TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged w/ Murder - #11

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It's possible, I suppose. That's why I think the video of her disposing of the body in the ditch will be very telling. Was she gentle? Angry and violent? Disgusted? Did she stay for a minute? Perhaps via body language express some sort of religious ritual (crossing of chest, hands in the act of prayer, etc.)? For whatever reason, his poor body was placed in an area where it was going to be found undeniably. IMHO, she wanted him found. For what reasons, I would be guessing, but I firmly believe that.

According to her Myspace page, she was about to volunteer to a trip to Haiti. I don't remember the date she posted it, and her Myspace has a virus now, so I don't want to go back there. She kept up with the Myspace way more than her Facebook - although she used her Facebook to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and not Myspace.

This case is very bizarre.
It does seem to me that she wanted him to be discovered, or was indeed "black out" drunk as she claims and threw him as soon as it is dark with no regard.
Without more info not sure if this is indeed a ritualistic/serial killing, or in a fit of drunken jealous rage or vendetta for unpaid drug debt.
More evidence will have to come to light, but it is bizarre and horrible.

I also wondered if MN was influenced by Haitian Voodoo after reading her MS page where in Oct of 2010(?) she posted something to the effect of going to Haiti soon as a volunteer.


Currently, some Haitians seem to question/blame Voodoo for evil-doings. Check out the following BBC article entitled:

“Haiti mobs lynch voodoo priests over cholera fears”


People have been blaming us, saying that we cast spells and did evil things which brought the earthquake as a punishment” [said] Max Beauvoir Voodoo priest

Although many Haitians still practise voodoo or use aspects of voodoo in their religious worship, the latest violence erupted out of fears the traditional priests were using their powers to spread the infection. [cholera]

Officials counted 40 people killed - mostly voodoo priests - killed in one region of Haiti, the AFP news agency reported, with five others killed elsewhere.

"The victims... were stoned or hacked with machetes before being burned in the streets," communications ministry official Moise Fritz Evens said.

Interesting. Did she live there? or have family?
There are practicing Vodous in Texas and Louisiana, which is close by.
I am going to research more on the topic.
My friend who did study Vodou was the one that suggested to me that a vodou ritual/spell may have been used for revenge with fire.
Obviously, anyone who would do this would be criminally insane/sociopath.
Ted Bundy used to brag that he was a vampire. Of course, he wasn't but he liked to think he had that kind of great power over others. ie. Delusions of Grandeur.

No, I didn't intend to offend anyone. I also have friends that practice paganism, and she was the one who suggested to me that she might be involved in some odd rituals. If she is a sociopath and is delusional mixed with ritualistic/sexual abuse in childhood this could have bearing of why she burned him, if it's not just to disguise his gender/appearance.

There was a case last year in NYC where a child of 6 years old was burned in a voodoo ritual.
I somehow do not think this is the case however.
Curious to know more about MN lifestyle but I doubt we will anytime soon.
What's most important is whomever, did this is brought to justice.

She left home at 15, which in Texas is illegal. No one in her family stopped her apparently and she married a man who had a sex offender father (young females, no less). There's bound to be some trauma mixed up in there. Then she has 2 children, a boy and a girl, twins.

And then, there is the sexual identity issue - marries, has children, and then "comes out" as being a lesbian (no problems there...I have many gay friends). Still, this speaks to an inward identity crisis, sexual and/or otherwise.

(Note: NOT sleuthing them). I can find her daughter pretty easily and see that they have a relationship. The son, however, is a different story. He's nowhere to be found. I've dug pretty deep to establish whether or not he has contact with her, and I think he does not.

Then we have multiple violent episodes for which she has been arrested. The second one being when her kids were just 1 year old. And, later, she attacks (and is arrested) for assaulting her adult daughter. She's an adept boxer too....

She's obviously got a LOT of issues and/or mental problems. I'm just really struggling with the victimology here...why a young, white and innocent boy? That's what is tripping me up. It falls way out of her past MOs...unless it can be connected somehow to her son...MOO.
There's Botanicals and shops in all of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, that I am aware of.

What is Botanicals and what kind of shops are you referring to? I live in TX and I don't have a clue what you are referring to. tia
Whoa Nellie. I may be well out in left field here, but charring the body makes it black. Symbolic perhaps?
Okay, I have transcribed the posting stream from MN's myspace acct, so we can read it without getting viruses. My computer is fine, but I know others have had problems.
I don't think it is an item I can post here, so I'm not sure what to do with it.

Any ideas?

Oh, and I figured out who the person is, with MN in the photo on myspace. (the young woman with the hair streaks). She is not sleuthable, but it is interesting.
The earlier post about how she may be an "enforcer" got my attention. I have heard the "drug debt" theory from several sources, and drugs seem to be a possible link between MN and AD.

