IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #3

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Personally, I don't see why it isn't? I know it's not what anyone wants to think, myself included. If the drug use rumor is true, I was speculating on what could have happened. She is nowhere in sight as of yet, after extensive searches. It seems as if she has disappeared into thin air. I'm speculating, if something happened while she was under the care of any of these 3 guys, regardless of drug use, if she hasn't been found, they would need to get her out of the area somehow.


I agree. It's not at all like anyone enjoys these topics, it's just what happens that we've seen too many times.

The fact is Lauren is not sitting at the corner of 11th and College waiting for her family.
The fact is she is gone.
She is either hidden in the area, dead or alive, or she was taken out of the area dead or alive.
Until LE can tell us more, we're stuck on speculating.

LE has not ruled out drug use, so until they do it's fair discussion IMO.

Also, until cleared by LE, the boyfriend who may have had motive is fair.

Random stranger abduction is fair.

We don't know what happened to her, or where she is, or if she is still alive. I hope and pray they find her. I hope tomorrow's searches will prove fruitful, and people will be forthcoming with all information they may have in this case. May her family have their little girl back soon. I think that's what is at the heart of those of us posting anyway.
Well, if the perp is either a stranger or someone they aren't really concentrating on, it's INCREDIBLY easy to hide a body. If LE doesn't already focus on the perp, if they're a stranger to LE or a virtual unsuspected person to the family, they're TOTALLY in the clear. I think we all could figure out how to hide a body where no one would ever, ever find it, if we weren't already a suspect.

Lots of the cases I mentioned have suspects and have had all along...but still no arrests or locating of the victims. There is almost always a time lag between the time a person goes missing and the time police know about it, long enough for the perp.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I was merely saying that there is no evidence or information released to the public that supports that theory at this time, not that it isn't a possibility. My comment was in response to a post that has since been removed.

Police have said they have not ruled any theory out at this point. I really don't think police are close to solving this, unfortunately, as they don't seem to be focusing on a person or person(s) as suspect(s). Instead they want to broaden the list of people to talk to. Doesn't seem like they are close.
No, it doesn't sound as though they are close to knowing what happened. What I hope for is some cell records, either providing back-up to the stories from the students, or pointing to one or more of them. There probably would have been some hectic phone activity if something had happened, not to mention pings in out of the way areas. I would hope they would have this stuff already, but maybe not. If they get it and it is incriminating, things could change quickly.
I've noticed some comments around FB from locals about "benzos". I am not familiar with them. Anyone know what kind of a high you get from these pills? I'm assuming mixed with alcohol could be scary?

Benzodiazepines are central nervous system depressants,like alcohol . Valium is an example. They are widely abused. They compound the effects of alcohol.
Here's a little more on what a friend of JW says of those early morning hours.

He said Wolff went to bed at 2:30 a.m., about the same time Spierer and Rossman were coming home from Kilroy's Sports Bar.

The friend said Wolff received no phone calls or visitors in the hours after his fraternity brothers confronted Spierer and Rossman at Smallwood

The friend did not express surprise when he was told that detectives are considering whether recreational drug use may play a role in their investigation of Spierer's disappearance.,0,6774142.story
My daughter thinks it was a stranger from what she has been hearing.

And I hope it is a stranger b/c that would mean the chances of Lauren being okay and coming back would be greater if she was kidnapped.

Can you give us any more info? Has she been hearing things that are different than what have been reported?

Statistically the chances of a stranger abduction are much lower.
Benzos.. Benzodiazepines are your valiums, Xanax, Ativan.. Back in the old days referred to as "nerve pills".. Especially your more common ones like the Xanax and Ativan(alprolazam and lorazepam) are really quick acting and extremely addicting with long term use even at the prescribed dose. Forget about it if its abused over long periods of time as the withdrawal from benzos is in a total league of it's own.. Making heroin withdrawal look like a walk in the park..

When combined with alcohol these benzos create a total and complete blackout effect. Amnesia effect.. Zero recall of good portions of a night..

