for thoughts and ideas that fit in the guidelines here at WS. The mods carry out the guidelines to ensure safety for us to sleuth here - we don't have a fistful of people attacking us for what we believe or what we are promoting - as long as what we are saying is within the guidelines. just my opinions and stuff like that.
Two articles has her still as Desiree Horman,so I'm wondering if they just didn't have her last name.

Either the Desiree Young in the photo album with Kyron's pic is either her or a friend of the family,just the same first name.But,Desiree is the mother's first name.

Kyron father's Kaine Horman, works at Intel. The boy's mother, Desiree Horman, lives in Medford and came to Portland following Kyron's disappearance.
I am way behind but in the comment section of this article someone states that on Step Mom's FB page that on June 4th it showed her playing the family feud game at 8:01 am I don't know if this is anything, What time does school start at Kyron's school ?

happyoregonmom is the one who made the post:

Here are additional steps we are taking at Skyline and at all schools across the district:​

As of Monday, June 7, 2010, we are mandating the use of our automated attendance call system at every K-8 and K-5 school, so that families will be notified of any unexcused absence during the day the absence is recorded. (Because this policy is not currently in place at all schools, it may take a day or two to fully implement the automated system. Until the system is implemented, we are requiring schools that do not use the automated attendance system to call families directly when there is an unexcused absence.)

We are re-emphasizing our existing policy requiring all school staff, contractors and volunteers to display their I.D. badges and for visitors to sign-in and wear name tags at every school, during school hours. Any visitors who refuse to sign-in and wear a name tag will be asked to leave.
We have put in place a counseling hotline that is available to anyone who needs advice or support, in particular how to help children address the safety and emotional issues raised by this situation. That number will be staffed starting at 8:30 a.m. Monday morning. The phone number is: 503-916-3931.
We are convening a team of school district leaders, including deputy superintendents, principals and school security services, as well as leaders of the Portland Association of Teachers, to review arrival and dismissal practices and identify ways we can ensure a smooth, well-coordinated transition of student supervision between families and teachers at the beginning and end of the school day.
As part of this effort, we will review our visitor sign-in practices for school events that invite large numbers of family members and community members into our schools.

We will continue to hope for Kyron Horman’s safe and speedy return to his family. In the meantime, Portland Public Schools will continue to do everything we can to aid law enforcement in this investigation and make every effort possible to ensure that students are closely supervised and monitored throughout the day at all our schools.
Carole Smith

snipped for space.
But with allowing the kids to go back to school Monday makes me think they have for sure cleared that as a crime scene and the statement that they have narrowed their focus seems to me they have some sort of idea as to what might have happened.

I just asked my husband if he thinks school should be in session tomorrow, with it being the place Kyron was last seen - and he said yes, if they have ruled out stranger/staff abduction and are focusing on it being a family abduction specifically targeting Kyron. I think since school is in session tomorrow - they MUST have some idea of who it was or what happened.
Support to Skyline and all schools

In the wake of this event, we are taking several immediate steps to provide support to Skyline and its families, as well as families across our school district. In addition, we are also reviewing school district policies and protocols to strengthen and speed communication between our schools and our families.

Here is what we will put in place at Skyline elementary tomorrow:

Our Crisis Response Team will be available to provide counseling support to Skyline students, staff and families all day on Monday and Tuesday. The school psychologist assigned to Skyline and Roosevelt High School will also be on site all day. Up to five professional counseling staff will be available in room 203 at Skyline.
Two school resource officers will be in place to provide enhanced security at Skyline School.​

Think they're afraid no one is coming back? I wouldn't.
Really praying Kyron will soon be home safe in the arms of those who love him.
I am so shocked that this school did not make visitors sign in and out. My son's elem. school you have to sign in and out, wear a visitors pass. You can not leave the school grounds without signing your child out. My kids have been at that school for over 6 years between the two of them, the staff knows me very well and I still have to do the whole kit and kaboodle ...
This is so sad :(
Just want to add my thoughts. Tricia, the owner of WS, has some guidelines to help all of us sleuthers, and the site to stay ethical and respected. She has terrific mods to help us sleuthers stick to the guidelines.

Thanks, I'm well aware of the TOS here as I've been here since March/09. If you read my post, I was pointing out to the OP that the reason we come here is to SLEUTH as long as we try to do so respectfully.
that Desiree is the one and same...you can tell by her friends, some of them are uncles of Kyron's, etc...
I understand what you're saying and I appreciate that you pointed that function and feature out. However, it is still disturbing to me as when the toddler appears in photos, her full name is used. And, certainly, an 18-month old does not have a Facebook account. So, still, to me, it seems as though where Kyron is tagged by just his first name, it is more an after-thought since most every other photo (from the baby to the entire family -- except in photos containing miscellaneous individuals) their whole name is used. Why not do the same for Kyron?

I'm not saying that TH has something to do with Kyron's disappearance. That thought just sickens me. But, something feels "off" when it comes to her Facebook page. When she posts about her daughter, I get a sense that she is being genuine. But, not so with Kyron. As I said in my original post, I may be reading into things based on my emotions. Everything I've shared is my opinion only. And, I hope that is the case. But, just like anything, it doesn't hurt to point it out. Unfortunately, you just never know...

It may have something to do with the bio mom....I don't usually tag my friend's children's pictures in what I post on facebook....there may be an understanding to not tag them.
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