CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 1

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I do. But, since I have no proof of any of it, I would rather not say at this time. I was out of work for a long time before we left. I spent most of my day on the computer looking for a job. My "office" was on the front of the house and the window next to my desk faced Bob's driveway. I still wonder if I had not had to sell everything and moved if I would have seen something over there that day.
The thing that makes me the most upset is that the Placentia PD talks big about leaving no stone unturned. Yet, I have not received as much as a phone call from them. Bob and I were (yes, were) very good friends. I have honestly given up hope of him being found alive after all this time. I miss him so much. I just want to know what happened to him.
Next Tuesday will be a year since he disappeared. I was told the OC Register will be doing a story. I will write an essay about him for my blog as well. Thank you all for your help in keeping this case alive.

I think most of us feel as you do, that Bob is no longer living. Please accept my condolences to you on the loss of your good friend.

You are obviously proof that the Placentia PD have left stones unturned. There may be something going on behind the scenes, but it sure doesn't seem like there's much going on at all.

I'm sure local media will chime in on the one year anniversary of Bob going missing. I would personally prefer it not be another fluff piece on the great love story of Bob and Fontelle. The real story now is that this man is still missing and needs to be found.
I forgot to add. Ask me anything you like. If I feel I can answer it, I will. If I do not know, I will say that as well. Maybe since the police are not interested, they might read this board and learn something.

Are you aware of Bob's relationship with his daughters prior to him marrying Fontelle? Based on comments the daughters have made publicly since he's gone missing, it was quite strained since their mother's death.
I forgot to add. Ask me anything you like. If I feel I can answer it, I will. If I do not know, I will say that as well. Maybe since the police are not interested, they might read this board and learn something.


Could you tell us more about what Mr. Harrod was like as a person?
First, I have been reading through the past postings from page 1. My head hurts from the lies, distortions, and just plain untruths that I have read that I know of. I wish I had known about this posting a long time ago. I would have chimed in regularly.

Bob and I did not talk at length about his kids. I knew Julie, who lived next door to him for a while. She had invited him and Georgia to move from Pasadena to live next door to her and Jeff. A few years later, they moved out of town. Julie has always been a very nice person to my family and me. She and Jeff were some of the friendliest neighbors we had in that neighborhood. As far as the other two, I knew Bob had helped support them and given them money when in need. They did not come around often. I met Paula a handfull of times and Robbie only twice. One time was at Georgia's funeral. So, I can not tell you much about them.

As far as Bob goes, he was a good man. I only knew him after he moved into our neighborhood around 2002. Before that, I don't know. I do not know what kind of father, husband or friend he was before that. When I knew him he was a devoted husband. Georgia was in very bad health. Bob hated to leave her alone at any time. He felt he needed to be there for her. He took care of her until she died. He had a sliding chair put in for the stairway. He had a hospital bed brought in when she was so incapacitated she could not go up the stairs. I believe they were together for 54 years.

He was a good friend. We looked out for each other. After Julie moved away, she could not be there all the time. I tried to help as best I could. We became close friends. We were brother Masons at the same lodge. He was tight with a dollar. I used to tease him about that. His garage was full of boxes of clothes and other stuff. I tried to get him to let me help clean it out. Even after Georgia was gone, he would not do it. He had bought a Model T to restore one day for his grandson. It was piled with stuff inside and out as well. We used to hide my kid's Christmas presents over there. No one would ever see them.

I think I was the last friend Bob had. He rarely spoke about anyone else. I was the person he called and asked to go with him to put his old dog to sleep. I was the first person he told about Fontelle. I was the first person who knew he had gotten married. I met Fontelle before any of the daughters did. I also knew "the hairdresser". I have no proof but, just because she is not a suspect, does not mean she did not have anything to do with it. Just my opinion. I did not like her from the first time I met her. Bob and I talked about her some. We eventually had to agree to disagree when it came to her.

I was the last person to sit down and have a conversation with him. I was leaving the next day and wanted to say goodbye. We talked for hours. We talked about Fontelle and his plans for the future. We talked about his health and how he had started going back to the doctor to insure he got the twenty years he wanted with her.

I could go on, but I do not want to drone on too much. If you want to know more, just ask. Since my name has already been posted in this board it is Paul Estes.
First, I have been reading through the past postings from page 1. My head hurts from the lies, distortions, and just plain untruths that I have read that I know of. I wish I had known about this posting a long time ago. I would have chimed in regularly.

