NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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Most interesting for sure that the sister quoted believes the SK likes to get high.
I admittedly do not see killer as being some cranked up John who murders these women in some sort of drug induced rage, meticulously strips them of not only all their clothing but jewelry as well, rolls them up in burlap, only to place them in a neat little row along OBP, and then proceeds to use their cell phones to make calls to their voicemail box and/or loved ones after the fact.

As for who/what? Here's an article ( link ) about a millionaire who was running a little side venture. While he's not our guy, his Copiague warehouses are smack dab in the middle of the kill zone. Things that make you go hmmm... That is, until you note his age. He's in his late 70s.

But anyway...

Imho, private sex parties similar to his operation may very well play a role. Why? Bc outside of stalking these women all over the place (stretch), what better way to find victims? Follow them after the party, abduct them, maybe even try to turn them into a personal sex slave, and if it doesn't pan out, murder them, and move on to the next quest.

Another possibility involves a group of men running a home grown "rape club" who post ads for "events" where the time and place of said "events" are only provided to those who answer their carefully worded ads. Prospective "guests" would be screened, of course. This would be an extremely lucrative venture, after all. And they would not want vice (or IRS, for that matter), gumming up the works. They'd still need the girls, so they answer outcall ads, offer a grand for an over-nighter, maybe even offer transportation to-from the party, and voila! Think high-end rave, only for sex.

Or... how about a mix? Say a sort of "fight club" ... a boys night out, so to speak. Where they mix dog fights while having women sequestered in the back room to service their clientele. In this scenario, they may keep the women around for some period of time... until they're all used up. They'd need a doctor. And, in this scenario one of the handlers, or possibly, even the cleaner, gets off on calling the families.
OMG! I had the funniest thing happen to me tonight. I was in CVS in West Islip and I am walking down the aisle and you wouldn't believe who was walking towards me! That's right, JB himself!!! LMAO!!! His little daughter was trailing along. My guess is she is about 4 years old. So I look at him right in the face and I say "Hey Joe, How's it going?" and he looks at me and says "Great, How's it going by you?" and sticks out his hand and we shake hands!!! And then I said "Alright buddy, take care. Have a good night" and he says "You too". I could see him thinking and trying to figure out exactly who I was. He probably thinks I am someone from high school or something.

But I can tell you after meeting him tonight and just shaking his hand, I don't believe he is the SK. The guy is genuinely a nice guy.

I was going to ask him some questions but I couldn't see asking him anything in front of his daughter. Maybe if I saw him alone I would ask him who he thinks is responsible for SG's disappearance. Or who else was partying with you that night. Or where did you and SG go for 15 minutes after she arrived. But I doubt I would even get a straight answer from him. But it was priceless just to say Hi to him and have him think that I know him from the past or something. I got a good vibe from the guy. He just seems like a very personable guy.
I have another funny story about JB. I was driving past his house this weekend and I could here a chainsaw running in his back yard. It wasn't one of those high power Texas chainsaw massacre chainsaws. I think it was actually a cheapo electric one. But I could hear it running as I drove by. He must have been cutting down some small branches or something. So I turn to my wife and say "Hey JB is cutting up some more bodies" and she says "You are sick!" LMAO!!!
I think several serial killers were thought to be "good guys" at one time or another....
This includes map of Shannan's route down Anchor Way

Is the "area last seen" 35 Anchor Way or would it be further down? Was the owner of 35 Anchor Way the person who called 911 or was it a house further down, where the map shows a circle?

Hi Redbird, Sherre said she knocked on the door of a lady. That was why I got so excited when we learned about Mrs Canning and her son who live in that house on Anchor Way. It was also Sherre that said the lady went to call 911 as she told Shannan she would do, looked back and Shannan had run off.

In the article I posted on the last page here, it is the 20 yr old Canning son who is quoted as saying they saw her footprints in the sand and also thought she was doing drugs {probably cause she was acting illogically}.

Looking on the map on the bottom of this page: http://longisland.blockshopper.com/property/47-20-89-243-000-0001-172-000-0000/35_anchor/, to me it looks like there are only 2 houses south of the Canning's with driveways on Anchor Way. There could be more, I just don't see them for the trees.

