General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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See Tiki, that's what I am thinking too. Something was not right with those two the Mondex, Annette made her appearance known and iirc, said something about Haleigh not being there...IMO, something was there, not necessarily Haleigh, but something related to what happened to her. The only thing that stands out about that search was the marijuana plants being least to me.

At the Shell Harbor search, Annette and Teresa was present before the search even began...I wonder if they showed up there while LE was actually searching? After this particular search, LE declared this a homocide investigation...I don't know what they found, if anything, but apparently whatever the case it was enough to change the investigation.

IMO, these two women knew the significance of both of these places but what confuses me is the fact that Tommy seemed to be the one to lead LE to both of those is that possible? I can't figure that one out.
all mo

Well Tommy was there that night and i believe Misty knew what they did with Haleigh she may have told him. JMO
Well Tommy was there that night and i believe Misty knew what they did with Haleigh she may have told him. JMO

So that would mean that Teresa and Annette knew just as much as Tommy. IMO, Tommy knew these two places were significant and Teresa/Annette suspected the same. coincidence? or do you think Misty told them too?
cious1;6332255]See Tiki, that's what I am thinking too. Something was not right with those two the Mondex, Annette made her appearance known and iirc, said something about Haleigh not being there...IMO, something was there, not necessarily Haleigh, but something related to what happened to her. The only thing that stands out about that search was the marijuana plants being least to me.

At the Shell Harbor search, Annette and Teresa was present before the search even began...I wonder if they showed up there while LE was actually searching? After this particular search, LE declared this a homocide investigation...I don't know what they found, if anything, but apparently whatever the case it was enough to change the investigation.

IMO, these two women knew the significance of both of these places but what confuses me is the fact that Tommy seemed to be the one to lead LE to both of those is that possible? I can't figure that one out.
all mo[/QUOTE]

It doesn't make sense to me but that's how it sounds.. Tommy led le to the mondex and st johns river yet tn and ggs know there's something in both of those areas so they show up? If that was the case, it would point to tommy knowing ts and ggs put evidence there... But why wouldn't he sell them out to get a reduced sentence? And why the crazy story about joe?

I just can't see all of them being in on this... I just don't get it
Its ok Em No worries :innocent:

Hey Em do you know if Teresa Neves took a POLY??????

I swear this woman buried this child!!!!!!
Ill bet the man in black is her bf he took her out....

We haven't heard but I seriously doubt she did. If she did she would have called up Matt Saffer and had that tidbit of information announced to the high heavens, that is.. IF there weren't any deception found in her answers.. However, I'm going with she never took one.. but IF she did I suspect she didn't pass it...I doubt AS took one either..Hoping LE doesn't think just because she is old she wouldn't lie to them...JMHO
LE did say they offered everyone a poly, however they never revealed who accepted their offer and who declined..Hopefully LE has been looking closely at those who refused...I know I would be suspicious of those who refused...
I do know Marie G took one and was more than willing to take it.. So did Crystal S and her fiance at the time.. JMHO
So that would mean that Teresa and Annette k
knew just as much as Tommy. IMO, Tommy knew these two places were signifiT

I think Teresa and her Bf were the ones that came and took Haleigh from the house the BF was the person in black.. I think TN and GGS know exactly where haleigh is! JMO
Exactly!!!! I think ron and the kids lived with GGS.

How long had they lived in the trailor? do u know?

Ron didn't move in with GGMS until after Haleigh was reported as being abducted. Before he moved to Green Lane he and the kids lived on the next street over from Green Lane... I'm thinking Monroe, but I could be wrong..JMHO
Ron didn't move in with GGMS until after Haleigh was reported as being abducted. Before he moved to Green Lane he and the kids lived on the next street over from Green Lane... I'm thinking Monroe, but I could be wrong..JMHO

Oh ok thanks for the info Em: i appreciate it!
Is it truly possible that there are so very many of these [unusual people] that are all involved with what's happened to Haleigh??..Many would be of course after-the-fact and involved in the continued covering up of the crimes against little Haleigh...

Just as tiki and suspicious discussed in ^above^ posts ala..Annette and Teresa Neves having knowledge there was "something" there at the St John's search as we know they were there on the peripheral of the scene of the St John's dock search before even the cops had arrived and began the actual several days long search..

But yet as we know it was Tommy that led LE to both the mondex[which I was not certain of this}and definitely led LE to the entire escapade in all things surrounding the St John's dock search..which in speaking of the dock search not to veer far OT but can you believe that has even been an entire solid year ago this very month..and going back one year to us learning of this much televised search with special excitement here on WS the day that we first got a glimpse of the photo snapped from heli above of Misty in her prison blues with shackles and all there on that St John's boat dock[I even remember it being KellyNC that posted us that first glimpse of Misty on that].. I know atleast for myself personally I was filled with so much hope for the first time in a year and truly truly felt and believed it was all coming down right before our very eyes and that little Haleigh was going to be found..laid to rest..and justice served on those guilty of harming a hair on her head..
Well we all know that far from materialized and still here we are yet a whole another year has passed and IMO not a d@mn bit closer to finding Haleigh and serving justice..Again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

Back to those involved and the possibilities.. So Annette and Teresa having knowledge of "something" being at one or both of those search locations..along with having Tommy be the one that actually did the leading of LE to those areas..And then of course Misty's "supposed" knowledge as well{i.e her being brought to the dock to confirm that was the correct well as Granny Flo stating that Misty told her of these "versions" of who/what/where Re:Haleigh's demise}..
Could all of these[+ some]actually be involved and/or know for certain all details of what happened to Haleigh???