Bob and I did not talk at length about his kids. I knew Julie, who lived next door to him for a while. She had invited him and Georgia to move from Pasadena to live next door to her and Jeff. A few years later, they moved out of town. Julie has always been a very nice person to my family and me. She and Jeff were some of the friendliest neighbors we had in that neighborhood. As far as the other two, I knew Bob had helped support them and given them money when in need. They did not come around often. I met Paula a handfull of times and Robbie only twice. One time was at Georgia's funeral. So, I can not tell you much about them.

As far as Bob goes, he was a good man. I only knew him after he moved into our neighborhood around 2002. Before that, I don't know. I do not know what kind of father, husband or friend he was before that. When I knew him he was a devoted husband. Georgia was in very bad health. Bob hated to leave her alone at any time. He felt he needed to be there for her. He took care of her until she died. He had a sliding chair put in for the stairway. He had a hospital bed brought in when she was so incapacitated she could not go up the stairs. I believe they were together for 54 years.

He was a good friend. We looked out for each other. After Julie moved away, she could not be there all the time. I tried to help as best I could. We became close friends. We were brother Masons at the same lodge. He was tight with a dollar. I used to tease him about that. His garage was full of boxes of clothes and other stuff. I tried to get him to let me help clean it out. Even after Georgia was gone, he would not do it. He had bought a Model T to restore one day for his grandson. It was piled with stuff inside and out as well. We used to hide my kid's Christmas presents over there. No one would ever see them.

I think I was the last friend Bob had. He rarely spoke about anyone else. I was the person he called and asked to go with him to put his old dog to sleep. I was the first person he told about Fontelle. I was the first person who knew he had gotten married. I met Fontelle before any of the daughters did. I also knew "the hairdresser". I have no proof but, just because she is not a suspect, does not mean she did not have anything to do with it. Just my opinion. I did not like her from the first time I met her. Bob and I talked about her some. We eventually had to agree to disagree when it came to her.

I was the last person to sit down and have a conversation with him. I was leaving the next day and wanted to say goodbye. We talked for hours. We talked about Fontelle and his plans for the future. We talked about his health and how he had started going back to the doctor to insure he got the twenty years he wanted with her.

I could go on, but I do not want to drone on too much. If you want to know more, just ask. Since my name has already been posted in this board it is Paul Estes.

Thank you very much for your insights, Paul. It's sounds as though you were very good friends indeed.
CA Exile - what other insights can you provide? If you've read all the posts here from the beginning, you know that we are not all on the same page concerning what happened to Bob. None of us know, of course. What we do here is speculate, theorize and discuss.

Are you willing to share your thoughts?
I am the neighbor everyone is talking about. Yes, I talked to Bob at length on July 19. I left CA on July 20. I was in East TN when I found out. I have NEVER been contacted by Placentia PD or ANY OTHER law enforcement agency. The only people who have contacted me are Fontelle's son, a private investigator for the daughters (that's what he said), an attorney for Fontelle, and a reporter from the L.A. Times. I have been very public about my feeling and my beliefs. I am available at any time to speak to any law enforcement officer. They have my address, phone number, and email address. It looks to me like they just want to sweep all this away as some doddering old fool who wandered away.

Welcome to W/S CAExile! It bothers me that in your list of people that you said have contacted you that you have put parentheses around the private investigator for the daughters (that's what they said) as though you question them/him YET you don't question Fontelle'$ son or Attorney$. I don't think there's anything strange in daughter's wanting an investigator to search for their father.
Welcome to Websleuths CA Exile. I'm glad you found Bob's thread here at WS and very much appreciate your input and insight to the man you knew. Bob sounds like a wonderful man and wonderful friend and neighbor.

I'm praying there is some resolution and answers on his case.

I forgot to add. Ask me anything you like. If I feel I can answer it, I will. If I do not know, I will say that as well. Maybe since the police are not interested, they might read this board and learn something.

Welcome. I have some questions if you can answer.
  1. Why did Bob ask his daughters to leave him alone for six months at the beginning of 2009?
  2. Who sent you the email on July 29th to say that Bob disappeared?
  3. You mentioned SIL went to Home Depot and got some lunch. Was that communicated in the email you received? If so, did the email say what time this was? I ask because of the time discrepancies and the latest article says “Michaels told police that he worked at the home, then went to Home Depot about 2:40 p.m. to buy supplies. When he returned about 3:30 p.m., Bob's housekeeper was sitting on the front stoop because no one had answered the door.” The receipt shows he paid for items at 3:04 PM, so I’m wondering how the “lunch” fits in and the source of that info.
  4. Do you know if the housekeeper had a regular schedule where she came on Monday afternoons, etc.?
  5. Would the daughters & SIL be aware of the day/time the housekeeper came?
  6. How often did the SIL go to Bob's house in the months before he went missing?,0,7717364,full.story
First, I have been reading through the past postings from page 1. My head hurts from the lies, distortions, and just plain untruths that I have read that I know of. I wish I had known about this posting a long time ago. I would have chimed in regularly.

