NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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Six hours prior to SG's disappearance would have been before she even arrived at JB's. Presumably, SG would have had $$ after her date with JB (although he says he didn't pay her ... which is prolly just covering his sorry butt re his illegal role as a john). IF JB really didn't pay, i'm sure both SG and MP would have been giving JB a big hassle over non-payment.

I agree, sillybilly, that JB would have been really hassled if he didn't pay.....and yeah, he was probably covering his butt......like when he said they didn't have sex and Shannan was only there 45 minutes.

I read that Shannan had had a customer before JB. So it seems like she may have had money...but who knows.
Yes, Marie-chantel, I remember that. I hadn't heard about her shutting the door. But did read that Shannan knocked on a woman's door after GC's and this woman did see her. I have never seen her name anywhere, either.

OT, love your Pilchard pic.

I don't know where the original link is but this is the address of the lady. Scroll down to the map and and zoom in and you'll see it on Anchor Way:


Here is a cached link that gives the name of Canning, a neighbor of Coletti's, who saw Shannan and they thought she was on drugs per the quote from the son. Their address is quite close to the Coletti's, on Anchor Way shown in my other link above.


Snipped ". . . . "That was the last time she was seen. We saw her footprints in the sand," said xxxx Canning, 20, who lives down the street. "She was in a panic. We thought she was on drugs."
Yes, Marie-chantel, I remember that. I hadn't heard about her shutting the door. But did read that Shannan knocked on a woman's door after GC's and this woman did see her. I have never seen her name anywhere, either.

OT, love your Pilchard pic.

Thanks Susan!

Yes, Shannan reportedly knocked on this woman's door, but the woman either wouldn't let her in, or Shannan fled when the woman opened the door (I think it was the former, not the latter).

Are JB and his wife separated? I thought that I read in one of the MSM articles that he was separated from his wife. IIRC though, when the media appeared on his doorstep in April, the wife was also present in the home. Maybe he's claiming that they didn't have sex because he's trying to reunite with his wife?
Thanks Susan!

Yes, Shannan reportedly knocked on this woman's door, but the woman either wouldn't let her in, or Shannan fled when the woman opened the door (I think it was the former, not the latter).

Are JB and his wife separated? I thought that I read in one of the MSM articles that he was separated from his wife. IIRC though, when the media appeared on his doorstep in April, the wife was also present in the home. Maybe he's claiming that they didn't have sex because he's trying to reunite with his wife?

Hi there, Acc to Sherre in her 'Here Women Talk' interview, when Shannan knocked on her door the lady told her she would call 911 and then Shannan ran away.

So odd, isn't it. She knocked on the door of 2 neighbors in the OB development who said they'd call 911 for her and she split both times. I think she thought the one who was 'going to kill' her presented himself as being involved w/ LE. IMO
ALC's sister admits that she too has posted her services on Craigslist and introduced Amber to the scene.


From a previous article ( link ), Overstreet seems to be trying to characterize Amber's struggle from an observer's pov. That is, the helpless family watches their loved one fall apart... even tries to help them, but to no avail...

The sisters, who grew up in North Carolina, were close. Overstreet says that Amber was sexually molested by a neighbor when she was 6 years old, an incident that caused their mother to have a breakdown. Amber was a promising student but became involved with drugs as a teenager. "She was beaten down," says Overstreet. "We didn't live the American [Dream] childhood. We watched our family struggle through alcohol addiction and sickness." It was after Amber got into debt in Florida that Overstreet bought her a plane ticket and brought her to New York, where she again spent a short time in rehab before falling back into drug use and prostitution.
And yet, from the NY Magazine article ( link, h/t [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6579401#post6579401]internetgirl101[/ame] ), the picture painted is quite the opposite.

Her sister, Kimberly Overstreet, makes no effort to sugar coat her story. “Amber was a basket case,” she says. “She struggled most of her adult life with drugs. She was addicted to heroin. That was the biggest strike against her. Secondly, I was involved in this.” Trim, toned, and dimple-chinned, Overstreet has been escorting on and off since she was 18, and she’s the one who brought Amber into the profession.

Also, from the same NY Magazine article ( link, h/t [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6579401#post6579401]internetgirl101[/ame] ) this bit is interesting.

Maureen Brainard-Barnes was the first of the girls to disappear; she went missing on July 9, 2007, three years before Shannan Gilbert.


For three years, the NYPD had reported no trace of her—except, in 2008, for one cell-phone-signal ping off a Long Island tower, just a few miles from Gilgo Beach. “Someone was trying to access Maureen’s cell-phone voice-mail,” Cann says.
If they have the dates right, then Maureen's killer used her cell phone months after she went missing. And recall, he taunted Melissa's sisters for at least three months after she went missing. Things that make you go, hmmm...