Klonopin is also a benzo and is known to be longer lasting than the Xanax which is known for it's rapid onset.. Which crates the "high" but it's effect is not long lasting. Klonopin is being more and more prescribed because tho still highly addictive it does not have the rapid onset that the Xanax has and it's relief is longer lasting than that of the Xanax as well which means not having to take as much or as frequent as say Xanax.. But it's definitely still abusable and definitely still addicting.

Benzos IMO are nothing to mess with.. ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBOED WITH BOOZE!!
Can you give us any more info? Has she been hearing things that are different than what have been reported?

Statistically the chances of a stranger abduction are much lower.

Lauren's roommate said the same thing according to this.
"Does it concern you that some of them aren't talking to you?" asked 24-Hour News 8's Brad Edwards.

"Yeah, it concerns me a little but at the same time I don't think they had anything to do with her dissapearance," said Tamir. "I think it was a random person.",0,6774142.story

A student who described himself as a frat brother of Wolff's told Fox59 News that Spierer's companion, Corey Rossman, was punched in the elevator lobby of the woman's apartment building a couple of hours before she disappeared. Spierer then escorted Rossman to his apartment a couple blocks away where he is a neighbor of Rosenbaum's.

The friend said Wolff received no phone calls or visitors in the hours after his fraternity brothers confronted Spierer and Rossman at Smallwood. The friend said Wolff called Spierer's cell phone the next day when it was answered by an employee of Kilroys'. Wolff then alerted Spierer's friends of her disappearance before filing a police report and calling her parents in New York.

The friend said Wolff's father arrived in Bloomington from Port Washington, New York, that weekend. Another source said Wolff confronted Rossman at his apartment in the same building where Spierer was last spotted.

Answers some questions. More at the link.
Benzos.. Benzodiazepines are your valiums, Xanax, Ativan.. Back in the old days referred to as "nerve pills".. Especially your more common ones like the Xanax and Ativan(alprolazam and lorazepam) are really quick acting and extremely addicting with long term use even at the prescribed dose. Forget about it if its abused over long periods of time as the withdrawal from benzos is in a total league of it's own.. Making heroin withdrawal look like a walk in the park..

When combined with alcohol these benzos create a total and complete blackout effect. Amnesia effect.. Zero recall of good portions of a night..

Klonopin is also a benzo and is known to be longer lasting than the Xanax which is known for it's rapid onset.. Which crates the "high" but it's effect is not long lasting. Klonopin is being more and more prescribed because tho still highly addictive it does not have the rapid onset that the Xanax has and it's relief is longer lasting than that of the Xanax as well which means not having to take as much or as frequent as say Xanax.. But it's definitely still abusable and definitely still addicting.

Benzos IMO are nothing to mess with.. ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBOED WITH BOOZE!!


I wonder if each of the POI's had drug tests after LS was reported missing. Certainly has me concerned that drugs seem more and more involved the more we start looking at different types of drugs that are becoming commonly used.

We obviously know that CR blacked out for a large portion of the night, but was never treated for a concussion. Perhaps it was an alcohol blackout, perhaps it was from these pills.

That's why I was hoping they had drug screenings done, but I dont know if they can do that on a POI unless the POI gave consent, correct? It would still be voluntary at that point unless an arrest was made correct? Since no arrests have been made, a drug test at this point would almost be useless since it's likely that those drugs would be out of their system.
Certainly it could have been a "random person" as her roommate suggests...which will make it harder to find her, in my opinion. But it would also be a coincidence, her having such an event-filled evening and then happening upon a kidnapper just during the few minutes she would have been alone all night. So I can understand the police focusing where they seem to be as most LE never like coincidences. As long as they are considering everything else too...hopefully the vehicles seen will be of use to them.
Can you give us any more info? Has she been hearing things that are different than what have been reported?

Statistically the chances of a stranger abduction are much lower.

No-one she has talked to has said they know what happened. The feeling they are getting was that it was a stranger.

There has been problems with the locals and the "rich" college kids. Sort of what I have been reading on this board with assumptions being made about people just b/c they go to IU, are Jewish and live in "that" part of town.

A lot of jealousy.

I understand that a homeless man heard a woman scream around 4:30.

Bloomington is not that small of town and it does have its fair share of unsavory people. Look at the guy who killed his gf a few days back or the 19 year old who stabbed three people.