Bob and I did not talk at length about his kids. I knew Julie, who lived next door to him for a while. She had invited him and Georgia to move from Pasadena to live next door to her and Jeff. A few years later, they moved out of town. Julie has always been a very nice person to my family and me. She and Jeff were some of the friendliest neighbors we had in that neighborhood. As far as the other two, I knew Bob had helped support them and given them money when in need. They did not come around often. I met Paula a handfull of times and Robbie only twice. One time was at Georgia's funeral. So, I can not tell you much about them.

As far as Bob goes, he was a good man. I only knew him after he moved into our neighborhood around 2002. Before that, I don't know. I do not know what kind of father, husband or friend he was before that. When I knew him he was a devoted husband. Georgia was in very bad health. Bob hated to leave her alone at any time. He felt he needed to be there for her. He took care of her until she died. He had a sliding chair put in for the stairway. He had a hospital bed brought in when she was so incapacitated she could not go up the stairs. I believe they were together for 54 years.

He was a good friend. We looked out for each other. After Julie moved away, she could not be there all the time. I tried to help as best I could. We became close friends. We were brother Masons at the same lodge. He was tight with a dollar. I used to tease him about that. His garage was full of boxes of clothes and other stuff. I tried to get him to let me help clean it out. Even after Georgia was gone, he would not do it. He had bought a Model T to restore one day for his grandson. It was piled with stuff inside and out as well. We used to hide my kid's Christmas presents over there. No one would ever see them.

I think I was the last friend Bob had. He rarely spoke about anyone else. I was the person he called and asked to go with him to put his old dog to sleep. I was the first person he told about Fontelle. I was the first person who knew he had gotten married. I met Fontelle before any of the daughters did. I also knew "the hairdresser". I have no proof but, just because she is not a suspect, does not mean she did not have anything to do with it. Just my opinion. I did not like her from the first time I met her. Bob and I talked about her some. We eventually had to agree to disagree when it came to her.

I was the last person to sit down and have a conversation with him. I was leaving the next day and wanted to say goodbye. We talked for hours. We talked about Fontelle and his plans for the future. We talked about his health and how he had started going back to the doctor to insure he got the twenty years he wanted with her.

I could go on, but I do not want to drone on too much. If you want to know more, just ask. Since my name has already been posted in this board it is Paul E.

Paul, thank you so much for joining us. It means a lot to have you here. :)

I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry that your friend is missing and more than likely not coming back.

I can see that the friendship you shared was important to you and I just wanted you to know that I am so very sorry.
First, to DollyPardonMe, I question everything about this case and anyone who contacts me. I asked the private investigator who he worked for and he said the daughters. Since I have not heard from any of them since around August, I have no idea. He only talked to me one time and I never heard from him, again. The attorney said he was working for Fontelle. Fontell will still talk to me, and she confirmed that. The reporter was obvious. She wrote a story in the LA times.

Now for the questions...

1. Bob had just lost his ailing wife of 54 years. He was burned out from people fussing over him, no matter how well intentioned. Bob was a relatively private man. He never went anywhere and rarely had guests. I think he just wanted some time to himself.

2. It was sent to me by another neighbor who had seen all the commotion at the house.

3. I guess he was working and found a stopping place. Then he went to get a bite to eat and run errands. I don't think there is anything unusual about that. The initial email I received just said Bob was missing and she thought I should know since we are friends. Nothing more. As soon as I got it, I called Bob's house and Julie answered. We talked for a while.

4. Yes, she came every other Monday I think. Bob had told me when we last talked he was having the house cleaned up for Fontelle for when she gets back. He was also having some work done he had been meaning to get around to.

5. I am sure they were. Julie was the closest to Bob of the three daughters.

6. I can't tell you. I would just see Julie's car there every week or so. I could not tell you if Jeff was with her or not. They were usually inside. They live in another town.

