Identified! AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #1 - Kelly from VA

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Penny Lease : Eye color doesn't usually discourage me- sometimes it's not accurately reported, and there are other reasons it wouldn't stop me. But this missing person does look pretty dark-eyed, and she reportedly has a scar on her arm . A 4" scar in 1989 would probably still be visible in 1991.I don't think she's a match, but I can see why you like her close height ,weight and hair.
Judith Erin O'Donnell ("Tuffy"!): probably not being considered because of tonsils & adenoids removed, and scars (although some scars could fade in 11 yrs' time)
The eye color does not match. I did not see this missing person on the ruleouts and her sister even said she lived the same type of lifestyle as Jane Doe. It just seems its to obivious not to have been checked so far.

MD MD - Judith Erin O'Donnell, 19, Baltimore, 1980 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Penny Lease isn't quite tall enough, her eyes are the wrong color, her face is the wrong shape, she's a bit too old, and the circumstances don't seem to allow enough time for her to have lived Jane Doe's known movements. I'm not sure any of those is enough to rule her out, but the combination sure makes her a long shot.

Judith O'Donnell looks really good. Tall enough, right face shape, right eye color, everything. The only issue I see is that she was 19 when she went missing, and the Jane Doe is estimated to be only 18-21 when she died 11 years later.

I posted a link on O'Donnell's thread -- hopefully her sister will see it and take a look.
Penny Lease isn't quite tall enough, her eyes are the wrong color, her face is the wrong shape, she's a bit too old, and the circumstances don't seem to allow enough time for her to have lived Jane Doe's known movements. I'm not sure any of those is enough to rule her out, but the combination sure makes her a long shot.

Judith O'Donnell looks really good. Tall enough, right face shape, right eye color, everything. The only issue I see is that she was 19 when she went missing, and the Jane Doe is estimated to be only 18-21 when she died 11 years later.

I posted a link on O'Donnell's thread -- hopefully her sister will see it and take a look.

Her sister has a facebook page for her!/group.php?gid=12783533079&v=wall
The reason I like her as a possibility is that O'donell's side picture of her face and Jane Doe's post mortem side view match perfectly. The nose, ear's, and facial stucture are dead on. I will post them if you need me to but I am sure yall can find her post mortem photos.
Oh well I just got this message from her sister on facebook

Thanks so much for reaching out - I so appreciate it. I did look at this case - years ago and I don't think it's her. Good eye on the lifestyle and height/weight similarities.

Tomorrow will mark 30 years. How I pray for closure every day. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
Maureen .

I still don't think you can judge what someone looks like in the future. To prove my case... my first attachment is me in 2005 and and the next two is me in 2007. People that I met that knew me well in 05 did not believe me when I told them who I was in 07 and beyond. The last attachment is someone mugshots over a 13 year period.


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I just realized that Penny's eyes were brown but I spent atleast an hour on this case last night, looking through possible matches chronologicaly in 1989. She was just pulling at me but I can't regularly spend that much time searching and possibly never come up with an answer.

Anyway, thanks for the replies.
I just realized that Penny's eyes were brown but I spent atleast an hour on this case last night, looking through possible matches chronologicaly in 1989. She was just pulling at me but I can't regularly spend that much time searching and possibly never come up with an answer.

Anyway, thanks for the replies.

Does Penny have her own thread in the Missing forum? If not maybe you could start one for her and we could see what we can do with it.
Carbuff, maybe I will, but I have started a few missing persons threads, all which have recieved hardly any posts or recognition. Not that I want recognition, but not many people have really responded so it can get discouraging. Anyway, I'll keep it in mind.
Carbuff, maybe I will, but I have started a few missing persons threads, all which have recieved hardly any posts or recognition. Not that I want recognition, but not many people have really responded so it can get discouraging. Anyway, I'll keep it in mind.
Danya, You can't let discouragement or apathy set in. Some people respond if they think they have something to offer. Others aren't interested and this is a form of 'entertainment' or a matching game of sorts (sorry, but reality). Others don't respond because their plates are ful with other cases and once distracted....well, the serious searcher can get caught up in many cases per day and that is counter productive.
\Just know that if you are compelled to post a possible match or someone missing, you have done your part. That is all that is required of us in any act. It is then up to others to pick up the work from there according to their ability.
MAKE a wonderful day!
Carbuff, maybe I will, but I have started a few missing persons threads, all which have recieved hardly any posts or recognition. Not that I want recognition, but not many people have really responded so it can get discouraging. Anyway, I'll keep it in mind.