As far as the bf I am sure the police have checked his cellphone for texts, calls, and location.

As far as Corey and Mike they have each other to vouch for their story and if they are lying they would have tripped up by now.

Unfortunately, as we all know Jay was the last person so far to have seen Lauren and that must be a very difficult position for him to be in.

BTW I am not law enforcement but I have a very hard time believing that a material witness cannot be forced to speak to the police. They sent a detective to DC so they could send a detective to Jay IF they have not interviewed him as of yet (which we do not know).

It is possible that they are being vague about the POI b/c if Lauren was kidnapped they might want to make the kidnapper think that they already have decided it was someone she knows.

This is a college town and there are lots of strangers to these kids who just could have been driving by and seen an easy target. It is also why I think they are focusing on looking for jewelry. I think that there might be indication of a struggle and maybe Lauren pulled off jewelry from the perpetrator before she was forced into a car.
Friends and a roommate of Lauren Spierer have told Fox59 News that she intended to stay home the night of June 2nd. Other neighbors have told Fox59 News that shortly after midnight on the morning of June 3rd she was looking for someone to accompany her to the bar.,0,2772229.story

He said interviews are going to expand to "those that we would consider maybe a secondary tier of individuals.friends, associates and that type of thing" to find out more about Spierer and their persons of interest.
IIRC the report of a homeless person hearing a woman's scream was incorrect, but I can't find the link that squashes that story.

If it is true, it makes the stranger abduction more plausible, but still doesn't dismiss a crime by someone she knows.

My assumption on the jewelry was that they were looking for something of Lauren's, but perhaps your theory it being the perp's jewelry could prove right as well. I dont think they specified who's jewelry they were looking for or what lead them to look for jewelry in the first place.
Here's a little more on what a friend of JW says of those early morning hours.

The absence of phone activity should be easy enough to check. I really do feel bad for the boyfriend-not only to find out that "the love of his life" went missing, but she was also hanging out with another guy on the night she went missing.
Just curious what people think the penalty should be if this is how it went down? Who would be to blame?

I hope that the parents of these individuals understand that neither they nor their children are to blame if it turns out that substance abuse is related to the outcome in this case.

Our entire culture just seems to foster this kind of behavior, and maybe we need to rethink our higher education system. For example, these schools seem to put an extreme amount of value on athleticism --- but almost none on actual fitness. After all, a complete couch potato who avoids smoking, booze, pot & drugs is in much better physical shape than a hockey star who "parties."

The core problem is that college programs have been hugely dumbed-down, so the students aren't as busy and don't need to be as focused on their work as in the past. Because they are bored, and hanging around with large groups of other bored young people, they become susceptible to the supposed glamour & excitement of substance abuse.
Benzos.. Benzodiazepines are your valiums, Xanax, Ativan.. Back in the old days referred to as "nerve pills".. Especially your more common ones like the Xanax and Ativan(alprolazam and lorazepam) are really quick acting and extremely addicting with long term use even at the prescribed dose. Forget about it if its abused over long periods of time as the withdrawal from benzos is in a total league of it's own.. Making heroin withdrawal look like a walk in the park..

When combined with alcohol these benzos create a total and complete blackout effect. Amnesia effect.. Zero recall of good portions of a night..

Klonopin is also a benzo and is known to be longer lasting than the Xanax which is known for it's rapid onset.. Which crates the "high" but it's effect is not long lasting. Klonopin is being more and more prescribed because tho still highly addictive it does not have the rapid onset that the Xanax has and it's relief is longer lasting than that of the Xanax as well which means not having to take as much or as frequent as say Xanax.. But it's definitely still abusable and definitely still addicting.

Benzos IMO are nothing to mess with.. ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBOED WITH BOOZE!!

Would this be similar to Lunesta/Ambien? I took Lunesta for a year after many many years of horrible insomnia. One night, not too long after I had started taking it, I went out to dinner with my husband. After 2 beers I was crazy drunk. I don't drink often and didn't realize you aren't supposed to drink with Lunesta, but even so, I had only had 2 beers with dinner!! We ended up having to come home. I'm 5'6" and about 145 lbs, so not tiny by any means. I can imagine what the effects might be on a much smaller person.
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