TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #8

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She probably used the stun gun on Jonathan rendering him unconscious and was able to put him into some kind of container to carry him out.

She may actually think she disposed of his body in a container and doesn't actually recollect how or maybe even where she left him if she was seriously drunk/on drugs at the time, which she probably was. If you have never been around a druggie/drunk, I can tell you it is amazing the motions they can go through and the things they can accomplish but then not really have a clear memory of what they did or how they did it. Sorry if that sounds confusing.


Hi Kelly- I have a very basic question based on your post. Do you- or does anyone else know if a stun gun renders a person unconscious? I have never heard of that happening. I thought it just makes a person have an electrical type of jolt to temporarily "stun" them so that the person who is "stunned" stops what they're doing for a moment, and it kind of 'scares' them, if you will... so that maybe someone can get away from them. Or perhaps so that police are able to get them into handcuffs, etc... But I've never heard of it making someone go unconscious?? TIA :seeya:
By the time I get this typed out so it makes sense to me, someone else will have answered but oh well ...

Mona's defense (her own statements) is that she did not know what was in the container SD paid her $20 to dispose of. The container that JF's body was in (as stated by Mona, not what was actually found).

Mona mentioned a container; however, the video shows only a person disposing of JF's body (not in container).

Because Mona mentioned a container, this lead people to speculate that perhaps the reason nobody saw Jonathan leaving the apartment with Mona was because he was placed in a container when she took him, not when she disposed of his body.

(It makes sense in my head ...)

I think this container was presented by Mona IN THE CASE someone saw her leave JF's house with a container.

So far, the riddle is how she got JF out of the house... this container makes sense.

Hi Kelly- I have a very basic question based on your post. Do you- or does anyone else know if a stun gun renders a person unconscious? I have never heard of that happening.
Depending on the volt and at what range (and where) it is fired, you can kill someone with these - you can stop a child/old persons heart.
I went to a music festival a few years ago, man got drunk and started stripping. Cops surrounded him, tazed him and left him unconscious. The "perp" pooped him self while knocked out. Worst concert of my life.
I guess we don't know if there were witnesses (because media has not reported) who actually saw Mona with a container or Mona with Jonathan ... just that her truck was parked at their house/cottage/apartment at the time Jonathan disappeared.

I hate to think she slipped out of the place unnoticed by anyone. Her truck at the scene is damaging but I'd like video surveillance.
bbm - I'm not worried about this at all. I think once we see the evidence LE found at MN's home we will be just as horrified and convinced as those detectives are.

No reasonable doubt here:
"We stumbled to a wealth of evidence; evidence that showed Jonathan's body was burned at the residence," said Miller.


I think she is guilty as sin from start to finish but the burning of the body is part of the disposal not the actual murder. Of course, if she decides to say that she will have to back off the story she's told thus far.

I don't know what happened, but it is also possible to convince the child to go with someone by promising to take the child for fast food, get ice cream, a new video game, a puppy, etc. Especially if the child is alone in the apartment and could be a little bored, etc.

There is a link somewhere that has LE stating that Mom, SD and JF were familiar with Mona. He might have went quite willingly.
No, according to the detective who spoke at the press conference, the motorist spotted a body in the ditch. The detective did not say the person in the video tape removed a container from the bed of her truck.


On Tuesday, December 28th around 10 am a passing motorist spotted what appeared to be a body in a ditch. Patrol units responded and found the body in the ditch.

We obtained a probable cause warrant although she still has not confessed to killing Jonathan Foster, but she has admitted that it was her truck, she was the person at the ditch and she is the person in the video who can be seen placing the body in the ditch.

link to press conference

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #7

I thought someone called in about burned debris in the culvert. Upon closer examination it was determined to be the body of a small child. Isn't this what the initial reports stated? Some of us were questioning about who would actually call in a report about burned debris? It just goes to show that MSM is filling in their own holes to these stories and not keeping to the facts as they were presented. JMO
Hi Kelly- I have a very basic question based on your post. Do you- or does anyone else know if a stun gun renders a person unconscious? I have never heard of that happening. I thought it just makes a person have an electrical type of jolt to temporarily "stun" them so that the person who is "stunned" stops what they're doing for a moment, and it kind of 'scares' them, if you will... so that maybe someone can get away from them. Or perhaps so that police are able to get them into handcuffs, etc... But I've never heard of it making someone go unconscious?? TIA :seeya:

Hi MsSheila,

I was looking on the internet about that. Some sites say no while others say it depends on the stun gun used and the tolerance of the person to the electric shock. Some sites say a person can be rendered unconscious for a considerable period of time. So... I don't know. It just came to mind when I read there was a stun gun in her truck.

If someone had paid her 20.00 to dispose of container and a child was missing why would she not come foward and say "het, I have possible information"?

I dont think anyone in their right mind would beleive that someone paid her 20.00. The evidence in the home must be overwhelming for LE to make an arrest as soon as they did, keeping in mind we are still waiting on arrests in zhara baker case and many others even with persons they are looking at.

I think that she had a target on the child. If she was upset or mad at an adult she stikes me as the person who would directly harrass and taunt the adult, the child also but not to take the child as revenge.

If she was there to rob the home I do not believe that is a reason to take Jonathan either, due to the fact she was not a stranger to the roomate. She could of very well said she was there to visit or somthing else, it would of been her word agains the child.

I think it was of sexual nature. When I first heard it was a woman i was suprised and thought no way any sexual nature. When I looked at mona I mistaked her for a man. I do believe that it was some kind of sexual assault.