I just find that almost near impossible for that to be the case.. For at some point especially when we know the heat has been on as high as it will go on both Tommy and Misty and their own hides being the only thing on the line that desperately needed "something" to save them..And at some point their not having blurted out any of the Cummings part that was taken in Haleigh's demise and cover up..That is what I find to be an ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY IMO..When push came to shove especially Tommy would have been singing like a bird of the Cummings involvement..with something/anything that he could give LE to in any even teeny way possible could/would tie them to what happened to Haleigh and/or the cover-up...

Their not having done so is for no lack of reason.. It is infact for very very good reason why this didn't happen with the finger pointing and why infact Tommy nor Misty can in any way whatsoever give LE even the teeniest of tiniest of ANYTHING that would have any of their "stories" hold a drop of water.. that is simply because they both are the primary[and IMO quite possibly only]perps of what was done to Haleigh..therefor there is nothing that can be given to substantiate anyone/anything that they have attempted to give LE as the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" because anything/everything that can be used to corroborate or lend itself as any kind of proof whatsoever of the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" directly ties to them..directly points to them..and therefor directly implicates them in the "truth of what happened to Haleigh"..

And that is why IMO until one of them miraculously grows a conscience or there is a deathbed confession[and I have posted in detail about what that would entail and IMO it would mean that beyond a shadow of a doubt it was proven to them that they had zero chance of recovering and were for absolute certain about to die..that is the ONLY way we will get a deathbed confession IMO]..One cannot give any proof to substantiate the other's involvement without self incriminating and thereby admitting their own part and guilt in Haleigh's death..

It is only up to LE..the FBI..investigators..etc to do a bang up superb job of good old fashioned hard azz police footwork and thorough investigating with a fine tooth comb to find a sliver of evidence left behind that can crack the mystery of what happened to little Haleigh Cummings and hopefully lead to her remains being found as well...

jmo tho!
Is it truly possible that there are so very many of these [unusual people] that are all involved with what's happened to Haleigh??..Many would be of course after-the-fact and involved in the continued covering up of the crimes against little Haleigh...

Just as tiki and suspicious discussed in ^above^ posts ala..Annette and Teresa Neves having knowledge there was "something" there at the St John's search as we know they were there on the peripheral of the scene of the St John's dock search before even the cops had arrived and began the actual several days long search..

But yet as we know it was Tommy that led LE to both the mondex[which I was not certain of this}and definitely led LE to the entire escapade in all things surrounding the St John's dock search..which in speaking of the dock search not to veer far OT but can you believe that has even been an entire solid year ago this very month..and going back one year to us learning of this much televised search with special excitement here on WS the day that we first got a glimpse of the photo snapped from heli above of Misty in her prison blues with shackles and all there on that St John's boat dock[I even remember it being KellyNC that posted us that first glimpse of Misty on that].. I know atleast for myself personally I was filled with so much hope for the first time in a year and truly truly felt and believed it was all coming down right before our very eyes and that little Haleigh was going to be found..laid to rest..and justice served on those guilty of harming a hair on her head..
Well we all know that far from materialized and still here we are yet a whole another year has passed and IMO not a d@mn bit closer to finding Haleigh and serving justice..Again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

Back to those involved and the possibilities.. So Annette and Teresa having knowledge of "something" being at one or both of those search locations..along with having Tommy be the one that actually did the leading of LE to those areas..And then of course Misty's "supposed" knowledge as well{i.e her being brought to the dock to confirm that was the correct well as Granny Flo stating that Misty told her of these "versions" of who/what/where Re:Haleigh's demise}..
Could all of these[+ some]actually be involved and/or know for certain all details of what happened to Haleigh???

I just find that almost near impossible for that to be the case.. For at some point especially when we know the heat has been on as high as it will go on both Tommy and Misty and their own hides being the only thing on the line that desperately needed "something" to save them..And at some point their not having blurted out any of the Cummings part that was taken in Haleigh's demise and cover up..That is what I find to be an ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY IMO..When push came to shove especially Tommy would have been singing like a bird of the Cummings involvement..with something/anything that he could give LE to in any even teeny way possible could/would tie them to what happened to Haleigh and/or the cover-up...

Their not having done so is for no lack of reason.. It is infact for very very good reason why this didn't happen with the finger pointing and why infact Tommy nor Misty can in any way whatsoever give LE even the teeniest of tiniest of ANYTHING that would have any of their "stories" hold a drop of water.. that is simply because they both are the primary[and IMO quite possibly only]perps of what was done to Haleigh..therefor there is nothing that can be given to substantiate anyone/anything that they have attempted to give LE as the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" because anything/everything that can be used to corroborate or lend itself as any kind of proof whatsoever of the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" directly ties to them..directly points to them..and therefor directly implicates them in the "truth of what happened to Haleigh"..