And then as to 'footprints in the sand' we need a local eye. lol I don't think he meant sand on a beach as the only beach is south and quite a ways for her to run to. I think they saw her footprints in the sandy dirt somewhere close to Anchor Way, maybe on the side of the road if she was running south. I don't think she'd run into a treed area as we hear on the 911 call she told someone to leave her alone and to stop it {SS} like she was being pulled into a car..

So I guess to answer your question I think the last people to see her alive were the Canning duo as she headed away from Gus's place. That is except for the person who intercepted and took her away, eh? I think the mapmaker put the circle on the wrong property. IMO Naturally I could be all wrong too. ;}
I think SK's killer was a doctor that lived in Oak Beach at the time. There are rumors floating around the communities down there that a doctor that lived in Oak Beach has fled to Europe and hasn't been heard from or seen for at least 4 months. I think this doctor was the drug connection for JB. I think he sold JB some prescription drugs that night and abducted SG and killed her. I think he also killed the other girls found in Gilgo and Manorville and I do think that he dumped SK's body in Manorville.

I think the only thing holding back SCPD from pressing charges is lack of evidence. No SG body found and no evidence linking this doctor to the Gilgo bodies.

I think the reason he called SK's family was to throw them off just in case SK mentioned a doctor on the phone when she called 911. This doctor knows that CPH is a doctor and lives in East Oak Beach. And he called the Mom and said he was CPH just to cover his *advertiser censored*.

I think JB knows who this killer is and doesn't want to say anything because he is scared of him as well.

WHOA, Food for thought, definitely. Location, location, eh? I think he's a bit older than what the FBI profile says he'd be, but that could be wrong. I hope his name comes up in the media so we can take a good look at him. I thought he's moved to some place like Utah although I also read Europe in a post here about a month ago.

Thanks. Got my heart pumping a bit. LOL
Hi Redbird, Sherre said she knocked on the door of a lady. That was why I got so excited when we learned about Mrs Canning and her son who live in that house on Anchor Way. It was also Sherre that said the lady went to call 911 as she told Shannan she would do, looked back and Shannan had run off.

In the article I posted on the last page here, it is the 20 yr old Canning son who is quoted as saying they saw her footprints in the sand and also thought she was doing drugs {probably cause she was acting illogically}.

Looking on the map on the bottom of this page: http://longisland.blockshopper.com/property/47-20-89-243-000-0001-172-000-0000/35_anchor/, to me it looks like there are only 2 houses south of the Canning's with driveways on Anchor Way. There could be more, I just don't see them for the trees.

And then as to 'footprints in the sand' we need a local eye. lol I don't think he meant sand on a beach as the only beach is south and quite a ways for her to run to. I think they saw her footprints in the sandy dirt somewhere close to Anchor Way, maybe on the side of the road if she was running south. I don't think she'd run into a treed area as we hear on the 911 call she told someone to leave her alone and to stop it {SS} like she was being pulled into a car..

So I guess to answer your question I think the last people to see her alive were the Canning duo as she headed away from Gus's place. That is except for the person who intercepted and took her away, eh? I think the mapmaker put the circle on the wrong property. IMO Naturally I could be all wrong too. ;}

Looking at the tax list:

I could only find 4 addresses on Anchor Way: 32, 33, 35, and 101. 101 was listed to Oak Island Beach Association. The others you have mentioned. So the Cannings would be the last house if 101 is not a residence.

That's the most sense I could make of it. Does anyone know if 101 Anchor Way has a house on it? If a house is vacant, does it revert back to the Oak Island Beach Association and do they then have a key to the property?
Gosh, I just had a Gestalt moment whe thinking again about the 'footprints in the sand'. I think LE know exactly which spot she disappeared from, or within a matter of a few feet.

The Canning's saw exactly where her footprints were in the sand. Even if they didn't track them all the way to where they stopped it would be close enough to get the specific area tagged for future reference.

Then LE has the 911 call where at the end Shannan is supposedly telling someone to leave her alone. I think that happened right where her footprints ended. Listening to Sherre she did give us pertinent info from that 911 call IMO

I think that last footprint would technically be 'the scene of the crime', where she was taken from and never to be seen again. IMO
Looking at the tax list:

I could only find 4 addresses on Anchor Way: 32, 33, 35, and 101. 101 was listed to Oak Island Beach Association. The others you have mentioned. So the Cannings would be the last house if 101 is not a residence.