I do not understand why she would burn the body in her home. I also do not understand why she would dump the body in a place that is likley to be found so quickly.

the burning of the body in the home , the careless dumping of the body, the way she burned the body.. really tells me she just didnt care at all, will never feel remorse and just a twisted, evil person.
I have to say that I still beleive this was a 'hit' and that Mona may have been the messenger/get rid of the body person, but perhaps did not do this on her own.
I believe the police are hoping to goad her into revealing her 'employer' but I don't believe she will do that.
I believe this because it's the only thing that makes sense to me. Yes, she has a criminal past, but it's not one that I would look at and go 'hmmmm....she's got serial killer traits. She doesn't appear to be someone who would kill for pleasure. I'm sure if she was burglarizing a property, and needed to 'rough up' kids to get money/jewelry, etc, she might, especially if she was under the influence of something. But somehow, to me, her acting on her own...
I see her more as a Mechanic, enforcer, whatever. But no, not someone who would do this for what appears to no real reason....

just my opinion

A hit ordered by who, exactly? And for what reason? If someone owes a drug dealer $$, they kill the person that owes them, not an innocent family member. Back in the day the family member would be kidnapped for ransome, but those are extremely rare these days (kfr).

Appearances are deceiving. How many people were shocked to learn that their neighbor, Mohammed Atta, was the leader in carrying out the 9/11 attacks? Seriously, how many killers 'look' like killers? How many people out there with creepy appearances end up being a gentle teddy bear?

Some people are just pure evil to the core - whether you see it or not, whether they have kids or grandkids and so on. We don't even know what kind of a relationship Mona had with her kids or grandkids, for that matter. For all we know, they may well have had nothing to do with her.

No, with all due respect, a hit makes less sense to me.
My understanding from yesterday's reports was that AD and DD knew of MN (acquainted), but that Jonathan was familiar with her.

J's familiarity with MN would likely be through Mom's roommate, who has been described by MSM as both knowing MN for about a year and a friend of MN. Mom's roommate has also been described as a frequent babysitter of J, and that would likely lead to J having more exposure to MN.

Mom and SDad have been gone over with a fine tooth comb. Likely, SDad has taken and passed a poly>HPD has cleared him. MN acted alone in the disappearance, murder and disposal of J.
Hi Kelly- I have a very basic question based on your post. Do you- or does anyone else know if a stun gun renders a person unconscious? I have never heard of that happening. I thought it just makes a person have an electrical type of jolt to temporarily "stun" them so that the person who is "stunned" stops what they're doing for a moment, and it kind of 'scares' them, if you will... so that maybe someone can get away from them. Or perhaps so that police are able to get them into handcuffs, etc... But I've never heard of it making someone go unconscious?? TIA :seeya:

When I tased the drunk guy that came in my back door, it knocked him back a couple feet or he fell back with a jolt and he was out probably 30 seconds after the shocking stopped and was just starting to get his bearings when the cops showed up. the kids and I then ran. So i don't know what happened to him after that, we didn't come back to that part of the house till much later.
*light bulbs pop off*

So, Mona went and checked in on SE from what I recall, at work, am I correct?
She even calls JF's Mom at work and asks for SE's number, maybe just to verify that SE really is at work and so is JF's Mom.

Well, who is left not to verify, but to implicate?

Dang that would only be DD.

I'll be.
After seeing Nelson&#8217;s rap sheet, I have no trouble believing she would never hesitate to snatch whatever she wanted. But, I think loitering near the duplex/apartment complex during mid-day, she had worse intent than robbery.
Instead of $$$, I interpret the investigators reference to &#8220;greed&#8221; as satisfaction of her own perverse pleasures without regard or respect for anyone else&#8217;s person or property.

I am also thinking that they have a particular case in mind when saying Jonathan was likely not her 1st victim. That leads me to think there was something done to him which has not been reported or leaked. I hope & pray they are able to solve other cases. Thank you TX for using the death penalty. It may not deter crime because people don&#8217;t plan on getting caught, but every time it is used, there is one less violent criminal who will have a chance to hurt someone else.(For at least the 1st half of my life & was staunchly against DP, but have done an about-face.)
I am just remembering the step dad telling/whispering to the mom "don't give all the details" during an interview. There is some things that aren't being said and probably for good reason. Details they only want coming out in court etc...

Do you, by chance, remember seeing this? I hadnt seen any interviews with the step dad AND mother in the same room. Could you possibly give a link? I would really appreciate it a lot. Thanks!
Here's how MN feels about children.


"I'm not a monster. I have five grandkids and I love kids," Nelson said.

"I do have a cutting torch. I'm a welder. I would never do that. I have five grandkids," Nelson said.

Here's how MN behaves with her adult child and others' children:


In 2008, she was charged with assault of a family member. Police said she attacked her adult daughter.

In 2001, Nelson was charged with three counts of injury to a child. All of the children were under the age of 14.

According to the police report, a woman named Danita Morris said that Nelson broke into her home through a window by breaking it with beer bottles.

Morris told investigators that she tried to escape with the three children she was babysitting at the time, but Nelson caught her in the front yard and beat her.

- Not prosecuted (2001) because it could not be proved that the children were hurt when she pushed them out of the way to beat the female.
Wondering if the stun gun could have had a greater effect on JF because of whatever medication (stimulant - Concerta?) JF might have been taking for ADHD?
Do you, by chance, remember seeing this? I hadnt seen any interviews with the step dad AND mother in the same room. Could you possibly give a link? I would really appreciate it a lot. Thanks!

I'll try after i get back from laying the little ones down for naps. They were, i think, standing outside maybe it was the video where he was grabbiing/rubbing her shoulder kinda rough. Some people were speculating on possible DV issues when it was posted.
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