And that is why IMO until one of them miraculously grows a conscience or there is a deathbed confession[and I have posted in detail about what that would entail and IMO it would mean that beyond a shadow of a doubt it was proven to them that they had zero chance of recovering and were for absolute certain about to die..that is the ONLY way we will get a deathbed confession IMO]..One cannot give any proof to substantiate the other's involvement without self incriminating and thereby admitting their own part and guilt in Haleigh's death..

It is only up to LE..the FBI..investigators..etc to do a bang up superb job of good old fashioned hard azz police footwork and thorough investigating with a fine tooth comb to find a sliver of evidence left behind that can crack the mystery of what happened to little Haleigh Cummings and hopefully lead to her remains being found as well...

jmo tho!

Just like you every day i had a diff theory as to what happend to Haleigh!
The more i read in here the more i have to agree with a few that Ron hurt Haleigh sometime after she arrived home from school. Sometime in the evening
Misty calls Ron and tells him what? She is unconsious(If he had hit her in the head she could have a concusion and you never let her go to sleep u can die)
Maybe she is dead, and Misty is in a panic she doesnt know what to do. Ron calls GGS who in turn calls TN ..TN and her BF run over to Misty. The BF dressed in black takes Haleigh and TN and BF bury Haleigh. In the mean time ron cant reach Misty hes in a panic cant reach mom either cause she is busy.
Ron sends tommy over to check Misty Misty has turned off all the lights and is afraid...she waits for ron TN comes back way to fast for her to have been at her house so that was a lie she was at the house when ron came home then they called 911..... but not untill they had a story a story that would Protect RONALD.
Ron didn't move in with GGMS until after Haleigh was reported as being abducted. Before he moved to Green Lane he and the kids lived on the next street over from Green Lane... I'm thinking Monroe, but I could be wrong..JMHO

rc lived on Buchanan directly in front on 202 Green Lane. Sparse woods and a path separate the two places. He moved to Buchanan in Aug 08, only to switch places in Nov.
rc lived on Buchanan directly in front on 202 Green Lane. Sparse woods and a path separate the two places. He moved to Buchanan in Aug 08, only to switch places in Nov.

LOL..I knew you would come along and set the record straight...JMHO
i thought TN and AS were searching in the woods BY the st. john's river..

so maybe tommy said she was dumped in the water when in reality she WAS buried.

as far as the mondex search, maybe there was evidence dumped into the mondex that AS didn't want to be linked back to them


LE has never said who owned the 100 or so POTTED marijuana plants that were at the mondex. Did tommy know they were there? Were they removed and put there temporarily? LE says nothing. Wouldn't there be prints possibly on the pots..nothing from LE..natch.
LE has never said who owned the 100 or so POTTED marijuana plants that were at the mondex. Did tommy know they were there? Were they removed and put there temporarily? LE says nothing. Wouldn't there be prints possibly on the pots..nothing from LE..natch.

They were POTTED? LOL give me a break. Maybe they started out in Rons house lol
Is there any way to challange the courts about LE saying, "The case is not cold". If the key players are not residing in the area, and PCSO is not communicating with them for questioning, I would contend the case is cold. LE is simply waiting for one player to talk to proceed with the case. By definition, this is a cold case. They have no leads and are stumped. They have no evidence and all the players/suspsects/POIs are put away.

The fact that LE says it is an active investigation should not mean that they are precluded from being questioned about the status of the case. We all know LE is playing, once again, with the public's curiousity and right to know.

I have not seen one affidavit or search warrant realeased in this case. why not? Are they afraid the perps will get a one-up? That ship has sailed. PCSO has been played.
They were POTTED? LOL give me a break. Maybe they started out in Rons house lol

Tommy and misty's favorite drug of choice = marijuana. Tommy tells LE that Haleigh is at the mondex. Hello, potted plants found...LOL...
Forensice Cold Case Definition:

..A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations. A cold case may be closed for various reasons such as: previously available technology was not able to adequately analyze the evidence in order to form a conclusion; witnesses were hostile and uncooperative; various time constraints hindered the investigation; the originally assigned detectives had a heavy workload; a lack of worthwhile leads stalled the case..

Haliegh Cummings is a Cold Case by all definitions. It is time for them to release information.
Forensice Cold Case Definition:

..A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations. A cold case may be closed for various reasons such as: previously available technology was not able to adequately analyze the evidence in order to form a conclusion; witnesses were hostile and uncooperative; various time constraints hindered the investigation; the originally assigned detectives had a heavy workload; a lack of worthwhile leads stalled the case..

Haliegh Cummings is a Cold Case by all definitions. It is time for them to release information.

BUT they have declared it a homicide so they don't have to release anything pertaining to the investigation..ever..JMHO
I am going to try and hunt down that pesky carpet from the van. I need to find where I read that the bloody carpet was removed by the croslins and not by LE as I had originally thought.

I assumed that the part missing was where the alleged "deer blood" was located or was all of the carpeting removed? I wonder if Chelsea will that she is talking.
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