That's the most sense I could make of it. Does anyone know if 101 Anchor Way has a house on it? If a house is vacant, does it revert back to the Oak Island Beach Association and do they then have a key to the property?

I think #32 Anchor Way is the Perrone home where Gus was standing when he was interviewed. There are 2 short streets also named Anchor Way in between Gus' house and the long Anchor Way where the Dr KU lived. His address was 33 Anchor Way, the Cannings 35 Anchor Way and then the 101 Anchor Way owned by the Oak Island Beach Assn.

Goathairjones, when you are out and about could you try to find 101 Anchor Way and see if there is a house or office on it? That Assn is many, many yearsold. I've been searching for the Oak Beach Assn historical site and can't find it. #101 has never had a sale and so it must be an original deed.
No offence, but I think you've been watching too many movies. Anyone who has simply read the paper on a daily basis over a period of years knows that incidences of men killing women - particularly men killing prostitutes - are rampant. There doesn't need to be a highly organized, complex, complicated explanation or plot. It is way more likely that this is the work of one sick man - or, as sometimes happens, one sick man and another sick man who is a follower.

I would hate to think of the families of the victims perusing this and reading your horrible theories, put forth in such a cavalier manner. I know we are all theorizing, but let's have some respect. This isn't a movie plot. It's real life, and it's terrible enough without concocting bizarre and ever more hideous scenarios, based on nothing more than pure conjecture and fantasy.
Four of the murdered victims were using craigslist, backpage and other online classified to advertise their services. There is no indication they shared the same pimp, driver, or for that matter, met the same john.

Geographically however, their cell phone pings and/or the last seen location puts them within 25 miles of Gilgo beach. That is the cell phone pings of Melissa ( link ) & Maureen ( link ) were in the Massapequa area, Amber lived and was last seen in West Babylon ( link ), and Megan was last seen at a Hauppauge hotel ( link). Amber's & Melissa's last known appointments were for USD$1500 ( link ) and USD$1000 ( link ), respectively. Their ads indicate that these amounts were for over-night services.

The killer attempted to check Maureen's voicemail, at the very least, six months after she went missing. ( link ) and he called Melissa's little sister over the period of several months. ( link ) Noteably, that he taunted Melissa's little sister certainly indicates a sadistic mentality. That, in conjunction with the timing of the calls, raises the distinct possibility that he kept the victims alive for some period of time before murdering them. It would, after all, appeal to his sadistic nature.

As for the human trafficking scenarios that I posited and to which you are responding? Human trafficking is indeed offensive. As is the fact that society rarely acknowledges the exploitation and murder of women in the sex trade industry unless a serial killer angle is raised. Regardless and imnsho, the earmarks of human trafficking are all over these murders.

For starters, 3 of the 4 murdered women's boyfriends appear to double as pimps. Amber's sister not only brought her into the sex trade, but brought her to the NY area ( link ) to turn tricks with her, while allegedly running a scam with their housemates. ( link ) Megan's "boyfriend" was pimping her out and transporting her across state lines. Shannan's driver was convicted & served time in a Texas jail in 2004 for attempting to traffick an Asian woman into the country. ( link ) Moreover, the retired NYPD homicide detective has stated that the Holiday Inn in the Hauppauge area is known to be frequented by sex rings. ( link )... you know... the last place Megan was seen alive ( link ) and where Amber was alleged to have previously met clients ( link )? Add to this that you're looking at 4 victims, possibly 5, from 5 different states (i.e., Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida, & New York), and well?

Whatever the case, human trafficking, while horribly offensive, is unfortunately as common if not moreso to the sex trade industry as is serial killers murdering prostitutes. What role and to what degree said trafficking plays remains to be seen.
Runs a bigtime betting operation. Made me think of the SI connection to one of the victims...also that some profilers here call the serial killer a possible "High Roller".


OMG! Thanks for the link Pink! This is exactly the type of organized crime that I've been thinking about being involved with the OP victims. Here's why...

Poker night is prolly 'guys night'. No wives allowed. Yet I'd bet money that they hire escorts for these events since they go to the trouble to put out elaborate spreads to eat.

The reason I have been thinking organized crime is because of the difference in the 'signature' in the victims disposal. I think that there are two different disposers....the one who dismembered the victims (Jessica T), then this person moves up in the organization and another is promoted to be in charge of disposal. This persons signature is the burlap.

