The 90 minutes Terri spent driving around--Do you believe it?

Do you believe Terri drove around for 90 minutes strictly to calm a fussy baby?

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I voted NO..

My main reason for voting No and believing that it is a bold faced lie and IMO that time was used for nefarious plans involving an innocent little boy, Kyron.. My MAIN reason is per Terri's own words. The very few words that have come from her are the very reason for my belief it was a lie..Per her emails[and NO it does not matter if even the emails are used out of context or if there were or were not questions preceding Terri's email] She, herself said that she had to go two different FM's JUST FOR baby k medicine. That to me does indicate that the child was indeed "under the weather", sick, whatever you wanna call it. Then Terri, herself says that she tried to get baby K to "nap", sleep, relax, soothe, whatever u wanna call it, but that baby K was having no part in it( duh? if I had an earache I know the very last thing that would be soothing to me would be driving along rural roads[even where I live no mtns, no major differing of elevations for 100s of miles yet still riding along our rural roads ears popping here and there from just the very, very minor differing of elevations]but especially in "that neck of the woods" I would think it would be extremely painful with ears popping even more so,no matter where but IMPO home would be most soothing, most comforting&comfortable) Some have said well, home was stressful but it was just baby and mom, no one else was home for hours to come...

Terri also says "for just a few mins", then oh well off to the gym. So, she went from searching for a good amt of time for medicine to soothe, help baby[going to different stores to get "exact" med], then going to further attempt to "soothe" baby(still makes no sense to me)driving aimlessly on roads that very possibly would have made an earache a 1000 times WORSE, and bam! out of the blue, Terri's like oh well baby k's not having this[and again if baby was indicating this was NOT helping to "soothe" wouldn't a mother then take her home where she would be most comfortable and comforted]but NO, Terri takes her baby to gym day care so she can get a "work out"...

So she's spent the majority of her morning getting medicine, then tending to "sick" baby to all of a sudden just drop off baby to a daycare for her "work out"... It just does NOT ADD UP...


1) TH must be a good, regular paying member for if the child was that sick and FUSSY, I guess the rules were broken at the daycare, uh??? JMHO

2) Have we ever heard what her regular routine/schedule was to work out at the gym??? JMHO
Thank you for eloquently expressing where I may have "leaped" in my assumptions - however - I so agree that it would "noteworthy" if AL saw Kyron w/KH on that date at that time. AL even stated that LE asked about if she saw the children w/TH. The "omission" of stating whether or not Kyron was with TH was an "admission" to me that AL did not see Kyron @ FM or why would TH need to show the pic - Kyron would have wanted to show the pic(had he been there) IMO

Plus, I highly doubt TH would call someone over and talk to them if Kyron were with her.

(Although the comment that "it will be going on a for a couple of hours" and she just came out to get some medicine for baby K seemed to me to imply the idea that she planned to return to the science fair. Maybe to pick up the project?)

ETA: Could it be that her original plan *was* to return to the science fair, but the trip to the second FM made it too late to do that?)

I suspect the time between 9:45 and 11:30 was spent disposing of Kyron's body.. The FM stops were to provide an alibi after she had given Kyron something to render him totally helpless or which caused him to expire...I believe Kyron was in that truck she parked in the North 40 during the time she was talking to the lady at the second FM store..So IMHO he was at FM with her..He just wasn't in the store with her...JMO
I'd still like to know if Terri had a stroller with her.
ETA: Could it be that her original plan *was* to return to the science fair, but the trip to the second FM made it too late to do that?)

I think TH had plenty of time to pick up the project on the way home. It wasn't like she *had* to be anywhere at a certain time.

Of course, if she took Kyron, she could not return to the school without putting herself into great jeopardy. If she didn't take Kyron, she could have put off picking up the project for many reasons -- it wasn't an important task and many other things could have taken precedence over it.
Theory - TH was with Kyron at the science fair. She parked the truck out front when they arrived and walked in with him and Baby K. Later she tells K to look at the electric exhibit and then leave via the side door to meet her out back on the service road. She leaves with Baby K, gets in the truck, moves the truck to the side area and K comes out unnoticed and gets in the truck. They may pick up DD at this point as they pass by her work area on the way to Starbucks. TH parks her truck far from the store and carries BabyK in. K is in the truck (has been provided drugs and is asleep by now). She is waiting for the 10:00 mark - to see if the teacher calls. She will explain it away as him having a dr appointment if she is called and if so, her plans will change. If no one calls her she will continue with her plan to dispose of K. If DD is in the truck waiting for her, TH will bring her a coffee. If K expires under DD's watch, she can blame her or tell her she will be in trouble and therefore insists DD has to help her dispose of K. Out of fear, DD follows T's lead and does whatever she is told to do. T is making her alibi by being seen at the FM/Starbucks and the gym. If she disposed of K it was between 10:05 and 11:30 - 90 minute window. Logic would say thirty minutes of driving to a designated spot, 30 minutes of prep and disposal, 30 minutes back to the gym. If she went to a gym she is not usually working out at, it probably means it was closer to the disposal area than the other gym would be. She would want to get to her alibi asap.
I'd still like to know if Terri had a stroller with her.

