State v Bradley Cooper 04/04/11

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I am new to this forum and have been watching a while .... i have a theory about the phone calls.

I think HM may have been involved in the cover up and/or the murder of NC. If so, she could have made the calls from their home.

The private dective following Brad after Nancy's body was found saw him go to her home with her ex-husband Scott. Brad and Heather hugged and spent time inside alone. Why?

Why would Scott sit outside during this visit or even be friendly with Brad after he had an affair with his then wife?

Something does not add up to me and makes me wonder. She might be the onliy person he would trust in this situation.

I've considered same. Glad you posted :) How far away does HM live? Could BC have picked her up along the way and dropped her at the house to make the call/watch the girls. She and Scott would be accomplices, right?
I'm not a BC supporter, in fact I think it's probable that he did it, but the state hasn't proved their case to me yet. Some of you don't understand because you won't even consider the other side of some these arguments. Let's take today for example:

Officer gets up there and says he saw hay and thinks it was significant because he saw hay on Fielding drive, but yet never photographed/wrote down/let someone know about it until a considerable amount of time later. Brad guilty folks dismiss it as just not part of his job.

Geologist gets up there and says white mica is found in clumps on his running shoes and the crime scene, but then on cross states that the chemical composition did not match Fielding drive. How does one automatically jump to the conclusion that those shoes were at fielding drive when a) only 3 locations were compared and b) the chemical composition doesn't match?

Bug expert gets up there and says the body was put there between 1am - 6am. That's great I say, finally some hard evidence that proves she was dead before 7am. Then on cross he says there is no confidence in his estimates due to poor quality of samples and it's possible the eggs could be laid as late as 11am.

These are the issues people like me have with this case and why I'm going to continually question both sides of the debate. Ok I get it, he was a lousy husband and a lousy human being. He treated her like garbage, was very controlling. But that doesn't make him a murderer. And and this point, outside of his questionable actions to LE, there is nothing else there for me that proves he did this. If they can prove he faked those calls, let him go to jail. If the can prove conclusively that she was not alive after 7am, let him go to jail. Let me be clear, I want him to be guilty, not just because it'll be justice for that family, but because it'll mean this whole thing for the past 2 years hasn't been a waste (time, tax payer money, emotion, etc).

Just trying to give the perspective of someone who wants the truth to come out, whatever that may be.

Well said. I'm sure they were lumping me in as a Brad supporter. I'm absolutely not a Brad supporter. I find his behavior to be despicable. But I am a supporter of our justice system and the belief in innocence until proven guilty. I swear I'm watching a different trial than a lot of people on this forum.
Well said. I'm sure they were lumping me in as a Brad supporter. I'm absolutely not a Brad supporter. I find his behavior to be despicable. But I am a supporter of our justice system and the belief in innocence until proven guilty. I swear I'm watching a different trial than a lot of people on this forum.

The ideal but not the reality of our justice system...sadly.
If Nancy was going to JA's house she would have driven her car.

If Nancy was meeting up with ANYONE she would have driven her car.

That is not evidence that someone else killed her. Why take all her clothes except the sports bra? Why leave the earrings? Why roll the sports bra under? Why dump her body so close to her house? Why not take the time to dump the body away from everyday traffic and people?

Those are a few of the many questions I have for the SODDI theories.

If he did it, why only dress her in a sports bra? Why roll the sports bra under? Why dump her body so close to her house? Why not take the time to dump the body away from everyday traffic and people?

I'm serious...I question the same thing about why Brad would do these things.
I tend to think that they did fight...all the way from upstairs and she tried to make her way out the door. Just follow Brad's clean up that morning. Guess the condition of the body could hide minor "fight" wounds. He is a big man .....Nancy was strong, but I bet he had a much bigger reach....I don't think she had a chance. Bet she couldn't touch him.

I think the disappearance of the decorative sticks and the ducks lend to evidence of a struggle. Those ducks took their one and only flight the morning of July 12th...straight into a dumpster/trash can somewhere.
I am new to this forum and have been watching a while .... i have a theory about the phone calls.

I think HM may have been involved in the cover up and/or the murder of NC. If so, she could have made the calls from their home.

The private dective following Brad after Nancy's body was found saw him go to her home with her ex-husband Scott. Brad and Heather hugged and spent time inside alone. Why?

Why would Scott sit outside during this visit or even be friendly with Brad after he had an affair with his then wife?

Something does not add up to me and makes me wonder. She might be the onliy person he would trust in this situation.