The MO to attract the victims is the promise of big money for working the 'event'. If the girls are found to be untrustworthy or are not compliant with performing certain acts then they are killed. IMO it is human trafficking, especially if the girls were held awhile before being murdered.

This would also explain hiring independent girls off CL rather than risk going thru an escort agency which could blow their cover for their nefarious activities.

This is my theory (for now) and the only way that I can reconcile the difference in the disposal method if ALL the murders are connected.



ETA The owner of the funeral home AKA as 'the undertaker' creeps me out big time!

OT goathairjones, You are funny! I cannot believe you ran into JB and even shook his hand! I would have prolly turned and ran away! lol!
O/T But...

Does anyone want to volunteer to send me pm's if there are any major updates in this case for, say, the next week?

I'm knee-deep in the CA trial right now, and there's just no way I can follow that and back read here too. Once that trial is over, I'll come back and play catch up here, but in the meantime, I'd still like to stay informed if anything big comes up.

Four of the murdered victims were using craigslist, backpage and other online classified to advertise their services. There is no indication they shared the same pimp, driver, or for that matter, met the same john.

Geographically however, their cell phone pings and/or the last seen location puts them within 25 miles of Gilgo beach. That is the cell phone pings of Melissa ( link ) & Maureen ( link ) were in the Massapequa area, Amber lived and was last seen in West Babylon ( link ), and Megan was last seen at a Hauppauge hotel ( link). Amber's & Melissa's last known appointments were for USD$1500 ( link ) and USD$1000 ( link ), respectively. Their ads indicate that these amounts were for over-night services.

The killer attempted to check Maureen's voicemail, at the very least, six months after she went missing. ( link ) and he called Melissa's little sister over the period of several months. ( link ) Noteably, that he taunted Melissa's little sister certainly indicates a sadistic mentality. That, in conjunction with the timing of the calls, raises the distinct possibility that he kept the victims alive for some period of time before murdering them. It would, after all, appeal to his sadistic nature.

BBM and snipped by me.

I don't know if any of you have read that link I posted previously, but IF they are connected, these bogus Facebook profiles for the AC victims (and most likely for Amber-the profile seems to have been set up by the same person who set up the Atlantic City profiles) could be another way that the killer is taunting the families and friends of the victims. Those profiles really freak me out, and the fact that whomever set up those profiles is commenting on other pages about death, angels, etc. It reminded me of the phone calls, despite the fact that the comments supposedly made by the victims are not disparaging. There was another person who commented on that Anne Marie Fahey page named Colleen Marie. Her profile looked similar to the AC profiles. She said more than the AC victims' "said" on Anne Marie's page, but her profile looks similar. I wonder if she could be another victim who hasn't been found yet? There's also a Jane Doeee. I wonder if she's also a victim?

IMO, the fact that someone set up these profiles reminds me of the taunting phone calls. After I saw them, I started looking for FB pages for the Oak Beach victims. Has anyone ever looked at the page for Melissa? It's private, but you can see her profile picture. There's something about her picture that struck me as odd. She's standing by a bed in what appears to be a hotel room. She looks kind of scared in the pic (she's looking down in a kind of shy way). I wonder if that is a legit page for her. Anybody know?
Too funny on the JB story. Wonder how it would have gone down if you had the chance to question him.

As for your theory, I could buy it. But why would the SK hang at the OBI parking lot though? She could have ran anywhere...

Whats driving me nuts is that there is so many unanswered ?'s that we all have. But, there is anwers to them....we are just not hearing them. For as much as the commish was bashed for leaking too much there is quite a bit being kept under wraps pretty well.

Was there definitely a third person in JB's house that night for the "party"?
BBM and snipped by me.

I don't know if any of you have read that link I posted previously, but IF they are connected, these bogus Facebook profiles for the AC victims (and most likely for Amber-the profile seems to have been set up by the same person who set up the Atlantic City profiles) could be another way that the killer is taunting the families and friends of the victims. Those profiles really freak me out, and the fact that whomever set up those profiles is commenting on other pages about death, angels, etc. It reminded me of the phone calls, despite the fact that the comments supposedly made by the victims are not disparaging. There was another person who commented on that Anne Marie Fahey page named Colleen Marie. Her profile looked similar to the AC profiles. She said more than the AC victims' "said" on Anne Marie's page, but her profile looks similar. I wonder if she could be another victim who hasn't been found yet? There's also a Jane Doeee. I wonder if she's also a victim?