In addition to what Mensch says, the fact that there is a post means at least a few people notice, and every person who notices is one more set of eyes that might find the critical clue. And often people are looking actively even when there's nothing to post -- I know I do. I'll try to remember to post more often, because it does matter to people. I think you're doing great.
I know there is at least one person here who had contact with 81ufar. Anyone else? Even the slightest detail might be the key to finding her true identity. Does anyone know if she had an accent? If she seemed to have a "deep fear" why do you say that?(That could be an awesome clue, btw!)Was she very quiet? When she spoke did she ever use the wrong word for things, or unusual expressions(EX: If I want to order a sandwich,do I say I want a hoagie? a grinder? a sub?)
Did she giggle? Was she serious? Mature or immature? Smart? Kind? Did she have any specific interests you can think of? Unusual food prefences ? Anything?

No, I remember her from hanging out with friends, Im pretty sure the boyfriend had a relaitive that maybe, kind of ran in our circle, a football player from U of A that I didnt really know too well, anyway I just remember
her looking around to see where he was alot, kind of like being afraid of being accused of looking at some other guy or a little jumpy , but she smiled alot and very sweet, music was loud, so limited conversation, and I have asked alot of the people I used to hang out with, every says the same thing...."she looks familiar" no one seems really as interested as I am, which drives me crazy, if we could figure who James was visiting or knew in Fayetteville, then I could facebook them and have something to go on!
No, I remember her from hanging out with friends, Im pretty sure the boyfriend had a relaitive that maybe, kind of ran in our circle, a football player from U of A that I didnt really know too well, anyway I just remember
her looking around to see where he was alot, kind of like being afraid of being accused of looking at some other guy or a little jumpy , but she smiled alot and very sweet, music was loud, so limited conversation, and I have asked alot of the people I used to hang out with, every says the same thing...."she looks familiar" no one seems really as interested as I am, which drives me crazy, if we could figure who James was visiting or knew in Fayetteville, then I could facebook them and have something to go on!

Do you know what name she actually went by in her day to day life?
This might be a long shot.... but what about this young woman?

I know her lifestyle was very different from our Jane Doe, but, what if Sharon was kidnapped the day she went missing and forced into a life of prostitution, etc? Her conservative former life might explain why she didn't contact home so many years later? Could a conservative upbringing have something to do with Jane Doe having a bible in her possession?

Being from Ohio, she may have known the Cheryl Ann Wick from up north?

Similarities: Brown hair, blue eyes
Sharon was already 5'7" at age 13- certainly reasonable that she could have grown to 5'11" by adulthood.
Her age puts her just within the upper range of our Jane Doe- although I recognize that the alias birthdates that JD used all imply that she was born in the late 60's/early70's, she could have been lowering her age?

The name Sharon is very close to "Shannon" which appears to have been a frequent alias that JD used (the name Cheryl is also similar) (Sharon/ Cheryl Ann) (Sharon Lynn/ Shannon)
Having been abducted at 13, there was ample time for her to be dragged all across the country to the east coast, CA and wherever else JD may have been.

As I said, I know it's a long shot... but I think of Jaycee Dugard and I just wonder how many other missing girls have been in a similar captive situation...

way too old, I met her, closer to my own age, I was born in 65 she was maybe a year or two older or younger thats it!
I was looking for possibles for another case, and when I saw Pamela Asprey's Doenetwork page it occured to me she could be this lady. Not a lot of info on Pamela though, and only a B&W photo. Her face shape isn't totally out of the question, and there are hints that their lifestyles might have some similarities.

Pamela Asprey
Missing since November 12, 1984 from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics

* Age at Time of Disappearance: 20 years old

Circumstances of Disappearance
Pamela Asprey went missing on November 12, 1984. Asprey was known to frequent the Duckworth Street area of St. John's, Newfoundland. Her roommate reported Asprey's disappearance two days after she was last seen.
She was last seen getting into a car in front of the War Memorial in St. John's. The male driver was described as having a large build and was wearing a baseball cap.
Asprey had left her wallet with a friend in a bar and said she would be back in about twenty minutes. She never returned.
Police questioned friends and persons who were connected with the prostitution activity in downtown St. John's, however, no concrete leads were obtained. Since Asprey's disappearance, there's been no indication that she's worked, drawn social assistance or had a driver's license.
Honestly? I see the resemblance a little but I just don't think there's enough of one, KWIM? I think Pamela may have gotten in the car with a "John" and been murdered shortly after. ( There seems to be quite a bit of this going on in Canada. :( )
I remember Sherry

But just for the sake of discussion... how do you know it was even her? It's been such a long time and I guess she has a bit of a recognizable face... are you sure it's her?
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