I also want to say I have liked Jeff from the time I met him. He has always been friendly to me. I was upset when all the scrutiny came down on him. He is too nice a guy to have to put up with that. I could be totally wrong about him, but as far as I can tell, he is a good man. The same goes for his wife, Julie. Right after my kids were born, our AC went out in the house. Julie let my wife and the babies stay with her during the day until the AC could get fixed. I will always be grateful to her for that.

I have been asked to verify who I say I am. So, after that, you will all know if I am for real or making all this up. If I am able to still post and my stuff not erased, I guess I am who I say I am.

Keep the questions coming. I may not have the answer, but I will say what I know.
One other thing. Before everyone goes around high-fiving and backslapping the OC register, there are a couple of things you should know. I contacted the reporter twice when he started writing the article. He never contacted me back or has asked to speak to me. He seems to be more interested in anonymous "concerned neighbors" who knew Bob in passing than talking to someone who actually knew him. They are just as incompetent as the Placentia PD. At least the LA Times contacted me. And, I don't even read the LA Times.
One other thing. Before everyone goes around high-fiving and backslapping the OC register, there are a couple of things you should know. I contacted the reporter twice when he started writing the article. He never contacted me back or has asked to speak to me. He seems to be more interested in anonymous "concerned neighbors" who knew Bob in passing than talking to someone who actually knew him. They are just as incompetent as the Placentia PD. At least the LA Times contacted me. And, I don't even read the LA Times.

Welcome to WS, Paul! I, for one, am glad to finally hear nice things about Mr. Harrod. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope that we will soon find out not only the truth, but find him and bring him home!
So, Jeff is the SIL who was at Bob's the day he went missing? Sounds like a nice, helpful guy.
First, to DollyPardonMe, I question everything about this case and anyone who contacts me. I asked the private investigator who he worked for and he said the daughters. Since I have not heard from any of them since around August, I have no idea. He only talked to me one time and I never heard from him, again. The attorney said he was working for Fontelle. Fontell will still talk to me, and she confirmed that. The reporter was obvious. She wrote a story in the LA times.

Now for the questions...

1. Bob had just lost his ailing wife of 54 years. He was burned out from people fussing over him, no matter how well intentioned. Bob was a relatively private man. He never went anywhere and rarely had guests. I think he just wanted some time to himself.

2. It was sent to me by another neighbor who had seen all the commotion at the house.

3. I guess he was working and found a stopping place. Then he went to get a bite to eat and run errands. I don't think there is anything unusual about that. The initial email I received just said Bob was missing and she thought I should know since we are friends. Nothing more. As soon as I got it, I called Bob's house and Julie answered. We talked for a while.

4. Yes, she came every other Monday I think. Bob had told me when we last talked he was having the house cleaned up for Fontelle for when she gets back. He was also having some work done he had been meaning to get around to.

5. I am sure they were. Julie was the closest to Bob of the three daughters.

6. I can't tell you. I would just see Julie's car there every week or so. I could not tell you if Jeff was with her or not. They were usually inside. They live in another town.

I also want to say I have liked Jeff from the time I met him. He has always been friendly to me. I was upset when all the scrutiny came down on him. He is too nice a guy to have to put up with that. I could be totally wrong about him, but as far as I can tell, he is a good man. The same goes for his wife, Julie. Right after my kids were born, our AC went out in the house. Julie let my wife and the babies stay with her during the day until the AC could get fixed. I will always be grateful to her for that.

I have been asked to verify who I say I am. So, after that, you will all know if I am for real or making all this up. If I am able to still post and my stuff not erased, I guess I am who I say I am.

Keep the questions coming. I may not have the answer, but I will say what I know.

Thanks Exile, Very Interesting. If you are as you say, why should we believe the things you post about Bob that the daughters posted using different words on another site? He kept to himself and had few visitors or friends, was very cautious with his money, and the barber person was not well thought of. Common opinion has been expressed that the daughters were attacking their father when stating the same as you. Could it be that you are a member of that family or could there have been the ring of truth in the same statements, long since deleted? Some here have quoted some of the deleted IS posts, if you read back. Who do you suspect and why? If the Police never contacted you and you had information for the investigation, why did you not persist in trying to make contact with them? I don't understand why the family shouldn't have hired a private investigator. So many new questions come to mind since you started posting.
CA Exile has sent his information to Tricia, the owner of WS and can now post as being verified.

Friendly Reminder: - we do not sleuth or out WS members id's. It is a violation of TOS. If there are questions regarding Tricia's verification process they should be directed to Tricia via email or private message.