Interesting - but I don't know how close their houses are to one another, and there would have to be phone/text trail, unless all this was prearranged. But sure, another avenue. Obviously, Scott had remained friends w/ Brad, he's got a big forgiving heart.

What's the dif in this and pursuing the undisclosed JA theory?
and still all the "Brad-done-it's" have no answer as to why Defective Young erased all the data from NC's phone, and the other officer claims there was straw on a rug,but didn't bother to mention it to anyone for over a year and a half...?...and honestly I am still on the fence here 'till ALL the facts are presented
What's the dif in this and pursuing the undisclosed JA theory?

I don't think there is a difference. Just that a mod hasn't intercepted this yet. Probably won't be here tomorrow.
LOL it wasnt that difficult back in the '80's up here in I was the only one contributing to the account...I had to do it as I was being drained dry (by his majesty) and needed the funds for urgent mortgage, heat, hydro etc...I also got ahold of CC and sent them to the Company and advised them to either discontinue or separate accounts.....

I have to wonder.. just what kind of info the Divorce Attny's were able to gleen during that tumultuous time between Dec 07 and July 08...Im sure much could be shown..just not sure if it has been allowed by the judge...
i cant help but think there is alot more Circumstantial evidence to be produced in the next few weeks:rocker:

Sorry..Im basically lurking..but just thought I would answer ya gracielee :)

ETA~~ I have always advised since then that never have JOINT ACCOUNTS with anyone!!!!

Okay, you just tickled my brain. :) Bear with me here, I'm about to give birth to a thought! :great: Concerning the divorce attorney, Nancy's, I mean. I wonder if she can be called as a witness? In the Anne Miller case, the murder of her husband Eric Miller, Darrell Willard's attorney was compelled to 'give up the goods' to the judge to see if there was anythinig useful his client had said prior to his death. Since Nancy is no longer living, can her divorce attorney be compelled to tell if she has any confidential information Nancy might have told her that might be of assistance here?

And LyLu, I didn't know you are in Canada! I bet if I heard you talk I could detect the accent though. :woohoo: I'm pretty good with accents.
I think the disappearance of the decorative sticks and the ducks lend to evidence of a struggle. Those ducks took their one and only flight the morning of July 12th...straight into a dumpster/trash can somewhere.

So it's safe to assume that if the defectives in Cary had done a better job, they would have located all of this supposed " disposed of" evidence ?
If he did it, why only dress her in a sports bra? Why roll the sports bra under? Why dump her body so close to her house? Why not take the time to dump the body away from everyday traffic and people?

I'm serious...I question the same thing about why Brad would do these things.

He was in a hurry.

He pushed the sports bra on and didn't take the time to position it correctly.

He didn't have time to drive further away.

All of these things point to someone who had limited time. A kidnapper who had limited time would not take the time to remove every single article of clothing from her body except the sports bra but leave behind the diamond earrings. If she didn't run in the area where the body was found, how did she get there? Was she driven there? Then why not drive way far away from any populated area? We're supposed to believe that the kidnapper took her in broad daylight while many people were out and about. Who would dump a body in an area that was relatively populated? Someone who was dumping the body before the sun came up maybe?
Thank you. I'm sick of hearing the victim in this case degraded and slammed and demeaned. I thought Websleuths was all about protecting the victim and that victim bashing wasn't allowed. But it's rampant in this thread.

Discussing her actions isn't bashing her and it is relevant to this thread and this case. Again, I believe her actions fueled Brad's actions (not talking about the murder here...I'm talking about their relationship leading up to it) and his actions fueled her actions. But since his character and his actions as a husband are part of this trial, it's fair to discuss her actions as well. There were 2 people in this fuster-cluck of a marriage.
I've considered same. Glad you posted :) How far away does HM live? Could BC have picked her up along the way and dropped her at the house to make the call/watch the girls. She and Scott would be accomplices, right?

The only thing I find not plausible is that 3 people would not SAY anything in all this time. What, would BC just be waiting to see if he's acquitted, but if he's not, then he'll bring them into it to go down with him? I would. :crazy:
I remember her pearl necklace, a necklace with a butterfly on it, her necklace with the diamond pendant, a ring with a heart on it and her "flat" ring with the diamonds and sapphires.

Honest question here....would she wear 2 necklaces at the same time?
Honest question here....would she wear 2 necklaces at the same time?

I wouldn't. And I have a small gold necklace with 3 diamonds I wear most of the time. But if I'm wearing my pearls, the diamonds come off.

I've been thinking about NC's necklace. Maybe during a fight that night he brought it up (this is what iv'e done for you, and lists all of these purchases) and she takes it off and throws it at him? just a guess.
He was in a hurry.