I wonder if MN went over to JF's house to rough him up a little, to scare his mom/stepdad into paying what they owed. That would explain the calls, which seem designed to scare the crap out of the mom, yet mom didn't call LE. She came running home, scared, but didn't call LE because she was afraid of being arrested herself. AD has a criminal record and probably doesn't trust cops.

But, for whatever reason, MN killed him. Maybe by accident. She is a big, strong woman and he was a small boy. Maybe she punched his head, or he started screaming and she wanted to shut him up. Or maybe she started liking it. For whatever reason, he died. Then, realizing that if she left him there she would be easily traced, she took the body home with her. She burned him to hide his identify, then dumped the body. She also covered her tracks by giving an excuse for being at his house earlier, dropping hints about pedophiles, and once she became a person of interest, begins casting suspicion on DD. She may have gone to the mother's house that night not to gloat, but to see if anyone suspected her.

AD and DD give evasive and misleading information to the police at first because they are hoping that the person who took JF is just trying to scare them into paying. As time goes on, they realize that he's really gone and start giving LE more information and coming clean.

MN seems like a reasonably smart person who thinks that she is MUCH smarter than she actually is. Now that she realizes that she is oh so screwed, she IS remorseful, scared and worried - about herself. She's realizing that what in her mind, was not that big a deal - "it was an accident; and I just got rid of the body" is a pretty big deal now.

Now, this theory has a lot of holes. (Like - why bind his hands if he was accidentally killed? Why leave the body where it would be found quickly? ) It's just an brainstorm, but if any elements of it are true, it might explain why LE is so convinced she worked alone, and might explain some of the weird stuff like the phone calls.

NONE of this is meant to excuse her in any way. She murdered a little boy, and I don't care what her motive was. Then she burned him to a crisp (or, far more horrifyingly, she burned him while he was alive. HPD said the ME ruled out him being burned alive because there was no soot in his lungs, but if he was being burned with a blowtorch, there may not have been a lot of smoke. Shudder). She will get a fair trial, and if there's any justice in the world, she will be executed. It is illegal to make her suffer the way Jonathan suffered here on earth, but I'm hoping that her time in Hell will make up for that.

MN's ex husband said their son was going to visit her in jail to talk to her...

She left home at 15, which in Texas is illegal. No one in her family stopped her apparently and she married a man who had a sex offender father (young females, no less). There's bound to be some trauma mixed up in there. Then she has 2 children, a boy and a girl, twins.

And then, there is the sexual identity issue - marries, has children, and then "comes out" as being a lesbian (no problems there...I have many gay friends). Still, this speaks to an inward identity crisis, sexual and/or otherwise.

(Note: NOT sleuthing them). I can find her daughter pretty easily and see that they have a relationship. The son, however, is a different story. He's nowhere to be found. I've dug pretty deep to establish whether or not he has contact with her, and I think he does not.

Then we have multiple violent episodes for which she has been arrested. The second one being when her kids were just 1 year old. And, later, she attacks (and is arrested) for assaulting her adult daughter. She's an adept boxer too....

She's obviously got a LOT of issues and/or mental problems. I'm just really struggling with the victimology here...why a young, white and innocent boy? That's what is tripping me up. It falls way out of her past MOs...unless it can be connected somehow to her son...MOO.
HOUSTON -- A 12-year-old boy who police said was kidnapped and killed on Christmas Eve was laid to rest on Tuesday.



Jonathan grandmother's words:
"We're not discussing the stepdad. We're not discussing all of that. This is Jonathan's day. He deserves a very special day," Gifford said. "What if I wouldn't have let him be with his mother? What if I wouldn't have brought him back from his Uncle Glenn's? What if I would have kept him? But if we 'what if' and ask ourselves these questions, it's going to drive us crazy because we can't change things."

ETA: Looks like DD was at the funeral ~1:40 of the video.
Wow, just wow. I remember hearing DD on the radio calling JP his baby, his baby...all up in arms and throwing a fit.
It even bothered ME at the time; I couldn't imagine what it did to his AUNT and UNCLE, knowing full well that he only lived with JP for approximately 6 weeks, and 2-3 of those weeks, JP and his mom were living with someone else.

BBM That major hinkyness made me wonder if DD was resentful of his wife's newfound focus on her son. If he and Mona were drinking buddies, he may have whined to her about how Jonathan was screwing up his life. I can really see this happening under the influence of alcohol and I can also see Mona's narcissistic personality feeling especially "called upon" to be the tough-guy-enforcer-savior for him, maybe even without DD's overt knowlege or request. Wasn't there a woman who contacted Mona on MySpace when she wanted an "enforcer" to avenge her? Maybe these kind of requests stroke her ego. And then there is the alcohol. I've seen truly atrocious, WAY over the line behaviors in people when under the influence, although you would never in a million years believe it when they are sober.