But, yes. That article is full of information. Definitely well-written and worth a read.
Hi there, Acc to Sherre in her 'Here Women Talk' interview, when Shannan knocked on her door the lady told her she would call 911 and then Shannan ran away.

So odd, isn't it. She knocked on the door of 2 neighbors in the OB development who said they'd call 911 for her and she split both times. I think she thought the one who was 'going to kill' her presented himself as being involved w/ LE. IMO

This includes map of Shannan's route down Anchor Way

Is the "area last seen" 35 Anchor Way or would it be further down? Was the owner of 35 Anchor Way the person who called 911 or was it a house further down, where the map shows a circle?
Thanks Susan!

Yes, Shannan reportedly knocked on this woman's door, but the woman either wouldn't let her in, or Shannan fled when the woman opened the door (I think it was the former, not the latter).

Are JB and his wife separated? I thought that I read in one of the MSM articles that he was separated from his wife. IIRC though, when the media appeared on his doorstep in April, the wife was also present in the home. Maybe he's claiming that they didn't have sex because he's trying to reunite with his wife?

Hi, Marie-Chantal, I think this story is an outgrowth of a television interview in which a near neighbor of JB spoke in very general terms. Listening to the interview twice, I heard no indication that she had any immediate account with Shannan or anyone that night.

(Another woman, of course, did open her door to Shannan, but she quickly ran away as the woman into the house to call 911.)
Hi Goathairjones, Thanks for the link. Most interesting for sure that the sister quoted believes the SK likes to get high. Boy, I think with her background and knowledge of coke users she is probably right on the money !!!

It is something I have not even thought of before. But you take a white guy from mid 20 to 40 yrs old, a professional who is either married or has a GF and possibly local - then likes to use coke ~ sounds like there could be allot of people living on LI that fit that bill, eh? I guess this info would be used then to rule someone out who doesn't like coke, right?


Hi, Scandi, as always great to see your posts. The New York article was heart-breaking. I think that family members of the women are frantically attempting to gather together the pieces into some meaningful pattern. In this case, I think that the sister is taking a correct observation and transforming it into a possibly erroneous conclusion. I think that many of the young women were indeed strongly enamoured of cocaine. (And, from what I saw in my East Village neighborhood and what I have read, this is not that uncommon among sex workers or their clients.) However, I don't think that means that the men who book them knew that when they answered their ads. (An aside: I'm also less than certain that all the women met their killer on Craigslist.)

Of course, cocaine use before, during, or immediately after the hook-up would make the poor women infinitely more vulnerable to attack. (I think that Shannan was running wild from house to house on a drug jag, probably from cocaine.) And, just as importantly, coke burns through wallets quickly: Women let down their guard when they need ready cash and a quick connection.
Hi Goathairjones, Thanks for the link. Most interesting for sure that the sister quoted believes the SK likes to get high. Boy, I think with her background and knowledge of coke users she is probably right on the money !!!

It is something I have not even thought of before. But you take a white guy from mid 20 to 40 yrs old, a professional who is either married or has a GF and possibly local - then likes to use coke ~ sounds like there could be allot of people living on LI that fit that bill, eh? I guess this info would be used then to rule someone out who doesn't like coke, right?



I don't think there are a lot of people on LI that would fit that bill. Me personally, I am a 40 year old married professional white guy living on LI and I don't know of anyone who uses coke.

I really don't think this guy is married or has a girlfriend. IMO, this guy frequents strip clubs and knows the girls on a first name basis. He may have even "dated" some of these strippers at some point. But he wasn't much of a boyfriend. More of a sugar daddy who could provide drugs for them whenever they needed a fix. As a "girlfriend", they would give him free sex but it only meant that he would have to supply them with free drugs later on. And not to mention free dinners at nice restaurants. And they always used more drugs than there sex was worth. He was probably dumped a couple of times by these strippers because he was a little too creepy for them.

I do think that the guy uses coke and other drugs and maybe even has an alcohol problem. I seem to remember someone mentioning that in one of his phone calls to the victims family members, he appeared to be drunk.

I really hope they catch this *advertiser censored* soon! I want to see if the profilers are correct or if they are way off.
I signed that petition and have been looking back at that site to see if there's been any updates. Sadly, I haven't seen any updates or read about any progress being made in getting the police to encourage sex workers to come forward. LE needs to strongly consider doing more to get these women to come forward IMO.

Yep, I signed, too. ITA that LE should be motivated to get sex workers to give any info they have......and not be penalized. There has to be some answers there. Or at least clues.

Redbird, yes, where is the task force? Why is there so little information?! It does make one wonder if there is some kind of cover up. It bothers me how they don't pay attention when it is a sex worker missing - they are people and have as much worth as anyone. Or as others have suggested are they close to arresting someone and don't want it blown. Just strange how little info.....and some of the people/bodies have not even been identified.