Thanks - I am so glad someone asked this - been wondering that myself!!! Seems as if the stroller would have been easier for 1) to get around the science fair and 2) if child was so fussy - could have gone to a park and walked around for a while with the child and, at same time, good EXERCISE!!!
Thanks - I am so glad someone asked this - been wondering that myself!!! Seems as if the stroller would have been easier for 1) to get around the science fair and 2) if child was so fussy - could have gone to a park and walked around for a while with the child and, at same time, good EXERCISE!!!
Also, it would be a handy place to put the baby while she was taking pictures at the SF -- hard to take pictures holding a baby, especially an 18 month old baby.
If DD is in the truck waiting for her, TH will bring her a coffee. If K expires under DD's watch, she can blame her or tell her she will be in trouble and therefore insists DD has to help her dispose of K. Out of fear, DD follows T's lead and does whatever she is told to do.

Does anyone know how darkly the windows on KH's truck are tinted?

I ask because I saw a truck exactly like KH's yesterday. The day was overcast and it was raining. The windows on this truck were tinted, but I could clearly see that a child was sitting in the back seat, in a booster seat.

My SUV's windows are tinted such that no one can see inside it. I could leave a small child in his booster seat and a passerby would not know it.

The main problem I have with the above theory is that DeDe would have to be really stupid to take the blame if Kyron had died while she was in the truck awaiting TH's return. That would not be the normal response of an innocent, reasonably intelligent person -- calling 911 would be.
1) TH must be a good, regular paying member for if the child was that sick and FUSSY, I guess the rules were broken at the daycare, uh??? JMHO

2) Have we ever heard what her regular routine/schedule was to work out at the gym??? JMHO

IIRC, Kaine said she worked out usually between 12:00 and 2:00. I don't know if he meant the whole 2 hours or if that was just a general time frame.
Also, it would be a handy place to put the baby while she was taking pictures at the SF -- hard to take pictures holding a baby, especially an 18 month old baby.

I wonder if she left the school carrying baby and pushing the stroller, using it to hold the extra stuff, like her bag, blankets, jackets.

I'd still like to know if Terri had a stroller with her.

I wonder that, too. Also, I'd like to know what brand and model of stroller TH had. We had large, European strollers which would have easily held someone Kyron's size. I've seen many, many strollers that would not have been big enough.
I wonder that, too. Also, I'd like to know what brand and model of stroller TH had. We had large, European strollers which would have easily held someone Kyron's size. I've seen many, many strollers that would not have been big enough.

I've asked that off and on for a while now, but no one seems to have heard one way or the other.
Or for that matter, did ANYONE attending the fair that day have a stroller or rolling bag with them?
I wonder if she left the school carrying baby and pushing the stroller, using it to hold the extra stuff, like her bag, blankets, jackets.


OT - Need a thread for how to get an unconscious/deceased child's body into a stroller, say in a restroom, while wrangling another baby. If we can work out the logistics, I'm there, pending verification of type/size of stroller.
OT - Need a thread for how to get an unconscious/deceased child's body into a stroller, say in a restroom, while wrangling another baby. If we can work out the logistics, I'm there, pending verification of type/size of stroller.

My grandson was curled up in the recliner last night watching a video. He's not much smaller than Kyron, and he made a pretty compact little ball.
My grandson was curled up in the recliner last night watching a video. He's not much smaller than Kyron, and he made a pretty compact little ball.

[ame=""]Logistics Analysis: How to get child's body into a stroller while wrangling a toddler - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Well, ok...but if you were going to "get rid" of your child, wouldn't you do that FIRST and not risk anyone seeing him in your truck? It's like if she was trying to set up an alibi backwards or's does not make sense to me.

Maybe they were meeting with someone later who was taking Kyron or maybe they just sequenced it that way in case the school called asking where Kyron was and they could abort their plan and say "oh I have him I had to take him with me" (Kaine would never even know that happened).
I am one who could actually believe this alibi of Terri's. And I think LE might buy it too. EXCEPT,

I am now thinking LE had a reason to believe (as in another witness or other evidence) that this is not how Terri spent this time.

After the events of last week, and the publishing of the Dede flyer by LE, I think Dede is part of that equation for LE. IMO Dede was watching the baby for Terri at this time, so Terri could not have been driving the baby.

And that's just my thinking for now, might change it later. ;)
I am one who could actually believe this alibi of Terri's. And I think LE might buy it too. EXCEPT,

I am now thinking LE had a reason to believe (as in another witness or other evidence) that this is not how Terri spent this time.

After the events of last week, and the publishing of the Dede flyer by LE, I think Dede is part of that equation for LE. IMO Dede was watching the baby for Terri at this time, so Terri could not have been driving the baby.

And that's just my thinking for now, might change it later. ;)

Anna, what was Dede driving baby girl around in? Her truck never left her place of work. Did she borrow a car? TIA

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