NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39

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She did write "We really didn't kill her".

soo..wonder what she's trying to say? That Zahra just in an illness or something? I wonder if that's what she is thinking of trying to use and hope to be found guilty of neglect or something? Then trying to plant a seed 'out there' for whatever details that come out regarding anything that had been done to Zahra @ AB's hands afterwards...gotta explain away the horrible things that LE is sure to find you know! ..and she's of course going to point that finger right at AB. I think that's exactly where she is going..just speculation and my opinion..
Reports indicated early on that the Bakers had two Pit Bull's, right? Does anyone remember hearing/reading whether or not either or both of those dogs were ever kept inside the home? Just curious.

I don't think so, they would have gotten rid of the dogs I would think. If you are wondering if the dogs might have done something. But then........IDK this whole thing is crazy to me.
ty Kat as always, bringing everyone into focus.
Well I'm just curious because they did hide the fact that they found the leg. How much time passed before we found out about that? Also how much time passed before we learned about the mattress?

I don't think they have to announce that they found a body. They may send it in to be ID'd first. Wouldn't it be something IF they did find her and then AB went in there and saw that she had been found? IF he was guilty he would be sweating bullets.


Did they hide finding the leg? I thought it was found late in the day and MSM was reporting about it the very next day?

Otherwise LE seems pretty forthcoming on things they find. The mattress, the blood spot on the engine, the ransom note, the way the Tahoe was found. All of it came out pretty quick. So I think if Z is indeed found we are going to hear about it asap. I don't see the benefit of them hiding that.
Yeah I remember that. Even went on to say something to the effect that they watched him (husband and wife I believe) so they were sure they wouldn't find anything in a particular spot.

I have been trying to search for information on the larger, industrial wood chipper that he was using at the work site. But I can't find any statements from the previous neighbours.
Sorry sarx but what are you trying to convey? You have lost me. :blushing:

I'm not sarx, obviously, but several of us were trying to sort out whether the original wording by EB was "we really didn't kill her" or "we didn't really kill her", as they would have different implications.
In Washington state you can not send an inmate reading material such as books, magazines or newspapers directly. You have to have them mailed directly to the inmate from somewhere like Amazon or Barns and Nobles or by subscriptions. (you can send photo copied articles but only so many pages are allowed.)

And not to be argumentative but I don't see how any correctional facility can get away with opening legal mail- you can't even monitor lawyers phone calls or visits. I think inmates could sue the facility if they opted to.
And I know it isn't done here- all legal correspondence is handed directly to the inmate to open.

I suggested earlier that all "mail" is opened in this facility, and any legal representation is instructed of another route to bring their documents into the facility. Different address, different handling. They cannot be opening communication between client and attorney, but there has to be more than a return address to meet the requirement that it not be opened. kwim?
The only way I can see any way LE would not say they had found the remains would be if they had only found part of them, ie; woodchipper and they are still waiting on test to confirm it's her and searching in other places for the rest of the remains. ugh...
Sorry sarx but what are you trying to convey? You have lost me. :blushing:

There have been posts wrongly showing it as "we didn't really kill her" which then people took and went down the vampire, life ever after thing among other things I am sure.

Just needing to keep the facts straight and conjecture to a minimum.
Your child is still your child no matter what horrible thing they are connected to (I can't say whatever he did because he hasn't been charged yet) and you support them, and you do whatever it takes to make sure they do the right thing now.

This is a hard subject because as parents we of course want our childrens rights protected. We dont want anything to be their fault or see them suffer.

Unconditional love is not blind support. Sometimes it is down right oppositional.
Playing devil's advocate (literally... lol)

What is she confessing to?
An accident and a panicked response to the death?
What kind of accident?
Is it one you can even attach negligence to?
and if you can't you charge her with what?
obstruction, already done.
abuse of a corpse?
she says he did it?

if the accident was negligent how do you prove it?
and who was responsible for her?

And if it was a negligent or abusive act, who delivered the blow?
You have his word against hers as the only eye witnesses and they both have major credibility issues. She admits she wrote the cover up note. He is on tape selling some BS story to a 911 operator in the same cover up.