Maybe being drunk and having no family plans on Christmas Eve, Mona 'did the deed' for DD, without DD ever realizing that she was capable of such heinous action. If this is the truth, I can certainly see why AD's family is pushing him out. I can also see why, in utter shock and trauma, DD would begin flailing about "his precious boy". Imagine the guilt and horror!

Maybe DD has told LE more than we know and this is the case. Maybe, just maybe, Mona told DD in an alcohol daze that she has killed before for others and he reported that to LE also. Maybe that is why they believe this is not her first murder.

All suppositions and questions, just wondering out loud.
Jonathan grandmother's words:
"We're not discussing the stepdad. We're not discussing all of that. This is Jonathan's day. He deserves a very special day," Gifford said. "What if I wouldn't have let him be with his mother? What if I wouldn't have brought him back from his Uncle Glenn's? What if I would have kept him? But if we 'what if' and ask ourselves these questions, it's going to drive us crazy because we can't change things."

ETA: Looks like DD was at the funeral ~1:40 of the video.

My heart goes out to the family. Wishing them much comfort in their time of need.
I agree. Almost like she felt some sort of entitlement.

Still a little behind and catching up, but, exactly. She was accustom to coming and going into that house.....and then to be told by a twelve year old boy "No"...even with the reason of mom told me... would reinforce her thoughts of being dissed. She felt intitled to go to that house at any time when only her friend occupied it. On top of that, she's a bully (nice way of calling her a pure terrorist to people) she controls, she intimidates, she's to be seen as "BAD" and a little boy is telling this bully no because he's minding his mother....she only hears and feels the no.

Saying that, I don't think that was the reason she killed him...only an added justification for doing it...in her mind.

Other perps? The timeline is very tight the way it is. Where and when did these other's appear? At her apt or she just happen to make the delivery and then helped them out by trying to destroy the body?

I thought she said DD should be looked at.....now according to Q, she is covering for the real perp because she is afraid? Why would she protected DD and I don't think she was afraid of him in any way, shape or form. Hockey pucks! JMO
Jonathan grandmother's words:
"We're not discussing the stepdad. We're not discussing all of that. This is Jonathan's day. He deserves a very special day," Gifford said. "What if I wouldn't have let him be with his mother? What if I wouldn't have brought him back from his Uncle Glenn's? What if I would have kept him? But if we 'what if' and ask ourselves these questions, it's going to drive us crazy because we can't change things."

ETA: Looks like DD was at the funeral ~1:40 of the video.

looking at the video, I took notice that DD is the one that AD is leaning on the whole time, not her mother to the left of her. I'm thinking AD does not share her family's feelings of DD and was not behind the name being kept out of the obit or today's family statement. IMO, DD is not going to take lightly to what the family had to say about him today. He probably found out about it after the media had released it. All IMO
looking at the video, I took notice that DD is the one that AD is leaning on the whole time, not her mother to the left of her. I'm thinking AD does not share her family's feelings of DD and was not behind the name being kept out of the obit or today's family statement. IMO, DD is not going to take lightly to what the family had to say about him today. He probably found out about it after the media had released it. All IMO

I think she's leaning on him because her family & she do not have a good relationship.
Wait, I thought he said she was "protecting" someone else, not that she was afraid they would kill her, which is it?

The only person she is protecting is herself. I think the context of the calls were MN telling AD that she was taking JF until she got what she wanted from her...be it money from a drug debt or something else..and to not call LE. I do believe ransom...was a part. Remember, the detectives said that no ransom was made "after he went missing". AD and DD threw conflicting stories out there in the beginning. Trying to not tell all and maybe in fear of JF being killed.

I think she's leaning on him because her family & she do not have a good relationship.

Well, keep in mind this is a child she did not even KNOW until 6 weeks ago. I believe she was so disengaged from him most of his life that she was basically a bio mother who had never had the relationship legally severed by law. I credit the grandmother and the uncle/aunt for preserving that on AD's behalf. It certainly was NEVER due to AD's actions herself.

That said, I am hoping that when the full truth is out, we CAN credit AD with moving Jonathan out of a potentially abusive environment in his last few weeks of life, even if it was into an environment that still was not a great one for an innocent young child.
I think that LE came to this conclusion because of the manner in which JF was killed.

I don't think there always has bread crumbs leading up to the theory she/he could of killed others more than one crime in itself.

JF's murder was wicked, and imo very escalated.


I think JF was hanging by the twine. That's why they found twine/cord still entact on his body and then again remainings of it in the trash. IMO

Sorry, but no other way to convey it. :(
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