IMO, the fact that someone set up these profiles reminds me of the taunting phone calls. After I saw them, I started looking for FB pages for the Oak Beach victims. Has anyone ever looked at the page for Melissa? It's private, but you can see her profile picture. There's something about her picture that struck me as odd. She's standing by a bed in what appears to be a hotel room. She looks kind of scared in the pic (she's looking down in a kind of shy way). I wonder if that is a legit page for her. Anybody know?

Is there links to these pages somewhere or can you share them?
Also I am not a FaceBook user. If there is links can I view them?
The killer attempted to check Maureen's voicemail, at the very least, six months after she went missing. ( [ Noteably, that he taunted Melissa's little sister certainly indicates a sadistic mentality. That, in conjunction with the timing of the calls, raises the distinct possibility that he kept the victims alive for some period of time before murdering them. It would, after all, appeal to his sadistic nature.

As for the human trafficking scenarios that I posited and to which you are responding? Human trafficking is indeed offensive. As is the fact that society rarely acknowledges the exploitation and murder of women in the sex trade industry unless a serial killer angle is raised. Regardless and imnsho, the earmarks of human trafficking are all over these murders.

.....You answered your own question in these two paragraphs, or acknowledged your own contradiction....This SK is clearly sadistic, as evidenced by the taunts etc...

Human smugglers and traffickers go to unbelievably extreme lengths to conceal their activities. It is imperative that no one knows where these girls are taken from and to, and no one witnesses who abducted them...So to say you have an SK who taunts the victims' families and is also part of a smuggling ring is misinformed, unfounded, and egregious. Sometimes it feels as though posts can rapidly turn into ego contests, as in who can devise the most outlandish theory and stick to it....it's not a movie or a James Patterson novel.
Hi m-c! I just checked FB for MB's page and couldn't find it. Wonder if it's been removed?

I also find this really disturbing that someone set up bogus accts for these deceased victims on social sites. Great sleuthing in making the connection of Amber to the AC victims! Who are the Compano's that was referenced on Molly's profile? Are they a crime family? I wonder if that guy Peterf14 has mentioned the C's in any of his posts? hmmm....will check around.

I was researching the Original Night Stalker this morning. ONS made a frightening call to one of his victims. His crimes escalated from robberies to rapes to murder and his MO and signature changed with time. (I may be rethinking my above theory re: organized crime after reading up on ONS. Not saying ONS is the LI SK, just that SK's do change MO's/sig's with time.)


Imho, private sex parties similar to his operation may very well play a role. Why? Bc outside of stalking these women all over the place (stretch), what better way to find victims? Follow them after the party, abduct them, maybe even try to turn them into a personal sex slave, and if it doesn't pan out, murder them, and move on to the next quest.

You say stalking is a "stretch" but isn't "following them after the party" stalking?
Hi m-c! I just checked FB for MB's page and couldn't find it. Wonder if it's been removed?

I also find this really disturbing that someone set up bogus accts for these deceased victims on social sites. Great sleuthing in making the connection of Amber to the AC victims! Who are the Compano's that was referenced on Molly's profile? Are they a crime family? I wonder if that guy Peterf14 has mentioned the C's in any of his posts? hmmm....will check around.

I was researching the Original Night Stalker this morning. ONS made a frightening call to one of his victims. His crimes escalated from robberies to rapes to murder and his MO and signature changed with time. (I may be rethinking my above theory re: organized crime after reading up on ONS. Not saying ONS is the LI SK, just that SK's do change MO's/sig's with time.)



Thanks! Here's MB's profile:

It's completely different than the other profiles (it's got a picture, it's set to private, etc), but there's something about the way she looks in her picture that saddens me. I'm probably reading too much into it, but she looks kind of scared. She also looks like she's in a hotel room. She's dressed like what we expect prostitutes to dress like when they're "on the job". I don't believe this is a fake profile, it's just that her picture makes me sad when I look at it because of the setting and the look on her face.

I don't know who these Capanos are, but the FB member with the name Colleen Marie made a very bizarre comment on Anne-Marie's page about how if she goes missing, it's because of the Capanos. Very odd. She could be a victim that hasn't been id'd yet. This page could also be fake, and this name dropping could have been done to shift LE focus in another direction and away from the actual killer.
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