This why I think he disposed of the body.
And she thinks he used the woodchipper because it would destroy any chance at showing cause of death. And he told her used it. That is why LE ripped that thing apart. But maybe he didn't use it, maybe he couldn't stomach it, so maybe there is a skull fracture out there to be found. Maybe.

I am really hoping all theses questions will be answer soon and charges press.
I don't have the answers JMO... but very good points:waitasec:

I don't think she think he used the chipper. she wrote
"but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying"

If the letter is really from her...than that statement said to me she was there during "kinda horrifying" :furious: so she don't think she knows.

She confessing to she knows where and what happen to Zahra.
And any kind accident went out the window when they decided to abuse this child body. (which I see this charge coming soon just don't know if it be AB or both) And than they scheme up a cover up that was not very well plan.:banghead: And thank goodness that it wasn't!

and again JMO! Good post for playing devil's advocate :blushing:
The only way I can see any way LE would not say they had found the remains would be if they had only found part of them, ie; woodchipper and they are still waiting on test to confirm it's her and searching in other places for the rest of the remains. ugh...

Tests would have come back long ago on that.
Do you open mail that it is clearly marked as being communication between client and attorney? Or does legal counsel have a separate route of delivering their privileged communications other than the detention center's mail system?

I would assume most facilities are set up to have attorney communication enter the facility via a different route than the mail distribution center to prevent joe blow from putting a return address from an attorney's address.

Attorneys hardly ever communicate with their clients through the mail system on the county level. The reason you stated is correct. It is quicker to schedule a visit or speak on the phone.

I suddenly wonder if "we didn't really kill her" might be a set up for " she committed suicide and we panicked" scneario.

(Whew...why on earth did my mind go THERE? I must be exhausted.)
In Washington state you can not send an inmate reading material such as books, magazines or newspapers directly. You have to have them mailed directly to the inmate from somewhere like Amazon or Barns and Nobles or by subscriptions. (you can send photo copied articles but only so many pages are allowed.)

And not to be argumentative but I don't see how any correctional facility can get away with opening legal mail- you can't even monitor lawyers phone calls or visits. I think inmates could sue the facility if they opted to.
And I know it isn't done here- all legal correspondence is handed directly to the inmate to open.

Yes, same here in SC.. that's what I was saying..I worked in a bookstore and reading materials had to be purchased there..could not leave the store and be brought back for any reason to then be mailed..Once items were paid for they didn't go back into the customers hand ..we then had to physically take the items to the Post Office to be mailed.

and I agree with you regarding legal mail, I had always been under the impression (while I'm sure different institutions may handle it a little differently) that legal mail was opened by the guards in front of the inmate..idk?
I'm sorry I have two little girls of my own and I do understand unconditional love, but this really takes the biscuit. He is part of this and if it was one of my girls I'm sorry but I would have to distance myself. Or maybe I just dont know because I'm not in the position. My brain hurts

I guess I just have a different perspective as the child of a mother who dropped me with her parents when the going got tough, it is something I simply know i could never do. (that and I am a firm believer in IUPG)

I believe the best way for a family member to act in a situation like this is to follow the example of the Hackings and the Kaczynsk- but while I don't agree with all the actions and behavior shown by the Anthoneys and the Petersons I can't condemn them because I can only imagine how painful it is to lose a grandchild and in effect your child as well- and to have to face that reality. I honestly believe CA could not face her daughters guilt and the only way she could retain any sanity was to deny and to find an enemy should could fight that wasn't her own flesh and blood.
as to the suspected bits and pieces (ie mulch search). My Queendom for a forensic expert. The big deal the press and viewscasters were making such a hoopla about, LE picking thru the mulch and picking up minute items and slipping them into little manilla envelopes.

Let's think here for a moment folks. If you are picking up bits of person do you think your best collection device you have available to you is a manilla envelope thingy? What no plastic, no slides, no q-tips?
you guys I am going to start a Virtual world Info thread as it relates to this case IN THE PARKING LOT and it will be discussion ONLY FOR THE PARKING LOT.
It will be set up in the morning so look for it then.
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