He pushed the sports bra on and didn't take the time to position it correctly.

He didn't have time to drive further away.

All of these things point to someone who had limited time. A kidnapper who had limited time would not take the time to remove every single article of clothing from her body except the sports bra but leave behind the diamond earrings. If she didn't run in the area where the body was found, how did she get there? Was she driven there? Then why not drive way far away from any populated area? We're supposed to believe that the kidnapper took her in broad daylight while many people were out and about. Who would dump a body in an area that was relatively populated? Someone who was dumping the body before the sun came up maybe?

I'm thinking the bra was used as a handle to drag the body, that's why its rolled up.

But, to me it would make a difference if the bra was rolled from the bottom up with the straps on the inside - like I would guess would happen if the bra was already on and it was actually rolled up, like they have described it.

OR... was the bra rolled under, with the straps on the outside, like I would imagine would happen if you were trying to place the bra on a lifeless body. I guess the pics we didn't see would show this. Anybody see those pics???
Court today: (Having to attend 800 pieces of a custody case finally has an end in site and most of what I did today was sit in on the third floor)

Brad Cooper did make eye contact (at or with or in the general direction of KL) and I hear that WRAL reported otherwise. I think it was unwelcome eye contact. The jury soaked her up. She looked and sounded compelling. Definitely NOT a smoking gun, but an appropriate puzzle piece (Sorry, got to give something to both sides) The direct continues tomorrow. I don't think cross will be either long or disrespectful because honestly it doesn't need to be. (Legally speaking, she simply seemed like the sister of the victim and did not add many new opinions) It did get me to thinking one thing: Why didn't he deny the murder or proclaim innocence, etc? It seems like he would have "needed" her family too (thinking of the girls)

The cop and the straw made a tough sell for the prosec. (Mainly eyebrows jumped around because of the whole 20 month thing, the not telling detectives IMMEDIATELY after having recognized that the straw could be similar. There was a lot of chit chat while he was talking at the tables and I think pretty much everyone checked out with him.) They should have left him out all together.

The bug guy didn't "lose credibility" but it got read as flat out admitting that the science allowed for a much larger window. This was definitely when everyone in the courtroom was scribbling furiously (jurors, audience, etc) He was a mediocre witness, and honestly, it didn't really help that the "mica" testimony got blown open the same way. HOWEVER, I get the impression that these are the things folks are looking for because they are more "direct-circumstantial" evidence. I know that sounds odd, but the truth is they do reasonably tie him to the scene and a time-line and I don't think you can "un-ring that bell" with cross.

Not much going on. They ended early. I have another two days next week. Hoping to get some "defense time" in later as well.

The court room has an eerie somber tone when pictures pop up, but it generally is just a court room atmosphere, quiet and mostly respectful of the process.

FYI: Mr. L sat through ALL of it. I have a little girl and my heart broke for him.

I don't think the defense have many witnesses, if any they are relying on opening and closing arguments (IMO)
Don't give up!! That's just the way it is here, while they all wait for that smoking gun, which many have speculated to be a Google search. I've said this before, but many ignore my posts - I Googled right after they found the body. The sat. pics showed woods where the culdesac is now - so if Brad used Google to find an uninhabited close by road where he could stuff his 5'10" wife
I said before that I think that if there is a smoking gun on the computer, it seems unlikely to be a Google Maps search. You would think if he were doing that, he would have entered his own address and started dragging the map around looking for a good location. If that's what he did, the browser cache is going to show his address, not the address he dragged the map to.

Although you could argue that any Google Maps activity in the middle of that night would look pretty suspicious.

Now, if he Googled something like "strangulation methods" or whatever, that could be the smoking gun.
I don't think the defense have many witnesses, if any they are relying on opening and closing arguments (IMO)

Judge Gessner said that one side had 118 and one side had 227 on the witness lists. I have no recollection of which was which and they rarely call ALL of them but that is way more than what we have seen so far. What are we at now? 55 or so?
I'm thinking the bra was used as a handle to drag the body, that's why its rolled up.

But, to me it would make a difference if the bra was rolled from the bottom up with the straps on the inside - like I would guess would happen if the bra was already on and it was actually rolled up, like they have described it.

OR... was the bra rolled under, with the straps on the outside, like I would imagine would happen if you were trying to place the bra on a lifeless body. I guess the pics we didn't see would show this. Anybody see those pics???

I'm not following. I got the impression (and I have seen no pictures) that the bra was on the shoulders but the bottom of the bra was rolled up under the bottom edge rather than lifted up over the bottom edge.
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