I don't think there are a lot of people on LI that would fit that bill. Me personally, I am a 40 year old married professional white guy living on LI and I don't know of anyone who uses coke.

I really don't think this guy is married or has a girlfriend. IMO, this guy frequents strip clubs and knows the girls on a first name basis. He may have even "dated" some of these strippers at some point. But he wasn't much of a boyfriend. More of a sugar daddy who could provide drugs for them whenever they needed a fix. As a "girlfriend", they would give him free sex but it only meant that he would have to supply them with free drugs later on. And not to mention free dinners at nice restaurants. And they always used more drugs than there sex was worth. He was probably dumped a couple of times by these strippers because he was a little too creepy for them.

I do think that the guy uses coke and other drugs and maybe even has an alcohol problem. I seem to remember someone mentioning that in one of his phone calls to the victims family members, he appeared to be drunk.

I really hope they catch this *advertiser censored* soon! I want to see if the profilers are correct or if they are way off.

Hi, GoatHairJones. (Your moniker always makes me smile.) I think that your take has some resonance. (I had forgotten the comment about him sounding drunk on the phone.) To me, it seems more likely that he would fit this sleazy image than that of a stealthy man of the community.

That he seems to be a summer season killer also seems to be significant. And that he also has New York City ties; perhaps job-related?
This would also align with the idea that he is a business owner that can work whatever hours he wants and has few employees if any. Or maybe the employees don't have access to all the walk-ins. I would think the fear of a health inspector showing up for a random inspection might rule out food establishments.

On the other hand the secondary freezers that people sometime keep in their basement might be large enough to fit a petite women.

I like the idea of the large boat coolers, but it seems like it would be pretty risky getting the body from the car to the boat.


Hmmm, Kaytom, a petite woman would fit even better (sorry!) with out her head. If it is one SK, perhaps that is the reason for decapitation......although the hands, feet, etc. .?? excuse the grossness, do not intend to be insensitive.
Yep, I signed, too. ITA that LE should be motivated to get sex workers to give any info they have......and not be penalized. There has to be some answers there. Or at least clues.

Redbird, yes, where is the task force? Why is there so little information?! It does make one wonder if there is some kind of cover up. It bothers me how they don't pay attention when it is a sex worker missing - they are people and have as much worth as anyone. Or as others have suggested are they close to arresting someone and don't want it blown. Just strange how little info.....and some of the people/bodies have not even been identified.

Hi, Susan1122. I think that the problem with the case is not a cover-up. Sex workers almost lead lives mostly below the radar and both they and their supposedly "normal" clients want to keep it that way. The information on most of these cases is tantalizingly thin, which helps explain why many of us have become so preoccupied with Shannan Gilbert because that story at least has a narrative.

I'm just guessing, but I think that the best leads yet are coming from the Megan Waterman case because her last known job occurred at a motel and her pimp (who seems less than cooperative) had a computer which has now been seized.
Hi, GoatHairJones. (Your moniker always makes me smile.) I think that your take has some resonance. (I had forgotten the comment about him sounding drunk on the phone.) To me, it seems more likely that he would fit this sleazy image than that of a stealthy man of the community.

That he seems to be a summer season killer also seems to be significant. And that he also has New York City ties; perhaps job-related?


I agree with you 100%
Hi there, Acc to Sherre in her 'Here Women Talk' interview, when Shannan knocked on her door the lady told her she would call 911 and then Shannan ran away.

So odd, isn't it. She knocked on the door of 2 neighbors in the OB development who said they'd call 911 for her and she split both times. I think she thought the one who was 'going to kill' her presented himself as being involved w/ LE. IMO

BBM Brings you back to the NYPD Cops and the one that made the last phone call to one of the girls (can't think of who right now) from Staten Island.

This includes map of Shannan's route down Anchor Way

Is the "area last seen" 35 Anchor Way or would it be further down? Was the owner of 35 Anchor Way the person who called 911 or was it a house further down, where the map shows a circle?

BBM right at the corner of the Dr's house. Also right at the corner of that big field that is behind his house. Makes me wonder again how well that was searched. I am guessing that piece of property had to be. From the last seen spot east to the Robert Moses causeway. Thats a big piece of open land there.


I don't think there are a lot of people on LI that would fit that bill. Me personally, I am a 40 year old married professional white guy living on LI and I don't know of anyone who uses coke.

I really don't think this guy is married or has a girlfriend. IMO, this guy frequents strip clubs and knows the girls on a first name basis. He may have even "dated" some of these strippers at some point. But he wasn't much of a boyfriend. More of a sugar daddy who could provide drugs for them whenever they needed a fix. As a "girlfriend", they would give him free sex but it only meant that he would have to supply them with free drugs later on. And not to mention free dinners at nice restaurants. And they always used more drugs than there sex was worth. He was probably dumped a couple of times by these strippers because he was a little too creepy for them.