For an better explaination of our verification process and rule:

Originally posted by Tricia in the Beth Bentley thread. Edited to remove info regarding Beths case.

The only people who need to be verified are those who actually know the main people involved.

If you know and have contact with any of the main people in the case and you want to post about it then you need to be verified. Or if you work directly with any of them. My point is it needs to be direct social or business contact for you to be verified.

You need to be verified if you say you are related to the main people involved in the case.

The verification process is very simple. I have to know your real name and talk to you on the phone. NO ONE will have the information but me.

Let me stress that this verification process is not perfect and people can slip through but short of hiring a private detective this is the best we can do.

If someone who is verified posts something you must always understand that there is a chance, even though they have been verified, that they may not be who they say they are. It's the chance we have to take.

Please email me if you feel you want to post about your personal experience in the case and need to be verified.

Thank you
FYI the abbv IS refers to the former thread or discussion on Bobs case at the In Sessions forum, which has apparently been removed from their website.

Why would I lie? I have nothing to gain. As far as who I am, I have a blog and a facebook page. They both have my picture on them. You have my blog address in a previous post - Look me up on facebook. You have my real name, picture and email. My question for ShowMe is who, exactly, are you? If you are from MO, you may be part of Fontelle's family. I have spoken to some of them. If you are, you should know exactly who I am. Some people on this board know I am who I say I am. I was one of the few at Georgia's funeral at sea. How many others can say that. What was the name of the boat? Where did we leave from? Who was the minister? What did we throw in the water along with her ashes? I have not seen those in any of the other boards or articles.

I do not speak for the family. I am not a member of the family. I do not dispute anything the daughters have said. The only things I can dispute are the thing I know because I was there or because Bob told me. Anything else, I have no idea. I am all in favor of a private investigator. I am sure the family did hire him. What reason would he have to lie about that? I answered all his questions. I talked to him for over an hour and a half that day. I told him everything I knew. If he asked me a question I did not know, I told him I did not know.

As far as the police go, I got tired of banging my head against the wall. I was not there when he disappeared. The only thing I could tell him was what I knew about his love for Fontelle and his state of mind as of July 19, 2009.

My theories are irrelevant since I do not have all the facts. I was not there during the investigation. All I know is Bob Harrod has not been gone for almost a year by his own volition. With no activity on his accounts and no word to his family, he is gone. I suspect he is probably dead. The only people that know what happened were the people who left his house with him and God, above.

Now, you say there are so many new questions, what are they? I am ready to answer. I have always been ready to answer since the day Bob disappeared. The problem is most people do not feel I have anything to contribute so they don't ask.

Ask away, ShowMe.
Thanks, Cubby. I was not sure. I remember that website. I printed every single page of that and mailed it to Fontelle. Each "page" was about 16 printed pages. Fontelle does not have a computer and I felt she should know what was going on. I know the three daughters were posting on it. I never did. I wanted to stay out of that. The only reason I am on this wall is because someone brought my name up and I decided to answer.

I am still waiting on a phone call from this board's owner to verify who I am. She may not get back to me until Monday. The good thing is I am easy to verify by my presence on the internet through facebook and my blog. They both have my smiling face on them.
Thanks, Cubby. I was not sure. I remember that website. I printed every single page of that and mailed it to Fontelle. Each "page" was about 16 printed pages. Fontelle does not have a computer and I felt she should know what was going on. I know the three daughters were posting on it. I never did. I wanted to stay out of that. The only reason I am on this wall is because someone brought my name up and I decided to answer.

I am still waiting on a phone call from this board's owner to verify who I am. She may not get back to me until Monday. The good thing is I am easy to verify by my presence on the internet through facebook and my blog. They both have my smiling face on them.

Tricia sometimes takes a day or two to contact members and has stated members can post as being verified once they sent their information even if she has not yet contacted them. She has yet to have anyone be dishonest who has sent their info so to expedite things that's the rule.

One thing I would like to share with WS, is we are much different than other forums. We don't allow flaming, or unfound rumor or gossip to be posted. Myself, and the dozen or so other moderators work hard to keep the information on the forums relevent, within TOS or terms of service and accurate. 'fact' needs to be supported with links etc...... Also WS is a victim friendly forum, Bob is a victim as is his family and wife, and there is no victim bashing allowed at WS. We try to stick to to the facts, uncover the truth and discuss reasonable theories. Your input is valued here.

Thank you again for your interest in Bobs case.

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