I do think that the guy uses coke and other drugs and maybe even has an alcohol problem. I seem to remember someone mentioning that in one of his phone calls to the victims family members, he appeared to be drunk.

I really hope they catch this *advertiser censored* soon! I want to see if the profilers are correct or if they are way off.

Goathair I agree with you alot here on your profile. It makes alot more sense then the guy next door living the white picket fence dream.

For some reason when you and someone else here discussed the summer season/City connection a post or two back I thought Stock Broker. The money, the partying, the city/beach connection. For some reason that came to mind.

Have any of these girls been connected to stripping or strip clubs at all that anyone knows?
BBM Brings you back to the NYPD Cops and the one that made the last phone call to one of the girls (can't think of who right now) from Staten Island.

BBM right at the corner of the Dr's house. Also right at the corner of that big field that is behind his house. Makes me wonder again how well that was searched. I am guessing that piece of property had to be. From the last seen spot east to the Robert Moses causeway. Thats a big piece of open land there.

Goathair I agree with you alot here on your profile. It makes alot more sense then the guy next door living the white picket fence dream.

For some reason when you and someone else here discussed the summer season/City connection a post or two back I thought Stock Broker. The money, the partying, the city/beach connection. For some reason that came to mind.

Have any of these girls been connected to stripping or strip clubs at all that anyone knows?


It's funny you should mention Stock Broker because JB did work in the industry back in the 90's.

And regarding the field behind CPH's house, I think the reports have her running the opposite direction ("towards Gilgo") and they found her footprints in the sand running that way.

It's driving me nuts! Someone had to see her after Anchor and The Bayou!!!

I personally think she ran west along the beach to the old OBI parking lot and the killer picked her up there. This is what I am thinking:

When she gets to Oak Beach, her and JB go for a run to get prescription drugs on the West side of Oak Beach. JB has a drug connection there. His connection also meets SG and says something really creepy to her. He also says that he wants next dibs on her after JB is finished. That explains all of the calls back and forth to MP. JB and SG go back to his house and JB's drug connection sets up his SUV in the old OBI parking lot.

At some point SG realizes that the drug connection is a really demented guy. Maybe JB tells her a rumor about the guy and spooks her. SG doesn't want to do the job with the drug connection but MP kind of pushes her. So SG panics. And runs out of the house. She runs to GC's house and then down Anchor. She realizes she is running into a dead end down Larboard so instead turns west down The Bayou and runs west along the beach and bulkheading to the old OBI parking lot where the drug connection is waiting for her in the SUV. He snatches her and takes off from Oak Beach and is north on the causeway when the SCPD is responding south along the other span of the bridge. That's what I think happened.
I think she may have called the CVS in error thinking it was the RX connection's phone number. His name may have been on the bottle that JB got from him. And she may have mistaken the CVS phone number for his. This would explain the short phone call.
I think she may have called the CVS in error thinking it was the RX connection's phone number. His name may have been on the bottle that JB got from him. And she may have mistaken the CVS phone number for his. This would explain the short phone call.

I wish I could hit the thanks button 4 times. this is the most logical explanation of that call outside of filling a prescrip... speaking of, doctors can call in the order, it wouldn't matter what phone they were on. I wonder if the time of the cvs call could coincide with the possible mystery john period? who is the timeline master on here, any thoughts?
OMGOMGOMG....I don't know if this has already been linked, but this is something that freaks me out:


Somebody set up FB profiles for the AC murder victims and they're friends with ALC on Facebook. According to the article I linked, one of the AC victims' family members has already contacted the police about these fake profiles. Read the comments on the wall of Molly Dilts' profile. Has anyone else seen/heard about this? It is so creepy, I don't even know what to think about it.
I think SK's killer was a doctor that lived in Oak Beach at the time. There are rumors floating around the communities down there that a doctor that lived in Oak Beach has fled to Europe and hasn't been heard from or seen for at least 4 months. I think this doctor was the drug connection for JB. I think he sold JB some prescription drugs that night and abducted SG and killed her. I think he also killed the other girls found in Gilgo and Manorville and I do think that he dumped SK's body in Manorville.

I think the only thing holding back SCPD from pressing charges is lack of evidence. No SG body found and no evidence linking this doctor to the Gilgo bodies.

I think the reason he called SK's family was to throw them off just in case SK mentioned a doctor on the phone when she called 911. This doctor knows that CPH is a doctor and lives in East Oak Beach. And he called the Mom and said he was CPH just to cover his *advertiser censored*.

I think JB knows who this killer is and doesn't want to say anything because he is scared of him as well.
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